Thriving Thru the Shit

Are you ready to thrive thru the shit you face every day at work vs just surviving it? Have you felt on an island just because you are a woman in business? Do you find yourself just wishing you could find someone to relate with? You are NOT alone! I felt the same way and it caused me to quit a 23-year career and inspired me to create this community of amazing women working together to help each other. We are not complaining or whining, we are just solving problems. Our discussions will be real and explore the good, bad and ugly. We will leave the corporate speak at the office and have honest and vulnerable conversations. Together we will thrive even through the shittiest shit!

Time to Check Yourself! It's Late February-Are you on Track for Your Goals?

So, it's late February and your plan for 2024 doesn't look anything like you thought just 7 weeks ago! Well, you are one of many and don't panic. You are in control of your plan and with a little honesty and some changes, you can make it happen. Join Julie to get inspired to get on track and learn some techniques on how to adjust as needed to achieve your goals. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this...


You Survived Week One of 2024-Now let's get accountable!

Is this you? Go into work on Monday and ready to kiss ass and achieve your goals! Then by Thursday, you feel like you've gone a few rounds in a boxing ring and Christmas was a lifetime ago. The key is to stop the crazy train and get accountable on what you want to achieve. Join Julie as she discusses the pitfalls on starting the year off with no accountability. You can do this! Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one.&...


Jumping into 2024 YOUR way!

The new year is a time almost everybody thinks about putting new goals in place to make the upcoming year a great one. This is a good thing, right? So why does it feel like a burden sometimes? Why does it feel like I am forcing it? Why do some people actually get pissed about new year's resolutions? This episode talks about this and how to be true to your needs at the new year. Julie will share her approach to the new year goal setting and some of her past ...


Why Do We Accept That Taking On More More More is the Only Way?

In Corporate America it is commonplace to have a do more with less attitude. If layoffs happen, there isn't a reduction in workload or responsibilities for the remaining employees. We all have complained about this at one point or another, but do we really live our lives any differently? When you know a stressful time is coming, do you make changes to get ready for it? Most of us have to honestly answer no. If an unexpected challenge surprises you, do you inten...


Practicing Curiosity & Being Neutral in the Hard Situations

Being in hard circumstances can bring out some of the best and worst behavior in all of us. When someone hurts us, it often times makes us angry and strains a relationship. When we get feedback that our work or leadership style isn't perfect, we can feel inadequate. Whether dealing with a personal or professional challenge, it is hard to not jump to conclusions that usually don't serve us well. Join Julie as she discusses a mindset change that can be key in dealing wit...


Getting Developmental Feedback and How to Respond

When you get development feedback, how do you react? Is it with "oh no, I have to change this immediately?" or "do you feel like because of this feedback you are also not doing a good job at everything?" It is human nature to take feedback very personally especially negative feedback. Let's be honest, it is personal because it is your specific feedback. This podcast will discuss options of thinking about your feedback and give you some hints on how to critically think ...


Goals....How to Be Successful with Achieving Goals!

We all have goals that we want to achieve but life can get in the way. Have you ever written goals to not look at them until a year later when work makes you do it? Do you have personal goals that are important to you, but life gets in the way of achieving them? Yep, me too! Join Julie as she shares some ideas on how to be successful in achieving your goals. Be warned there is a few seconds of Julie having technical difficulties with her microphone but let's roll...


Mistakes Made When Trying to Be Inclusive Can Be the Opposite of Inclusive!

Being an Inclusive Leader isn't easy for many people and that is ok as long as you work hard to be one. Unfortunately, sometimes a leader can go "too far" in the quest for inclusiveness and do more harm than good. Join Julie as she shares an experience that will highlight this leadership challenge and help you avoid it in your own life. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is...


Stress-We All Have It Yet So Many of Us Don't Proactively Manage It!

We all know stress is a part of life, yet so many of us act like we don't need to manage it. It's so normal for us to watch our weight or force ourselves to exercise for our physical health but so many of us treat stress management as optional. In this episode, Julie shares a few of her tricks of managing her stress in "normal" times as well as really intense times. This is an episode everyone can benefit from. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mea...


