This Machine Kills

A podcast about technology and political economy /// Agitprop against innovation and capital /// Hosted by Jathan Sadowski and Edward Ongweso Jr., Produced by Jereme Brown /// Hello friends and enemies Listen anywhere that fine podcasts are distributed. Subscribe at to get premium episodes every week.

Preview – 366. American Dynamism: Or, Libertarian Fascism with Silicon Valley Characteristics

We do a deep dive into Andreessen Horowitz’s American Dynamism Strategy and Little Tech Agenda, which together lay out a clear ideology of how tech startups are integral to the American empire. All this venture capital firm asks for is your belief in a16z as a conduit for the spirit of innovation, your trust in America as a vessel for the progressive spirit, and your optimism in a future led by a16z’s vision. Oh yeah, and also billions of dollars to invest in bringing about “the glory of a Second American Century.” ••• Blackstone set to acquire Australian data centre business AirTrunk ••• American Dynamism ••• Building American Dynamism ••• The Little Tech Agenda Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


365. The Pentagon Primes in Silicon Valley (ft. Michael Richardson)

We chat with friend of the show Michael Richardson—author of the new book Nonhuman Witnessing—about the ongoing, deepening relationships between Silicon Valley and the US military. We check up on new activities from old enemies—Y Combinator, Anduril, Palantir, among others—and get into the changing cultures on both sides as they converge around defense innovation as a solution for Silicon Valley’s problems of needing another endless pool of capital and the Pentagon’s problems of needing to maintain a dying empire and beat China in an arms race. ••• Michael’s new book – Nonhuman Witnessing: War, Data, and Ecology after the End of the World ••• Start-up incubator Y Combinator backs its first weapons firm ••• Anduril now valued at $14 billion, set to build autonomous weapons factories ••• Army chooses Palantir to build next-generation targeting system ••• Palantir Ontology Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview - 364. CopGPT

We chat about a heinous crossover as Axon – major police tech firm, maker of tasers and body cameras – creates a new AI product with ChatGPT that automates police reports using audio recordings from body cameras. We get into this whole political economy of cop power and carceral tech. Then we talk about how all the economists are Big Mad because of proposed bans for price gouging of food. ••• Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court? ••• The Body Camera: The Language of our Dreams | Alec Karakatsanis ••• Sometimes You Just Have to Ignore the Economists ••• Kamala Harris and America’s broken capitalism Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


363. Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go.

{Producer’s note: this episode has an electronic buzz in parts due to a dying microphone. I cleaned it up as much as possible, but it couldn’t be totally removed. So it goes!} We go deep on the recent federal antitrust case against Google, which ruled that the company is a monopoly (obviously). We get into the details of the case, before spinning off to talk more broadly about market domination and disaster capitalism, then get back to the potential remedies for addressing Google’s power over search and the implications for techno-economic regulation. ••• Disaster Capitalism Revisited ••• Will Google’s Monopoly Be Vanquished? ••• Google as monopolist ••• Monopoly Money Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview - 362. Alex Karp’s Freak Flag Flies

We get into a new profile of Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir, which is written by Maureen Dowd, one of the NYT’s most credulous opinion writers, and thus the perfect person to coax Karp into being as weird as he wants to be. This piece reveals a lot of core lore about Karp and shines light on a man who is riddled with contradictions and has turned that affliction of the soul into a superpower. ••• Alex Karp Has Money and Power. So What Does He Want? Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


361. The Artists vs. the Machines (ft. Brian Merchant)

We’re joined by Brian Merchant to chat about his reporting on the frontlines of labor exploitations in video games development and animation studios where companies are using AI to replace and degrade jobs, fracture and disempower the workforce, and push the quality of artistic works down even further. When executives explicitly say they are going to use a technology to destroy your livelihoods, then you should believe them and act accordingly. The collective response by workers – especially in the highly unionized animation industry – has been strong and swift. Their message is clear: “AI can fuck right off.” ••• AI Is Already Taking Jobs in the Video Game Industry ••• He Made a Movie About Humans Rising Up Against AI. Now He’s Doing the Real Thing ••• Brian’s newsletter: Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview – 360. Bubbles and Black Markets

