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This Is Us After Show Podcast
Author: AfterBuzz TV
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If you thought your family was the only one with disfunction, you are sorely mistaken. Join Kevin, Kate, Randall, Jack, and Rebecca as they teach us about the ups and downs of life and prove that with your family by your side there is always a way! On THE THIS IS US AFTERBUZZ TV AFTER SHOW PODCAST, our hosts discuss the lessons learned every episode as well as bring you the latest news and gossip surrounding the show and cast. Also make sure to stay tuned to find out what the biggest tear jerker moment was as well as what our hosts think will happen next on the This is Us After Show!
64 Episodes
This Is Us season finale has wrapped with some big developments. Kate and Toby decide to adopt a baby girl! Madison reveals to Kevin that she is pregnant with twins and he's the father. Kevin finally confronts Randall on guilting their mom to do the clinical trial. And Randall and Kevin throw out some harsh words that they might not come back from.
This After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz @candicercruz Haley Graves @haleygravess Parris Rose @parrisrose Danny Royce @iamdannyroyce
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What could have, would have happened if Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) lived after the fire? Would life be better than what it is now? Or would life obviously have taken its tolls in different directions? Randall (Sterling K. Brown) delves deep into "What Ifs" with his therapist and how he truly feels about Rebecca (Mandy Moore) keeping the secret about William (Ron Cephas Jones) for so long. Randall convinces Rebecca to do the trial in St. Louis. This is the last episode before the finale...
This After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz (@CandiceRCruz), Danny Royce (@IAmDannyRoyce), Parris Rose (@ParrisRose) and Haley Graves (@HaleyGravess)
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The family takes a trip to New York. Randall brings up what’s best for Rebecca and her diagnosis at a horrible time. Randall breaks a promise to Kevin and Rebecca refuses the trial. Rebecca finally gets to The Met to start fulfilling her “Next Times.”
Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz, Danny Royce, and Haley Graves
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Randall (Sterling K. Brown) finally tries out therapy which comes with a rollercoaster of emotions. Kevin (Justin Hartley) has a fun day with Rebecca (Mandy Moore) as they seize the day and Kate (Chrissy Metz) makes amends with both Toby (Chris Sullivan) and Madison.
Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz @candicercruz, Parris Rose @parrisrose and Haley Graves @haleygravess
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The flashback of Kate and Marc’s date at the cabin continues to go sour. Kevin sleeps with Kate’s best friend Madison. Kevin finds out about Rebecca’s mental health. The big 3 dig up their time capsule and relive some great memories including a tape from Jack.
Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz, Haley Graves and Danny Royce
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The episode ties together the big 3’s weeks from hell. All about Kate! Kate takes little Jack to a blind children’s retreat with Rebecca. She takes a trip with abusive boyfriend (Marc) to the family’s cabin in a sad flashback. The big 3 decide to take a trip to the family’’s cabin as adults. Secrets will be shared!!
Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz, Danny Royce, and Parris Rose
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A Hell Of A Week: Part 2 is all about Kevin. Baby Kevin lost his sheep and learns he can find something new to love. Teen Kevin's storyline gets juicy...We learn more about Kevin and Sophie's relationship in two different phases of life within the teen angst. We meet Claire, Sophie's mom and say goodbye all in one episode. Adult Kevin goes to Sophie's mom's funeral and takes her on a mini-roadtrip. And instead of staying with Sophie in the end Kevin spends the night with Madison. Next up, we hear the "Sad Three" phone call that leads into the final episode of the Hell of a Week Trilogy.
Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Candice Cruz (@CandiceRCruz), Parris Rose (@parrisrose) and Haley Graves (@haleygravess)
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Toby and Kate are faced with a pivotal conversation within their marriage and their family. Kevin might have met the love of his life at a coffee shop or did he just learn the true meaning of a "celebrity hall pass?" Jack and Rebecca's love story goes on pause, Jack deals with the aftermath of a hard conversation with Rebecca's father. Rebecca relives her love story for the ages. Randall and Miguel have a heated exchange in the hospital waiting room prior to Rebecca's diagnosis. And plot twist... some random man is facing Randall in his kitchen. Oh and by the way, John Legend guest stars.
Today's After Show Was Hosted By:Candice Cruz (@CandiceRCruz), Ashley Allen (@AshleyReidAllen) and Bethanie Jean (@BethanieJeanOfficial)
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Join hosts Candice Cruz @candicecruz, Parris Rose @parrisrose, Haley Graves @Haleygravess, JB @heyjohnblake as they discuss present and past Thanksgiving and the growth with Kevin and Nicky. Let us know, why do you think Kevin and Randall stop talking?!?
