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Tom Nelson

Tom Nelson

Author: Thomas Nelson

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Interviews and presentations on climate and energy realism, with guests including Will Happer, Jerome Corsi, Marc Morano, Carl-Otto Weiss, Valentina Zharkova, Christopher Essex, Henrik Svensmark, Patrick Moore, Ross McKitrick, Willie Soon, Susan Crockford, Peter Ridd, Christopher Monckton, and Richard Lindzen.
245 Episodes
Meteorologist David Jones has been forecasting & broadcasting weather for decades. His passion is communicating weather to decision-makers. For his dedicated service to media and emergency managers in British Columbia, he was awarded the Rube Hornstein Medal for excellence in operational meteorology in 2015.  A keen powder hound, Jones was the Environment Canada lead for a collaboration with Avalanche Canada to help avalanche forecasters better understand the mountain meteorology of British Columbia. Avalanche Canada and Parks Canada avalanche forecasters now leverage the insights of Canadian meteorologists through online weather briefings and a website ( fed by weather service graphics. For his team’s efforts, Avalanche Canada presented him with their 2015 Service Award. In retirement, Jones created The Whistler Powder Picker, a daily social media video for hounds. The Picker is a seriously fun and educational 90 second video packed with key information for hard-core skiers, riders, & sledders in the Sea-to-Sky Corridor. Jones uses an unusual ensemble technique – the Super Dave Ensemble - to crush snowfall forecasts while wearing funny hats and delivering a one-of-a-kind service. 00:00 Introduction to David Jones 00:01 David's Meteorological Journey 00:48 The Failure of Expertise 02:24 Climate Resilience and Health 04:19 Misconceptions About Severe Weather 04:32 Extreme Weather Events and Protocols 08:20 The Role of Communication in Meteorology 09:08 Challenges in Modern Meteorology 09:36 Fire Weather Forecasting 10:35 Heat Waves and Public Safety 11:19 Atmospheric Rivers and Communication Failures 16:18 The Impact of Government Interference 17:46 The Importance of Accurate Weather Alerts 19:46 The Role of Media in Weather Reporting 28:06 Historical Weather Events 33:53 Debunking Climate Models and Predictions 34:49 The Role of Professional Storytellers in Weather Reporting 35:41 Challenges of Being a Spokesperson 38:54 Critique of Canadian Weather Services 42:33 Personal Reflections on Climate Change and Meteorology 47:12 Heat Waves and Public Perception 48:21 The Complexity of Weather Forecasting 52:46 The Impact of Media on Weather Communication 01:01:05 Final Thoughts and Future Directions Substack: Also: X: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Editor-In-Chief @cleartruthmedia | Associate Pastor of Hope Church Craigavon 00:00 Introduction to Jamie Bambrick 00:30 Climate Alarmism and the Church 01:42 Creating the Viral Video 03:01 Reception and Impact 04:51 Organized Efforts and Church Influence 09:40 Personal Journey and Skepticism 14:06 Success of the Climate Video 16:58 Engaging the Normies 21:03 Engaging Your Audience Effectively 22:09 Prioritizing Key Information 23:06 The Power of a Good Hook 25:02 Using Humor and Tone Consistently 25:55 Framing Your Message as a Story 27:09 Addressing Common Pushbacks 29:44 The Importance of Emotional Appeal 33:04 Visual and Audio Elements in Communication 35:47 Staying on Message 41:43 Encouraging New Communicators 44:20 Final Thoughts and Encouragement X: Editor-In-Chief, Clear Truth Media: 10 Questions For Climate Alarmists: Megan Basham: Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
David Siegel is a tech entrepreneur from Silicon Valley. He has been researching and writing about climate since 1990.  