Three Guys in Three Cities

Three Guys in Seattle, Grand Rapids, and Cleveland telling stories about life from three sets of eyes.

Two Guys, Three Coaches

Allan and Josh pick up the slack on Andy's night off and talk about football losing three GOATs in a 24 hour period. Nick Saban retired, Pete Carroll was relieved of his coaching duties, and Bill Belichick left the Patriots. Allan and Josh explore the void these three leave behind and spend some time focusing on the the NCAA coaching carousel happening to fill it.Follow Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram), Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram), and Allan (@allanfee on Instagram) for more cheers a...


Toss Around the Old Fruitcake

The guys break down Christmas traditions that should be abolished.Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy hates elves. (ESPECIALLY if they live on shelves.)Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Slyly promotes his favorite beer before banning all non-paid for promotions.Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Had five minutes of fruitcake content completely ready to go. Follow the show at @3guys3cities on Insta, Twitter, AND Facebook!Follow Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram), Josh (@joshflagner on Instagr...


This is Not the Podcast We Wanted!

The guys are back together again and it's exactly the unhinged reunion we expected. Possibly the best part of the episode is what happens when you watch along with the AI generated takeaways. Not one mention of missionary, though. * Family dynamics can be challenging and lead to conflicts.* Emotional connection is important in relationships.* Social media can cause trouble and should be used cautiously.* Not being invited to a wedding can be hurtful and create tension.* The hosts reflect on t...


Knock Me Up at Seven

Josh and Allan rekindle their podcasting with "bloodies" and Christmas Ales. *Insert AI dialogue here*Did you grow up mispronouncing words because of your parents' accents? Do you find children’s TV shows like Bluey fascinating in their influence on language development? We do too! In this episode, we share our personal anecdotes about our Irish accents, how they’ve influenced our speech, and how programs such as Bluey shape our children's language. We also navigate the world of GPS navigatio...


Jack Ryan Would Never Let This Happen

The guys discuss Allan's dinner and whether Jack Ryan would have allowed all these classified documents out of the White House. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy has the rock hard, chiseled features of a Hall of Fame Bus Driver. Who still doesn't know how to use Instagram. Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Jason Bourne would kick Jack Ryan's ass.Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Allan somehow managed to keep the show (mostly) on the rails. Follow the show at @3guys3cities on Ins...


A Heartbeat Away From a Fart Joke

The guys get serious (as they can be) and talk about how to find your purpose. If you've been waiting for the right time to use the podcast as therapy, now probably still isn't it. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy taps into his spirituality to make a joke about having a lot of kids.Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Josh believes that there's more to this conversation than just having one purpose.Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Allan made us talk about something serious, asked all the rig...


The New Year and Neti Pots

If there's two things that make Josh crazy, it's new year resolutions and neti pots. And renting third houses to wealthily galivant across the Pacific Northwest coast. I'm not sure what happened today is how Allan's real life radio show cohost wanted to make her podcast debut, but we haven't done anything right so far, so why start now?Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy tried. Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Sometimes you just have to leave.Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Given the rules...


Hard Outs are Impossible

In a stunning upset, the guys can't finish quick enough. The plan was to talk about the Christmas struggle, but ended up waxing dump button stories from Allan's Q104 days in Cleveland. Weird accents, too much swearing, and some guy Andy knows round out the show. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Hopefully Andy will figure out how to make a jingle sound like Jingle Bells. Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): It's not a podcast without leaving halfway through to get the pizza delivery. Allan ...



Andy is playing rock star, Allan is playing radio, and Josh is just playing. The guys catch up and layout their plan to keep the band back together. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Runs a MEDIA company.Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Didn't even listen to half the conversation.Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Tried to poison his actual radio show with a podcast bit.Follow the show at @3guys3cities on Insta, Twitter, AND Facebook!Follow Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram), Josh (@josh...


Awkward Shortcast

This is it. The week we finally return from our unannounced summer hiatus. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy is a drag now that he has a job.Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): ONE TAKE, NO EDITS! Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Batchin' it. Follow the show at @3guys3cities on Insta, Twitter, AND Facebook!Follow Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram), Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram), and Allan (@allanfee on Instagram) for more cheers and beers!Follow the show at @3guys3cities on Insta, Twit...


