This is 40!

What is 40 to you? The BIG 40 and after. A moment of reflection. A pause. Perhaps a change in lifestyle follows. Perhaps you redefine The Good Life. Perhaps a chance to be brave enough to finally follow your dreams after checking all the career, family and related boxes that were defined for you. This is 40 is now in its 2nd season, titled "Ask for More". Featuring deeply insightful stories of people who around the age of 40 asked for more of what they wanted and deserved in their lives. Join the "This is 40 Podcast" community to find a voice that reflects yours and meet others who have been on this journey. At times fun, at times deep and thoughtful. It is a community that is here for you. Come join us on Instagram:@mridsy_frenchiepreneur On Facebook: thisis40podcast. Hosted by Mrids Palat - Becker, entrepreneur, podcaster, TV and film producer living in Paris, as she talks to some of the most fun, brilliant, 40- year- olds who made a decisive change as they hit their 40th.


"America's Government Teacher" to over 1 million fans and Jeffferson Award winner(#oprah is a past recipient), Sharon McMahon @sharonsayso has been on the#DailyShow with Trevor Noah, #goodmorningamerica, #cnn and, now, on my podcast, 'This is 40' in season 2.Yesterday (November 8), being the midterm elections it was the perfect opportunity to have Sharon's knowledgeable insights: Can America think critically again? In this highly polarized world Sharon is on a mission to combat political misi...


Celebrity Whisperer: How NOT to chase fame, let it find you instead- with Jonas Unger

Jonas Unger is best known for his incredible portraits of Oscar winner Julianne Moore, Joaquin Phoenix, Susan Sarandon, Amy Adams and Paul Pogba among others. Coveted by the fashion and celebrity world alike Jonas has gathered fans in all domains. His work has been featured in the French and American Vogue, Le Monde and for campaigns including Hermes, Chanel, Tod's, Tom Ford, Chloé among others. He is also known for his quest for solitude amongst the noise and fanfare of celebrity photography...


Sustainability with a passion with Alice Steenland

Our guest today is Alice Steenland, a woman who gets stakeholders to make bold leadership moves by sharing her true passion for social good and for the sustainability space. Alice joined Dassault Systèmes in 2020 as the company’s first Chief Sustainability Officer. Previously, she was the founding Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer at AXA Group, where she pioneered a responsible investment strategy including the landmark decision to divest from coal and, later, tobacco. She began her...


International man of mystery to stay-at-home dad - Seb Delasnerie

There once was a guy who managed a cabaret in Paris, who then got on a sailboat and went on to be an advisor to the government, communications director and ‘spin doctor’. I think he might be a spy (wink wink). His life reads like a Bond movie, right? Stuck shivering with malaria in a dispensary in Equatorial Guinea he realized he needed to change the trajectory of his life to come back ‘home’. In his 40s while in the Middle East, his mom passed away back home in France – and ...


Multicultural bilingual but where do you call home? Finding your place with Marc Oman

"Because I think it's very easy for people at the top to say, 'Hey, I made it. So come on, guys, try a little harder. You'll get there too. 'That's just not true. The outcome of where you end up is not just a function of how hard you try. That realization I would have never had as fully, if my sister was still here. "Sounds like someone who had an awakening right? Marc talks about the moment leading to him finding his voice for the causes he stands up for today; most recently the Black Lives ...


(3) Finding humor & beauty : curating the life you love

To Joanna Cohen, art is a way to see the world. Joanna speaks of turning 40 in the context of the art world, coming back to it after a very different time in her life. She talks of the challenges – sometimes life changes that ironically happen on your 40th birthday (talk about a sign!) and teach you to find humor and beauty in the darkest moment – that this is not just a skill, it’s an art and like anything you created that is incredibly individual, it's always yours to call ...


(2) Baptiste Carrière-Pradal - Returning to your roots

Can you relate to the following? You have a pretty spectacular career in a highly respectable field that gets you onto stages across the world, but somehow you’re torn and keep wanting to go back to your roots and jump-start your multi-generational family business. A pull between pursuing a very high-level career and going back to simpler -but not easier - things, connecting to our family roots, and passing along our heritage. But how do you make that transition happen? The busines...


(1) Bommy Lee - How to (re)build a life worth living

Welcome to This is 40!Our very first guest Bommy Lee could not have represented the spirit of this show any better: she has lived all over the world, has had a very exciting career as a journalist at the International Herald Tribune, followed by a career in startups. She’s also a hard core runner, and for those of you who identify with being able to escape for just a little while and run to clear your mind, this will resound beautifully with you! Bommy checked all the boxes, as she ...


(Bonus) Why we started this podcast

Happy summer, friends! As the whole podcasting world seems to be going on a short break in the Northern hemisphere, we’re bringing a new show to the world! A few months ago in April 2020, as the whole of France was deep into Covid confinement, we spent hours on the phone figuring out the next steps in many aspects of our lives: our respective businesses, masks DIY, schooling survival tips for our kids, “mind expanders” that we should be reaching out to, books to read, movies to catch up on, delicious-yet-easy recipes, podcast episodes to listen to… . We swapped life updates, ideas for growth and “what a weird year” best practices, getting all caught up as we hadn’t seen each other in months. We had so much to talk about. And so much energy. So much enthusiasm.Because our lives as entrepreneurs, who « recently » turned 40, fill us with ample amounts of discovery & experience. And so we decided to direct this energy of ours into something that we’d both been considering for a long time, only separately. Something a little out of the ordinary for our over-achiever, over-planner, over-deliver type-A personalities.We planned to take our time, and interview some of the most incredible 40-years olds that we know and admire from all over the world, and tap into their wisdom, humor, fears and resilience relating to being in their 40s.And that’s how This is 40! was born. We hung up, ordered our microphones, reached out to our friends to let them know that we were going to record them talking about life in their 40s …and we pressed record a few days later. Recording these conversations was incredibly energizing and inspiring.How does life in our 40s get to be so rich? It’s not necessarily an easy one, no. Not a simple one either. Nor is it a relaxing one. And yet it’s a much more fulfilling decade than the ones before that, am I right?Is it wisdom that comes with the first white hair? Is it the change of mindset that comes with the years of sleep deprivation? Or is it the understanding of our true self…Fast forward to end of July 2020: We’ve mastered the podcasting ropes. We’ve got great content. We found a quality sound mixer. We've got this!!Join our community and listen to our guests as they open up their hearts to share their experience of turning 40 and the gift it has brought them.  Until next week, let us ask you: what is 40 to you?IG: @This_is_40_podcast 


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