00:00 Introduction and Overview 00:47 Understanding the Radiative Model 01:21 Solar Science and Photon Journey 03:37 Greenhouse Effect Explained 08:04 Real-World Data on Downwelling Radiation 11:08 Impact of Clouds and Water Vapor 11:46 Ocean's Role in Climate 16:06 Thermal Model of Earth's Climate 18:01 Meridional Temperature Gradient 23:03 Energy Budget and Thermocline 25:10 Ocean Oscillations and Climate Cycles 27:38 Challenging the Radiative Model 28:38 Clouds and Climate: The Impact of Cloud Cover on Temperature 29:21 Heat Escaping to Space: Radiative vs. Thermal Models 29:53 The 2023-2024 Temperature Spike: Multiple Factors at Play 30:39 Ocean Warming: The Role of Sunlight and Clouds 31:30 Antarctica and the Tropics: Temperature Anomalies Explained 35:09 Future Climate Predictions: Radiative vs. Thermal Models 38:36 Climate Education: Upcoming Classes and Webinars 41:08 Final Thoughts: Challenging Climate Assumptions Website: Blog: His collection of peer-reviewed papers and summaries: Twitter: @pullnews His website to defeat the ESGs: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Paul Burgess B.Sc, MS.C, a retired Chartered Water Resources Engineer was in charge of water resource planning for large sections of the UK and sat on national UK committees. Before he retired he represented the whole of the country of Wales where he was  responsible for planning water supply, flood protection, reservoirs, hydrological and weather monitoring. He built the first mathematical model of the climate back in 1971. Retiring early from the water industry, Paul set up his own business. In the early 2000’s, Paul became aware of the growing corruption of science by the climate alarmists and then started making videos to counter the alarmism. He now has over 80 videos on the subject. He gives talks all over the UK all at his own expense in order to further the cause he feels so passionate about. 00:00 Introduction to Paul Burgess  01:01 Challenges in Communicating Climate Issues 01:51 Debate and Opposition 02:35 Freedom of Speech Concerns 04:41 Local Community Efforts 06:17 Advertising Roadblocks 07:32 Isle of Man Campaign 13:15 Media and Public Reactions 19:05 Debate with Green Party Leader 35:55 Scientific Explanations and Public Talks 42:31 Explaining Climate Science with Robots 43:03 Satellite Measurements and Greenhouse Effect 45:05 Debating Climate Change Policies 48:30 Public Interactions and Challenges 49:30 Confronting Climate Activists 52:41 Podcast Discussion on Climate Change 01:03:12 Final Thoughts and YouTube Channel Paul Burgess’ YouTube channel: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Suresh Bansal has spent ~40 years investigating the topic of biogenic vs abiotic oil. Some of his conclusions: 1. ~80% of current fossil fuel theory and ~80% of current abiotic oil theory is correct. 2. Both sides are ignoring the scientific evidence of the opposite side for the SAME oil deposits—the SAME oil deposit often contains a mixture of biogenic hydrocarbons and larger percentage of abiogenic hydrocarbons. 3. People sometimes use the term “organic” to refer to complex hydrocarbons, but the assumption that all complex hydrocarbons are biogenic isn’t true. 4. *Before* there was any life on Earth, a series of asteroid strikes created lots of abiotic hydrocarbons on Earth. 5. In conjunction with the series of asteroid strikes, a “gigafactory” involving lots of chemical reactions in the Earth’s atmosphere resulted in simple hydrocarbons being transformed into complex hydrocarbons which then rained down to the surface of the Earth. 6. A key compound in #5 may be tholin, a complex organic compound formed through the irradiation of simple organic molecules like methane and nitrogen, typically by ultraviolet light or cosmic rays. It's believed to be common in the outer solar system, particularly on bodies like Titan. 00:00 Introduction to the Podcast 01:43 Suresh Bansal's Background and Research 04:19 Debunking Biogenic Theory 10:18 Explaining Abiogenic Theory 14:06 Balanced Hypothesis and Giga Factory Explanation 22:50 Source Rock Misconceptions 26:56 Deep Drilling and Hydrocarbon Reserves 43:12 Challenges in Scientific Consensus 46:39 The Balanced Hypothesis: A New Perspective 48:45 Challenges and Debates in the Scientific Community 51:40 The Conspiracy Theory Behind Oil Prices 52:25 Russia's Deep Drilling and Scientific Papers 54:14 Coal and Methane: Organic vs. Abiotic Origins 59:55 Sedimentation Process and Hydrocarbon Formation 01:14:49 Revisiting Fossil Fuel Theory and Kerogen 01:29:46 Future Prospects: Titan and Asteroid Collisions 01:33:23 Final Thoughts and Future Plans Suresh’s email: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
- Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. School of Medicine. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) - Postdoctoral researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego (USA) - Associate Researcher at the Medical Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge (UK) - Staff Researcher at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research - Topics of research: molecular genetics, neurobiology, and cancer - Over 1200 scientific citations - Currently unaffiliated with academic institutions The main points from the presentation are: 1. Any annual deviation from the long-term warming trend is due to natural variability. It cannot be due to human causes. 2. Years that are warmer than the long-term trend are eventually compensated by cooler years, so the long-term trend remains, but only the warmer years become newsworthy. 3. The 2023-2024 climate event cannot be reproduced by models because they are notoriously bad at reproducing natural variability, and the Hunga Tonga eruption is unprecedented, so its full effects are unknown. The effect of the eruption is uncharted territory, not the current climate situation. 4. Although 2023 and 2024 are natural deviations from the long-term trend, there is a concerted effort by the UN and some scientists to blame them on human emissions in order to advance the energy transition agenda. 5. After a series of years that are warmer than the long-term trend, we should have a series of years that are cooler than the long-term trend because the cause of global warming responsible for the trend has not been affected. So just waiting will fix the volcanic anomaly. 00:00 Introduction and Importance of Climate Events 00:47 Analyzing the 2023 Climate Event 01:37 Temperature Records and Trends 03:24 Ocean Temperature Anomalies 05:28 Unprecedented Warming and Scientific Puzzles 06:22 Potential Causes of Abrupt Warming 12:27 Volcanic Eruptions and Climate Impact 19:46 Natural Variability vs. Human Impact 25:20 Future Climate Predictions and Adaptation 35:42 Conclusion and Final Thoughts Vinos’ “Science and Climate” YouTube channel: More of Javier’s work on Andy May’s site: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
About George Woolridge: B.S. in Music Education from Messiah University 24 years in project definition, development, and electrical design, primarily supporting research groups including: NASA, US DOD, other research and government entities worldwide. Insufferably curious, I've spent the last decade or so looking for solutions to questions I have with inadequate answers, and core principles that have broad application. in 2020, started as a public repository of various theses and observations. My hope is to inspire independent principled thought and generate interest in critical debate and falsifiable tests. 00:00 Introduction to George Woolridge 00:27 The Intersection of Science and Philosophy 00:53 Personal Philosophy on Universal Truths 04:16 Environmental Efficiency and Ethics 06:00 Economic Implications of Environmental Policies 08:54 Critique of Government-Supported Environmental Issues 10:58 Midlife Crisis and Search for Answers 12:44 A Brief History of Gravity 14:32 Einstein's Contributions and Theories 17:17 Hubble's Discoveries and Redshift 21:37 Cosmic Microwave Background and Gravitational Waves 24:04 Lambda CDM Theory and Dark Matter 30:54 Gravitational Forces and Mass Interactions 39:18 Theory on Cosmic Expansion and Redshift 41:36 Gravitational Potential and Time Dilation 42:45 Hyperbolic Relationship in Time Dilation 43:32 Extreme Cosmic Environments and Time Dilation 44:34 Practical Applications of Time Dilation 46:54 Redshift and Time Dilation 47:42 Cosmological Constant and Dark Matter 50:40 Challenges in Scientific Theories 01:00:15 Environmental Considerations and Solar Roof 01:10:59 Final Thoughts  Slides for this podcast: George on a “Find the Flat Earther” video (featuring smug young warmists confident about their alleged climate knowledge): ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