Death, Weddings, and a Very Busy Bus Driver

This is the awkward episode. Allan's dad died. Andy reveals a big secret about next week. Josh has never seen Top Gun. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Amazing Grace, my ass. Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Seriously, what's so great about Top Gun? Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Allan left a trail of bodies on the show today. Follow the show at @3guys3cities on Insta, Twitter, AND Facebook!Follow Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram), Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram), and Allan ...


Allan's Mom is Irish

This is the episode that Andy wins MVP based solely on impressions of Allan's mom. You'd think a multi-time MVP like Andy would have better jingle timing, but we've been tricked again. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, you're Holtgreive. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): I mean, seriously, I think Andy like's Allan's mom more than Allan does. Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Had to use a back-up file to put the show together and will be mad about it for weeks. Josh doesn't want t...


There's Nothing Better Than a Fresh Ash

This is the episode we christen Andy as our resident Catholic. It's Lent, and that means talking about sacrifice and bad reasons to end up in the church's penalty box. The guys talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Major League Baseball's work stoppage, and Andy's foray into being a nursery rhyme. We also find out that we are definitely describing a three way tie for MVP as a circle jerk. Absolutely not*. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): What songs would you make Andy sing to you i...


Breakin' the Law

This is the episode one of the guys falls off the wagon! The 3Guys dry challenge is down to two competitors! The guys drown their failures in some crime stories. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): We learned Andy is a reformed mushroom smuggler.Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): We're still waiting for Josh to say something smart this episode.Allan (@allanfee on Instagram): Allan did the podcast from his phone and didn't know how mushrooms work and STILL SOMEHOW WON MVP. I demand a recount.**Whi...


Brian Vander Ark from The Verve Pipe

This is the episode Brian Vander Ark spills all of his secrets about The Verve Pipe. We talked about The Verve Pipe's early days in Michigan, the unique history of the hit song Freshmen, and Brian's experience living in the music world for the last 30 years. (Did you know, The Verve Pipe was almost called.... you're going to have to listen) Brian and The Verve Pipe released the 2021 album Threads (listen on Spotify), are announcing a tour soon, and are crushing it on social media! Give them ...


Ryan from The Dispatch

The guys welcome Ryan Brown to the show. Ryan is a DC journalist at The Dispatch, former John Carrol Meet the Press Fellow, and closet Clevelander. Ryan told all his DC secrets about famous politicians! He tells stories about [redacted], [redacted], and the bathrooms in the Capital Building. Ryan Brown (@Rbcardsfan105 on Instagram, @RyanP_Brown on twitter): Ryan ran away with the show. From his experience on Meet the Press to January 6th to, yes, the Capital bathrooms, Ryan helped us pu...


Andy's Band Gets a Domain Name

Andy dominated this episode! From being 19 minutes late to his wife Emily showing up to talk about bumping bumpables to admitting to the show that he's got the perfect URL for the Domestic Problems website that he hasn't used.The guys also named an MVP whose voice has never actually been on the show and gave updates on the dry challenge. This episode doesn't suck! (at least not as much as the last one) We didn't talk about the Malort video today, but it's hilarious so I'm keeping the lin...


The Alcohol Episode

This is the episode the guys returned to their Three Guys format roots and talk all things alcohol! Don't worry, the boozing is all talk, since the guys are in the #3G3CDryChallenge. You're only in the show notes for the Malort video, so I'll put up here. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy beat Allan to everything except MVP today.I've honestly never seen someone dominate an episode and still lose. (BUT DID HE?!) Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Josh sticks up for Tito's Vodka, hat...


The Guys Getting Better in 2022

This is the episode the guys make their triumphant return after a LONG holiday break. We had our listener Ray York on the show to talk to us about his experience having one-way arguments with us on his commute and to generally get in trouble messing around with a few podcasters.We talk about going into ANOTHER pandemic new year, what our new year headlines will be, and make some promises we're sure to break about 2022. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy needs a new mic. But he's also...


I'm Too Thankful For This Podcast

This is the episode the guys talk about Thanksgiving. The holiday, the history, and their personal ties to the kick-off to the holiday season. The whole thing wraps up with smiles and laughs, and in less than 40 minutes. Just like a podcast should. Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy loves everybody. I mean, you all expected that by now, right. The guy is too nice even for our Thanksgiving episode.Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram): Turkey? Bad. Canadian Thanksgiving? Pretty good. The holiday...


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