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This Topical Life

Author: Tiffany Murphy

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"This Topical Life" is a podcast about life. Real conversations. Real explorations. We share our stories and our ideas ain't a vacation.
72 Episodes
What an awesome conversation with my Mother-in-Law, Judy. She opens up about her church experience as a little kid all the way up to her adult involvement in church. Has it been an easy road? No. However, the wisdom gained from her experiences and her biblical knowledge help paint a picture of what church could be for all of us. Thanks Judy for opening up to all of us! 
Season 4 Intro

Season 4 Intro


Let’s talk about church! The best way to describe this episode is to just listen. Let’s open this can of worms. I’m excited. 
High Fidelity Living

High Fidelity Living


I’ll be straight with you.   This episode was born out of one question I kept asking myself. Do I believe in hope anymore? Yeah. I like to go back to the drawing board sometimes and look at things with fresh eyes. I think when we hear the same spiritual words over and over and over we lose sight of what they actually mean. Do you feel that way? This episode brought clarity in my continuing journey to have hope and the spot I’m sitting in with life right now.    Also, this is the last episode of Season 3!!! Yup! It’s true!! But, don’t you worry, Season 4 is right around the corner.    Hugs and love to you.   -Tiff
Have you ever noticed how people don’t really share their mental health medication journey? Why is that? It’s probably because it can be a long, daunting, and strenuous process. Today, I come on to share my journey with depression and how meds slowly entered the picture through the years.    I also reached out to some friends to share what they wished they learned earlier before starting their own medication process.    I would find this episode very encouraging for someone who is intimidated, overwhelmed, or confused whether they should try medication or not. As always, please feel free to reach out anytime and please know you don’t have to journey the medication process alone.    Have a great week!
Tears Shed

Tears Shed


Rachel and I recorded a fresh new episode for you yesterday. We talked a lot about current events and how we are dealing and processing them. Tears were shed for sure. We hope our thoughts and tears bring you comfort or put words to what you might be feeling. Sending podcast hugs to you!    As mentioned in episode…here is Rachel’s blog post she talks about in this episode about her profound spiritual experience….
The “B” Word

The “B” Word


Nope, not that “B” word, sorry. Ha!  Today we are taking about a different word: “Burnout”. Could you have it? Is someone you know saying they don’t feel depressed but don’t feel strong emotions like they used to ? As it turns out, there are valid reasons for this. I have linked another podcast episode which inspired me to talk about my own personal burnout. Much love to you this week!    Here is the link to the other podcast:
A Daughter’s Diagnosis

A Daughter’s Diagnosis


Today we welcome back the wonderful Gina Perkins! Yay! The last time we podcasted together was back in March of 2020 when we talked about anxiety and Covid. Little did she know her life was about to take a massive pivot. Sixteen months ago her oldest daughter, D.J., was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. We walk through her experience of the news and the impact it’s had on her, her family, and all that’s in between. Gina, thanks for your raw vulnerability and sharing your heart with us. Anyone who knows you is truly blessed.    Gina wanted me to share this website if you are interested in learning about early detection of Type 1 Diabetes.   Have a wonderful week!
Rachel Payne is back with some hard news. After moving to Oregon 16 months ago she now has to turn around and move right back to Texas.  This was an unexpected surprise to her (and me as well) and we are super sad about it. We talk about some raw truth and process what it is she is feeling and thinking. Rachel will still be our continued, permanent guest on this platform just not in the same state unfortunately.    Thanks Rachel for who you are and the willingness to share the mess in real time. What a gift. Who knows what the future holds. Love YOU.
Kevin is Back! (Part 3)

Kevin is Back! (Part 3)


He’s back! Yes! My brother, Kevin Shaw is back! And joining us today is his better half, Angie Shaw! In this episode,  Kev and Angie start by describing to us what it was like getting their business “Brightways Counseling Group” off the ground and how it took off during the pandemic. Did their business succeed because of the cultural hustle we have grown accustomed to? Not exactly. They saw a need and went for it. In talking with Kev and Ang you will see their heart's passion not only in their business but with the people they are surrounded by and most of all each other.    ****The end of this episode is absolute PARENT GOLD. As many of us are experiencing, it’s difficult to get a counseling appointment for our kids these days. Don’t let that discourage you. Kev and Angie give some excellent advice and tools to tide you over until you can get your appointment. Have a wonderful week ! Enjoy !
In this continued conversation, Kevin and I pick right up where he starts to talk about his spiritual path. The focus is more on his adventure to Oregon from Nashville and what made him to decide to make a big move. The end of the conversation is my favorite, which is when he meets his beautiful wife. Have a wonderful week. 
Joining us today is the one and only, Kevin Shaw --- who also happens to be my brother.  Kevin shares with us his life journey and gives us a complete picture of what it means to find beauty in the struggle of life. Topics include: career path, mental health issues, eating addiction, spiritual journey, and the amazing story of meeting his wife. This is a two part series. ENJOY!
Coffee Shop Talk

