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Tile Talk

Author: tiletalk

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A podcast channel dedicated to learning more on ceramic and porcelain tiles. Their descriptions, differences and applications. Listen to guests who are experts in the industry opine about their application, installation and comments
8 Episodes
The blow that the pandemic has delivered has shattered people, working styles and economies. Millions have died and millions are being affected by the virus. Lockdowns, curfews and stay at home orders are being enforced to control the spread. This has led to people shun the offices, outdoors and reduce contact. The arrival of vaccines has been a big boon. We are able to see to light at the end of the tunnel. People at large are willing to rough it out for a few months before the new normalcy returns.  Governments are talking of recovery and preparing to rebuild the economy. But there is caution in the air. This time around they want to be much more responsible. Green Recovery is the buzz word. The rebuild needs to be sustainable, resilient and safe for humans and the environment. Renewed thinking, repurposing and redesign of interior spaces are gaining traction. To walk us through this effective recovery in design of public space, let us talk to Carlos Goncalves, Associate- Senior Designer at one of the leading architectural and. Design firm Norr, Ltd in Toronto, On. Canada
For a tile installation to last a long time, you not only need a good tile and a good installer. But also, products that pay attention to details. Some of the Products are not seen but do their part and ensure a successful installation. I am not talking about adhesives and grouts, but trims, profiles, movement joints etc. Why are they so important for a successful and a long-lasting tile install?   To answer these question s, let’s talk to an expert in the field of trims, profiles and other accessories. She has been in the field of profiles for over 11 years, keeping abreast with innovations and has been educating architects, designers, engineers and industry professionals. An active member with Construction specification Canada and TTMAC.
Installation Insights

Installation Insights


An episode dedicated to behind the scenes in installation of ceramic and porcelain tiles. To provide an answer to a right installation of ceramic and porcelain tiles, lets talk to an installation expert who once was an installer himself, but now is on the technical committee of TTMAC while working full time as Senior Manager of Marketing and Technical Services of North America with Kiesel- a leading manufacturer of setting cements and grouts.
Specifications are an integral part of the project document in commercial projects. Its important that the products specified offer clarity in terms of their technical characteristics and performance. This episode tries to unravel the perspectives of a specification writer on use of ceramics and porcelain tiles in a commercial project.  A senior specification writer walks us through the various criteria one considers as they specify ceramic and porcelain tiles in a commercial project.
Features advantages and benefits of ceramic and porcelain tile second part. This episode deals with warpage and chipping , scratch resistance, aesthetic classifications and anti slip co efficient ratings in floor tile.
In this two part podcast, I will examine the various technical standards of ceramic and porcelain tile by applying the FAB analysis
This podcast is for all those interested in knowing more about ceramic and porcelain tiles, their types, origins and their differences.



A podcast dedicated to ceramic and porcelain tiles.