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Author: Dr. David Pocta & Hannah Desouza

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Thread is a podcast about finding our place in God’s story. We invite you to follow along with Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza as they guide us on a journey through the Bible, exploring how the biblical narrative can transform and inspire us to live a life of fullness in Christ.
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27 Episodes
25: The Tabernacle

25: The Tabernacle


Welcome to an exploration of ancient spirituality and divine architecture in our latest episode about The Tabernacle. We delve into the Tabernacle's intricate design and profound symbolism as described in the book of Exodus. From its sacred layout to its role as a bridge between the holy and the common, this episode promises to enrich your understanding of one of history's most spiritually significant structures and the timeless rituals it housed.  In today’s conversation, we journey through the Tabernacle's divine architecture, uncovering its spiritual messages and its impact on the Israelites' relationship with God. Dr. David Pocta offers expert insights into the complex design and the Tabernacle's function as a dwelling place for the divine. We examine the holy encampment's layout, the symbolic positioning of the 12 tribes, and the priestly duties that brought the camp to life. A camp experience helps give a tangible feel to the spiritual symbolism of the Tabernacle, including the tearing of the veil at Jesus' death, symbolizing open access to the divine.    Topics Discussed:   The Tabernacle is presented as God's first official temple and dwelling place among the Israelites  The significance of the Tabernacle in demonstrating God's transcendence and imminence   A key verse from Exodus 25 sets up the purpose of the Tabernacle  Distinctions between the holy and common, and the clean and unclean  Different terms for the Tabernacle – sanctuary, tabernacle, tent of meeting 
Have you ever found yourself mystified by the intricacies of Leviticus, or wondered how ancient laws could connect to our modern spiritual lives? Tanner Versage joins us to offer a fresh perspective on the roles of the priesthood and the law within the grand narrative of the Bible. We journey from the sands of Sinai to the heart of God's covenant with Israel to seek the relevance of this ancient wisdom in our relationship with the divine today.  Tanner sheds light on the balance between God's awe-inspiring otherness and His intimate desire to dwell among His people. We confront the challenges of reflecting divine character in our daily walk, discussing the balance between being in the world but not of it. Our conversation today is an exploration of how the law provides foundational principles for justice and community, all while ensuring that worship and sacrifice remain accessible to everyone.    Topics Discussed:   - Tanner Versage introduces his work and experiences with the book of Leviticus and its implications for contemporary faith  - The intersection of law and priesthood in the wilderness era and its manifestation of God's promises to Abraham  - The balance between divine initiative and human obedience within Israel's covenant with Yahweh  - The Ten Commandments as a reflection of God's holiness and the formation of Israel as a nation meant to bridge heaven and earth  - The concept of holiness as being set apart for God, and its representation in the laws given to the Israelites  - Leviticus's provisions for the poor as an example of the accessibility of worship and the importance of justice and community   - The role of the priesthood in mediating between the holy and the profane and their various duties, including sacrifices and education  - The gravity of the priests' responsibilities and the consequences of failing to uphold them, illustrated by the story of Aaron's sons  - The symbolism of the tabernacle curtain and its connection to the Garden of Eden, representing separation from the divine  - The second giving of the law in Deuteronomy as a reminder of God's leading and the relationship between God and Israel   Links:  Dr. David Pocta   Hannah DeSouza  Find out more about Tanner Versage's ministry 
23: The Presence

23: The Presence


In today’s episode, Dr. Bernard McGinn joins us to explore the link between the academic study of God's presence and its practical application in daily life. As Hannah DeSouza and Dr. David Pocta engage with Dr. McGinn's extensive knowledge, they explore the connections between mysticism, divine presence, and their manifestations in scripture and daily life.  Dr. McGinn's scholarly insights, personal anecdotes, and co-host Hannah's reflections on her recent studies reveal that mysticism is an accessible treasure for all, urging us to embrace a life imbued with sacred awareness. The discussion spans from historical theophanies to modern-day practices that seek to bridge the gap between humanity and the divine. Topics Discussed: Dr. Bernard McGinn's academic background and focus on the history of mysticism and spirituality Dr. McGinn’s Presence of God series The resurgence of interest in mysticism among contemporary scholars and students Mysticism as a deeper and more direct pursuit of experiencing God, rooted in the Christian tradition The role of mystics in articulating and teaching their profound experiences of divine intimacy Scriptural foundations of mysticism, highlighting texts like the Psalms and the Song of Songs The significance of theophanies, such as the pillar of cloud and fire, in the Exodus narrative The transition from temporary to permanent symbols of God's presence, from the Tabernacle to the New Testament's interpretation of Jesus as the temple Practical ways to cultivate awareness of God's presence in daily life, as demonstrated by Brother Lawrence and Thomas Kelly The historical perspective of God manifesting in physical forms, culminating with the incarnation of Jesus Christ The accessibility of mysticism for individuals from all walks of life Links:Dr. David Pocta
22: The Wilderness

