
Unpicking the photographer's journey for those new to the path.

I don't want to do watercolours or learn ballet dancing...

Tog-Talk Episode 29With this week's guest David EmeryIn the first Tog-Talk podcast to be shot in video (Watch it on YouTube or Vimeo), Kevin Ahronson interviews David Emery, a photographer he has known for four years. David shares his journey into photography, which began with inspiration from his grandfather who had a cine camera and a 35mm camera. David got his first SLR, a Praktica, on his 14th birthday and started with film photography before transitioning into digital photography. O...


Grey, Wet, Dismal, Boring, Grumpy

What would you compare your photography journey to? Has your growth and experience behind the camera been like a rocket or has it been more like a snail? Are you completely committed to following your creative journey - or is it a bit spasmodic? Good days and bad days?In this week's Tog-Talk, I am joined by hobbyist-photographer Sandy Borrowdale who describes her photography as sometimes being a bit like her going to the gym.Originally recorded two months ago, back in...


The Photographer's Journey with guest Alec Grant

Having taken up photography just a few years ago on retirement, Alec completely threw himself into it and has a fascinating tale of rapid progress.Abandoning his Sony camera for an extensive Nikon system, Alec has had a roller coaster experience - culminating in mentoring under one of the world's greatest photographers.In this episode of Tog Talk, Alec Grant tells us about his photographer's JourneyMore to read at tog-talk.comTest Your KnowledgeTest your photography knowledge with the f...


The Photographer's Journey with guest Dr Simon Ruffle

For several years I've been exploring the subject of the journey we all embark on as photographers. It really is just like a journey with a beginning and a middle, but it has no end (it goes on forever). It has all the qualities of a great adventure with highs and lows, it has pitfalls and moments of elation. And like real journeys, some elements take a long time to get anywhere and others are reached in the blink of an eye.When photographers get together and start talking ...


Ep. 25 - Five Tips for Photographing People

Five of my top tips for photographing peopleI've been photographing people for a long time. I started doing it almost as soon as I bought my first 35mm film camera. In my home town of Brighton (on the south coast of England) I cut my teeth on capturing ordinary people going about their daily lives down on the beach and on Brighton's busy, bohemian streets. In later years I moved into the studio and I had several years shooting weddings, families and corporate headshots. ...


Photography Basics Ep.10 - Editing Your Photos

Episode 10 of the 10-part series looking at Photography Basics.In this final episode I take a look at the editing options for your photography. Editing is an interesting subject and people often have strong views on its pros & cons.For most of us, editing allows us to produce images which are more eye-catching. We remove unwanted objects, we balance shadows and highlights, tweak colours and adjust the final shape of the image with cropping. If you would like to know more...


Photography Basics Ep.9 Staying Motivated with your Photography

At some point in your photography, your enthusiasm will sadly decline. It's inevitable. It happens to most photographers, so don't feel guilty. It has happened to me a number of times over the years, and through those experiences, I believe I have found some of the best solutions to keep me constantly motivated.This is episode nine of a 10-part series looking at Photography Basics. In this episode I look at what to do when your photography-mojo leaves you, when ...


Photography Basics Part 8: Which Lens Should You Buy Next?

Episode 8 of the 10-part Photography Basics series and we are asking the question that I am asked all the time..."Which Lens Should You Buy Next?"Having got the kit lens that came with your new camera, you're now looking to take your photography to the next level. You realise that this lens is perhaps not the best lens to help you. Kit lenses are usually (there are some exceptions) very low quality and to get the kind of photos you're hoping for, you really need to get something ...


Photography Basics Pt.7 When your photos come out too dark

Why do some photos come out dark?This is such a common question among new photographers. Surely with today's super-clever (and super-expensive) digital cameras, you'd expect the technology to guarantee that every shot is perfectly exposed, every time? And yet it isn't.The thing is, cameras can't read our minds. They don't know what we're thinking. They have no idea what creative thoughts are going through our minds when we look at a scene. They simply measure the...


Creative Table Top Photography with guest Helen Davies

Some of us love to photograph beautiful landscapes, others like to shoot people... maybe in the studio or maybe capture them candidly on the street. Helen Davies does most of her photography on the kitchen table and produces stunning images.This week's Tog-Talk takes a week off from the current series on Photography Basics to look at a very talented lady. We will return to the 'Basics' series next week as we look at tips on getting your photos correctly exposed, especially under d...