We get into the collapse of investor confidence in the AI boom, then turn to the thriving black markets for smuggling vast quantities of AI microchips into China and the geopolitics of technological progress and economic sanctions as AI becomes a site of proxy wars by other means. ••• Burst Damage ••• With Smugglers and Front Companies, China Is Skirting American A.I. Bans ••• How four U.S. presidents unleashed economic warfare across the globe Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


359. We Are All Cyborgs (ft. Danya Glabau, Laura Forlano)

We are joined by Danya Glabau and Laura Forlano, authors of Cyborg, a new book that explores how this archetype of sci-fi stories is also a critical theory for understanding the tangle of socio-technical relations that constitute our lives. The cyborg helps us think in terms of embodiment and environments, break down boundaries and barriers, and trace the dialectics of control and freedom that come with being cyborgs. ••• Cyborg | Danya Glabau, Laura Forlano ••• Danya on Twitter: ••• Laura on Twitter: Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview – 358. *Se7en Voice* What’s in the Benchmark?

We first get an update on regulatory arbitrage in the weed vape industry, then discuss how the benchmarks used to rank AI models—and make claims about their "intelligence" relative to humans—are largely low quality, out-of-date, not fit for purpose, or just meaningless and deceptive. Yet they are widely treated by industry as authoritative standards. Then we talk a bit about yet another case of a risk scoring algorithm resulting in devastating consequences. ••• Everyone Is Judging AI by These Tests. But Experts Say They’re Close to Meaningless ••• An Algorithm Told Police She Was Safe. Then Her Husband Killed Her. Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


357. CrowdStrike ClusterFuck

We first talk about how all news stories, even the most world historic ones, feel ephemeral and disposable, and how this is the perverse effect of a (news/social/cultural) media ecosystem that is designed around logics of optimizing for content production and audience attention. Then we get into the CrowdStrike outage and how it reveals (and requires) a more fundamental, systemic critique of IT infrastructure and its techno-politics. ••• The Microsoft/CrowdStrike outage shows the danger of monopolization ••• CrowdStruck Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview – 356. Car Dealerships Are an Affront to God

We talk about that paragon of capitalism, car dealerships, and the deceptive, manipulative, extractive tactics they have perfected to make the experience as hellish as possible — particularly by turning the dealership’s finance and insurance department into an engine of 100 percent pure parasitic profit. ••• Escape From the Box Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


355. The Rise of Shadow Finance

We are a bit ahead with recording, but we had to talk about the Trump assassination attempt and JD Vance being tapped for vice president (for like the first 30 minutes). Then we get into a great essay on how private financial markets — or the shadow finance system that is unregulated, unaccountable, and undemocratic — have become the dominant form of finance in society, thanks in large part to trillions in capital allocated from public pension funds. It’s a classic case of private parasites feeding on public hosts. ••• Private Financial Markets Are Eating The World ••• Why an ‘AI health coach’ won’t solve the world’s chronic disease problems Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Premium – 354. Capital Questions Gen AI

We take a look at recent reports where venture capitalists like Sequoia and the investment banks like Goldman Sachs are starting to wonder out loud whether AI will ever be able to generate enough revenue and consumer demand to make the bubble feel solid. The returns on AI necessary for this massive infrastructure buildout to make sense are looking increasingly fantastical. It was only a matter of time until capital finally came around to our skepticism of generative AI. ••• AI’s $200B Question ••• AI’s $600B Question ••• Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit? Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


353. Slaughterbots, Roll Out!

We refocus on the war in Ukraine and the country’s pivot toward being the “Silicon Valley for autonomous drones and other weaponry.” Thanks to a combination of foreign investment, entrepreneurial governance, DIY scrappiness, and a ‘by any means necessary’ attitude, the future of cheap, lethal, autonomous warfare is being forged and tested in Ukrainian war zones — before inevitably being deployed everywhere else in some form. ••• A.I. Begins Ushering In an Age of Killer Robots Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview – 352. Big Vape, Small Cigs

