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Thru the Fire

Author: Dr. Marie Seltz

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Dr. Marie Seltz and her husband, Dr. Gregory Seltz, form a dynamic duo as they discuss current issues in politics, culture, and relationships with wit and wisdom. These two don't shy away from the hard topics but tackle them head-on, viewing everything through the lens of Biblical authority. Get ready for some fun, fresh perspective on today's important issues.
73 Episodes
The Doctors discuss surprising factors presently impacting mental health counseling today. KEY POINTS: · Social justice and identity politics has infiltrated and polluted the mental health profession · Social justice and identity politics has denigrated the way mental health counselors provide care for their clients · Social justice and identity politics therapists primarily focus on politics rather than the concerns and needs of clients · Clients are now seeking help for the damage caused by identity politics activist therapists
Dr. Marie shares part of her workshop on how to develop assertiveness, healthy boundaries and increase self-confidence.  KEY POINTS:  · What is assertiveness?  · How can I become assertive?  · What are the consequences of lacking assertion?  · Why are boundaries important?  · How do boundaries and assertiveness contribute to self-confidence?  Resources: Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
The Drs interview Mark Houck, a father of 7, who was recently acquitted of 2 charges brought on by the Biden Administration due to an altercation with a Planned Parenthood "escort" named Bruce Love on October 13, 2021.  KEY POINTS:  · What is a father?  · A father is called upon to be a leader, protector, and provider for his family.  · A father is called upon to demonstrate Christ’s love.  RESOURCES: Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Dr. Marie discusses the book Graduation Gift: A Funny Look at Life, Money & Gratitude with author Joseph Benric.  KEY POINTS:  · Fatherhood never ends, rather it changes as children and father’s age.  · It’s never too late to reinvent yourself and make someone’s life better in the process.  · Easy to read and engaging book for high schoolers and college bound students - Graduation Gift: A Funny Look at Life, Money, and Gratitude  Purchase Book at: Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Proverbs 17:17 says, “A true friend shows love at all times…and is a brother who is born for times of distress.” Who is a good friend? Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Is there a difference between lying, fibbing, and deception? Can there ever be a time when it is good to lie? Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
It’s becoming harder and harder to “do what is right according to the Bible” in the culture in which we live. But if we know and believe, that “abiding in Christ, and knowing the truth sets us free,” then we must strive now courageously to live faithful lives. Some say that there is a “heavy price to pay for that.” Maybe, but it’s worse to live lives of faithless fear in the face of bullying and temptation. Remember, Jesus says that He has come to give us abundant life…..courageous faith loves to hear that!
Ripping Up the Plywood

Ripping Up the Plywood


In a world of secular chaos, the Church can’t just hide behind “religious liberty” it must present its voice as one of beauty and virtue. As believers we seek to share the good news of the Bible with anyone who will listen, but we also have a role to play in blessing and preserving our culture too. KEY POINTS…. To be Church, more and more we must “contend” for our spot in the public conversation. We must try to be an alternative, constructive voice for beauty and virtue. As Christians, we have a role to play in bringing beauty to a world committed merely to deconstructive ugliness, virtuous to a world committed to immoral libertinism Even though it’s hard to be the voice of God’s “no” and God’s “yes,” on God’s terms for others, our culture needs it now more than ever. We are “blessed to be a blessing,”… to strive to be a voice of morality, a people dedicated to beauty in the arts, to relationships, to community. To be people who strive to live virtuous lives.
Christmas comes every year, and for those who trust in Christ, that is a very good thing indeed. The holiday is a reminder that no matter what is going on in the world, or in our lives, that faith in Christ is key….and ordering our lives towards “Faith, Family, Friends, Community, and only when necessary, government” is the way to keep things in balance and to keep the power of proper priorities in living life abundantly. KEY POINTS…. Christmas time is a time to be refreshed, and to reorient our lives to what is valuable and enduring The Bible tells us to “Seek first the Kingdom of God” and all others things will find their proper place A biblical ordering of life: Faith, Family, Friends, Community, and only when necessary, government
The New Year is a reminder that we can begin afresh, right wrongs, learn from mistakes and live a better life. The doctors discuss various lessons from Charles Dicken’s, A Christmas Carol.
American Psychological Association conducted a survey with 38% of those surveyed saying their stress increases during the holiday season. Even more serious, the National Alliance on Mental Illness recently reported that 64% of individuals living with a mental illness feel that their conditions worsen around the holidays. These survey participants stated the following reasons for why they feel glum: lack of time, financial pressure, gift-giving, and family gatherings. Let me say that again, lack of time, financial pressure, gift-giving, and family gatherings.



