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Townhall Review is today’s top conservative weekend radio show. Townhall Review brings together political commentary and analysis from leading conservative talk-radio hosts. You’ll enjoy the fast-paced recap of the week’s political events Townhall Review provides. You can rely on the show to provide the “who said what” in U.S. politics, global news and breaking news. Townhall Review honors your conservative principles and enables you to participate in the conversation on issues shaping our nation.
1766 Episodes
There’s now been a second assassination attempt on Donald Trump. So: He’s survived more assassination attempts than his opponent has national media interviews.  We know what the press would say had—God forbid—Kamala Harris faced assassination twice. When there’s violence toward the left, the right’s rhetoric is blamed. But when it comes to Donald Trump, leftist politicians and the media take no responsibility for having created what they love to call “a climate of hate”. In fact, the day of the attempt, NBC’s Lester Holt appeared to blame it on Trump’s own “fierce rhetoric”—so Trump, essentially, had it coming. But both assassination attempts have come after multiple journalists and politicians including Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have repeatedly called Trump a danger, “a dictator” and “a threat to democracy.” Democrats unhinged denunciations of Trump have long been beyond the pale. They need to stop.See for privacy information.
It was just two months ago when Thomas Matthew Crooks shot and nearly killed Donald Trump at a rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Ever since, the story has all but disappeared from media coverage. We know very little about the motives of that would-be assassin, whether he had assistance, and with whom he may have communicated. The DOJ hasn’t been talking, and the media aren’t asking. Until today, however. A second attempt on Trump’s life took place on Trump’s own golf club on Sunday—but this time the suspect has been taken alive. His criminal and political history has already begun to emerge—and it raises even more questions than the first assassin’s did.   Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared he’ll order a separate investigation: “The people deserve the truth…” he said, and “how he was able to get within 500 yards” of Trump. We deserve those answers about the first attempt too, and like DeSantis, all Americans should be wondering why we’re not getting them—and why the media isn’t asking. See for privacy information.
Americans deserve a more balanced debate than they got from ABC.  The moderators fact-checked former President Trump four times, but never fact-checked Vice President Harris, and at least one FactCheck was factually incorrect. Trump may have made 14 false statements, but Harris made 16. While the moderators pressed Trump six times for follow-ups, they didn’t press Harris at all. Not once. That's not the only place the fix was in. The questions the moderators selected, including about race, the last presidential election and January 6th, were designed to make Trump look extreme. Issues unfavorable to Harris: Taxpayer-funded sex exchange operations for illegal immigrants, for example, were carefully avoided.  ABC is obviously in the tank for Harris, and the moderators behaved that way.  The media shouldn’t act surprised Americans no longer trust them. See for privacy information.
In the 1970s, there was much talk that the presidency was too big for one man, and that it had become increasingly difficult for a president to affect much change. The inauguration of Ronald Reagan in 1981 annulled that kind of talk. The new movie, Reagan, starring Dennis Quaid, shows the Gipper challenging our malaise, our fatalism and the perceived inevitability of our decline. The movie takes a man of many parts and focuses on one aspect of his life: His driving conviction that tyranny must not breed and that freedom needs to be defended and nurtured … and then retaught, again and again. Critics don’t like the movie, they prefer cynicism and giving credit to the fall of the USSR to everyone but Reagan—who they spent a lifetime trying to destroy.  But, undeterred, Reagan pressed on; and the movie is loved by those who’ve seen it; for as Reagan knew, we are not a cynical people and we do not want decline.  For our history—and our future, see Reagan.See for privacy information.
The purpose of the Trump Harris debate was to help American voters understand the issues at stake this election year and the candidate’s positions on them.  By that measure, the ABC debate was a miserable failure. The moderators were horribly biased. They peppered Trump with gotcha questions, but ignored all Harris’s sticky issues—and there are plenty. Worse: Too many questions focused on elite obsessions like January 6th, race and climate change. They didn’t flesh out the candidate’s plans on the issues that normal people really care about—like inflation, the economy, job creation, immigration and wars.  Regular Americans know that the Beltway crowd is disconnected from and contemptuous of their lives by refusing to drill down on the issues that matter to them. The ABC moderators failed not only their audience, but the great democratic process they claim to cherish. See for privacy information.