22: The Wilderness


In this today’s episode, we address the wilderness experience not as a daunting obstacle, but as an essential pathway to a deeper, richer Christian life. We challenge the notion that Christianity's purpose is solely salvation and the afterlife. Instead, we discuss a more holistic journey where Jesus is the guiding force in every aspect of life.   From the celebration of salvation to the transformative work required in the spiritual desert, we draw parallels with Israel's desert wanderings and discuss the importance of discipline and trust in God's process. Our discussion extends to the multifaceted role of wilderness in personal and communal development, the responses to life's barren stretches, and how faith communities can support each other through these transformative times.   Topics Discussed:  Dr. David Pocta’s book, Cries from the Wilderness: Reimagining Church Culture in an Age of Uncertainty  Why he felt a calling to write about the wilderness Christian wilderness journey as a critical and often neglected aspect of spiritual growth 
21: The Exodus

21: The Exodus


In today’s episode, we're unpacking the tale of the Exodus. More than a historical account, the Exodus narrative unveils the essence of God as the redeemer and how spirituality profoundly shapes our worldview. We're invited to consider the power of partnership with the divine, seen through figures like Moses, and how aligning with God's redemptive work is crucial to our faith.   This episode guides you through the roles of key players such as Yahweh, Moses, Pharaoh, and the Israelites, dissecting their contributions to the drama of liberation. The narrative's framework showcases the powerful shift from oppression to a life of promise. We explore the Passover's significance and the lasting impact on the Israelite identity and spiritual journey.    Topics Discussed  Dr. David Pocta's interests in vinyl records, photography, and African adventures   Understanding God as a redeemer and the role of spirituality in shaping worldview through the lens of the Exodus story  Moses's calling by Yahweh and the promise of Israel's worship post-deliverance at Mount Horeb
20: The Sign

20: The Sign


In today’s episode, we start a new series that we’re calling God’s Nation, Formed. Today, we take listeners on a deep dive into the spiritual journey of Moses, as recounted in the book of Exodus. Our discussion revolves around the formation of God's nation, the trials Moses faced, and the transformational power of divine encounters. The episode presents an intricate examination of the complex narrative surrounding Moses, from his life-altering encounter with the divine at the burning bush to the miraculous plagues that led to the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.   We analyze key biblical verses, such as Exodus 3:12, and engage with theological insights from Belden Lane's "The Solace of Fierce Landscapes," drawing parallels between Moses's journey and the transformative power of wilderness experiences in our lives. We explore the paradoxical desire for influence amid suffering and discuss how true character is forged in life's deserts. Today’s episode offers a fresh perspective on Moses's experiences and draws parallels to our spiritual growth and potential for leadership.  Topics Discussed  The use of "the sign" to represent the divine intervention in liberating the Israelites, as opposed to referring to the events simply as the "10 plagues"  Exodus 3:12 as a pivotal verse, highlighting God's promise of presence, salvation, and the covenantal return to the sacred mountain 
This chapter wraps up our series on God's People Birthed, focusing on the transformative 40 years Moses spent in the wilderness. Today, we explore the significance of Moses's time in Midian and how his years of solitude and shepherding were crucial to shaping him into the leader that God needed. We discuss the concept of the economy of words in ancient narratives and the implications of Moses's experiences on his character.   We also examine how the wilderness serves as an allegory for spiritual development in our modern lives, drawing parallels between the physical rigor of past generations and the spiritual challenges we face today. The conversation touches on the theme of hardship as a catalyst for character development, a thread we intend to continue unraveling in our next series.  Topics Discussed  Moses' formative 40 years in the wilderness and his transformation into a leader  The 'economy of words' in ancient narratives and the silent teachings of Moses' experiences  The wilderness as a metaphor for personal growth and spiritual development  Moses' years in Midian, marriage to Zipporah, and preparation for his destiny 
18: Moses in Egypt