I have a PhD and a Habilitation (the qualification in Germany which used to be the precondition for becoming a professor) in Physics. 00:00 Introduction and Background 02:02 Diving into the Climate Narrative 03:04 Questioning the Climate Narrative 06:53 Analyzing Emission Trends 12:11 Debunking Emission Scenarios 18:01 CO2 Concentration and Emission Relationship 32:19 Radiative Transfer and Temperature Rise 40:46 CO2 Sensitivity and Historical Warming 42:08 Reevaluating Mainstream Sensitivity Narratives 45:43 Understanding Water Vapor Feedback 52:01 The Role of Sunshine Duration in Temperature Increase 55:04 Cloud Cover and Its Impact on Warming 01:03:16 Ocean Currents and CO2 Absorption 01:08:40 Concluding Thoughts on Climate Factors Slides for this podcast: Segalstad 2009 video: “oceans take out our anthropogenic CO2 gas”: About Joachim Dengler: X: Blog: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Andy May is a writer. He is a retired petrophysicist and has published four books. He worked on oil, gas and CO2 fields in the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, China, UK North Sea, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Russia. He specialized in shale petrophysics, fractured reservoirs, wireline and core image interpretation and capillary pressure analysis, besides conventional log analysis. 00:00 Introduction to the Talk and Reports 01:41 Overview of IPCC Reports and Their Evolution 07:13 Climate Models and Their Limitations 09:08 Solar Influence and Oceanic Factors 13:26 Historical Climate Data and Trends 23:16 Sea Level Rise and Measurement Challenges 27:37 Storms, Weather Patterns, and IPCC Bias 33:35 Concluding Remarks and Q&A Slides for this podcast: “Satellite Bulk Tropospheric Temperatures as a Metric for Climate Sensitivity”; Christy/McNider, 2017: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
About Tom Shula: • Academic training in theoretical physics. Disillusioned with the community and left with a M.S. to work in tech industry. • Primary work in semiconductor and disk drive component and system development and manufacturing. • Brief diversions into other industries including steel mills, refining, food processing, and waste treatment. • Exposed to a broad range of fluid dynamic systems with pressures ranging from kpsi to 10-12 Torr, and temperatures from 77K (liquid nitrogen) to >1000C • I have been extremely curious from an early age, and was considered a top problem solver in my professional technical career • I’ve been following the “climate change issue since the “global cooling” scare of the 1970s. More intently since 2009. Markus Ott, a chemist with a PhD, has been working as a researcher and developer in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry since 1994. He has mainly worked on the development of photolithographic methods for the production of biochips and on the development of light-curing plastics. In addition to the theoretical basics, he has the necessary practical experience to assess the interaction of light with matter. As an enthusiastic aviator, he is deeply interested in the processes in the atmosphere since his youth. The present text "Dismantling The CO2-Hoax" or the German version "Demomtage des CO2-Betruges" were written from the practitioner ́s perspective who has to deliver reliable products and cannot hide behind computer models. 00:00 Introduction and Background 00:39 Defining the Greenhouse Effect 02:27 Thermal Radiation and Energy Transport 03:34 Absorption and Emission Processes 04:56 Non-Radiative Processes 06:17 Radiative Transfer Theory 07:11 Behavior of Greenhouse Gases 12:57 Thermalization and Its Implications 19:09 Heat Transport in the Atmosphere 29:13 Historical Context and Radiative Transfer Models 35:03 Critique of Radiative Transfer Models 41:15 Heat Transport from Surface to Space 45:14 Role of Water Vapor and Other Gases 52:54 Summary and Key Findings 01:00:49 Debunking Greenhouse Gas Myths 01:02:06 Water Vapor's Role in Heat Transport 01:04:14 CO2 and Ozone Emissions 01:07:28 Engineering Perspective on Earth's Climate 01:08:21 Diurnal and Seasonal Cycles 01:10:59 Critique of One-Dimensional Climate Models 01:12:54 Thought Experiments on Earth's Rotation 01:15:13 Energy Dynamics of Earth 01:20:44 Global Climate Models and Their Flaws 01:29:44 Summary and Conclusions 01:39:21 Final Thoughts and Call to Action Slides and related paper (PDF): —— AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Vladislav Bogorov was drafted in the Bulgarian Army and had to serve as a tankman on a Soviet T-55, upon his discharge being promoted to a Junior lieutenant. Having practiced as a lawyer for 17 years, he is probably the only certified welder who has won four cases before the European Court of Human Rights. (The cases are published on the website of the Court.) Vladislav has an MSc in Law from Sofia University and an MSc in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies from the University of Glasgow. He has published 324 articles in different Bulgarian newspapers, among these the biggest ones in the country. Vladislav promoted himself as a lawyer and as an author which resulted in 44 articles in the Bulgarian press published about him. Having been born in Bulgaria, he now resides in Scotland and is a British citizen. Vladislav speaks Bulgarian, English, and Russian. 