In this special 100th edition, we take a break from the regular D&D playing to quiz all of our Dungeon Masters on questions supplied by Total Party Kill listeners.
To celebrate our 250th episode, we take a break from playing and ask Scott, Dan, and Tony to answer listener questions! Erika Ensign with Scott McNulty, Dan Moren and Tony Sindelar Support this show and other shows like it on The Incomparable network by becoming a member. Members get early access to podcasts, bonus episodes, and more.
What kind of wacky podcast would celebrate their 400th episode on episode 399? Why, this one of course! And what better way to celebrate than to ask our TPK DMs listener questions? Listener Questions! Erika Ensign with Dan Moren, Monty Ashley, Scott McNulty and Tony Sindelar Support this show and other shows like it on The Incomparable network by becoming a member. Members get early access to podcasts, bonus episodes, and more.
Introducing our party of five adventurers in the desert realm of Athas, as they begin their quest and get in a fight with some nasty dwarves. It doesn’t go well.
Amid a brutal battle in a market area, our brave adventurers try to hide behind a hot dog cart. It works as well as you might expect.
After waking up in an alley, our adventurers outfit themselves for a trip deep into the desert.
The battle by the sandstorm vortex continues, with Carlos on the move and unpleasant Tareks doing damage to our adventurers.
Our adventurers finish their battle at the whirlwind, but at a somewhat horrible price.
A new adventurer joins the party, and everyone experiences a terrifying journey through the sandstorm vortex.
The stone temple finally comes into view, but it’s protected by two horrible obelisks that shoot lightning bolts.
Obelisks with lightning bolts and a surprising encounter with marine life.
A choice between two different magical fountains, plus some zombies and an angry skeleton.
Our dungeon crawl through the desert temple continues. We poke some weird fungus with a stick and then investigate a room containing a very old knight. It’s like that scene in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” except it may be our adventurers who have chosen… poorly. Again. This is the first “new” episode of TPK. Older episodes originally appeared in the feed of The Incomparable and have been retconned into TPK episodes for new listeners.
Our adventurers enter a room dominated by powerful winds. (But enough about that burrito Regdar ate back at the tavern.) A creepy whispering fountain and creepier whirling dust devils can’t be good, right? Also, Carlos gets really angry and attacks a statue.
Our adventurers investigate snake chalk art, disturb some funeral urns, and discover that sometimes a room full of dead bodies is just a room full of dead bodies… just not this time.
The battle with the scaled guardians, zombies, and wispy wraiths continues amid the dead bodies and braziers. Asteron eats a valuable gem. We debate the pronunciation of gith. Carlos gets caught thinking about something other than his job at just the wrong time. And we learn a valuable lesson about not letting your Minotaur do the negotiating for you.
Our adventurers continue their battle with Nala the Girl-liath and Daroc the Mul, who is even more unpleasant than Carlos. There’s also some exploring, Katchka makes critical rolls for nature and listening, curiously shaped mushrooms are discovered, and stick around for our terrifying cliffhanger!
Carlos is at the bottom of the pit, our party is standing in a doorway, and a giant silkworm is about to strike! This isn’t going to go well, isn’t it? In fact, Carlos, you might want to just stay down there in the pit. It’s safer down there.