18: Moses in Egypt


In our latest episode, we traverse the early saga of Moses, from his palace upbringing to the awakening of his Hebrew roots. We explore the first 40 years of Moses' life, contrasting the Israelites' burgeoning population against the backdrop of escalating oppression in Egypt. This dramatic narrative is punctuated by the pivotal moment when Moses, at the age of 40, encounters a call to leadership that will forever alter the course of history.  We also examine the remarkable growth of the Israelites under such oppression, drawing parallels to the biblical command in Genesis to "be fruitful and multiply." This resilience is attributed to the divine presence that accompanied God's people through their darkest times.    Topics Discussed:  Moses' early life in Egypt and the transition from prosperity under Joseph to enslavement by Pharaoh  The resilience and growth of the Israelites despite oppression, symbolizing God's presence  The significance of Moses' awakening to his Hebrew heritage at age 40  The role of women in Moses' infancy and their contributions to his destiny  Parallels drawn between
17: Joseph & Judah

17: Joseph & Judah


This episode focuses on the biblical stories of Joseph and Judah from the book of Genesis. Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza are joined by guest Thomas (TJ) Paresi, a PhD student researching the Joseph narrative.    The conversation explores how the threads of Judah and Joseph's stories converge, transforming them spiritually and fulfilling God's promises to Abraham. Judah evolves from selfishness to selflessness, while Joseph maintains integrity through trials. In the end, the family is reconciled, and the stage is set for the next phase of biblical history. TJ analyzes the characters and literary devices that make these stories impactful for understanding God's purposes. Ultimately, the episode reveals the sovereignty of God even through human failings to accomplish his plans.  Topics Discussed:  Judah and Joseph emerge as central figures carrying the Genesis narrative, despite not being firstborn sons  Their stories represent key threads that tie into God's big-picture promises to Abraham   Judah evolves from selfishly selling Joseph into slavery to selflessly offering to sacrifice himself for Benjamin   Joseph maintains integrity through undeserved trials, foreshadowing Christ 
Today’s episode focuses again on Jacob, this time exploring his spiritual journey and its impact on personal growth. The central theme of the episode revolves around the concept of transformation through struggle, as illustrated in Jacob's life. His story is not just an ancient tale but a mirror reflecting our own spiritual battles and growth. From Jacob's longing for independence and his deceitful maneuvers to secure blessings, to his wrestling match at Penuel, we find parallels in our journey toward self-discovery and reconciliation with the divine.  Topics Discussed:  Jacob's struggle as a model for personal transformation and spiritual growth  The hermeneutical lens as a tool for interpreting biblical narratives  The stages of Jacob's life that represent a broader spiritual journey  Eros (passion) and Yahweh (divine guidance) as forces in Jacob's life and our spiritual maturation  Jacob's encounters with family and God as pivotal points for personal development 
15: Jacob

15: Jacob


 In today’s episode, Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza explore Jacob's complex and spiritually rich life, whose narrative spans from deceit to devotion. Their discussion explores the stages of Jacob's life as he transitions from a self-serving individual to the leader of a nation, drawing parallels to the personal spiritual journeys that many listeners might experience.   Discover the themes of personal growth, ambition, exile, and seeking divine encounters in Jacob's narrative. Jacob's transformation from a self-centered trickster to a leader who carries the future of a nation on his shoulders may resonate with your quest for spiritual maturity.  Topics Discussed:   Jacob's life narrative of spiritual journey and transformation  The impact of Jacob's personal choices on his faith journey, particularly his Bethel moment of choosing to follow God. The concept of being made in God's image and the ongoing process of becoming more like God through various stages of spiritual growth   How Kenneth Bailey's insights on the parallels between Jacob's life and the Prodigal Son parable, emphasize themes of exile and return 
14: Sarah & Hagar