00:00 Introduction to Vladislav Bogorov 00:25 Early Life and Background 01:02 Military Service and Soviet T-55 Tanks 02:09 Environmentalism and Global Warming 03:21 Economic Challenges of Net Zero 07:39 The Case for Nuclear Energy 12:28 Misconceptions About Nuclear Safety 22:54 The Myth of Nuclear Waste 30:30 Psychological and Social Aspects of Environmentalism 35:23 The Fear Factor in Environmentalism 36:07 Historical Parallels: Socialism and Its Consequences 38:45 Youth Movements and Ideological Shifts 39:44 The Ineffectiveness of Facts Alone 40:25 Understanding Socialism and Its Implications 46:16 The Reality of Renewable Energy 58:51 The Importance of Engaging Content 01:00:38 Final Thoughts and Future Plans When History Had Other Plans, to be published in Feb 2025: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Lawyer | Austrian | Interested in Politics, Environment, Energy, Agriculture  00:00 Introduction and Speaker Background 00:21 Understanding Human Rights and Environmental Law 01:45 The Implications of Recognizing a Right to a Clean Environment 03:50 Comparative Analysis: Europe vs. China 06:07 Historical Context of International Environmental Law 08:41 Key International Environmental Agreements 21:33 The Role of Human Rights in Climate Litigation 26:15 Recent Legal Developments and Case Studies 39:01 Global Perspectives and Future Directions 53:20 Conclusion and Call to Action 53:51 Q&A: Public Resistance and Media Influence Slides for this podcast: X: Substack: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Former London banker Alexander Pohl worked for years for one of the world’s greenest banks. Idealistically driven, he financed big wind and solar farms, genuinely convinced he was making the world a better place. Gradually, he woke up to the fact that today’s green is a broken system. He gave up banking and emigrated with his family to his little forest paradise in remote, northern Sweden. The dream was to get back to Nature, start an eco-farm and put as much distance as he could between his family and the industrialization of nature. Until a wind park was planned at the gates of his paradise garden. 00:00 Introduction and Catching Up 00:08 The Rise of Green Fascism 01:17 Challenges to Renewable Energy 03:24 AI and Energy Consumption 04:24 Financial Tsunami in Green Investments 05:33 Public Resistance and Media Influence 10:28 Geoengineering and Climate Influence 17:11 Toxicity of Renewable Materials 20:43 Green Bonds and Financial Risks 30:46 Industrial Complex and Climate Agenda 35:16 The Origins of Geopolitics 36:17 Sweden's Role in World War II 36:54 The Wallenberg Influence 39:33 Climate Change Narratives and Controversies 42:19 The Climate Industrial Complex 48:52 Financial Corruption in Green Initiatives 51:17 Grassroots Opposition and Exploitation 56:36 The Dark Side of Renewable Energy 01:03:20 Concluding Thoughts and Recommendations Headwind 21 documentary: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Mr. Shackouls is a past Chairman and current member of the National Petroleum Council and a member of the Executive Committee of the US Oil and Gas Association.  He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.     00:00 Introduction to Bobby Shackouls 00:06 Bobby's Background and Career Journey 01:00 National Petroleum Council and Jennifer Granholm 02:40 Energy Policies and Industry Challenges 08:53 Environmental Impact and Misconceptions 26:30 Fracking and Technological Advances 29:09 Future of Energy and Industry Insights 37:47 Personal Anecdotes and Experiences 44:01 Conclusion and Final Thoughts ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Maxime Bernier PC (born January 18, 1963) is a Canadian politician who is the founder and leader of the People's Party of Canada (PPC). 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction 00:44 Maxime Bernier on Climate Policy 04:50 Media Strategy and Public Perception 07:24 Debate Participation and Political Strategy 10:19 Consistent Messaging and Social Media Presence 22:50 Views on Immigration and the UN 34:56 Economic Policies and Inflation 41:23 Closing Remarks and Contact Information ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
- Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. School of Medicine. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) - Postdoctoral researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Biology, University of California, San Diego (USA) - Associate Researcher at the Medical Research Center, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge (UK) - Staff Researcher at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research - Topics of research: molecular genetics, neurobiology, and cancer - Over 1200 scientific citations - Currently unaffiliated with academic institutions "The Winter Gatekeeper is a thermodynamic theory of climate change. Changes in winter heat transport to the Arctic alter the infrared emissions of the planet because the greenhouse effect is much weaker there. The Sun changes the climate through this mechanism." 00:00 Introduction to Javier Vinos and His Work 00:46 The Sun's Influence on Climate 03:09 Evidence from the Holocene Period 07:58 Grand Solar Minima and Climate Impact 09:31 Human Population and Climate Correlation 10:46 Challenges to IPCC and NASA's Views 11:27 Solar Activity and Modern Climate 20:33 Solar Influence on Atmospheric Circulation 23:51 The Earth's Rotation and Solar Activity 29:00 Alternative Theories and IPCC Critique 30:57 Cosmic Rays and Climate Change 31:21 The Svensmark Theory 31:47 Introducing the Third Theory 32:28 Heat Transport and Climate 33:19 Challenges in Measuring Heat Transport 34:19 Heat Transport's Role in Climate Change 37:28 The Winter Gatekeeper Theory 38:20 Solar Activity and Planetary Waves 42:41 Implications of the Winter Gatekeeper Theory 47:26 Concluding Thoughts and Future Research Author of the Nov. 2023 book: “Solving the Climate Puzzle”: Author of the 2022 book: “Climate of the Past, Present and Future. A scientific debate, 2nd ed.”: Three-part “How we know that the sun changes the Climate” series on Judith Curry’s blog: Vinos’ “Science and Climate” YouTube channel: More of Javier’s work on Andy May’s site: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Latimer Alder is an Independent Commentator on Twitter and elsewhere. He's a Chemist by training, was a business-oriented IT guy by profession and spent a few years as The Man on the Clapham Omnibus. 00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome 00:11 Decoding the Language of Alarm 00:43 Previous Podcasts Overview 02:31 Climate Data Insights 04:09 Understanding the Brain's Role in Climate Fear 06:21 The Power of Stories 09:50 Historical Perspectives on Climate Language 12:14 Modern Climate Terminology 14:55 Analyzing Climate Alarmist Language 22:01 Future Predictions and Abstract Concepts 25:02 Concluding Thoughts and Audience Engagement 27:46 Current Trends and Political Climate 30:41 European Political Landscape 36:24 Final Remarks and Farewell Slides for this podcast: Latimer’s previous episodes on this podcast: Climate Data for Dummies Energy Data for Dummies Net Zero for Dummies ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: My Linktree: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Hans Labohm, an economist and former expert reviewer for the IPCC, discusses his skepticism towards the current climate change narrative. He critiques the alarming predictions about global warming, CO2 emissions, and climate policy, presenting data that contradicts these claims. Labohm argues that CO2 is not a threat but rather benefits the environment and questions the effectiveness of policies like the Paris Agreement. He also touches on the societal and economic impacts of climate alarmism and the consequences for those skeptical of mainstream views. 