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Tired, Fat & Sad

Author: Britni Johnson

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Just a gal and her peeps trying to get through all those real life, TIRED FAT AND SAD moments - learning to love 'em all. Hopefully helping others do the same.
26 Episodes
Yes, I did go away for quite some time. I’m sorry about that. But I am BACK baby and I’m so excited to be back in the ears of my besties. On this episode I give you an update on my life - where I’ve been and where I’m at right now, and then we dive into some of the most popular skin care hacks I can find on the internet. Are these tips actually valid? Should we trust the internet? Never fear - I debunk these hacks to tell you what’s fact and what’s cap. LET’S. GET. INTO. IT.
This here episode blew my mind.. really though. It opened me up to so many new ways of thinking. I loved it so much. Today we are diving into Bailey’s experience being pregnant and then deciding to give birth at home.. AT HOME people!!! I cannot wait to for you guys to hear this. This is a gal that made a Tired, Fat, and Sad moment change into a time of self love and empowerment. LET’S DO THIS.
Marriage is such a trip.. It’s SO MUCH FUN and so much work and so much negative and so much positive and so many shirtless back tickles and you get to experience it ALL with your bestie. At least, I hope you marry your bestie. If that’s not the case then don’t marry the fool. Today I sit down with some of my other besties, besides my hubs of course, Chris and McCall Manning. I kid you not, they are some of the greatest people to walk the earth. Buckle up because we are playing one of my most...
What else makes us feel more tired and sad then being a new parent?.. I’ll wait.. Guys being a new parent is extremely hard and I wanted to get the perspective of new dads particularly because I feel like their voices aren’t shared as much as they should be. I’m just really passionate about hearing from both sides of the parenting game so HERE WE ARE! Today I’m chatting with one of our long time friends Scott Jensen about his experience being a new dad. It’s a good one guys. Also, if you have...
Let's welcome back season two with a short and sweet episode explaining where I've been and what is to come for this wonderful podcast. I so appreciate your patience with me and can't wait to dive in to Season Two. Here. We. Go.
It's our holiday episode over here at Tired Fat and Sad! Today my husband Riley and I chat about plenty of Christmas traditions and a bunch of different gift ideas! I so hope you are feeling the joy of this season and that life is treating you well. Also, heads up friends - I'm taking a break from posting for the rest of the year. Have an amazing holiday season and get ready for more episodes starting back up In January! Love you all!
One thing that has been SO important for both Riley and I to understand in our marriages is our individual love languages! Learning how we feel most loved and how we show love to others has made a big impact on our overall happiness within our relationship. Let's chat about the Five Love Languages and push our relationships to new levels. BOOOOM.
For today's holiday episode I wanted to keep it simple and sweet! Riley and I both looked up some hilarious and disastrous Thanksgiving stories that had us rolling :) Hold those you love close and think of all you're grateful for.
This one.. is really important. On this episode I talk about something I am CRAZY passionate about. I'm giving you insight into my experience of really finding out who I am and LOVING that gal. I want everyone listening to know how amazing they are and how important it is to create the life THEY want. I could talk about this for days but I really hope it resonates with at least one of you. This is for all my people - so you can STOP feeling so Tired Fat and Sad :)
Man... love and sex and relationships?! How does anyone know where to even begin with this stuff? This week my husband Riley and I answer some of the most googled relationship questions and we get in deep. It was fun to see our differences of opinions on certain things and we just had ourselves a good and entertaining chat!
In my life, I have never felt more tired, fat, and sad at the same time, then when I was PREGNANT! I'm telling you what guys, pregnancy is no joke and I was not prepared. Don't get me wrong, there are SO many amazing and beautiful things about being pregnant and there are so many out there who CRAVE getting pregnant but unfortunately are unable to. I really am so grateful I was able to experience it. Man that shiz is tough. I wanted to start a series to get different perspectives on pregnancy...
We have finally arrived to the holiday season of 2020 people. This monstrosity of a year is finally coming to a close and I say, let's FREAKING KILL IT. Today my beautiful husband and I read some spooky stories for some Halloween fun. Have the best Halloween ever guys. Be safe.
On this episode it's just you and me. Today I dive into a couple moments in my life where I have felt Tired, Fat, and Sad. I discuss the moments themselves, and tips and tricks that helped me move through the hard times to come out on TOP!
I kid you not when I say this is on the TIPPY TOP of my list for my most favorite podcast episodes! You know the story of the AMAZING gal, pushing through hard things and coming out on top... now that's a story I can get on board with. That gal, my friends, is exactly who Bethany Barnett is. Today I get to chat with her about her journey through difficult circumstances and how she came out CRUSHING IT. We talk about her booming business and how she got started with that. She also has some ama...
Man you guys this one is a GOOD ONE! On this episode I sit down with John Livingston and we chat about his unique family and how amazing they are. John married my aunt Grissel about 8 or so years ago and she is fresh out of the Dominican Republic and John.. well John is about as white as you can get. We dive into the logistics of marrying someone from a far off land and we also touch briefly on the big age gap he has between his kids. These are the REAL life moments that this podcast is all a...
Single moms... just HOW?!?!? How in the heck do you do it? I have so much respect for single moms and all that is on their shoulders so I wanted to sit down with one and get the tea. Kari Ann Sewell is now married, but was a single working mom for a LONG time. She's got so many good tips for how to thrive if you are a single bad ass momma or just a person in general, so LISTEN UP PEOPLE. If you learn anything from this episode, and there is A LOT of knowledge, it's to follow your damn gut. If...
When my skin is out of wack on my face I find myself feeling Fat and Sad more often. This episode isn't just for the ladies my friends, this episode is for EVERYONE. Who doesn't want a new way to really just pamper yourself? Taking care of your skin is so important but it is really only marketed to women when in reality, men really need to take care of their skin as well. If you've ever wanted to start your skin care journey, this episode is for you. Me and the GORGEOUS McCall give you a begi...
What makes a man more tired and sad than being a spouse?.. I'd say being a Dad. Oh my goodness being a parent makes you SO tired and SO sad but SOOOOO freaking happy and fulfilled all at the same time. How the heck does this happen you may ask? Well, have a kid, and you'll understand :) In this episode I sit down with my handsome hubby and ask him all about being a new Dad. We go through the process from deciding to be a Dad, to pregnancy, to labor and delivery, to bringing the babe home.. AL...
What makes us feel tired and sad... hmm.. career and work? Ummm YES! Making a passion or hobby into a career is something SO many people are looking to do, but unfortunately it's not always that easy and sometimes we just do NOT have the patience or the drive to make it happen for ourselves. But if you're someone who's wanting to STEP IT UP and turn your passion into something that brings in that MONEY then this episode is for YOU! Zoey White is one of my dearest friends and also one of the p...
One of my favorite ways to get through the Tired, Fat, and Sad moments in my life is honestly just to laugh about it. It's the one thing that helps my mood genuinely change. Here's a lighthearted episode to make you LAUGH and hopefully realize life for you, isn't too shabby. I mean unless you're one of these people.. then we feel for you. Wyatt Johnson and I read some CRAZY ridiculous relationship stories that we found online and may or may not have shared some of our own stories as well! Get...