December is “ADVENT TIME” for those who really celebrate Christmas. An understanding that gives wisdom and power to really receive the blessings of Christmas and face whatever needs to be faced in life. What is this “advent focus” and how does it reorient our lives to the power of God for salvation? Why is it good to march to the beat of a different drummer when that drummer is Jesus Christ…..
Gianna Jessen was intended to die before she was born, just another one of the 1.2 million abortions each year in the United States. Gianna was bathed in a burning saline solution, but she overcame her death sentence to enter the world two months prematurely. The failed abortion provided her with the “gift” of cerebral palsy, as she calls it: “It allows me to really depend on Jesus for everything.”  Get to know Gianna or book a speaking engagement:"> *Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! * Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. *Connect with the Seltzes: *Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Gianna Jessen was intended to die before she was born, just another one of the 1.2 million abortions each year in the United States. Gianna was bathed in a burning saline solution, but she overcame her death sentence to enter the world two months prematurely. The failed abortion provided her with the “gift” of cerebral palsy, as she calls it: “It allows me to really depend on Jesus for everything.”  Get to know Gianna or book a speaking engagement:"> *Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! * Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. *Connect with the Seltzes: *Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
David L. Savage grew up as an Air Force brat in West Texas. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University, with a degree in engineering. He and his wife, Kimberly have been married for 18 years and have raised four children. He is a lifelong backpacker and outdoorsman and has five older advisors who, along with David, call themselves “The Sixpack.” They have backpacked for twenty five years together to provide some of the rich and humorous stories he uses to illustrate his points in the book.  Resources: The Savage Path  Wrestling With The Inner Man Radio Program *Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! * Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. *Connect with the Seltzes: *Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
David L. Savage grew up as an Air Force brat in West Texas. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University, with a degree in engineering. He and his wife, Kimberly have been married for 18 years and have raised four children. He is a lifelong backpacker and outdoorsman and has five older advisors who, along with David, call themselves “The Sixpack.” They have backpacked for twenty five years together to provide some of the rich and humorous stories he uses to illustrate his points in the book.  Resources: The Savage Path  Wrestling With The Inner Man Radio Program *Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! * Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. *Connect with the Seltzes: *Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Soon it will be time to vote. Are you ready? Too many votes are based on perceived personalities rather than stated principles and purpose.  Having the right principles, right expectations of what government can do is best for everyone.  Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Social media use can negatively impact teens and young adults, distracting them, disrupting their sleep, exposing them to peer pressure, rumor spreading, and unrealistic views of other’s lives, so they make poor comparisons and decisions. These risks might be related to time spent on social media. Tune in as Doctors Marie and Greg Seltz interview Peter Ryan, a former Navy Captain with 28 years of active service. He is a happily married husband and father of four. He has studied the effects that screen-based personal technology is having on individuals. He advocates for increased Department of Defense awareness and action regarding the impact of excessive screen use by our military men and women. He authored “Technology, The New Addiction”; which was published in the September 2018 edition of the U.S. Navy Journal, Proceedings. Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Dr. Marie shares her personal story and opines on the present virtue casting of open borders using the mischaracterization of Hispanic people as incapable victims of their culture. Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of Family Vision Media, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!
Adults choosing to undergo gender reassignment is their own business. The state protecting activists propaganda that confuses our school-aged children into pursuing gender reassignment is a parent’s business. Resources: [Concerned Women for America ( Biological Men Have Won 28 Women’s Sports Titles Since 2003 ( Abigail Shirer’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters ( Understanding the Radical Gender Movement ( Remember, there are two kinds of fire in the world: One that burns and consumes and one that burns and empowers. May God's word and God's love burn brightly in you, giving you the strength to face any fire. Until next time, little embers! Thru the Fire is a production of _Family Vision Media_, a non-profit ministry committed to helping Christian parents discern the truth in a culture of lies. Connect with the Seltzes: Candescent Counseling and Coaching ( (657) 325-8635 Lutheran Center for Religious Freedom ( Connect with us: Find more encouragement and information on our blog: Questions? E-mail us! This post may contain affiliate links. We appreciate your support!