Tina’s Simple Savvy Dog Training Tips

Bringing you simple, savvy tips on the daily to make your life easier with your dog. Send me your questions on email and I’ll make a podcast especially for you and your dog!

How To House Train your new rescue dog

It’s super important to get your new rescue dog on a potty routine as soon as you bring it home. Here are some tips.


Rescuing the Right Dog for You

There's a lot to consider when rescuing a dog. It's wise to do your research BEFORE you go to the shelter to pick out a dog. What is your lifestyle like, and what kind of dog fits best in it are things you need to know ahead of time. Also, what to do if you got a dog that is not right for you.


Helping your fearful dog

Here are some tips to help your fearful dog get to a better place. It is possible to help dogs develop the confidence they need to move through life in a more confident way. There is hope for a more carefree life with your fearful dog.


What’s in your dog’s food? You’d be surprised!

When it comes to the world of dog food, there is so much to know. Here are a few very important tidbits on kibble, and how you can become a more savvy shopper starting right now!


What to do when your dog is afraid

Here are some simple tips to help you if your dog is fearful. There are some things you need to avoid so your dog can develop confidence and face its fears.


How to stop your dog from play biting

In this episode, I talk about some things you can do to stop your dog from biting.


How Do I Stop My Dog from ...

Today I talk about some of the tools of my trade and how they are used to stop unwanted behavior. I touch on the bonker, pet convincer, prong collar and leash and the Ecollar (which is NOT a shock collar).


Puppies 101

In this episode we cover the equipment you need before you bring a puppy home, house training, daily schedule for your pup, how to introduce your pup to people and dogs, and much more! Send your questions to statk9training@gmail.com


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