
Welcome to Think Hair Hustle! Join Megan every other Monday as she dives into topics striving to educate, entertain, and inspire you to get up off your butt, define your goals, and put in that WORK SIS.

S2 Ep.5- WELCOME TO THE TREEHOUSE ft. Alejandro Fortunes @DyeBones

This one speaks for itself guys! I finally got to do an interview with Alejandro from Good Fortunes Project, I've been supporting this brand for the past 2 years, I have so many of their dye t-shirts and stickers its insane. I am always so inspired by other hustlers who are self-made and kicking ass. It's not always easy but its so rewarding creating and doing what you love. I hope you guys enjoy this podcast and remember to follow @GoodFortunesProject , @Dyebones, on IG and TikTok!


S2 Ep.4- How to TURN DOWN a Client

Sounds harsh but one of these days if you are a business owner, you will have to learn how to turn down a client you don’t particularly want to service. It’s a tricky topic but I’ve been asked by numerous other stylists / business owners alike, that are wondering how to do it professionally and respectfully, so let’s talk about it!


S2: Ep. 3: Opening my NEW studio!

Hey guys! Well its finally a new year and with that new year comes CHANGES! It is definitely the season of change and I dont know about you but I am trying to embrace it! I am so excited to tell you guys all about moving into my new studio and what this new season has brought me. Follow @ColoredbyMegan for all THH updates!


S2 Ep.2 - It wouldn't be LIFE without the messy parts

HEYYY Guys! hope you guys are as psyched for season 2 as I am, this episode I got to talk about all of the exciting things that have been happening lately and also how I lost myself during this shutdown but I came out of it better than ever :Dstay tuned for episode 3!



Hey guys! Wow it’s been a minute! I hope you guys have been hanging in there during this rollercoaster of a year! Let’s just say it’s been WILD for me haha, I have a lot of updates to share with you as well as what will be coming in season 2! Make sure to keep up with us on Instagram @thinkhairhustle


*BONUS EPISODE* Stop living in the World of "LIKES"

HEY GUYS! I know you probably thought I fell off the face of the earth because welll.. I lowkey did. To say 2020 has been CRAZY would be an understatement, but there's good crazy and bad crazy, Let's talk about whats been going on in the world an SOCIAL MEDIA! Likes, comments, tags, etc..These things are becoming apart of our everyday satisfaction and it's getting toxic.


Ep.31- CHITCHAT W/ME! How do YOU spend your day off?

Hey guys! I know I've been a little MIA recently and I do apologize!! Going back to work and adjusting to a full blown 65 hours a week schedule has been CRAZY! I went from napping 60 hours to working and my body is in shock to say the least. Sometimes we just need to take some time off and take care of ourselves. We all love a good DAY OFF! So lets talk about it.. How do YOU spend your day off? Hope you guys enjoy this episode! Stay tuned for next weeks episode :)


Ep. 30- What should my podcast be about?

Do you want to start a podcast but you're not sure what to talk about? This episode dives into how to create content for your podcast, how to pick what type of podcast you're going to create and how to get inspired from other podcasters! I hope you guys enjoy this episode and stay tuned for next week :)


Episode 29- My Fool Proof Way to Start a Podcast

This episode has been in the making for a while now, because up until now I've been figuring out this whole podcast thing on my own. It's not as difficult as all of the articles or youtube videos say and today I get to tell you guys how simple it is to actually start your own podcast. I hope this episode helps you get rid of those obstacles you've created in your head and CREATE! Hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for next weeks podcast and follow us on Instagram for MORE @ThinkHairHustle :)


Ep.28- The New Normal?

This term has been through the media for months now talking about how we are supposed to adjust when opening back up society. There have been many new rules and regulations created from Cosmetic State Boards that are for lack of better terms, a bit ridiculous. Washing our hands is a no-brainer but masks, face shields, etc. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! This is to open up the discussion and start talking about what's really gone and how do we FEEL about it? Hope you guys enjoy this episode and stay tuned for next weeks! Remember to follow us on Instagram @ThinkHairHustle for exclusive content,bonus videos, updates, and more!