00:00 Introduction to Hans Labohm and Climate Hysteria 00:59 Historical Climate Fears: From Cooling to Warming 01:32 Media-Induced Panic and Public Perception 03:39 Examining the Facts: Temperature and CO2 Data 11:47 Sea Level Rise and Ice Melt: Myths vs. Reality 14:42 Biodiversity, Glaciers, and Climate Refugees 17:47 Climate-Related Deaths and Weather Extremes 20:10 Polar Bears and Developing Countries 24:06 The Paris Agreement and Climate Policy 29:02 Critique of Mainstream Climate Narrative 33:39 Personal Journey and Professional Challenges 38:22 Future Outlook and Final Thoughts Hans Labohm studied economics at the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands (Holland). After his study he did his military service. Subsequently he joined the Netherlands Ministry of Defense and was posted at the Netherlands Permanent Representation at NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in Brussels. Thereafter he joined the Netherlands diplomatic service and was posted in Stockholm. After that he held various functions at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague before he became deputy head of the policy planning staff. Subsequently he was posted at the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) in Paris as deputy Permanent Representative. After a couple of years he was posted as a senior visiting fellow and advisor to the board at the Clingendael Institute of International Relations in The Hague. In 2007 he was expert reviewer of Assessment Report number 4 (AR 4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Today, he is editor in chief of the website He is lead author of 'Chronicles of Climate Hysteria', which has recently been published Slides for this podcast: Dutch site: Published April 10, 2024; “Chronicles of Climate Hysteria” on Amazon: Please support Cartoons By Josh: ———————— AI summaries of all of my podcasts (plus transcripts of recent podcasts): X: Substack: About Tom: Notes for climate skeptics: ClimateGate emails:
Stephen Einhorn lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with Nancy, his wife of 57 years. He has been blessed with two sons and seven grandchildren. He graduated Cornell with a major in chemistry and received a Masters of Polymeric Materials from Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. He attended Wharton Graduate School, U. of Pennsylvania, for one year. He has worked in a family chemical business, as a merger and acquisition consultant specializing in chemicals and as a venture capitalist concentrating on Midwestern technology companies. 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introduction 00:26 Climate Activists' Argument 01:47 Analyzing Climatic Events 01:55 Hurricanes and Tornadoes Data 03:51 Forest Fires and Human Impact 05:26 Droughts and Temperature Trends 08:50 El Nino and Sunspots 16:00 Sea Level Rise Concerns 18:32 UN Predictions and Activist Models 20:49 The Polar Bear Controversy 22:20 Coral Reefs and Climate Change 24:39 Debunking Al Gore's Predictions 25:48 Health Effects of Carbon Dioxide 27:23 The Paris Agreement and Historical Trends 29:31 Language Distortion in Climate Debate 30:16 Greta Thunberg and Climate Anxiety 32:19 The Green New Deal and Economic Impact 34:25 Technological Solutions to Fossil Fuel Dependency 35:14 Conclusion: No Climate Change Problem 35:40 Q&A: Wind, Solar, and Electric Vehicles 38:52 Promoting the Book on Climate Change 40:18 Real-World Presentations and Feedback Slides for this podcast: Climate Change: What They Rarely Teach In College: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: About Tom Nelson: YouTube: X: Substack: About Tom:
Showing people how to design their own garden - making the world a prettier place- one garden at a time. And occasionally speaking at the local council! 00:00 Introduction to Rachel Matthews 00:02 Local Activism and Environmental Policies 00:43 Team Members and Their Roles 01:24 Viral Fame and Public Reaction 02:16 Challenges with Green Policies 02:25 Questioning the Climate Emergency 03:58 The Reality of Green Technologies 06:03 Personal Journey and Research 06:39 Public Engagement and Council Meetings 12:52 The Importance of Data and Facts 13:25 Political Dynamics and Public Opinion 20:30 Expanding the Movement 21:51 Carbon Literacy Training and Manipulation 24:42 Freedom of Speech and Council Restrictions 27:49 Advice for Local Activists 31:10 Future Plans and Fundraising 41:49 Conclusion and Final Thoughts Twitter: Superb destruction of the green Net Zero cult by Colchester resident Rachel Matthews: Stupidity SHOWDOWN in Sudbury, Suffolk: Council Watch YouTube: ========= AI summaries of all of my podcasts: About Tom Nelson: YouTube: Twitter: Substack: About Tom: