This is why we should have won the match between Korea and Japan…After the quarterfinals match, Chu Il-ho, who is important in preparing for the quarterfinals and the quarterfinals with China, is important

There is another reason why we had to win the match between Korea and Japan. This is because it was able to avoid China's host advantage. South Korea's men's basketball team, led by head coach Choo Il-seung, lost 77-83 in the final Group D match of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games against Japan at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Kim Najium in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China on the 30th (Korea time). South Korea's gold medal scenario before the tournament collapsed. It will face China, the host country that should have met in the final, in the quarterfinals. If you beat China, the next one is relatively easy, but it's not easy as you've never missed the Asian Games held in your country. Let's forget about the past and write a new scenario. The winner of the match between Thailand and Bahrain will play the quarterfinals match on the 2nd. It takes place at 9 p.m. Korean time. Since South Korea is relatively superior in power, the possibility of the quarterfinals is not small. However, the quarterfinal match is not a problem. According to the official schedule, South Korea will play at 9 p.m. on the 2nd and meet China, which is likely to reach the quarterfinals at 1 p.m. on the 3rd. If the game ends at 11 p.m., it will play against China 14 hours later. South Korea, which will play the latest match in the quarterfinals, should play the fastest quarterfinals the next day. As a matter of fact, he had a tough back-to-back schedule, and at the same time, he faced the worst conditions. In fact, you can't fully rest for 14 hours in Korea. There are many things to do after the game, such as travel time, meals, and treatment. Then the time left is much less than 14 hours. In other words, they have to face China without properly recovering the fatigue they will get from the quarterfinals. It is another advantage that the host country has. China will face tired South Korea in the quarterfinals. They were also wary of the Republic of Korea before the tournament rather than Japan and the Philippines, which were not normal players. From China's point of view, there is no better match. South Korea needs to focus on physical arrangements by utilizing as many players as possible in the quarterfinals against Thailand or Bahrain. Of course, neither Thailand nor Bahrain is easy to see. Thailand has Tyler Lamb, who played against South Korea in the past. Bahrain was a close opponent in the Asia Cup a year ago. Nevertheless, South Korea needs to use as many players as possible to win. Kim Jong-kyu, who played just five seconds in the match against Japan, Byun Joon-hyung and Moon Jung-hyun, who did not even get a chance at all, should step up. In addition, it is also necessary to give key players such as Heo Hoon and Ra Gun-ah, who have played for a lot of time, time to recover their physical strength. <a href="""_blank" title="스포츠토토">스포츠토토</a> A single defeat has come as the biggest crisis in 17 years since the 2006 "Doha disaster." Regardless of the special characteristics of the Korea-Japan match, it was a must-win game. However, the Republic of Korea lost helplessly, and now it is time to look at the next.

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