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This Jungian Life Podcast

Author: Joseph Lee, Lisa Marchiano, & Deb Stewart

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Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener.
327 Episodes
How do skin conditions give voice to silent suffering in our souls? Our skin serves as a canvas for our emotional and psychological states, manifesting internal conflicts through visible conditions. The symbolic meaning behind skin conditions can reveal deep-seated emotional issues.  Self-inflicted lesions highlight an individual's internal turmoil, serving as a cry for help. We all understand how blushing and sweating provide outer clues about our psychological landscape. Skin, a boundary between ego and the external world, exists as a threshold organ where experiences enter us and responses are displayed. Applying Jung’s symbolic attitude to our body can lead us to hidden meanings in our skin that may release us from suffering. Prepare to discover what your skin can reveal about your unconscious conflicts; how a symbolic interpretation of specific symptoms can lead to a meaningful dialogue with the unconscious; which therapeutic approaches can effectively decipher the language of skin symptoms; whether addressing emotional well-being can improve chronic skin issues; why some of us are more vulnerable to somatic symptoms like skin reactions…and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: LOOK & GROW HERE Unlock The Power of Your Dreams:   Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast:    Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: STAY INSPIRED EVERY DAY! YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:
How can understanding and reshaping our personal narratives help us navigate and overcome identity crises during major life transitions? A Narrative Identity Crisis occurs when the evolving story we create to make sense of our lives—integrating past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations—becomes disrupted, leading to profound disorientation and psychological distress. This crisis can be triggered by significant life changes, traumatic events, or conflicting social and cultural pressures, causing our coherent self-narrative to fragment. Memory, meaning-making, and emotional regulation are all impacted as we struggle to reconcile our self-concept with new experiences. Addressing a Narrative Identity Crisis involves reflection, support, and often therapeutic intervention to rebuild a stable, adaptive narrative that restores our sense of meaning, direction, and psychological well-being. Prepare to discover what a personal life story is and how it integrates past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations into a coherent sense of self; how individual narratives shape our psychological well-being, influence our emotions, and guide our understanding of life events; which cognitive and emotional processes contribute to constructing and maintaining a coherent self-narrative; whether disruptions in our self-concept can lead to identity crises and the potential for growth and transformation through these crises; why engaging with and reconstructing personal narratives is crucial for emotional regulation, resilience, and overall psychological health...and so much more. THE DREAM WE ANALYZE IS HERE:  LOOK & GROW HERE Unlock The Power of Your Dreams:   Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast:    Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear:  STAY INSPIRED EVERY DAY! YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:
How can we harness inner strength and resilience to transform personal fears and adversities into growth and joy? In our "Six Swans Jungian Analysis," we explore how a fairytale reveals profound insights into transformation, resilience, and the complexities of human emotions. Through a sister's silent endurance, a king's protective instincts, and the ultimate triumph of truth, we can also discover our own inner strength, sacrifice, and personal growth. The fairytale "The Six Swans" teaches us about the enduring human spirit, the transformative power of love, and the journey toward individuation and wholeness, offering valuable psychological insights into fear, joy, and resilience. Prepare to discover what inner strength and resilience genuinely mean in the face of adversity; how to navigate and transform personal fears into opportunities for growth; which psychological and emotional strategies can foster enduring change; whether embracing silent perseverance can lead to personal empowerment; why understanding the balance between good and evil within ourselves is crucial for achieving wholeness…and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: FIND THE GRIMMS TALE HERE:  LOOK & GROW HERE Unlock The Power of Your Dreams:   Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast:    Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear:  STAY INSPIRED EVERY DAY! YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:
How can the shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien empower us to navigate our personal journeys and transform our understanding of self and community? In exploring the uncanny shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien, author Becca Tarnas uncovers a profound intersection of depth psychology and mythopoeic literature, revealed in their seminal Red Books. Amid the early 20th century's upheaval, both authors undertook personal and universal journeys into the psyche, employing active imagination to engage archetypes such as the shadow, anima, and hero. Their works, brimming with symbolic meaning and mirroring profound psychological truths, beckon us to contemplate transformation, individuation, and the potency of the feminine principle within. By crafting intricate narratives and psychological insights, Jung and Tolkien charted the inner landscapes of human experience, underscoring the universal struggles and spiritual depths that bind us all. Their exploration of nature, the environment, and the darker facets of the psyche showcase the transformative power of literal and metaphorical journeys, guiding us toward enlightenment and self-realization. Prepare to discover what the psychological and creative processes behind