14: Sarah & Hagar


Have you ever wondered how the ancient narratives of Sarah and Hagar could influence our understanding of faith, women's struggles, and divine promises?  Our conversation today ventures beyond the surface to examine the cultural dimensions of their time, particularly the poignant decision of Sarah to offer her servant Hagar to Abraham—a choice with resounding effects on the unfolding of biblical history. We navigate through the subtleties of these stories, touching on themes of agency, adaptability, and the surprising ways God's provisions emerge from human imperfections.   As we move through the intricacies of Scripture, we encounter the theme of barrenness and God's steadfast commitment as seen in the lives of the Old Testament matriarchs. The transformation from Sarah's skepticism to overwhelming joy mirrors the depth of God's engagement with His people. Hagar's powerful encounter with the divine, resulting in her naming God El-Roi, "the God who sees," reveals an empowering narrative that resonates across generations. These stories showcase the breadth of God's relational dynamics with humanity.  Topics Discussed:  The stories of Sarah and Hagar are intricately woven into the larger narrative of God's covenant with Abraham, highlighting the women's struggles and agency.  Cultural practices of the time, such as a wife offering her servant to bear a child for her husband, are discussed, with an emphasis on the complexities of these decisions.  Sarah and Hagar's narratives illustrate God's adaptability and provision in response to human choices and the consequences of taking matters into one's own hands. 
In today’s episode, Hannah DeSouza and Dr. David Pocta take listeners on a deep dive into the Suzerain-Vassal Treaty—an ancient document that offers illuminating insights into the covenant between God and Abraham. This episode invites listeners to explore the formation, stipulations, and implications of these ancient covenants and their significance in a biblical context.  Throughout the episode, Hannah and David explore the concept of covenant and its connections to biblical narratives. The hosts walk listeners through the seven-step formation of the Suzerain-Vassal Treaty and highlight the consequences of covenant violation with a passage from Jeremiah. The episode also dives into the conversation between Abraham and Yahweh in Genesis 15, discussing the minimal rules of the covenant and the faith required from Abraham. Furthermore, they delve into the repeated terms of the covenant throughout Genesis and emphasize the need to trust in God's timing.  Topics Discussed:  The Suzerain-Vassal Treaty as a lens to understand the biblical concept of covenant.  The roles and relationships of a suzerain and vassal in a covenant.  The parallels between the Suzerain Vassal Treaty and the covenant at Sinai.  The seven-step formation of a Suzerain Vassal Treaty. 
12: Abraham

12: Abraham


This is the first episode of our next Thread Era: God's People Birthed. We'll be looking at the rest of Genesis and zooming in on the lives of Abraham and his descendants, known as the patriarchs, over the next 8 episodes.  What do God's promises mean and how do they reshape existence itself? Join us for a special episode featuring Dr. Courtney Bailey, an attorney and a self-supporting Bible teacher hailing from Jamaica. Dr. Bailey adds layers of depth to our conversation as we examine the call of Abraham and Sarah. We unpack not just the formation of Israel, but the very reforming of creation, laying the foundation for a transformative spiritual journey.  In our exploration, we dissect God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12, and the implications it has for the chosen nation. Together with Dr. Bailey, we offer a fresh perspective on God's purpose for creation - to bless, and how He fulfills His promise even through the trials. Listen in as we unravel how Abraham's obedience acts as a passport to God's promises and protection, ending with the powerful affirmation - if God is on our side, who can stand against us?     Topics Discussed:  Introducing Dr. Courtney Bailey  Launch of a new 8-episode series, God's People Birthed, starting with the call of Abraham and Sarah.  The transformative power of faith, focusing on Abraham's obedience and trust in God's promises.  God's promise to bless and protect Abraham in Genesis 12. 
11: Babel

11: Babel


In today’s episode, Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza journey through Genesis 10 and 11, dissecting the fascinating stories of Noah's sons' genealogy and the tale of the Tower of Babel. This exploration will deepen your understanding of these biblical narratives.  David and Hannah examine Genesis 10, unraveling the genealogy of Noah's sons and the profound implications of the different languages spoken in their respective territories. As the focus shifts to Genesis 11, you’ll hear an exploration of the pivotal story of Babel, raising critical questions about human nature. Consider challenges to literal interpretations of the text and trace the history of all creation leading up to the promise of salvation through the nation of Israel.  Topics Discussed:  The transition of the episode title from Empire to Babel for a deeper exploration of the narratives.  Exploration of the genealogy and implications of different languages in each of Noah's sons' territories.  The story of Babel in Genesis 11, and the questions it raises about human nature.  Questioning literal interpretations of the text  
10: The Flood

10: The Flood


Have you ever thought about Noah's Ark beyond the children's story? Dr. David Pocta and Hannah Desouza are ready to expand your perspective. Together, we pull back the curtain on the theological and spiritual aspects of the Flood narrative, emphasizing the larger context of Genesis. From the initial divine dream of an ideal relationship with creation to mankind's first disobedience, we see the transformative power of humility and confidence in this narrative.  Throughout today’s episode, David and Hannah unpack the Noah and the Flood narrative, exploring its context, symbolism, and theological implications. Venture beyond traditional interpretations and delve into comparative mythology to contrast Yahweh with the gods of the Gilgamesh epic and highlight His unique qualities of grace, compassion, and relentless patience.    Today’s discussion sheds new light on God's unyielding commitment to a covenantal relationship with all of creation and provides a fresh perspective on the themes of grief and grace embedded within the story. You’ll also learn more about the spiritual significance of Noah's name, the narrative links to the concepts of baptism and salvation, and the depth of God's love and His ultimate purpose.     Topics Discussed:  Approaching the Noah and the Flood narrative with theological and spiritual understanding, not just focusing on its historicity  The tension between God's dream for his relationship with creation and the reality of disobedience and sin  The concept of humans as image-bearers and simultaneously deeply sinful
9: Human Limitations

