This is Marriage

In this podcast, we talk about the things most people in relationships think about, but are too scared or embarrassed to talk about. We explore the nitty-gritty of being in a relationship, raising kids, and just trying to stay sane.

Episode 41: Anxious Wife Anxious Life

Podcat is slowly turning into a member of the walking dead, Big Dumb Rosie has a host of anxiety-related behavioral issues, and Ash is, well, Ash. In tonight's podcast, we are basically just getting you caught up on dog training, Ash's inability to take Porter's advice and her progress getting ready for the Spartan Race.


Episode 40: Getting out of your comfort zone and Ash's big announcement

We talk about some of the ways Ashley has been able to get out of her comfort zone this year, the importance of support, and how to deal with an unsupportive partner. Ash also make a big announcement about the next big phase in her progression (it's not a baby) so make sure to check it out.


Episode 39: $25k in Savings...aaaaaand its gone.

In this quickie episode, Ash and Porter review finances and how they are doing in their goal to pay off their credit card debt. If you haven't had a chance to listen to the debt episode, check out "Bring Out Your Debt" and you'll know what they are talking about. From there they pretty much just ramble incoherently for another 20 minutes.


Episode 38: We talk about...ooh a shiny thing

Ash and Porter talk about how Ash deals with being married to a man with ADD as well as raising a step-daughter with ADD. They talk about some of the issues she deals with as well as solutions and ways they've learned to communicate and avoid fights.


Episode 37: It's a Nice Day to Talk About Weddings

Ash and Porter talk about their wedding and what it cost and what they would do differently next time...not that there will be a next time.


Episode 36: Talking Dad Guilt. Yes, It's a thing.

Porter talks about all the areas he's failing as a father. In tonight's episode, we get into dad guilt. A few weeks? Months? ago we talked about mom guilt and I didn' t think I had any guilt as a father, but then after listening to a favorite podcast, I realized I do. And we talk about it here. Also, check out Ash's blog at


Episode 35: Listener Email About Motherhood

In this episode Ash and I attempt to assuage some of the doubts that come with having a kid. Many people suffer from anxiety and the thought of having a kid does nothing but fuel the flames, especially for those who will carry the baby.


Episode 34: Bring Out Your Debt!

In true This is Marriage fashion, today we openly talk about something normal people are too scared or embarrassed to talk about. Debt. This was probably one of our toughest episodes to record as it was definitely our most transparent and vulnerable. We talk about how we got into credit card debt, what we are going to do to dig out, and share with you exactly how much we owe. It's a good un.


Episode 33: New Year Same Us

In this first episode of 2019, Ash and I are back and better than ever. Just kidding, we haven't changed a thing. Today, we talk about the highs and lows of 2018, our goals for 2019, the dangers of breaking promises to yourself, and how to live intentionally.  We have both become huge fans of people like Ed Mylett and Rachel Hollis and are working to implement some of the things they teach about deliberately planning your day and being proactive instead of reactive.


Episode 32: Christmas themed Would You Rather. Does it get any better?

This game of "Would You Rather" was touted as "The Toughest Game Of Would You Rather: Christmas Edition" Spoiler alert: it wasn't. But it was a lot of fun. Ash and I had a blast playing and its safe to say we really had a hard time staying on topic.


Episode 31: The five love languages

Ash and I took an online quiz so now we're experts on the five love languages and communication.


EPISODE 30!! We talk about mom guilt and mom shaming.

Spoiler alert: Ash and I both cry. Deal with it. Tonight we got emotional as Ash and I talk about mom shaming and the guilt most moms carry around. Ash talks about how she feels like a bad mom. At the end of the episode I made Ash come up with 5 reasons that she is a good mom. Tears were shed and I had a hard time talking.


Episode 29: "You sit on a throne of lies!"

On this episode of the podcast, we discuss SANTA!!! We talk about whether you should let your kids believe in Santa or not. Also, when/if should you tell your kid that Santa is a big hoax? Are there negatives to letting your kid believe in Santa? Does it eventually create trust issues between you and your kid? Will it give them a complex? We don't know. We're probably the worst people to ask. Anyway, we have a ton of fun and Ash is a major space case tonight. It was weird. Enjoy!


Episode 28: The Power of Gratitude

Tonight we talk about the power of gratitude to help get through a rough patch and the way it can change your outlook on life. We share 5 things we are grateful for (one of which was that baby boy didn't wake up and interrupt the podcast).


Episode 27: BAH! Humbug! Premature Christmas Rant

On this episode of the podcast, Ash and I talk about our feelings on Christmas. We talk about the appropriate time to start decorating for Christmas (the answer is after Thanksgiving and not one minute before) as well as our feelings around gift giving and the whole commercialism of the holiday.


Episode 26.5 A Spooky Real Life Ghost Story

On this bonus episode, you get a real-life-first-person-honest-to-God ghost story.


Episode 26: This is Halloween!!

Ash is back and healthier than ever (although wicked sleepy). Tonight we are STOKED to bring your our first ever Halloween special. We share our thoughts on scary movies, our favorite creepy podcast, whether or not we believe in ghosts, and we share some first-hand accounts of the supernatural.


Ash is sick so here's an old favorite of ours: POOP!

Hey guys, sorry to do this, but Ash is wicked sick (say that in a Boston accent for extra credit) and so we aren't recording a new episode tonight. So, instead of a new episode, we thought we would treat all our new listeners to an old favorite episode. The one where we talk about poop. I really don't know why everyone loved it so much, but here it is. Enjoy!!


Episode 24: CHORES!!!

Chores. We all have to do them and we all hate them. Tonight we talk about the division of labor within the household. We talk about our different philosophies on chore charts (for adults) and the expectations of what our house should look like.  Let's face it, it is hard to keep a house clean with 2 dogs, 1 cat, and a toddler, but that doesn't mean we should be embarrassed about it. Ash and I talk about the fact that our house isn't what we want it to be and is a major source of unhappiness.


Episode 23: The Biggest, Most Important Issue Impacting Your Relationships.

On this episode of the podcast, Ash and I talk about communication and the many problems couples have when it comes to telling people how we feel. Many relationships are ruined by poor communication and yet it is something that many many couples overlook. We talk about validating your partner's needs, how to show love, and how to talk about a need that isn't being met. It's funny, It's real. This is Marriage. Check it out, please rate and review!


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