the works of Jung and Tolkien reveal about the universal journey of self-discovery; how to access and interpret your own imaginal realms to deepen your understanding of the personal and collective unconscious; which aspects of Jung's and Tolkien's methodologies can be applied to enhance self-awareness and artistic expression; whether the challenges and insights presented in their works have parallels in contemporary psychological practices and personal development; why the exploration of imaginal realms is crucial for personal growth and the cultivation of a richer, more connected sense of community…and so much more. READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  Rebecca Tarnas is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research includes depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology and author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Readers Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings ( She is researching and writing a biography of Stanislav Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.  For more information about Becca, check out her website: LOOK & GROW HERE Unlock The Power of Your Dreams:   Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast:    Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: STAY INSPIRED EVERY DAY! YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:  
How can near-death experiences challenge and expand our understanding of consciousness and its connection to the transcendent? Carl Jung's near-death experience profoundly deepened his understanding of the psyche and its connection to the universal consciousness, reinforcing his belief in life beyond physical existence. During this transformative episode, he observed Earth from a distance, encountered mystical figures, and experienced a temple-like structure within a meteoric stone, enriching his theories on the collective unconscious and archetypal imagery. This experience left an indelible mark on his professional theories and personal philosophy, intensifying his exploration of human consciousness and the continuity of life after death.  Universally consistent across cultures, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are marked by out-of-body sensations, encounters with entities or deceased relatives, and environments filled with light, highlighting a shared psychological process at the boundary between life and death. Research efforts have effectively verified these phenomena, especially those corroborated in clinical settings, which challenge traditional views on consciousness. The transformative impacts of NDEs are profound, often leading to a diminished fear of death, increased spirituality, and a broader sense of self that integrates with universal consciousness. Open discussions enrich our understanding of NDEs within various cultural and historical contexts and provoke deeper reflections on consciousness as potentially expansive and eternal, aligning with modern and ancient perspectives on the human experience. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: Prepare to discover what profound transformations can occur as one hovers between life and death; how psyche might extend beyond the physical realm, suggesting our consciousness is capable of surviving bodily limits; which elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) resonate across different cultures; whether personal transformations following NDEs typically lead to significant life changes; why NDEs captivate scientific and spiritual communities, as they offer a glimpse into the potential expanses of human consciousness and provide a narrative that can bring solace and meaning…and so much more. LOOK & GROW Unlock The Power of Your Dreams:   Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: Don’t Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! Help Shape Our Show! Share Your Ideas for Our Next Podcast:    Shop Exclusive 'This Jungian Life' Gear: STAY INSPIRED EVERY DAY! YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Connect with our vibrant community.
How can understanding different aspects of martyrdom help us navigate personal sacrifices and societal expectations in our search for a meaningful life? Individuals with a martyr complex often seek validation for their pain and suffering, which can be a source of protection and nurturing. It can also be a form of manipulation where personal suffering is used to influence or control the reactions of others. This behavior can be harmful, leading individuals to persist in unhealthy relationships or dangerous situations under the guise of nobility or duty. It is important to distinguish between healthy self-sacrifice and detrimental martyrdom by gaining a reflective understanding of our motivations and aligning our actions with healthy self-sacrifice. Resolving the complex involves examining personal motives, societal values, and psychological health to foster healthier ways of being and interacting in the world. Prepare to discover…what complexities and interpretations surround the concept of martyrdom, revealing its multifaceted nature in both historical and personal contexts; how individuals interpret and internalize the idea of suffering and sacrifice through personal experiences and cultural narratives, shaping their worldview and psychological responses; which factors contribute to someone being viewed as a martyr, including the interplay of religious, cultural, and personal elements that influence the perception of sacrifice; whether the actions associated with martyrdom are motivated by genuine selflessness, psychological needs, or external influences, examining the blurred lines between heroism and victimhood; why the theme of martyrdom resonates deeply across different cultures and epochs, serving both as a source of inspiration and a tool for social and political change…and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: TRY NEW STUFF Learn to Interpret Dreams:   Support Us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share Your Dream with Us: Suggest a Podcast Topic:    Get Some TJL Merch: TALK TO US YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:
Encountering a total eclipse can evoke a primal connection to nature and the infinite, constellating a deep sense of belonging to the universe and each other. Eclipses profoundly impact observers, evoking awe, transcendence, and a shared sense of unity. These celestial events encourage deep personal reflection and stronger social connections among those who witness them. They transform ordinary moments into extraordinary ones, re-enchanting the world and reinforcing the bond between humanity, nature, and the cosmos. Mysterious and awe-filled, in ancient times, Eclipses inspired myths and religious rites that shaped culture, politics, and even war.  Prepare to human beings engage with and interpret awe-inspiring events; what effects awe, mystery, and the numinous have on the human psyche; where individuals and societies find meaning and transcendence in natural phenomena; whether events like eclipses can re-enchant a disenchanted world; which aspects of human nature are illuminated by our reactions to eclipses; why the human response to eclipses and similar events can be a profound source of insight into our collective and individual psyches, revealing deeper truths about our fears, hopes, and the interplay between consciousness and the cosmos...and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE INTERPRET HERE:  Try new stuff Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share your dream with us: Suggest a podcast topic:    Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube:   Instagram:   Twitter:   Facebook:    LinkedIn:    
How do dreams intrude upon our Psyche, our roles in others' lives, and our societal identities? "Dream Scenario" is a thought-provoking new film that explores the uncanny power of the collective unconscious to shape culture and be shaped by it. In the movie, Nicholas Cage's character Paul mysteriously starts appearing in others' dreams across the globe. He grapples with the fear of being randomly celebrated by the collective and later demonized. Kate Berlant's role in the film and insights into Jungian analysis and dream interpretation launch our conversation into the growing presence of Jung's insights in art and film. We explore the effect of instant and unwarranted celebrity through social media and the power of archetypal roles to change the actor and activate the collective. Kate reveals her personal connection to analytical psychology and the path her inner work has taken her.  Prepare to discover… who explores the depths of dreams and societal perceptions through the lens of cinema, when a film and its thematic discussions intersect with contemporary Jungian perspectives; how art, personal experiences, and the unconscious contribute to our understanding of identity and celebrity; what insights into the nature of dreams, fame, and the Self can be gleaned from the synthesis of film narrative and psychoanalytical insights; where the boundaries between personal identity and public persona blur; whether dreams serve merely as reflections of our Psyche or as vehicles for collective forces; which Jungian concepts illuminate the complex interplay between our inner lives and persona; why the exploration of dreams, both literal and metaphorical, is crucial to understanding our roles in the world and the narratives we construct about ourselves and others…and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:   LEARN MORE ABOUT KATE AND HER UPCOMING SHOWS:    Try New Stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:    Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:     Get some TJL merch:  Talk To Us: YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn:  
How do we invisibly transfer our emotions to others, and what magic lies in revealing this unseen dance? Projective identification is like unconsciously tossing our feelings into someone else, a behavior first noticed in babies with their moms. It's an invisible way we influence others based on our buried issues, avoiding dealing with our tough emotions by making others express them for us. Facing up to this pattern can help us understand ourselves better and grow. Often, this cycle kicks off with blaming others, triggering a domino effect that reveals deeper, hidden struggles within us. Prepare to discover…Melanie Klein's pivotal role in defining projective identification through her studies on infants and maternal interactions; when its relevant to personal dynamics and psychoanalysis; how projective identification works as a defense mechanism; what projective identification involves, its mechanisms, and its manifestations in daily relationships and therapy; where projective identification occurs, from personal to clinical contexts, highlighting its broad applicability; whether projective identification is conscious or unconscious; which theoretical perspectives and analysts contributed to the understanding of projective identification; why projective identification is significant in understanding human behavior, particularly in emotional communication, relationship dynamics, and therapeutic interventions…and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  TRY NEW STUFF Learn to interpret dreams:    Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:     Get some TJL merch:  TALK TO US YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn: 
How do our interactions with the seemingly mundane objects around us reflect and influence our deeper psychological processes and connections with the broader universe? Jung held a fascinating belief in the soulful essence of inanimate objects. He engaged in daily greetings with his kitchenware at Bollingen Tower, expressing a unique form of animism that extended deeply into his personal and professional life. His collection of beer steins, each with its name, served not only as vessels for drink but as partners in dialogue, reflecting his practice of active imagination. This relationship with objects underscores Jung's broader theories on the collective unconscious and synchronicity, suggesting that everything is interconnected and ensouled. His approach, echoing through the practices of figures like Marie Kondo, invites us to reconsider our relationships with the material world, hinting at a deeper, more mystical interaction with the everyday items that populate our lives. Prepare to discover…who Jung truly was beyond the textbooks: a visionary who conversed with the soul of the world, from the kitchenware in his