Americans are being bombarded by favorable press about Kamala Harris and her circle. We know she’s called “Momala” by her stepchildren, and the moniker has been adopted by simpering celebrities like Drew Barrymore. As if that’s not enough, Politico has run a puff piece calling her husband, Doug Emhoff, “America’s Dad in Chief.” Not to be outdone, The Washington Post insists the internet has cast Tim Walz as “America’s Midwestern Dad.” But Americans already have parents. We’re not looking for them in The White House. In fact: we don’t want to be treated like children by the people we elect … who are supposed to be working for us. When we go to the polls, we’re not electing best friends or surrogate family members. We’re hiring people to run the government capably—with respect for the Constitution and a strong grasp of good public policy. No more, no less.See for privacy information.
Vice President Kamala Harris lacks the minimum skills necessary to serve as president. That conclusion also means she lacks the skills to be the Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s military.  There is simply no evidence from her time as Vice President or as Senator to lead an objective observer to conclude she’s prepared to be president—and quite a lot to show that she isn’t. Her one high profile job was to stem the flow of migrants across our southern border—and she failed miserably at doing so. She’s been trying to retroactively redefine her job description—but President Biden was explicit when he put Harris in charge: Stem the flow.  She did not do that. In fact, there’s no evidence she successfully completed any task at the border.  Those in the legacy media telling you otherwise about Harris’ skills are the same people who told you that President Biden was ”just fine”, up until he displayed in unmistakable fashion that he isn’t.  Kamala Harris is not ready to be president.See for privacy information.
In the nearly seven weeks since Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden as Democrats’ nominee, she and running mate Tim Walz have engaged in just one media interview—for 26 minutes. In that same time, according to Fox News’ Brian Flood, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have combined for 37 media engagements. They have done wide-open press conferences, individual and combined interviews, and have sat down with media at all levels—local, national, and even podcasters.  One ticket welcomes scrutiny and transparency; the other avoids both and refuses to even specify their policy agenda. This does a grave disservice to voters, but even more damage to democracy. Self-governance requires knowledge of policies and priorities from candidates so that voters can freely choose their elected officials and the direction of the country. Hiding from the press thwarts self-governance. Media complicity in that strategy erodes confidence in democracy even further—and in their industry as well.  It’s long past time for reporters to demand answers on the record from both tickets.See for privacy information.
Last week, Kamala Harris met the press for the first time since being anointed her party’s nominee—if you can call a gentle, eighteen minute, heavily edited interview with her running mate actually “meeting the press.” It’s clear why Harris is so reluctant to take questions from the media. She isn’t good at thinking on her feet and has a tenuous grasp of policy. She’s deeply insecure and lacks self-confidence. But when Harris won’t talk to the press, she’s not just disrespecting them. She’s disrespecting us. Kamala Harris owes Americans a straightforward explanation of her views—and why she’s changed them. We’re entitled to know where she wants to take our country and why. The press is on Harris’ side. She may figure she can get away with hiding. But if she keeps doing it, Americans are right to conclude it’s because she’s got something to hide.See for privacy information.
American hostages are being held by a terrorist regime that just recently executed one of them as he was nearly liberated. The murder of 6 hostages came in the tunnels under Rafah, where Kamala Harris and Joe Biden famously and repeatedly told Israel not to fight.  “I’ve studied the maps,” Kamala Harris said—as she warned Israel not to go into Rafah.  Israel restrained, and Hersh Goldberg-Polin was executed where Biden and Harris pressured Israel not to go. Tim Walz—Kamala’s VP pick—was asked about the execution of the hostages, including Hersh, and, like Jesting Pilate, washed his hands and walked away from the question. Under this administration, there’s been a lot of walking away—including from the moral principle that we pressure those who take innocent and American hostages and not those who are the victims, especially when the victims are our allies and citizens. Hersh Goldberg-Polin—and some 30 other Americans—were slaughtered by Hamas, a terror organization. We should not be walking away—from Israel or from our innocents.See for privacy information.
