This is Type 1: Real-Life Type 1 Diabetes

This is Type 1: Real-Life Type 1 Diabetes
Author: Colleen Mitchell
Subscribed: 67Played: 3,237Subscribe
© 2024 This is Type 1: Real-Life Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes is challenging, frustrating, and life-changing. Each Tuesday, join Colleen Mitchell and Jessie Tuggey, life-long diabetics, as they talk about real life with Type 1, discussing the impact it makes on their lives without defining them. If you have type 1, know someone with type 1, or just want to learn more about this incurable condition, this podcast is for you.
256 Episodes
Today we are closing out the podcast after 5 years and an amazing number of episodes. We share more about the decision to retire the podcast, what we have going on in our lives, and where you can continue to connect and stay in touch.ALL EPISODES WILL REMAIN AVAILABLE.Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
As we wrap up this podcast after five years, Jessie and I share our favorite episodes. Links to all referenced episodes: T1D Bad Habits: Police Officer Guest: Emergency Backups: Working in Retail: Diabetes Goals: Managing T1D in College: Educating Your Parents: https...
September 2024 brought three big milestones for us:Colleen's had T1D for 29 years, Jessie's had it for 13 years, and the podcast turned 5! We're sharing our high points, low points, and lessons learned over the years for these big markers.Listen all the way through for an announcement.Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
Jessie's new dog, Nala, has prior seizure alert training. Because that's a "transferable skill", Jessie is teaching Nala how to recognize her highs and lows! Self-training an alert dog is hard work, but it's made easier with a dog that actually wants to work. Find out more about Jessie's training process, and her long-term plans with Nala. Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colle...
After years getting supplies directly from Medtronic, Jessie had to navigate a frustrating and lengthy back-and-forth to start getting supplies through a 3rd-party distributor.In this episode, Jessie breaks down the timeline of what happened, why it happened, and how she rolled with the punches.Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
We all know that what we eat affects our blood sugars (which can send us on emotional roller coasters sometimes) but did you know that your food will directly affect your mood? Sarah and Tamara, certified nutritionists and founders of The Living Kitchen, came on the pod to share how what we eat impacts our entire lives. Sarah's husband has type 1 diabetes, and watching him deal with it helped Sarah understand the importance of how we choose our food. Take a listen and find out... is your f...
This episode really focuses on the differences of both type 1 and 2 while giving a short lesson on how the pancreas works. But the main difference is that type 1 is permanent and type 2 is usually reversible. They are also completely different mechanisms, meaning type 1 is an autoimmune condition while type 2 is a metabolic condition. We explain more about this and talk about what insulin therapy is and what treatment type 2s usually need. Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What...
Author Caitlin Shetterly joins us to talk about her experience being diagnosed in the winter of 2020-2021, and how that impacted her life and her writing. She is the author of Pete and Alice in Maine, and her diagnosis resulted in 3 months of lost writing... but it also brought healing in an unexpected way. Graciously, Caitlin is offering to give away two copies of Pete and Alice in Maine! The FIRST TWO people to DM @thisistype1pod on Instagram with your NAME and SHIPPING ADDRESS will...
Jessie went to Rugby Nationals again this year (2024) and had a wild experience with supplies, blood sugars, and an injury that happened in the LAST 2 MINUTES of the last game. What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
What does “embracing discomfort” mean? As T1Ds, we deal with discomfort every day of our lives. Changing infusion sites, sensors, giving injections, checking blood sugars, waking up in the middle of the night, doing Herculean mental calculations for our meals.. But what if this was all easier if we leaned into embracing discomfort? Spoiler alert: it is. Listen in to find out why. Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on...
Jessie recently switched from the Medtronic 770G to the new 780G software update. In this episode she talks about the improvements in the tech and how her management has been affected by the change.What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
Singer/songwriter and former pediatric clinical researcher Kieran James joins us to talk about his daughter's diagnosis, the importance of clinical trials, and how music gave him an outlet from the frustrations of T1D. Connect with Kieran: Website: www.kjsongs.comInstagram: Unspeakably Wonderful - YouTubeSpotify: Clinical Studies — Stanford Diabetes Research Center&n...
So you've been diagnosed with T1D... Now what? For the newly diagnosed people with diabetes, use this episode as a reference for what you might encounter in the first day, first week, first month, and first year of diagnosis. Join the Half-Dead Pancreas Club! What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
Check out this cross-posted episode from Type 1 in Midlife, with Melissa Slemp from Abundant Health with Melissa. We talk about self-sabotage, self-compassion, grace, and how to handle yourself in burnout—and why burnout even happens sometimes. While intended for Melissa's audience of midlife T1Ds, this conversation is chock-full of nuggets beneficial to everyone with T1D. Abundant Health with Melissa What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow ...
Peter Friedfeld was diagnosed with T1D on Valentine's Day at age 55. In the years since his unexpected thrust into life with type 1 diabetes, he's developed deep self-compassion through yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. Join us this episode to hear more about his late-adulthood diagnosis, his work with DiabetesSangha and the Diabetes Research Institute, and how to bring more mindfulness into your relationship with T1D. What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follo...
Like it or not, some "authority figures" in the medical space get diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes, wrong. Whether it's a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, dietitian, professor, or someone in your family, it's important to know not only how to recognize when they're wrong, but also how to stand up for the truth when they do. Just because someone has a degree doesn't mean they have all the answers. What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Collee...
What's the history of type 1 diabetes since insulin was discovered in 1921? We have come a long way from animal-sourced insulin and needles that had to be sharpened after multiple uses. Sometimes it's mind-boggling to think that T1D was a straight-up death sentence just over a hundred years ago. With that in mind, Jessie walks us through diabetes research and milestones decade by decade, including our own diagnoses. What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow t...
Taralyn Jamieson was diagnosed at 8 years old and spent most of her 28 years with T1D trying to ignore her blood sugars. It wasn't until she settled down in her personal life that it became a priority to get her health under control, but by then it was too late to avoid complications. Taralyn shares why we need to talk about the reality of diabetes complications that are difficult to hear about, but harder to deal with if you actually have them. Connect with Taralyn on Instagram: @taralyn...
Have you ever wondered what exactly we mean when we say "support system"? In this episode, we break down what T1D support systems are, why they're important, and what ours look like.What to do next... Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Follow the Pod on Instagram Follow Colleen on Instagram Follow Jessie on Instagram
Dr. Maureen Michele, an MD and parent to a T1D kiddo who also had pediatric neuroblastoma, joins us to shed light on why it's so important for parents to understand and embrace resilience. As scary as it is to see your child diagnosed with T1D, it's also scary to navigate it while dealing with fear, overwhelm, and grief from it. Dr. Maureen shares practical tips for parents of kids with chronic illness to calm the overwhelming thoughts and be an advocate both for their kids and themselves. ...
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I have been Type 1 since 1973. I just listened to your podcast for the 1st time today. I am hooked