hands to the beer steins that whispered archetypal secrets; when the curtain between the animate and inanimate thinned for Jung, revealing itself in the quiet dawn at Bollingen Tower and in the sacred routine of morning toast preparation; how Jung transformed mundane interactions with objects into profound dialogues with the unconscious; what depths of meaning Jung found in the ordinary, where beer steins became the custodians of myth and a toaster named "Gemütlich" embodied the alchemical transformation; where Jung's theoretical explorations took physical shape; whether Jung's practices were mere quirks of genius or essential keys to unlocking the mysteries of the psyche; which of Jung's possessions were not just objects but talismans, each named beer stein and the cherished toaster "Gemütlich," serving as conduits to deeper understanding and self-realization; why Jung embraced such a mystical relationship with the material world, illuminating his belief in a universe where every particle, every object, speaks the language of the soul, urging us to listen and learn from the symphony of the seemingly silent. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:   Try new stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share your dream with us: Suggest a podcast topic:    Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:  
How does the interplay between vulgarity and societal norms reflect and shape the human experience of freedom, creativity, and psychological depth?   Our collective fascination with vulgarity, obscenity, and profanity lies in the thrill of transgression and the need to articulate the unspoken aspects of human experience. As we navigate social acceptability, the vulgar mirrors our deepest shadow and wildest laughter, a space where sacred and profane dance in the liminal light of truth and rebellion. Engaging vulgarity challenges the rigid confines of propriety. Embracing discomfort and delight, it forges connections, releases pent-up emotions, and confronts the complexities of existence. In the laughter that follows the shock, the shared glance of understanding, and the relief of tension, we discover the power of vulgarity to unite us, to reveal our shared vulnerabilities that bind us as a community. By acknowledging and exploring the collective allure of vulgarity, we embrace a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other, where we discover the full spectrum of our humanity with all its messiness, beauty, and transcendent potential. Prepare to discover…when societal norms around vulgarity have shifted, revealing the acceptance and rejection of vulgar expressions as mirrors of cultural transformations; how vulgarity serves as a complex tool for challenging, mocking, and sometimes reinforcing societal norms, acting as both a disruptor and a reflector of cultural attitudes; what roles vulgarity plays in humor, rebellion, and the psychological exploration of shadow; where vulgarity is variably accepted or condemned; whether vulgarity acts merely as a social faux pas or plays a more profound role in challenging taboos and sparking necessary dialogue; which aspects of vulgarity transcend cultural boundaries to be universally recognized; why vulgarity continues to be a potent and dynamic form of human expression, serving not only as a mirror to society’s evolving values and limits but also as a catalyst for reflection, dialogue, and change…and so much more. FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:      Try new stuff Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share your dream with us: Suggest a podcast topic:    Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube:  Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:
How do we interpret and evaluate C.G. Jung's complex legacy in light of his interactions with Jewish individuals and the allegations of antisemitism, considering the nuanced historical context in which he lived and worked?"   Assessing Jung's possible antisemitism is complex and requires a nuanced understanding of his historical context and personal relationships. His involvement in psychoanalytic societies during the Nazi era has led to accusations of antisemitism, yet his actions and writings suggest an intimate, dynamic, and protective relationship with Jewish colleagues and theories. Jung tried to shield Jewish analysts by leveraging his position, indicating his efforts to mitigate the impacts of Nazi policies on his Jewish colleagues. His correspondence and professional interactions with Jewish individuals, including Freud, show admiration, critique, and misunderstanding, reflecting the complicated dynamics of early psychoanalytic circles. Critics and supporters of Jung need to consider the evolution of his views over time, acknowledging both problematic aspects of his work and his contributions to psychoanalytic thought that transcended racial and ethnic boundaries.   Prepare to discover…who Carl Jung was, his relationships with Jewish individuals and communities, and the controversy surrounding allegations of antisemitism in his work and personal beliefs; when Jung's significant interactions with the Nazi party lead others to question his allegiances; how Jung's theories, were influenced by and, in turn, influenced Jewish scholars, demonstrating a complex interplay between Jungian psychology and Jewish thought; what specific allegations of antisemitism have been made against Jung, the evidence for and against these claims, and the broader implications of his work within the context of 20th-century antisemitic movements; where Jung stood in relation to the Nazi regime and antisemitism, including his professional and personal actions that have been scrutinized for either complicity or opposition to antisemitic policies; whether Jung's interactions and theoretical disagreements with Sigmund Freud, as well as his comments on Jewish psychology, can be considered antisemitic or reflective of the era's complex cultural and scientific dialogues; which aspects of Jewish mysticism and philosophical thought, particularly Kabbalah and Hasidism; why the narrative surrounding Jung's work, his alleged antisemitism, and his relationship with Jewish intellectuals remains a subject of intense debate, reflecting the challenges of disentangling a historical figure's legacy from the socio-political context of their time…and so much more.   FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: Try new stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share your dream with us: Suggest a podcast topic:    Get some TJL merch: Talk to Us: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: 
