Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!

This podcast is dedicated to Caribbean literature and romance.

Autrice de romance noire ou autrice noire de romance ?

Yé Moun La ! Pour commencer 2024, je vous propose un épisode spécial qui s’intitule : autrice de romance noire ou autrice noire de romance? C’est un Space Twitter que j’ai enregistré le 26 novembre 2023 avec mon amie Isabel. Le but était d'énoncer quelques enjeux importants sur la romance noire en France :  comment définir l'autrice de romance noire l'absence de romance francophone 100% noire la recherche de reconnaissance auprès des maisons d'édition comment écrire de la romance caribéenne sans copier les États-Unis *** Eugenia O’Neal: ⁠vintage.caribbean ⁠ Joanne C. Hillhouse: ⁠jhohadli.wordpress.com⁠ Rilzy Adams: ⁠rilzywrites.com⁠ N.G Peltier: ⁠ngpeltier.com⁠ Callie Browning: ⁠calliebrowning.com⁠ Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** ⁠timtimbwafik.com⁠ timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @⁠timtimbwafik⁠ *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With author Breanne McIvor (The God of Good Looks)

Yé Moun La! Welcome to episode 12. Breanne McIvor is from Trinidad and Tobago. Her debut novel "The God of Good Looks" was released in 2023. “The God of Good Looks” is a healing journey. It’s about intimacy and about love. *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Tati Richardson (Romance in Colour podcast)

Yé Moun La ! I thought it would be interesting to look at what’s going on in the Black romance community in the United States. I invited author Tati Richardson from the Romance in Colour podcast. She just released her debut novel “The Build up”. She will give us her insight on the Black romance landscape in the US, the diversity her book brings to the Black romance narrative, and how being involved in a community is important. The last part of our discussion was about the cultural diversity behind the word Blackness. tatiannarichardson.com | @RichardWritesOn *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


Black romance, romance noire, regards croisés sur la littérature sentimentale

Yé Moun La ! Pour commencer 2023, je vous propose un épisode spécial qui s’intitule : Black romance, romance noire, regards croisés sur la littérature sentimentale. C’est un Space Twitter que j’ai enregistré le 28 janvier 2023 avec mon amie Isabel. Le but était d’énoncer clairement quelques enjeux importants sur la romance noire en France :  la définition de ce genre littéraire lucratif les différences de représentation de l’amour dans la Black romance états-unienne et dans la romance noire française les différents obstacles à la visibilité des histoires d’amour avec des personnages exclusivement noirs  l’autoédition et le numérique pour promouvoir ces histoires comme c’est le cas aux Etats-Unis et en Afrique.  *** Eugenia O’Neal: vintage.caribbean  Joanne C. Hillhouse: jhohadli.wordpress.com Rilzy Adams: rilzywrites.com N.G Peltier: ngpeltier.com Callie Browning: calliebrowning.com Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


1st Anniversary Special avec Tessa Naime (4/4)

Yé Moun La ! Pour célébrer le premier anniversaire de "Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!", j'ai réalisé une série spéciale de 4 épisodes pour faire une mise à jour sur les projets des invitées de la saison 1. Pour l'ultime volet, je vous propose le premier épisode en français qui est une discussion avec l'autrice guadeloupéenne Tessa Naime. Notre échange porte  sur la représentation de la masculinité et de la féminité, sur la finalité de la littérature caribéenne, sur notre rapport au monde de l’édition, sur notre volonté d’affirmer notre identité guadeloupéenne et sur Maryse Condé. Bonne écoute ! *** Eugenia O’Neal: vintage.caribbean  Joanne C. Hillhouse: jhohadli.wordpress.com Rilzy Adams: rilzywrites.com N.G Peltier: ngpeltier.com Callie Browning: calliebrowning.com Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


1st Anniversary Special with Candi (3/4)

Yé Moun La ! Let's celebrate "Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!" first anniversary with a couple of updates with guests from season 1. Check out my discussion with Candi (@tennei), a fellow Caribbean romance reader I met on Twitter. She shares her perspective on the current state of Caribbean romance and its future. *** Eugenia O’Neal: vintage.caribbean  Joanne C. Hillhouse: jhohadli.wordpress.com Rilzy Adams: rilzywrites.com N.G Peltier: ngpeltier.com Callie Browning: calliebrowning.com Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


1st Anniversary special with Callie Browning (2/4)

Yé Moun La ! Let's celebrate "Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!" first anniversary with a couple of updates with guests from season 1. Check out my discussion with Callie Browning (Barbados) who released "The Vanishing Girls" in 2021 and is working on "Beneath The Sunlit Sea". calliebrowning.com *** Eugenia O’Neal: vintage.caribbean  Joanne C. Hillhouse: jhohadli.wordpress.com Rilzy Adams: rilzywrites.com N.G Peltier: ngpeltier.com Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


1st anniversary Special with N.G Peltier (1/4)