The Supreme Court of the United States just hit the pause button on the Biden Administration's enforcement of proposed changes to Title IX in the schools. Now, that might not seem so urgent. It is.  I need to emphasize that this is just  “for now”  —it's big news nonetheless. The three-page unsigned opinion blocks the Biden administration from enforcing the so-called expanded protections for transgender students. And that means the states have now at least a temporary authority to fight back against the Biden Administration's radical rule, changing the definition of sex and gender in the 1972 law.  Now, we should note that there are already cases related to this redefinition of sex advancing through different levels of the federal courts.  What we're looking at is a looming challenge for America's families, for America's churches, and frankly for all who resist the gender revolution and the transgender confusion.  It's another reminder of what's at stake in the 2024 presidential election. You can count on all this being pushed if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are elected president and vice president, respectively. That's why the LGBTQ movement is so excited about them. See for privacy information.
It was a sight few Americans thought we’d live to see. A Kennedy endorsed a Republican. Yes: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. endorsed Donald Trump. It’s not our parents’ Democratic Party—and RFK was effective in driving that point home. He called out the Democratic Party as “the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag and Big Money.”  It enraged five of his siblings, who promptly denounced their brother. It’s remarkable that this is what finally broke the family code of silence.  Generations of Kennedys have remained discreet and loyal, even as JFK and RFK Sr. exploited Marilyn Monroe and Ted Kennedy left Mary Joe Kopechne to drown in a car at Chappaquiddick. How shameful after all their other scandals that, for the Kennedys, it’s only RFK’s decision to put country before party that’s finally “a bridge too far.”See for privacy information.
Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic congresswoman and a former presidential candidate who made it through five states in the primaries has now endorsed Donald Trump.  And Robert F, Kennedy, Jr. the most famous living child of the most famous family in the Democratic party, has also endorsed Donald Trump.   Kennedy, of course, was also just running for president. Gabbard had served as Vice Chair of the DNC, the position now held by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.  These are prominent endorsements. Both Kennedy and Gabbard can state clearly why they’ve endorsed Trump: Pointing to a Democratic party that has lost its way—citing the disrespect of elections to the encouragement of censorship.  Meanwhile, several self-described Republicans with names nobody has heard of outside their small circles have endorsed Kamala Harris.  And yet the media is trying to make much of these non-prominent Republicans for Harris—while they seek to move quickly past Gabbard and a Kennedy endorsing Trump.   Makes you think they’re taking sides, doesn’t it?See for privacy information.
With the DNC convention behind us and as Election Day is coming fast, we need to recognize what we’ve been watching. It’s an attempt at rebranding. Kamala Harris has been politically rebranded, and, you know in political terms, you’d have to say with enormous success—and with the complicity of the mainstream media, they’re basically trying to make her the next president of the United States. It’s almost as if the instructions for the Kamala Harris nomination are just, “add water and stir,” because that’s pretty much what the Democrats have done.  It all just shows how determined they—Democrats and their elite media allies—are to reverse what they had expected as a blowout loss with Joe Biden at the top of the ticket. But if you want to know why the Democrats are so excited, it’s also because of this: Younger Democrats understand that they win if Kamala Harris wins. They didn’t feel that way about Joe Biden. Harris, they know, is a San Francisco Democrat—far to the left of Joe Biden. The American electorate had better pay attention, and they’d better pay attention quickly.See for privacy information.
In an exchange on ABC’s This Week, Senator Tom Cotton exposed the mainstream media’s corruption for all to see. Cotton told host Jon Karl that Kamala Harris would push a radical agenda, including the elimination of private health insurance, if elected president. Karl objected, claiming Harris “said she no longer supports Medicare for all.”  “Nonsense,” Cotton immediately responded. “She has not said that,” Cotton forcefully interrupted. “Anonymous aides on a Friday night might have said that,” he continued, “but Harris has been silent on her policy positions across the board.” When Karl then claimed Harris had moved to the middle, Cotton stuck to his guns and pointed out that Harris herself had done no such thing. The media hasn’t even bothered to ask her, let alone have evidence for a move to the center. It’s a mainstream media fantasy, and Cotton exposed it as such.  Donald Trump’s campaign will have many surrogates making the case for his election. All of them should be required to attend Tom Cotton’s school for schooling the media.See for privacy information.