9: Human Limitations


In this episode, Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza explore the complex relationship between the Creator and the created, offering insights into the divine intent of God desiring a relationship with us, and the tensions that arise due to our human limitations. Drawing on the metaphor of a potter and his clay, Hannah and David navigate through theological concepts and examine Paul's thoughts in Romans 9 on the diverse creation of mankind.   The episode also highlights the significance of trusting in the boundaries established by God, and how our unique strengths and limitations contribute to our identity. David and Hannah inspire listeners to question and explore the deeper meanings and interpretations of biblical stories, especially those in Genesis. Today’s show challenges listeners to see beyond traditional interpretations and discover a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and identity.  Topics Discussed:  Understanding our bond with our Creator through the narratives of Genesis 3 and 5  The naming of pericopes and its impact on our interpretation of the Bible  Exploration of the existence of Adam and Eve, the strategic targeting of Eve by Satan, and the symbolism in these stories  The intricate relationship between the Creator and the created 
In this episode, Dr. David Pocta’s and Hannah DeSouza’s exploration of Genesis takes the listeners through spiritual anthropology and the relationship between mankind and the earth. Hannah and David discuss the unique depth and structure of God's creation and the profound implications of human choices and the presence of evil.   The episode underscores the significance of reading the Bible with a confessional lens and emphasizes the importance of understanding the implications of our actions as stewards of the earth. This journey through Genesis sheds light on the profound insights of the text, encouraging listeners to read the Bible with a confessional lens and to reflect on human choices and their implications.     Topics Discussed:  The mystical dark night of the soul  Exploration of Genesis 1 to 11, viewing it as a proclamation of God's intent and faithfulness  Prehistory in Genesis   The spiritual anthropology of Genesis 1 to 11  The beauty, structure, and intrinsic meaning of God's creation 
7: Light & Darkness

7: Light & Darkness


 In today’s episode, Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza explore the intriguing portrayal of light and darkness in the Bible. Hannah and David navigate listeners through the paradoxical use of these metaphors in religious texts and their significance in shaping one's spiritual life. The hosts take a detailed look at the roles of light and darkness, and their intricate interplay in iconic biblical narratives and spiritual transformation.    They also provide an in-depth discussion about maintaining faith during dark times and how such periods can contribute to spiritual growth. David and Hannah encourage listeners to embrace the rhythms of life and see darkness not as an enemy, but as an essential part of spiritual growth and transformation.     Topics Discussed:  The metaphorical duality of Biblical characters, for example, both Satan and Jesus are portrayed as lions.  The spiritual significance of darkness and how dark moments in life can lead to transformation and divine communication.  The metaphorical roles of the sun and moon in our lives and how they can be seen as symbols of spiritual transformation.  How Biblical narratives like Genesis 15.5, Exodus 20, and Genesis 28 illustrate spiritual phenomena. 
6: Seasons & Rhythms

6: Seasons & Rhythms


In today’s episode, Dr. David Pocta and Hannah DeSouza unpack the mysteries of Genesis, explore the creation of time and seasons, and consider their implications for our spiritual lives. We dive into the concept of spiritual disciplines, and how understanding divine rhythms provides a richer landscape for our faith. From exploring the significance of the Christian liturgical calendar to the complexities of integrating these rhythms into daily life, this episode illuminated the fascinating aspects of spirituality, rhythm, and time.    This discussion encourages listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journeys and consider how they might better integrate these rhythms into their lives. We end with a discussion about the value of spiritual disciplines such as regular retreats and the celebration of milestones, underscoring the importance of being intentional about incorporating these practices into our daily routines.    Topics Discussed:  Genesis 1:14-15 – the creation of time and seasons and its impact on spirituality  How understanding divine rhythms can help individuals live fully in Christ The Christian liturgical calendar, showcasing the significance of celebrating milestones. and the concept of regular retreats  Ruth Haley Barton's insights from her book "Sacred Rhythms," emphasizing how convenience can potentially rob us of the things we value most 
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