Things of a Better

Join the conversation with host Allison Sherman as she talks to people like you who have a story to share that will help you open your heart and mind to new ideas and experiences and maybe see things in a new way. Allison wants to empower you to find value in the person you are, encourage you to connect with people more meaningfully and help you invite Jesus Christ into your ordinary places. Come prepared to let your heart grow. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Episode 09 | Loving Your Perfectly Imperfect Self

We live in a world where it is easy to compare ourselves to others in our physical presence along with our accomplishments leaving us feeling discouraged or as if we are not enough.  Allison and guest Katie Hughes talk about how improving your relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ can help each of us see ourselves in a new way and embrace the quest of a lifetime of learning to love who we are as we progress into becoming who we want to be. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 08 | A Place to Belong

When you walk into your church building, how do you feel? Do you feel like you belong there? Allison ponders why many people feel as if church is a place where they don’t feel welcome. She shares the insights of some of the Christians she knows on how they have felt at church and discussed what has helped them overcome these feelings. She points out things we can each do to not only help ourselves feel more included and accepted but how we can make a difference by loving others as we meet them where they are. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 07 | Adoption: A Bittersweet Journey

It is National Adoption Month! Listen in as Allison shares a personal view of how she was led to adopt.  She opens up her heart and shares how she has changed as a result of adoption, and how her family grew in ways she never imagined. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 06 | Filling In The Gaps

Some life lessons impact us more than others. Allison shares a lesson she has been relearning recently about grace and how we can use grace to help us along this journey we call life. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 05 | Am I Enough?

Parenting is the job that comes with no instruction manual and no matter how much experience you get, you still have no idea what you are doing. It is the job that pays the worst, has no time off, and leaves you exhausted. It is the job that leaves you doubting yourself and asking the question, “Am I Enough?” Allison interviews “the experts” and asks the hard questions and shares experiences from her own parenting journey and helps you decide if you are enough. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 04 | A Safe Place

As National Suicide Prevention Week starts, Allison and guest Cheryl Roper talk about Cheryl’s journey with depression and dealing with the feelings that those she loved were better off without her as she considered death by suicide. Both women share personal experiences and advice on what you can do if you or a loved one is facing mental health concerns. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 03 | Your Story

This week Allison shares some of the things she learned while attending the Jubilee Gathering, an interfaith event that provides an opportunity for women of different faiths to gather in worship, connection, and learning.  Allison highlights the story of Esther and the importance of embracing the story that you are a part of and aligning your will to that of our Heavenly Father. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 02 | That Kid

As we are preparing for the new school year to start, Allison shares some of the things you can do to get ready, besides just buying some new clothes. These suggestions will help you connect to others in a more meaningful and kind way. --- Support this podcast:


Episode 01 | Hello Friends

Come meet your host Allison Sherman in this introductory episode to the Things of a Better podcast (Formerly Let Your Heart Grow podcast). Allison will introduce you to the events of childhood that impacted her most, her love of psychology, her journey through foster care, and her love of her Savior. Allison opens up and shares what led her to start her podcast and her desire for each of her listeners as they go on this journey with her. Pull up a chair … it is time to let your heart grow! --- Support this podcast:



Join the conversation with host Allison Sherman as she talks to people like you who have a story to share that will help you open your heart and mind to new ideas and experiences and maybe see things in a new way. Allison wants to empower you to find value in the person you are, encourage you to connect with people more meaningfully, and help you invite Jesus Christ into your ordinary places. Come prepared to let your heart grow. --- Support this podcast:


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