This Week in Fun (Audio)

This Week in Fun (Audio)
Author: TWiT
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Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent cover this week's fun facts in an irreverent look at the news.
The Fun is over, but you can enjoy previous episodes from the TWiT Archives.
The Fun is over, but you can enjoy previous episodes from the TWiT Archives.
48 Episodes
Dating site ban, Weight Watchers floor collapses, sex doll stops suicide, street-walking taxes, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Robotic Christmas, BAC record, emergency ride, funeral home drunks, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Texting your target, DWI obesity, a toilet restaurant, choir students at Hooters, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Very remote lodging, chewing gum, jailhouse pot, that's a lot of cheddar, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
A virtual wife, Goodwill ganja, porno research, clean toilet seats, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Daddy Klingon, Bug poo, Oprah ending show, ugly crime, bionic butt, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Pothead calls 911, wedding brawling, fake kidnapping, self-identifying as a terrorist, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Axe lacks effect, Yelp fights, fat recruits, Blockbuster slasher, bad teeth, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Sneezing paralysis, a May-September romance, Colonel Sanders, Halloween, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Lay-Z-Boy DWI, sex workers gone green, tweet beat, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Sex leads to social networking, tweet beat, Leo Laporte drops in, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
Guest: Leo Laporte
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Sober depression, prophylactic attraction, a rare Xbox, raccoon attack, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Taxi vomit, rat-killing TV, karaoke gone bad, a frootless effort, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Gay on Facebook, driving while texting, metal detectors, Paul Kirk, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Banana sex, Gollum, buttery bridges, man-eating birds, pee helps tomatoes, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Pigeon vs. Internet, spamless Middlesex, robbery dating, accidental porn, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Poo Girl, Burning Man, Google gets simple, Japanese Kit Kats, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Jessica Biel malware, Internet people, Beyoncé, when cows attack, and more.
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Mindless Twitter babble, gamers are old and fat, briefcase toilet, old man attacks bad drivers with bricks, and more.
Tweet Your Prayers
40 percent of Twitter messages 'pointless babble': study
Briefcase Toilet
Man Pretends to be Disabled to Get Diaper Changed
Woodstock Generation Still Getting High. A Lot.
UK UFO Sightings Spiked When Blockbusters Released
Brick-weilding old man attacks traffic violators with bricks
World's largest cupcake, another one for the dumb record books
Brit bought wife jewelry every time he cheated, added up to 300k pounds, daughter sold at auction
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
Action figures, UFC training, Italian Lotto, Cuba's out of T.P., when otters attack, and more.
Man Goes Nuts After Mom Throws Out Action Figures
Man throws rocks at five people and tells them he was preparing for the Ultimate Fighting Championship and "he needed to practice getting knocked out so he could prepare.
Thousands Fly To Italy to Play Lotto
Cuba Almost Out of Toilet Paper
Woman Attacked by Otters
Cucumber Thefts Baffle Australian Police
Laziness Epidemic in Britain
Nanobees Sting Tumors to Death – But at What Cost?
Finnish people need a hobby
Belarus keeping their schoolchildren safe from cell phone radiation
Thai temple helps drug users beat their addictions through vomiting
Tweet Beat
"C-Murder" or "I'm an avid Birder"
"Hate Group" vs. "Feel Like Poop"
"Mermaid" vs. "Get Laid"
"Damon Weaver" vs. "Have a Fever"
Hosts: Sarah Lane and Martin Sargent
We invite you to read or add to our show notes in the TWiT Wiki.
Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.
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