Photography Basics Pt.6 Taking Sharp Photos

Continuing the 10 part series looking at photography basics... today we focus on focus.More important than Exposure?Nailing a sharp focus is arguably more important than getting the exposure right. Take a photo either over or under-exposed, and in most cases you can correct it in post. Take a photo out of focus and there really isn't much you can do to. If you take a photo and the image is soft, if your subject is clearly not sharp, then the chances are that you will have to...


Photography Basics No.5 Camera Shooting Modes

Believe it or not, there are more ways to take a photo than by simply leaving the camera switched to AUTO.AUTO mode is great for beginners and those who just want to shoot snaps, but if you want to take control of your camera and unleash your creative potential, you need to come out of AUTO and explore some of the other shooting modes.Common Camera Shooting ModesDepending on your camera (because not all cameras are the same), your will normally have a choice of:AUTOProgram Mode (not all camer...


Photography Basics Pt.4 What is ISO?

So now we're looking at the third piece of the puzzle, of what is traditionally referred to as the Exposure Triangle. When you combine the three elements of the Exposure Triangle, they interact with each other in what's often referred to as the law of reciprocity. This reciprocating relationship between aperture, shutter speed and ISO allows us to take control of the light coming into the camera - and we chose which of the three elements will take priority, which side effects will domin...


Photography Basics Pt.2 An introduction to the Aperture

The ApertureContinuing our ten-part mini series for new photographers (Photography Basics), this week we are looking at the Aperture.Whilst most people are familiar with the role of the aperture in terms of controlling the amount of light that enters the camera... perhaps not so many understand the relationship between aperture and the other two elements of the exposure triangle: shutter speed and ISO.Then there's the side effect of changing the aperture... the impact it has upon the Depth of...


Photography Basics pt.3 Understanding shutter speed

The Shutter Last episode we looked at the aperture, now it's the turn of the shutter.From our perspective today, we're going to look at two different types of shutter. One is mechanical and the other is electronic. Older DSLR cameras will be mechanical, but the newer, mirrorless cameras (which have effectively taken over from DSLRs) tend to offer both mechanical and electronic options.Understanding the pros and cons of both systems will help you make the right choice for the...


Photography Basics 1. What is the best camera for me?

Of all the questions I regularly get asked, the one about cameras is usually the most common.“What camera should I buy”“What camera would you recommend for someone new to photography”“Which camera is best?”Understandably, most new photographers want to make a good decision about the money they're about to spend.The camera industry has just been through a major shake-up, as one by one, manufacturers have gradually stopped production of DSLR cameras in favour of the new ‘Mirrorless’ cameras.DSL...


What lenses would you pick, if you could only choose three?

Joined again by Tracey Clarkson, we look at a forthcoming 10-week series for brand new photographers. These are planned to be shorter than normal Tog-Talks (around 10-15 mins) and are a basic introduction to photography, without getting too complicated. Starting next week the first episode will be looking at digital cameras. Make sure you click the follow button to ensure you don't miss a single episode.Which Lens would you Pick?The main topic for conversation today is about picki...


What if someone asks you to photograph their wedding?

Having shot weddings for the last 12 years, I've kinda lost that sense of terror when I'm asked to shoot another one. But I remember my first wedding: a combined sense of wonder and an uncontrollable rush of adrenaline. Excitement and panic, all in one.When you get asked I regularly meet students who have been asked by friends or family to photograph their wedding. One the one hand it's a tremendous privilege to be asked. To think that someone likes and trusts your wor...


Why would anyone want to be in my Inner Circle?

Inner Circle; the title alone suggests an exclusive group. An elite, crack-troupe of hand-picked photographers who disciple under my mentorship. The reality is far more down to earth. They are in fact a small group of amateur photographers who want something beyond what most traditional photography workshops and course can offer. They don’t want discussions about the rule of thirds or which buttons to press on their cameras. What they’re seeking is fa...


Ten things I wish I'd known before I became a photographer

Not entirely true… when I became a photographer, many of the things covered in this discussion weren’t even invented. But for today’s photographers, I know for certain these are really helpful tips because I am constantly finding myself talking to my students about them.Photography can be complex and the learning process can be very hit or miss when you’re self-taught. Obviously my students have the benefit of learning from someone who has spent years (decades) making all the mist...


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