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Malik and Deja have their first chaperoned date, Rebecca's mental health is taking a slippery slope, Kevin is a wrecking ball? AND Nicky is redeemed. Come talk about all things Pearson with hosts @candicercruz @iamdannyroyce @parrisrose @haleygravess
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Join hosts @haleygravess, @parrisrose, @bethaniejeanofficial as they break down the dinners between dueling families and how are differences don't have to divide us!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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3 Games, 3 monumental moments on this week's epsiode of the 'This Is Us'. Episode 6 'The Club' is filled with life lessons and a little bit of drama...Hosts Candice Cruz (@CandiceRCruz), Danny Royce (@iamdannyroyce), Parris Rose (@parrisrose) and Haley Graves (@haleygravess) chat all about the golf course and have some intense predictions on this week's show.
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Mom's speeches, Tess is has an anxiety attack, Nicky opens up, and flashback galore! Join @candicercruz @iamdannyroyce @parrisrose and @haleygravess as they discuss episode 5 of This is Us
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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This week on 'This Is US' the Pearsons are in serveral different situations that forced them to choose to "Flip a Coin". Episode 4 took us deeper into present-day Kevin's storyline, as well as, a new side to 1990s Kate. The introduction we've all been waiting for finally happened - yes, Malik and Randall meet. Listen along as your This Is Us superfans Candice Cruz (@candicecruz), Danny Royce (@iamdannyroyce), Parris Rose (@parrisrose) and Haley Graves (@haleygravess) discuss every detail from this week!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Hosts Candice Cruz @candicecruz, Haley Graves @HaleyGravess, Parris Rose @parrisrose and Halle Johnson @purehalle discuss Randall overcoming anxiety, Kate confronting Toby and Kevin taking on Nicky. With special guest Milton Taylor @miltontjtaylor!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Season 4 Episode 2: Hosts Parris Rose @parrisrose, Haley Graves @haleygraves, Jessica Lucero @JessLuceroLive, Bethanie Jean @bethaniejeanofficial discuss pre teen Pearsons and break down the transitioning period for the adult Pearsons
Beth and Randall’s relationship finds the open door, Kevin and Zoe realize their differences are not worth fighting for, and Baby Jack goes home. This season finale did not disappoint, tune in now to hear our thoughts!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Welcoming back The Pearsons in true 'This Is Us' style...we were thrown for a loop with 3 strangers being introduced to the mix of our beloved characters. Who are Cassidy, Jack and Malik? Stay tuned for our aftershow with hosts Candice Cruz, Danny Royce, Parris Rose, and Haley Graves for the series premiere recap.
Beth and Randall’s relationship finds the open door, Kevin and Zoe realize their differences are not worth fighting for, and Baby Jack goes home. This season finale did not disappoint, tune in now to hear our thoughts!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Hosts Candice Cruz, Lina Noory and Parris Rose finally found out who the mysterious “Her” is...take a ‘This Is Us’ time machine to the future where we get a lot answers to the questions we have been asking all season. And obviously in true ‘This Is Us’ fashion, we are left with an even bigger cliff hanger…
Beth and Randall’s relationship finds the open door, Kevin and Zoe realize their differences are not worth fighting for, and Baby Jack goes home. This season finale did not disappoint, tune in now to hear our thoughts!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Hosts Candice Cruz and Parris Rose cover all things R & B, Randall and Beth that is. This episode was the complete evolution and dissolve of one of our favorite pairings. Tune in to watch us talk all about their first date to the big break down argument we have all been anticipating. Will Randall and Beth last the test of time…???
#ThisIsUs #RandB #RandallAndBeth
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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Join the discussion as hosts Parris Rose @parrisrose, Candice Cruz @candicecruz and Danny Royce @iamdannyroyce break down Beth and Randall adjusting to their new life, Kate and Toby spending time with baby Jack and Kevin and Zoe deciding between kids or not. Let us know your thoughts below!
Jack and his wife - who is very pregnant with triplets -- have just moved into their new home in Pittsburg. Successful and handsome television actor Kevin is growing increasingly bored with his bachelor lifestyle. Randall -- who was abandoned at a fire station by his father as an infant -- is a stylish New York-based businessman working to raise two daughters with his wife, Beth. These people are among a group -- several of whom share a birthday -- of seemingly random individuals whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.
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I wish you were covering the last season!
heeey! i found this is us podcasts yeah
broken files.what's the solution?
you are amazing guys👍🏻 and this episode was amazing too. i think both beth and Malik's mom behave inappropriately, plus when beth want to take a tour for the house, Malik's mom think this is a kind of show off . i don't take side but i think they're both act weird... ( sorry for my English)
I get that they are telling the story from each of the triplets perspective but part of me thinks it's writer's block. The entire first 10 minutes of the last episode was the same as the last one and I think they might be stretching out a story into more episodes than they wanted because of an obligation to NBC to produce a full two part season. I think that next weekend episode is going to good but I don't think I'm going to watch the first 10 minutes if it's the same as the last two.
It is the 7th heaven house! I looked it up and it was the same house used for that show.