Coffee Shop Talk


Rachel Payne joins us again for another riveting conversation on, you guessed it, LIFE!    Topics include: kid stuff, Ukraine, faith, heartache, purpose, and so much more. Honestly, it was like we were catching up in a coffee shop, only we weren’t the only ones there --- you were too. Enjoy!
In this episode I introduce you to the magnificent Rachel Payne. She’s an awesome addition to “This Topical Life,” and when you listen to her you will probably agree. We recorded this episode before the Ukraine news and wasn’t sure if we should release it quite yet. But, as it turns out after listening, I can’t think of a better time than now. We hope you find encouragement and comfort as Rachel and I dive head first in life’s hard stuff.
Lo-fi Living

Lo-fi Living


Yes! Your eyes aren't seeing things! Season 3 is back in the game.  This episode I pick up with where we left off with "Selah" (15 months ago!), and dive right into talking about a Lo-fi approach to life and to this podcast. If you have never listened to a single episode this is a great place to start.  I am inviting you to journey with me as we continue to explore life in the NOW.  That's not all! I hope you enjoy hearing my heart's mission and the updates about what is to come. If you are reading this maybe being a part of this  community is for you. If there is anything I could say about the 15 months of not podcasting, we are not meant to journey alone. God Bless
Selah Session 7

Selah Session 7


The last Selah session has arrived, yes, but our Selah (pause) continues.  That's if we take all we have learned and keep going and growing. In this episode I cover all the main points of all the Selah sessions. As well as what the sessions have meant to me personally.  I say it in the episode and I will say it again.  I can honestly say I am experiencing more peace now than I was at the beginning of recording these sessions.  My life isn't any easier, but I do have peace. I'm calling that a huge win! Selah is putting your hope in action.  It's yours for the taking.  Season 3 will continue I just don't know when or how yet but I do know I will be having some "pop up" episodes.  I will give you plenty of warning.  I hope these sessions have challenged you to take a courageous step in letting go of life's crap and taking in all the good stuff we often overlook.  I hope you have an awesome week. Please reach out to me anytime. SELAH
Selah Session 6

Selah Session 6


This episode starts with a reading of one of my favorite stories, "The Legend of the Three Trees," by Catherine McCafferty.  Who doesn't love a story read to them, right? Find a quiet mental space for yourself because there is a message for you.  Things in your life might not seem like the success you have been hoping for or working so hard for, BUT there is more to your story.  It's not done yet. If you feel the way I feel than you are with me when I say this is good news.  I share a few tears with you and mention my next step in my personal Selah process.  Next week will be the last Selah session for now.  It's time for me to pause in my pause. Have a wonderful week.
Selah Session 4

Selah Session 4


Has it been four weeks of Selah sessions already? Wow!  Time flies and sometimes time doesn't fly fast enough.  Which leads me to my next thought, the idea of process.  We also talk about patience. So, what do you get when you put process and patience together? Well, you will just have to listen in this episode to find out. Hope you have a fantastic week!
Selah Session 3

Selah Session 3


It's that time of the week where we sit down and figure out what this "Selah" time is all about.  This episode we focus more on the word "Resiliency" as it relates to our time in Selah.  I come clean with some of my ups and downs of the week but overall I think this time of pause is really opening my eyes to a few things. Have an awesome week! I will see you in 2 WEEKS. I'm taking a week off to turn the big 40! 
Selah Session 2

Selah Session 2


How is the word, "Selah" setting into your soul?  Listen in on this LIVE recording as I guide us through the beginning steps of experiencing our, PAUSE. Have a wonderful week and I hope this message lightens your load and gives you some freedom.  I know for myself, I will need to re-listen and let the words soak in a little more.
Selah Session 1

Selah Session 1


Season 3 is here! We are taking this season of episodes to reflect upon one word, "Selah." You are invited on a new journey and with only one guest. ME! I'm going to leave the explanation for your ears. I will say this though, there is something in this series for you. Get ready for nitty gritty, unrefined vulnerability folks! These recordings are recorded LIVE so, no edits, just raw. Follow "This Topical Life" on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about live recordings. Stay strong. Stay loved. Selah