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Weekly thoughts from an Aussie mum on creativity, mental health and raising kids.

Episode 34: Algorithmic thinking

Are we being pushed down rabbit holes of negative thought without our permission? Join me as I follow the train of my own thoughts about the insensitivity and irrationality of algorithms and how me might be able to find ways to interrupt the downward spiral of negativity and fear they generate.


Episode 33: The balm I needed

With the world in distress and her people trying to come to terms with that, there comes a deafening sound of expression - the hopeful, the sad and the terrifying. After a long break I'm back to share something that cut through the cacophony for me recently. Peace x


Episode 31: How to read poetry

Poetry is full of so much meaning that we may need to read less of it in order to receive more of what it has to say to us. Mentioned on today's episode: Making Sense with Sam Harris Sam's episode with David Whyte David Whyte Mary Oliver reading her poem Wild Geese


Episode 32: Doing a good 'geographical'

A fresh start doesn't always lead to real and lasting change. Often, after the initial exciting rush of 'doing a geographical', we're left still dealing with the things we ran away from in the first place. Today, I share how we recently succeeded at 'doing a geographical' well and why it was different to other attempts to start over.


Episode 30: A very raw mothering moment

As parents we 'hold' our children as they learn to safely rise and fall through the waves of their emotions. The hard part is that, to a degree, we ride the waves with them. So what happens when we feel the need to be 'held' too? Are there parts of the journey that we have to just go through untethered and alone?


Episode 29: Sacred places

Sacred places are found all over the world. Some are mighty and exude a skin-tingling sense of the wondrous. But others are as tiny as a warm burrow or the internal pages of a treasured journal.


Episode 28: Quirks, confidence, simple things and the art of ironing

Sometimes the creative heart just wants to talk about ironing for 20 minutes and why should I say no?


Episode 27: Schematherapy and an "ah ha" moment

Therapy sometimes feels like a treasure hunt. We sift and sift trying to find the elusive "ah ha" moments - the clarity 'gold'. Today I share one of those shimmering moments I had while exploring schematherapy many years ago. Mentioned in this episode: Reinventing Your Life by Jeffrey E. Young


Episode 26: You are here

They say it’s not about the destination. They say enjoy the journey. But I’ve been thinking that maybe the beginning is the most interesting part of the whole picture. Where are you right now? In this episode I take a minute to look at my current location and think about the value of context and acknowledging my starting point.


Episode 25: Spoken word

Even though I’m not one for new year resolutions, I’ve found myself reflective this week and hopeful about reawakening creative pursuits I had left gathering dust. I also think it’s high time I shared more of my creativity with others. So, as well as dusting off my sewing machine recently, I thought I would be a little vulnerable and share some of my spoken word on the podcast.


Episode 24: Have a kind-to-yourself Christmas

This Christmas I've tried to be kinder to myself as I navigate the silliest of seasons. Today I share some of the ways I'm trying to see the holidays differently in order to have a Christmas that's got a little more joy, hope and peace. And if you listen to the end, I've included a Christmas gift for you to enjoy. Merry Christmas!


Episode 23: 10 things you're getting wrong

Tis the silly season! And to celebrate I've worked to bring you 10 pieces of rock solid advice ranging from how to butter your toast, to the life changing magic of whipping out a secret toothbrush at the kitchen sink. Enjoy the silly business on today's episode.


Episode 22: Unglamorous self care

Self care is a big topic in today's society and it's an important one. But are we glamourising the simple act of looking after ourselves? Are we creating 'instagrammable' moments that leave us still feeling uncared for after the fact? It's possible that self care isn't as pretty as it sounds and I want to have an old fashioned rant about that exact thing today. Brianna Wiest's article about self care


Episode 21: Anxiety makes survivors of us

Anxiety is a normal part of life. Anxious feelings have even saved our lives since the beginnings of the human race as we know it. In fact, it's quite the super power when you look into why we experience it and how it works. Join me as I look a little deeper at this oftentimes intense and problematic experience. A brief overview of the limbic system 2-minute neuroscience on the limbic system Lisa Feldman Barrett's TED talk Books: The brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge The man who mistook his wife for a hat by Oliver Sacks


Episode 20: Letting go of creative pursuits

When life changes - whether it's our choice or not - we sometimes lose the things we love. For me, I've had to accept that some of my creative pursuits and projects have come to an end. And even if that is a "goodbye forever" or a "see you later", it's hard to let go. But letting go is part of life isn't it?


Episode 19: Beginning therapy

Therapy can be seen as scary, unnecessary or just plain weird. It can also be all those things just because it’s the unknown. Today, I open up about my experience beginning therapy and share insights to help you start therapy or get more out of it.


Episode 18: The ‘fantasy self’

Ever bought a gym membership you’ve never used? A fancy pair of shoes that gather dust? We often indulge a fantasy version of ourselves - whether it’s who we wish we were or who we’re just curious about being. Seems odd to invest in something that doesn’t really exist. But maybe our ‘fantasy self’ is worth the expense. Maybe we could learn a thing or two about our true self by looking a little deeper into the mirage. Episode links Allison Anderson Slow Home podcast Buddhism for Mothers by Sarah Napthali The Lifechanging Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo Eloise Rickman’s blog Amanda Watters’ blog


Episode 17: An unexpected taboo

By now we’re familiar with the taboo, stigma and social issues around breastfeeding. What I couldn’t predict was how breastfeeding my own kids introduced me to an unexpected taboo that still effects me today. Join me as I gingerly tiptoe through this very delicate topic.


Episode 16: Showing up

After a bit of a crisis of confidence I’m back this week to chat about showing up even when it’s a mental mountain. Today's links: Ingrid Nilsen's podcast One Step Ingrid's Youtube channel


Episode 15: Everything I do, I've done

A new mantra is changing the way I think about progress and accomplishment. It’s another way I’m trying to be kinder to myself. Listen as I share the effect that fresh perspective is having in my life. Poeple mentioned:


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