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Thomas Paine Podcast

Author: mike moore

Subscribed: 892Played: 288,526


Mike 'Thomas Paine' Moore is a journalist and broadcaster and today serves as a top news-breaking muckraker. He previously worked for the FBI, White House, DEA, among many other Intel agencies and private concerns. Moore is the recipient of the coveted Gerald Loeb Award for journalism and two-time Pulitzer Prize for Investigative reporting nominee. As a Certified Fraud Examiner, Moore previously headed anti-money laundering operations for Citi in Chicago, Los Angeles, Delaware and New York City. He has an expertise in covert telecommunications, HUMINT, and OSINT intelligence gathering.
Comments (67)

James Morris

Hello in there!

Aug 26th

James Morris

The el presidente has one.

Jul 10th

Roger Rabbit


Feb 21st


"We won't know [about efficacy] until we start giving it to people." Pfizer when discussing vaccine trial. So they are putting drugs (profits) ABOVE humans, who are the subjects the drugs are created in the first place to help. These people need to be held accountable!! They are coldblooded monsters and I hope they live the remaining days of their lives haunted by the millions of people they have murdered. And then, Judgment Day before a Holy God and Just Judge who WILL hold them accountable to the literal fullest extent of law imaginable.

Feb 9th

Casey Stone

Actual news starts 25 mins into the 3rd episode.

Jan 4th

Casey Stone

Great interview. Absolutely agree the NFA of 1943 should be repealed and never should've existed. Refreshing perspective. I wrote a paper in college on why we should repeal it and the professor read it to the whole class as an A example.

Dec 29th

Casey Stone

Probably good info if i could hear it. Sounds like you interviewed him underwater in an opera hall.

Sep 12th

Casey Stone

So tired of hearing the same episode every day.

Sep 9th

Pony Soldier

MAGA 2020 WON you communist glowie. the light will be shone.

May 3rd

patrick gordon

God dammit Mike you've done it again ! Besides all the great intel you bombard my brain with . Now there's another fucking song I can't get out of my head , The Clash's Garage band tune . First it was small people , then the xmas donkey ! enough already ! Pat

Apr 23rd

patrick gordon

mY Phizer is probably testing these vaccines on children that are in orphanages or foster homes. Mike my mother grew up in foster homes and she had everything thrown at her . Remember the Doctors that treated her got paid for these treatments.

Apr 16th

Lori Best

O. M. G.

Feb 17th

Lori Best


Feb 17th

patrick gordon

Mike perfect time for Spirit's 1984 tune . Do you know it ? Is it available ?

Jan 13th

Michael Gion

you rock brother! thank you for all you do!

Dec 7th

Casey Stone

Mike, we wouldn't mind an hr and a half episode as long as it flows bud. Episodes are getting more linear and I for one really appreciate it. Like you said a few episodes ago, people are busy. Keep up the great work man.

Dec 6th

Michael Gion

fuck yeah!

Dec 5th

Casey Stone

If no one else saw the MI senate oversight committee hearings live like I did today, you should seek video of that out th and watch it all. Every minute through every break they take. Epoch Times had the best quality video. Mike's Crystal Ball chalks up another win on the wall. True Patriots stood in that statehouse today with what I felt was at least 2 out of 5 sympathetic ears running the show. Major props to Sen. Lacito for seemingly give a shit, and REPEATEDLY asked "Where is the DOJ?".

Dec 2nd

Casey Stone

News at 31 mins in.

Nov 30th