Five BS Lies We Put in Our Own Heads!

Have you ever heard of the itty-bitty shitty committee? It is the committee we have in our own head that tells us lies that add so much stress and doubt to our lives. We all do this to ourselves but it's important we acknowledge it and find ways to thrive in spite of it. Julie discusses five of these BS lies and how to better think about them. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit...


Advocating for Yourself...It's important to you and your employer!

For some reason, many of us believe advocating for ourselves is one of the hardest things to do. We even refer to it as whining, complaining or bitching. Yet, when a loved one needs us to advocate for them, we will knock down walls. Why is that?Join Julie as she shares her thoughts on why advocating for yourself is not only important to you but also important to your business! It is possible to advocate for yourself in a respectful and assertive way. You are not ...


Think Twice Before Putting Everything Else On Hold...Even in the Crazy Times!

Join Julie as she discusses the issues with putting everything on hold to focus on one big thing. It's not uncommon that our leaders tell us to do this and while it may seem like the right thing to do at the time, 9 times out of 10, you will regret it. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is intended to unite women with careers to face the challenges thrown at us every day. We all deser...


Do You Want to Stop Procrastinating? Me too!

Do you procrastinate? If you answer yes, you are not alone and you are most likely pretty hard on yourself about it. Procrastinating causes so many people to feel anxious, feel disappointed in themselves and many other negative feelings. Join Julie as she shares her experiences with this and thoughts on how to improve it. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is intended to ...


Intentionally Creating a Team of People to Help You (without being a kiss-ass)

Being intentional about achieving goals and/or moving through challenges requires more than a list. Do you have other people helping you? Are they challenging you? Rooting you on? Inspiring you? It's up to you to INTENTIONALLY think about creating a team to help you move forward. Julie will share some thoughts on how to do this and how to overcome some misconceptions around it. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one.&n...


Making Connections at Work...Your Role

How many times have you heard, "I don't miss the work but I miss the people" from those that have retired or moved into other companies. This episode talks about making connections at work and the role we should all play in that. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is intended to unite women with careers to face the challenges thrown at us every day. We all deserve to thrive even ...


Why Do I Have to Support Diverse Talent Just Because I Am Diverse?

This is a very uncomfortable conversation for any diverse person who doesn't want to have to spend their time on driving diversity. Being one of the "only ones" in the leadership position comes with a lot of expectations from others and some of the highest expectations come from other women or people of color. Join Julie as she explores this topic and some of the pitfalls that occur. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. A...


Yes Rejection Stings...But it is OK!

Rejection and failure are never fun, but they are part of life. It's our job to move forward in spite of it. Being resilient is key. Join Julie as she talks about this and how we just have to thrive thru the shit of it all. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is intended to unite women with careers to face the challenges thrown at us every day. We all deserve to thrive...


Calling all the People Pleasers...This one is for you!

As a self-proclaimed people pleaser, Julie shares her insights with you on the good, the bad and the ugly here. There are some great qualities with people pleasers and there are some challenges that need to be addressed with tools and tactics to ensure you don't make yourself miserable while trying to please everyone else. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is intended to unite women with careers...


Honest & Relatable Diversity Talk-No Preaching, Just Talking!

If you are interested in hearing really honest and relatable stories about diversity in business, this is your episode. Bethel shares her experiences with Julie on what it's like to be a black woman in corporate America. She also shares some great tidbits about ways to manage it and move forward through challenges. Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title has one. About this Podcast:Thriving thru the Shit is intended to unite women with car...


A Woman's Story of Facing Challenges Head On! MB lets you into her story in an honest and vulnerable way.

This week Julie is joined by an awesome lady who shares her story. Starting at 18, she was faced with some really tough choices. And again, later in her life, more tough challenges came her way. Join Julie and MB as they discuss how MB faced these challenges and found ways to move forward. If you are inspired by MB's story and want to donate to her non-profit, you can do so at Note: this episode has a few cuss words, I mean the title...


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