Yé Moun La ! Let's celebrate "Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!" first anniversary with a couple of updates with guests from season 1. Check out my discussion with N.G Peltier (Trinidad & Tobago) who released "Don't Go Baking My Heart" in 2022. ngpeltier.com *** Eugenia O’Neal: vintage.caribbean  Joanne C. Hillhouse: jhohadli.wordpress.com Rilzy Adams: rilzywrites.com Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Rilzy Adams [2/2]

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 5. Part 2. Rilzy Adams is from Antigua and Barbuda. She’s the author of the “Love on the Rock” series. In this second segment, we talked about how important it is to write Caribbean characters practicing safe sex. Rilzy also explains why she chose to self-publish and has no plan to change her process to get her stories out there for now. Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Rilzy Adams [1/2]

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 5. Part 1. Today, we're in Antigua and Barbuda with award-winning author Rilzy Adams. In this first segment, we talk about how she started writing romance with Caribbean characters and the difference between her experience as an English-speaking Caribbean author and my French Caribbean experience. Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Joanne C. Hillhouse [2/2]

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 4. Part 2 This is part  of my  discussion with author Joanne C. Hillhouse from Antigua and Barbuda.  She's the author of 7 books in various genres including "Dancing Nude in  The Moonlight" and "Musical Youth". In this segment, we talk about the importance of writing from our Afrocaribbean woman's perspective and not from the white gaze perspective, of showing Blackness in a positive way and the impact of her books on her audience. Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Joanne C. Hillhouse [1/2]

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 4. This is part  of my discussion with author Joanne C. Hillhouse from Antigua and Barbuda. She's the author of 7 books in various genres including "Dancing Nude in The Moonlight" and "Musical Youth". In this first segment, we talk about how she was introduced to romance in her teens and how being from a colonized island still has an impact in the way we write love in the Caribbean. Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Callie Browning (2/2)

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 3. This is part 2 of my discussion with author Callie Browning from Barbados. We discuss her book “The Vanishing Girls” and how intentional she is about representing her culture in a multidimensional way. We also take a look at our definition of being a Caribbean indie author in this current economy and how she combines her creative mindset with a business mindset. Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


W/ Callie Browning (1/2)

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 3. This is part 1 of my discussion with author Callie Browning from Barbados. In this first part of our discussion, we talked about her approach to Caribbean literature growing up, why she doesn’t call herself a romance writer, her writing process to writing novels or short stories and what makes Caribbean romance unique. Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With N.G Peltier (2/2)

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 2. This is part 2 of my discussion with author N.G Peltier.  In this episode, you’ll hear her take on the discourse around Caribbean representation, queer representation and Caribbean men representation. We talked about the importance of solidarity among authors to build community power as well as her publishing journey. #2TimBF ngpeltier.com | @trinielf (IG) | @trinielf (Twitter) *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With N.G Peltier (1/2)

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 2. This is part 1 of my discussion with author N.G Peltier. We talk about why she's okay with the "Caribbean romance author" title and the need to diversify Caribbean stories with Caribbean people within the region.  Stay tuned for more. #2TimBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


With Eugenia O'Neal (2/2)

Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Welcome to episode 1. This is part 2 of my discussion with author Eugenia O'Neal. We talk about her book "Jamaica Dreaming", why and how to tackle social issues like colorism from a Caribbean perspective and her experience of publishing in the Caribbean.  Stay tuned for more. #2TBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy) *** How to connect with Eugenia O'Neal https://www.instagram.com/eugeniaaoneal/ https://www.instagram.com/vintage.caribbean/ https://www.facebook.com/vintagecaribbean http://eugeniaoneal.blogspot.com/


With Eugenia O'Neal (1/2)

 Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!. Welcome to episode 1. This is the first part of my discussion with author Eugenia O'Neal. We talk about her definition of Caribbean romance and  what we need to build a strong community of authors. Stay tuned for more. #2TBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy) *** 0:00 - 1:21: intro +  opening credits 1:22 - 4:17: self-introduction and how I fell in love with romance novels 4:18 - 5:45 : my fear of writing Caribbean romance 5:45 - 7:05: introduction of Eugenial O'Neal 7:06 - 8:10: how Eugenia O'Neal started writing romance 8:11 -9:00: is she a romance writer? 9:01 - 9:53: her definition of Caribbean romance 9:54 - 12:10: how Caribbean romance doesn't exist in Amazon's algorithm + the need to build a strong community of authors/readers. 12:11 - 13:36: outro


Tim Tim? Bwa Fik - teaser 2

Do you know what "Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!" means?  See you on 10/07/21. #2TBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


Tim Tim? Bwa Fik! Teaser

Do you know what "Tim Tim? Bwa Fik!" means? Listen to what author Callie Browning has to say. Stay tuned for more. #2TBF *** timtimbwafik.com timtimbwafik@gmail.com IG: @timtimbwafik *** Music: Yenki Vou - Meemee Nelzy  (A/C: M.Nelzy/M. Nelzy)


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