Can we grow by facing and integrating our ferocious instincts? The Three Little Pigs isn't just a children's tale; it's a sharp commentary on resilience, preparation, and the strategic mindset required to navigate life's challenges. This story strips back the layers of our decision-making processes, questioning whether we opt for quick fixes or invest in durable solutions. Prepare to discover…who embodies the stages of ego development, from initial vulnerability to mature resilience; when the processes of ego fortification and psychological maturation are catalyzed by the confrontation with and integration of our shadow; how the engagement and assimilation of unconscious drives within the psyche contribute to the development of a more integrated and resilient ego structure; what the symbolic elements of the Three Little Pigs fairytale reveal about the universal struggle with internal fears and the path to self-realization;  where within the psyche the battle between fleeing from versus confronting one's deepest fears and instincts unfolds; whether the developmental journey towards self-awareness and ego strength is more profoundly influenced by facing one's internal wolves or by avoidance; which themes of resilience, shadow integration, and ego development are exemplified in each pig's approach to building their house; why the integration of instinct and shadow is essential for psychological wholeness and personal empowerment…and so much more.  FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:    Try new stuff Learn to interpret dreams:     Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:     Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn: 
How does resolving inner conflicts enhance external relations? Conflict, both inner and outer, is a fundamental part of the human experience. We engage in conflicts externally with others and internally within ourselves, reflecting the complex nature of human relationships and the psyche. Our external conflicts often mirror internal struggles, serving as manifestations of unresolved or unacknowledged inner turmoil. Recognizing the projection of our inner conflicts onto external situations can lead to deeper self-awareness and understanding. Delving into inner conflict necessitates introspection and the willingness to confront uncomfortable aspects of ourselves. This involves exploring our desires, fears, and contradictions to gain insight into our true motivations and feelings. Experiencing ambivalence—holding conflicting desires or feelings simultaneously—signals the presence of inner conflict. Acknowledging and exploring this ambivalence can be a path to understanding and resolving internal struggles. Projecting our inner conflicts onto others can obscure their true source, leading to misunderstandings and unnecessary external conflicts. Recognizing projection as a defense mechanism allows us to address the root causes of our struggles. Engaging with and working through inner conflicts can lead to significant personal growth and development. This process can enhance our relationships, increase our self-acceptance, and contribute to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Cultivating self-awareness is essential for effectively navigating both external disagreements and internal dilemmas. Understanding our own part in conflicts enables us to approach them with greater empathy and insight. By resolving our inner conflicts, we can improve our external relationships. A clearer understanding of our inner selves allows for more authentic and harmonious interactions with others. The process of understanding and resolving inner conflicts is ongoing. As we grow and change, new layers of the Self emerge, requiring continuous exploration and integration. Prepare to discover…who explores inner and outer conflicts, including Carl Jung's insights; when inner conflicts require deeper introspection across one's life stages; how inner conflicts are projected externally and the importance of self-awareness; what differentiates inner from outer conflicts, focusing on personal struggles with ambivalence; where conflicts appear, in relationships and within, showing the interplay between internal and external worlds; whether conflicts are internal or external, underlining the need for introspection; which methods, like Jungian analysis, help resolve conflicts for growth and better relationships; why confronting inner conflict is key to a balanced life and transformative for self and relations…and so much more. YOU CAN FIND  A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  GET INVOLVED WITH THIS JUNGIAN LIFE: Suggest a future podcast topic:   Share your dream with us: Submit your dream for a possible podcast interpretation:  Please give us a hand: become our patron and help keep This Jungian Life podcast up and running:  Join Dream School, our year-long online dream interpretation course. Transform your sleep into the greatest adventure of your life:  Yes, we have merch!  Check out all our previous episodes:  FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A SERIOUS STUDY OF JUNG? Take a look at the Philadelphia Association of Jungian Analysts, Advanced Clinical Practice Program: A case seminar for experienced clinicians to read, explore, and apply Jung's concepts to clinical practice:  Enroll in the 2024 Philadelphia Jungian Seminar and start your journey:
Can Jungian psychology shed light on the archetypal forces shaping gay identity?" Our guest, Robert Hopcke, examines how Jung and Jungians have regarded homosexuality both clinically and theoretically, demonstrating that within a great diversity of opinion, there exist many ways to deepen an understanding of the lives and loves of gay men and lesbians. Hopcke proposes a view of homosexuality that is archetypally based, empirically supportable, psychologically profound, and spiritually evocative. Jungian psychology has a fresh take on integrating the shadow and the individuation process for LGBTQ+ folks. It encourages everyone to embrace their identity to achieve authenticity and wholeness. Reinterpreting Jung's anima and animus concepts challenges the traditional binary notions of gender and sexuality, leading to a more fluid and inclusive understanding of these concepts. Dreams and fantasies can help people understand themselves better, showing them the archaic strata of desires, conflicts, and potentials hidden within their psyche. By engaging with the collective unconscious and its archetypes, LGBTQ+ individuals can better grasp themselves, fostering a sense of belonging and connection to the broader human experience. Jungian psychology recognizes and validates the complexity and diversity of human experiences, offering a framework that acknowledges and explores the many ways LGBTQ+ identities manifest and evolve.  Prepare to discover...who was the first researcher to investigate and publish Jung’s writings on homosexuality; when Jung challenged heteronormative psychology and introduced radical ideas of femininity and masculinity; how ruthless dreams and the collective unconscious become the battlegrounds and playgrounds for individuals embracing their unique desires; what Jungian concepts empower us to explore varied expressions of love and gender to sculpt identity narratives beyond binary constraints; where Jungian psychology challenges and enriches our collective understanding of human complexity and the quest for authenticity; whether Jung's writings embrace or alienate LGBTQ+ identity formation; which aspects of Jung’s writings offer a beacon of understanding and acceptance;why Jungian thought enriches the discourse on identity beyond heteronormativity, fostering a universal narrative of integration, acceptance, and the celebration of the self in all its diverse manifestations…and so much more.  Learn more about Rob Hopcke here: Find a copy of the dream we analyzed here:  Try new stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:   Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn: 
 Deep in each of us, a Vital Spark fights to free us and set us back on the path.  Lisa, Joe, and Deb were joined by more than 300 audience members for their first-ever live podcast to celebrate the launch of Lisa's new book, The Vital Spark: Reclaim Your Outlaw Energies and Find Your Feminine Fire.  The "Vital Spark" is the core essence of our innermost fiery qualities—creative aggression, fiery sexuality, emboldened disagreeableness, sharp-witted trickery, burning desire, clearsighted shrewdness, empowering anger, and bold authority—that fuel creativity, assertiveness, desire, and personal power. It is the crucial energy and passion necessary for fueling one's true Self and facilitating personal growth. We achieve this by reclaiming and embracing these once-outlawed or neglected aspects of Self that transcend societal constraints. We are called to confront and integrate shadowy, fierce, and raw qualities. Through this transformative journey of acknowledgment and integration, the Vital Spark seeks to guide individuals toward a life marked by heightened consciousness, power, and agency, enriching their experiences with vibrancy and authenticity.  Prepare to discover: Who can embody the transformation from pleasing to authoritative, navigating generational conflicts and self-assertion. When it is crucial to confront and integrate shadow aspects of Self to reclaim power and agency in one's life. How to engage with and harness one's aggressive capacities for personal growth and authenticity. What constitutes the vital spark within and the importance of embracing one's full spectrum of qualities, including those deemed dark. Where internal and external journeys of self-discovery and confrontation with one's fate can lead to transformation and fulfillment. Whether it is possible to change one's fate by courageously facing and integrating aspects of Self that have been neglected or exiled. Which qualities and traits are essential for breaking free from limiting roles, enabling a richer, more empowered existence. Why loving one's fate, including embracing the challenging process of self-integration, is key to living a life of depth, purpose, and authenticity...and so much more… HERE'S A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE: Buy Lisa’s new book The Vital Spark HERE: Try new stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:   Get some TJL merch:   Talk to Us: YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn:   
When we offer our heart and it is refused, even the gods become angry.  One day long, long ago, Aphrodite was a new mother. Her son, Eros, was the living symbol of her endless passion for his father, Aries. Despite her divine gifts, Eros failed to thrive. Desperate, she brought the goblet to the ancient mother, Themis, who knew the boy was dying at once. Aphrodite was instructed to bear a second child who, when presented to Eros, would cure him. Dutifully, she lay with Aries and begot a second son. She brought them close and was astonished to see her new son leap toward Eros, who met him in midair. In a tremendous exultant cry, they rolled and laughed—Eros grew strong. His brother was then named Anteros, whose name means 'Love Returned.'  Even the God of Love cannot survive without love's return. Are we so different?  The arrows of Eros strike our hearts, and we are filled with wild love. Psychotherapists call this limerence, that initial stage of love when all we ache for is found in one person. This projection can carry us into a new relationship with intrepid confidence for a time. If that love is unreturned, a second archetype, Anteros, is called forth to punish those who reject love. Armed with his lead club, he strikes the unloving and drives them to ruin.  From time immemorial, the human heart, once filled with passionate fantasy, if rejected, turns to vengeance.  Prepare to discover the intricacies of unrequited love and its psychological underpinnings; how unrequited love is illuminated through Jungian psychology; what constitutes unrequited love, including its symptoms, psychological impacts, and its potential for personal transformation; where this discourse positions itself within the realm of psychological study and mythological exploration; whether unrequited love serves a destructive or constructive purpose in one's life; which myths and psychological theories illuminate the experience and consequences of unrequited love; why unrequited love is pivotal, acting as a catalyst for deeper self-knowledge…and so much more… CLICK HERE FOR A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE:  HERE'S A LIST OF THE BOOKS WE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Try new stuff Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us: Suggest a podcast topic:    Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:
How do the varied human experiences, beliefs, and practices related to death and dying illuminate our understanding of life's meaning and help us face the end of life with peace and a spirit of adventure? The death instinct (Thanatos) and the life instinct (Eros) symbolize the internal conflict between self-destructive urges and desires for creation, reflecting the psychological struggle with mortality. Religious traditions across the globe, from Buddhism's focus on impermanence to Christianity's belief in eternal life, offer diverse approaches to mitigating the fear of death, demonstrating the universal quest for peace in the face of mortality. The root of death anxiety in early childhood and the later development of defense mechanisms highlight a deep psychological battle against the awareness of death from a young age. Efforts to delay death through medical and lifestyle advancements juxtapose with spiritual teachings on accepting life's transience, underscoring the human endeavor to navigate the reality of mortality. Psychoanalytic and existential treatments for thanatophobia emphasize the importance of acknowledging and integrating death into life for mental health. Prepare to discover who explores the complex nature of the fear of death, when the fear of death becomes a central concern in people's lives; how different life stages and experiences shape our understanding and reaction to the concept of mortality; how psychoanalytic theory, religious practices, near-death experiences, and modern research offer methods and perspectives for confronting and alleviating the fear of death; what strategies and beliefs offer for coping with and understanding the fear of death, where discussions, research, and practices related to the fear of death and its treatment take place; whether there are effective treatments or approaches for mitigating the fear of death…and so much more… HERE'S THE DREAM WE ANALYZE: Try new stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:   Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn:  WATCH US on VIDEO:
How do we navigate the complex interplay between personal truths, societal norms, and psychological well-being to foster individual growth and societal progress? We examine the multifaceted nature of Truth and its impact on individuals and communities. We touch on the challenges of speaking Truth to power, the psychological dynamics of scapegoating and being disbelieved, the role of psychotherapy in uncovering and dealing with personal truths, and the significance of narrative and perception in shaping our understanding of reality. We underscore the importance of discerning and integrating these elements in a way that promotes healing, understanding, and constructive change within individuals and society. Prepare to discover who stands at the epicenter of mythic battles and societal upheavals, when the age-old quest for Truth collides with pivotal historical moments, how the delicate balance of Truth and secrecy forges our identity and reshapes societies, what hidden forces lie beneath the facade of our collective existence, where the crossroads of personal revelation and collective destiny demand bold choices, whether the pursuit of Truth is a path to liberation or a labyrinth of deception, which stories dictate the course of our lives amidst chaos, and why venturing into the treacherous terrain of Truth and illusion is the ultimate gamble in our search for meaning…and so much more… FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: Try new stuff: Learn to interpret dreams:   Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence):  Share your dream with us:  Suggest a podcast topic:   Get some TJL merch:  Talk to Us: YouTube:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Facebook:  LinkedIn:    SEE THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE:
Are we inadvertently summoning forces beyond our control in our relentless pursuit of innovation and progress? Can we harness the power of our creations without unleashing terrible consequences upon ourselves and our world?  Prometheus and his brother, Epimetheus, were tasked by Zeus with fashioning all living creatures. They granted animals remarkable abilities - feathers for flight, claws, fangs for hunting, tails for balance, and gills to breath underwater. When it came to humans, they had no gifts left. Still, Prometheus loved his human creations and daringly stole fire from Olympus to provide them with warmth and protection. This act of defiance has inspired and cautioned humans for millennia as they reflect on Prometheus’ punishment.  Prometheus embodies the eternal struggle between conscious and unconscious forces within psyche. His act of rebellion, like the ego's desire for independence, results in detachment from its unconscious origins. Wild archetypal forces become impossible to contain and chain him to a rock where an eagle eats his liver each day. Prometheus's liberation by Heracles represents the relativization of the estranged inflated ego with the unconscious, fostering growth and humility.  The relentless pursuit of Promethean treasures propelled figures like Oppenheimer and Madame Curie, Louis Pasteur, George Washington Carver, Henry Ford, and Elon Musk. As they extended their grasp into the boundless skies of human potential, these brilliant minds bestowed upon humanity invaluable gifts and some brought risks they could never have imagined.  FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: Try new stuff Learn to interpret dreams:    Support us on Patreon (keep us free of corporate influence): Share your dream with us: Suggest a podcast topic:     Get some TJL merch:   Talk to Us: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn:  
Comments (18)


