This Paranormal Life

This Paranormal Life
Author: This Paranormal Life
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Every Tuesday, comedians Rory Powers and Kit Grier investigate a different paranormal case and find the truth inside the mystery.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
423 Episodes
In 1967, strange occurrences started taking place in Sigmund Adam's law office in Bavaria. Workers tried to ignore it... but before long, lights were exploding in their sockets, strange electrical surges were bursting through the building and huge objects were coming to life and moving around the office. Was this the wrath of an angry poltergeist? And if so, why did the paranormal activity only take place from 9-5?Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
China is home to innumerable paranormal entities, from ghosts and ancient spirits to cryptids and UFO encounters, but one entity stands out in notoriety far beyond the others — The Yeren. The Yeren has been sighted and discussed in texts for thousands of years, but many people in modern times believe it to be mostly legend. But if that’s the case, why did the Chinese Communist Party spend millions of dollars in the 1970s trying to track down and then cover up the existence of the Yeren? This is the the rarely heard story of a cryptid finding itself at the centre of a political struggle — China’s most wanted cryptid.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In 1973, a young Falkville Chief of Police, Jeff Greenhaw was called out to investigate a strange figure who'd been spotted standing alone in a field. Jeff didn't know it at the time, but he was about to encounter an otherworldly being that's appeared on earth for over 200 years... the Metal Man.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On today's episode, we're going off the beaten path to the remote swamps of Central Africa. Here, local legends talk about an enormous, long-necked creature that STALKS the murky waters of the Congo. This elusive beast is referred to only as 'Mokele Mbembe'... and whatever you do... don't eat it's meat.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In July of 1887, 13 year old Lurancy Vennum started to complain about headaches and stomach pains... but before long she was complaining about a very different problem - she could hear the voices of dead people inside of her head. Today we're investigating the Watseka Wonder, a story that many people believe is the first documented case of possession in American history.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Spain might not be synonymous with UFOs and the paranormal, but don’t be fooled, in 1979 it was host to one of the most believable and evidenced UFO cases ever told. For the first time in history a passenger plane was forced to emergency land because it was being pursued by a UFO. Kit and Rory also delve into some nearby UFO encounters that may shine a light on one of Europe’s most famous UFO encounters.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In the summer of 1980, thousands of people arrived at the Hollinwell Showground for their annual celebration. The day started like any other... but by the end, almost 300 attendees would end up in hospital. The cause? We have absolutely no idea.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Yeti is one of the most famous cryptids of all time. It is claimed to have been stalking the Himalayas for thousands of years, undetected by science due to the extreme conditions of it’s natural habitat. But while mainstream science doesn’t yet acknowledge the Yeti, the local Nepalese people are certain of its existence. Not only that, but the mountaineers who dare to climb Mount Everest have even photographed its footprints. On this intrepid and overdue episode of This Paranormal Life, Kit and Rory grab their oxygen tanks and reach for the paranormal summit — to prove the existence of the Yeti.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The world of the paranormal is a strange one. Just when you think you've heard about every cryptid under the sun, you find yourself by a river in New Jersey, looking into the cold dead eyes of a 7 foot praying mantis. How have we never heard of this cryptid before? Well, because maybe this creature isn't actually a cryptid after all...Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
To celebrate episode 400 Kit and Rory are reinvestigating Atlantis, one of the holy grails of the paranormal world, and crucially the first ever ‘yes’ on This Paranormal Life. Many years have passed since that recording and new evidence has come to light, begging the question: is it still a ‘yes? Episode four was also the first episode that they were drunk during the recording. So for episode 400 they have painstakingly recreated the original recording conditions…Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello Commune!! To celebrate the new year, we're going to to look back at some of the weirdest and WILDEST moments from 2024. Did your favourite moment make the cut? There's only one way to find out... sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the highlights of the podcast from the last yearSupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityBuy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Christmas is the most magical time of the year and, as it happens, it’s also one of the most paranormal… Christmas marks the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is most thin. This is why for hundreds of years people gathered around the yule log to share ghost stories on Christmas Eve. One of the most shocking and believable tales is that of the Brown Lady of Raynham hall, set at Christmas time. Time for Kit and Rory to investigate.Merry Christmas everyone!Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Did you know that there's an entire book written about the strange and terrifying creatures seen by the early lumberjacks of North America? There are dozens of 'fearsome critters' that have terrorized locals over the years... but few are more bizarre than the Central American WHINTOSSER.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Led Zeppelin are one of the most beloved and influential bands of all time. They set the world alight in the 70s along with the British Invasion and songs like Whole Lotta Love, and Stairway to Heaven. It was a heady time of success and excess for the band, but from the very beginning rumours circulated about their involvement in the occult and paranormal. On this episode Kit and Rory dive in to the legends of satanism and ritual that surrounded the band to decide; was any of it really paranormal?Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
When we think about castles, a few things usually spring to mind - knights, kings, a moat. But if you mention Castle GLAMIS to the people of Scotland, only one word some to mind... MONSTER. That's because Castle Glamis allegedly holds a dark secret, one passed down from Earl to Earl - That there's a secret room in the castle, containing a prisoner who's been trapped their entire life...Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The US military is, historically, at the bleeding edge of technology. Every minor advance in technology used to further fine tune the American war machine. What if they discovered the ability to time travel, wouldn’t they do everything they can to exploit it? And begs the question — if the military did develop time travel, how would we know? Some of these questions were answered one day in the year 2000 when a man claiming to be a military operative from the future, logged on a forum and started telling all. This is the story of John Titor.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In 1985, Bob White and his 'lady friend' were driving to Las Vegas when they noticed a glowing light fall off of a strange object and crash down to earth. Bob should have kept driving... but something about this object made him want to investigate. When he arrive at the location of the crash there was no doubt that this thing... WAS EXTRATERRESTRIAL. So why did he stash it up in his attic until he retired? We have no idea.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
They say war is hell — that’s why it’s the last place you would expect to find angels, and yet in 1914 that’s exactly what British forces on the battlefield of Mons reported to see. With their backs against the wall they claimed that ghostly apparitions appeared and pushed the German forces back. The sheer number of witnesses and gravity of the situation make this one of the most confusing and compelling paranormal stories ever. It’s time for Kit and Rory to investigate!Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip ShackladyResearch by Ewen Friers Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
In 1979, Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson spotted a strange glowing object in the sky above Minnesota. He didn't know it at the time, but he was about to have a VERY close encounter with something extra-terrestrial.Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the campfire! For the last month, we've been dropping a mini-paranormal tale every Thursday to celebrate spooky season and now we've finally made it to Halloween! We knew we wanted today's story to be particularly terrifying, so settle in, as we tell you the story of the Cannon Beach BANDAGE MANFollow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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your first time on the internet and you were already on internet explorer? that doesnt make you sound old at all you sound like a couple zoomers that are freaked about turning 26
slag is the refuse from refining iron. perfectly good technical term
the lack of research these guys do for their show is kind of pathetic. don't they even talk about hiring a researcher?! listen to last podcast on the left if you want better jokes and ten times better research (in other words, not a complete waste of time).
same year as mothman - weirrrrdddddd
WHHAAATTT! a no from Kit?? remove this man. An MIB without question
any bloke that laughs so much about sexual predators obviously has no personal experience with the horrible subject #cringe #sexualassaultnotajoke
at 2pm on the 11th..."but that's not the time on the clock, its 5 to 3!" lmao 😂😂😂
no mention of the binary Code? that's perhaps the most important part!
Rory is perfection 👌
The first season of the x files, all episodes were based on Real Life occurrences. look it up.
Us redskin ns call that a Wendigp 😂 deer + man's corpse. There's two types of wendigo depending on what tribe you speak to. Up north, it's a spirit and can live inside you and take everything good from your life. The second is a monster that eats people and looks like a great ant mangled deer
Sip your beverages carefully because at any given moment a "full force out the nose" laugh/spray moment can happen.
Love these woods, so glad you have covered it!
I voted for ya,
kit smoking crack again
I need to know the name of the song they play at 15:40
did i miss where they decided yes or no?
can i download the bonus episodes so i can listen to them while traveling?
the best
oh shit Banger incoming!