Ep.27- The ONLY Instagram Secrets You'll Ever Need with @JolaniJolie

So excited to finally be doing an interview with my lovely client and friend, Jolani Jolie. She is a self-made Beauty Influencer / Digital Marketing Pro. She has been in the social marketing field for 10+ years learning the ins and outs of the almighty ALGORITHM. Today I got to ask her all of the questions I've had about growing my engagement and how all this stuff really works behind the scenes. Not only does she inform but she also throws some GEMS so stay tuned to hear all about her NEW secret project she's been working on for months now. I hope you guys enjoy and Stay tuned for next weeks podcast! Make sure to follow us on IG for exclusive content, BTS, and updates for @ThinkHairHustle


Ep.26- Write down your goals to REACH them!

Losing motivation and drive? Girl,.. I’m right there with you. Being closed down and having MORE than enough time to create content for you guys .. and I’ve done well.. the opposite. I could have done so much more the past month but I'm not letting that bring me down. I have the POWER to change that. Never forget even when you feel like you’ve fallen so behind there’s no point in continuing, It’s not true. You’re never past the point of no return. You can start again and make it even better than the last time. Don’t lose yourself, Let’s set goals and reach them! 💕• Hope you guys enjoy and make sure you stay tuned for the next episode!


Ep.25- The REAL TEA of this whole shut down and why I'm stressed

This is real life and this is the real tea. Our stay at home order got extended basically telling us that we can't open up our salons until the end of May which adds ANOTHER month onto being unemployed, yes it's stressful but there's always solutions which I've been struggling to create. I'm stressed and that's just the truth and I wanted to talk to you guys about it. If you are going through this too then you are not alone and we are all gonna get through this together. Sorry for being slack on posting I've really been in a funk but I'mm getting better each day. Stay strong and stay safe everyone.


Ep. 24- Don't let quarantine drive you INSANE!

Since we're all at home right now I thought it would be a good idea to give you guys some more podcasts ahead of schedule :) Quarantine can lead some to go insane because you're so bored you dont know what to do, You also might deal with depression and anxiety and its too easy to fall into that darkness, I know exactly how you feel because I'm on the same boat. I wanted to share with you guys what I've been doing to stay sane during this shut down. Working out, going outside, drawing, hanging with family, there's so many things you can do to give yourself purpose and that's what I'm here to share with you guys. Hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for the next podcast :D


Ep. 23- How the Shutdown of COVID-19 has affected my business

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during this crazy time. It's no secret that shutting down everything is affecting us all in one way or another. Small businesses are hurting at this time and it's going to be hard to get back on our feet once all of this is over. I wanted to let you guys know how I've been doing, how my business is doing and somethings we can do to help our communitites. Stay safe you guys


Ep.22- The odds were against me...Part Three.

The end of a saga, Part 3 of the odds were against me. After completing school and getting my cosmetology license it was now time to seek out somewhere to work.. Always wondered if hourly, commission or booth rental is more your jam? Listen as I break down each and come to my ultimate goal of working completely independent.. which I absolutely love every second of. Hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for next weeks episode :)


Ep. 21- The odds were against me..Part two.

*If you haven't already checked out Part One of this series "The Odds were against me", make sure you do before you listen to PART TWO! * This is the continuation of my story and how the odds were against me when it came to everything I hoped for myself and what I wanted to pursue. I hope this podcast further inspires you to never give up on your dreams even if EVERYONE is against you. Keep pushing and Keep HUSTLING towards your goals. Stay tuned for next weeks podcast for PART 3! More and more tea to SPILL!


Ep.20- The odds were against me ... Part one.

This podcast Ive been wanting to make since I actually started THH, This podcast is all about My Story and how the odds were against me when it came to everything I hoped for myself and what I wanted to pursue. I hope this podcast inspires you to never give up on your dream even when everybody is against you, Keep pushing and keep hustling. It will all be worth it, I promise ❤️ Hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for next weeks podcast for PART 2! More TEA to spill 🙌🏽


Ep.19- Cleaning out the TOXICITY in your life

Sit back and relax while I clean out underneath my bed! Haha It’s way too early for spring cleaning but I started early this year! and I’m not just talking about the clutter in my closet I’m talking about all of the toxic things in my life or things that aren’t beneficial to me anymore! Maybe it’s time for YOU to do the same 💪🏽 Hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for next weeks episode! Check us out on Patreon at


Ep. 18- You asked, I answered!

Hope you guys have had an amazing week so far! It's time to kick off THIS week with a good ole' Q & A! I reached out on Instagram for some feedback from our listeners of what questions they would like me to answer. Listen as the TEA is spilled about career choices, CLIENT EXPERIENCES, and more! Hope you guys enjoy and stay tuned for next weeks podcast!


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