I don't think parents are rejecting the teaching of slavery. Many are rejecting the divisive notions of critical race theory. you are misrepresenting the position of parents, both black and white, who oppose critical race theory as a divisive ideology.

Jan 28th

Josh French

modern psychotherapy seems like a scam big pharma and insurance conglomerates run the show

Nov 7th

One Fugue

I couldn't find the recommended books on dreams in the show notes, so here they are in the order recommended: "A Little Course in Dreams" by Robert Bosnak; "Dreams, a Portal to the Source" by Whitmont and Perera; "Understanding Dreams" by Mary Ann Mattoon

Sep 6th

Rama Al-Am'ari

What an introduction!

Sep 1st


Hi all. I believe I am stuck in this liminal space. I have been trying to cross the threshold but past trauma and it's repercussions have made it truly tricky. I need to come out of this phase but I am still not willing to let the old go or even the less appealing present.

Aug 26th

تجربه زیستی

I wonder why I am getting this sense from the recent episodes that Joseph's role is somehow not as it was before.

May 10th

Brian McMichael

We are dissociated because of the lies, crazy-making and gaslighting, personally and collectively, to which almost all of us have been, are, and likely will be subjected in contradiction to our own sensory, and even lived, experience by exploiting individuals, groups, and paradigms. I realize the anxiety it might unleash, but the notion of there being two clear, axiomatic human sexes reflects stunning ignorance, willful naivete, and/or the denial of direct experience. Human primary sexual characteristics start as one form, female. Males are modified females. If you haven't done so before with this knowledge, look at or recollect the genitals you have seen in your own life, with new eyes. The normal (as in curve) development of each sex is incredibly complex, with resultant wide variability, and many opportunities to "go wrong." About 1 in 1,000 births result in genitalia ambiguous enough to be diagnosed as intersex. "Study: About 1 in 1,000 B

May 6th

lady rana

One of the best podcasts I listen to.

Mar 21st


This topic is very amazing

Jun 22nd

Orsolya Tóth

At 39.40 they mention a book about transgenerational imprints. I couldn't understand the author, could someone help me?

Jun 15th

Moira M

Totally disagree with Deb's take on alcoholism. Wow. Just wow.

Feb 3rd

Moira M

I love this podcast. It's so good listening to three intelligent and compassionate people. Thank you so much.

Jan 13th
Reply (1)

Ursula Bronicki

hello, I'm having issues playing episode #86; it seems to have cut off half way. Now I get a message saying it cant be played due to a broken source (unknown error)? the other episodes play fine...any recommendations?

Nov 22nd

Love Life

one assumption made that being a slob is low functioning. is it?

Apr 22nd

Daniel Taylor

This episode reminded me of the concept that God, as an architype, is possibly being replaced with other types or images. For example, the idea that sacredness as being applied to many nonreligious ideas, like food or politics or even morality, like do no harm is, maybe, a reflection of our secular society and the idea that God, whether consious or unconscious, is an important part of being human. By that I mean, that the idea of God or God himself is a need or a manifestation of our need for a God.

Mar 11th

Daniel Taylor

ok, the only issue I have with this discussion, is that maybe it's possible that the only power a person may have is to cut off ones family of origin. If a parent or any individual in any relationship refuses to modify their perceptually abusive behavior the person repetitively abused may have no other choice, but to remove themselves from that behavior.

Mar 5th

Vanessa Hannah Bright, LAc, LP

What an incredible podcast, thank you for taking the time to produce it. It is immensely inspiring and enriching.

Aug 27th
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