This Welsh Mother

This Welsh Mother Talks.... It's Motherhood musings, current events and topical chat from the TWM online community.

Unstitching Labels

Episode 3- How to unstitch those labels that people have given you in Motherhood


Has the village gone digital?

We are chatting about the quote 'It takes a village to raise a child' and asking had the village gone digital?


What the heck is TWM?

Episode 1- The Intro - What the heck is This Welsh Mother • Episode 1- The Intro - What the heck is This Welsh Mother pt2 • Episode 1- The Intro - What the heck is This Welsh Mother pt 3 • Episode 1- The Intro - What the heck is This Welsh Mother pt 4 • Episode 1- The Intro - What the heck is This Welsh Mother pt 5


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