We chat about an interesting case study in technology governance: the rise of vapes and the return of cigarettes. How do you create new markets for a product that is highly addictive but also extremely regulated (even banned)? The answer is to flaunt regulation, disrupt competitors, and create an image of coolness using social media influencers. Platforms like Uber learned their strategies from industries like big tobacco, and now the new crop of nicotine dealers are deploying the strategies of platforms like Uber. ••• The Vapes of Wrath ••• Juul Is an Easy Target—Let's Ban More Tech Products That Harm Us ••• Why Uber and Lyft are taking a page out of big tobacco’s playbook in labor law battle ••• Government waters down vaping ban to win support of Greens ••• How Big Tobacco enlists Black activists to fight menthol, vaping bans ••• Big Tobacco Heralds a Healthier World While Fighting Its Arrival ••• A Viral Cigarette Brand? In 2023? ••• That Cloud of Smoke Is Not a Mirage Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


351. How AI is Boiling the Oceans

We get into how the massive global expansion of data centres — thanks largely to demand from training and operating AI — is putting major strain on energy systems and requiring the generation of more electricity. How’s all that new energy demand being met? Some renewables, a lot of fossil fuels, but also maybe futuristic magic technology? Big tech firms like Micorosoft and their nuclear tech partners—including startups backed by Sam Altman and Bill Gates—say they expect to harness fusion by 2028. This prediction is totally unserious and fantastical, while also hiding the fact that the expansion of AI is powered largely by fossil fuels. ••• AI Is Already Wreaking Havoc On Global Power Systems ••• AI is exhausting the power grid. Tech firms are seeking a miracle solution. Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Premium – 350. Most Data Work is Bullshit

We chat a bit about some upcoming international travel, then do a reading series by a data scientist who wrote a great blog post about how most of the work done by data scientists in large organizations feels totally worthless, pointless, unfulfilling, and unnecessary — in other words, the definition of bullshit. And yet data science is valorized and mythologized in ways that are disconnected from material reality. ••• I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again ••• Most Data Work Seems Fundamentally Worthless Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


349. Death By A Thousand Prices (ft. David Dayen, Lindsay Owens)

We are joined by David Dayen (editor, American Prospect) and Lindsay Owens (director, Groundwork Collaborative) to discuss the special issue of the American Prospect they put together on “how pricing really works.” We drill down into why pricing is the perfect window for seeing how power works in the economy. We explore the great many tactics and technologies that companies have devised to make pricing into a major source of profits by enforcing a system of unfair, deceptive, and aggressive strategies designed to exploit each person based on what they are willing to pay and what they are willing to accept. We wrap up by talking about what can be done by legislators, regulators, and the court of public outrage to push back against the weaponization of pricing. ••• How Pricing Really Works ••• Groundwork Collaborative ••• David Dayen ••• Lindsay Owens Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


348. Lost Futures of AI (ft. Evgeny Morozov)

We are joined once again by Evgeny Morozov to discuss his new podcast series, A Sense of Rebellion, which tells the story of a wild bunch of eccentric hippies who had grand ideas for how to design interactive technologies and intelligent environments and cybernetic systems that are radically different from today’s smart tech and AI. Morozov takes us deep down the rabbit hole of Cold War counterculture and technoculture, and deep into the life and mind of Warren Brodey, a now largely forgotten giant of early cybernetics. This new podcast series is the second in a trilogy on “tech rebels who failed.” ••• A Sense of Rebellion: ••• Evgeny Morozov: ••• The Boston hippies who developed technologies that Silicon Valley wouldn’t dare to make Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


Patreon Preview – 347. The Insulin Empire, Part 2 (ft. Athena Sofides)

We keep rolling with our discussion about the Insulin Empire with Athena. ••• The Insulin Empire ••• Mutual Aid Diabetes ••• T1International Subscribe to hear more analysis and commentary in our premium episodes every week! Hosted by Jathan Sadowski ( and Edward Ongweso Jr. ( Production / Music by Jereme Brown (


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01-16 Reply

Priya Dharshini


01-16 Reply

Tyrone Slothrop

damn, whats the song at the end of this one?

02-17 Reply

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