Former—and I think future—President Donald Trump was back on my radio show last week.  My focus was on Israel and that led to this exchange:  Hugh Hewitt: Do you think President Biden and Secretary Blinken have held Israel back? Are they making Israel basically fight to a draw?  Donald Trump: I think that Israel’s being hurt very badly by the Democrats. I think they’re making it very hard for the Democrats to win, very, very hard for the Democrats What they’re doing, what they’re doing with respect to Israel, what the Democrats are doing, they’re making it very hard for Israel to win.   He went on to say: Donald Trump: They have to finish the job. Israel has to finish the job, get it done, and get it done fast. And they have to do it. They have to get it done fast.   This is clarity. This is full-throated support for Israel. And it should flip friends of Israel in America, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, into the Trump column this Fall.See for privacy information.
  This is Hugh Hewitt for The fall election will turn on three major issues: inflation, immigration and Israel. Former President Donald Trump has a solid record as president on all three of the big issues. Vice President Kamala Harris has a record only on the border and illegal immigration but last week, she helpfully identified herself as unprepared to handle inflation. Her first big policy proposal: Price controls—a proven failure from 50 years ago. Price controls cannot work and never have, not even in police states. The second proposal: $25,000 for would-be first-time home buyers would simply be gas for the inflation fires.  She’s clearly no friend to Israel—and she’s the virtual architect of our open border policy. Her election would be catastrophic for the country. Harris’s radical politics are just as obvious as was Biden’s infirmity, and legacy media is covering up her radicalism just as it covered Biden’s slide into incoherence. What is obvious: She ought never to be president. The country and its allies simply cannot afford that. I’m Hugh Hewitt.See for privacy information.
The Democratic convention this week in Chicago has become something of a parody of itself, with the immoral, the strange and—in the language of the New York Times—“unbridled abortion politics” marking the events, even pervading the entire meeting. On August 16th, the Times ran a report saying that Planned Parenthood was going to be at the Democratic National Convention offering, get this, free vasectomies and chemical abortions.  They also have a giant inflatable, I'll just say, contraceptive device connected to the convention. Seriously. It is as if some kind of comedy writer wrote this up. Only, this isn’t a comedy script. And this isn’t funny.  Tragically enough, this is the 2024 Democratic National Convention.  Well, this is becoming abundantly clear. The Democratic Party is the party of abortion and sterility. It is the party of death, serving the purpose of the culture of death. In truth, this isn’t a comedy at all. It’s a scandal.See for privacy information.
As the Democrats gather this week in Chicago, one ABC News host pressed Democrat strategist and Kamala Harris surrogate Kaivan Shroff to explain why Harris has refused interviews or press conferences or to publish her policy positions on the campaign website.  Shroff offered a true insight into both the Democrat nominee and the media around her.   “The more details you share, the more your policies are going to get picked apart,” Shroff observed, and then added, “I trust the journalists to explain these policies and our values to folks.” That should shock American voters. First, because Harris and her campaign don’t believe she should be transparent about her policy agenda. It’s the Nancy Pelosi formula again, only this time for the presidency: You have to elect Kamala before you can know what’s “inside” her policy agenda. Second, because Democrats expect the media to essentially campaign for her.  “We all know how this works,” Shroff said.  We certainly do—and it’s not healthy for the nation.See for privacy information.
The Democratic party is now the party of socialism. Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist, once let the cat out of the bag when he remarked that “bread lines are a good thing.”  This from a man who honeymooned in the Soviet Union.  He couldn’t visit Alexander Solzhenitsyn for his views on the Soviet Union when Solzhenitsyn lived in Vermont, but Sanders could travel over 5,000 miles to see and praise the Soviet Union. Tim Walz, the week before he was selected as Vice Presidential nominee, said “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”  Walz was the most left wing of all of Kamala Harris’s choices, and, just after praising socialism, he was selected as her number two.   But AOC—another self-described socialist—will be giving a primetime address from the Democratic convention.  This never would have happened in the past.  To borrow, again, from Tim Walz, when they tell you who they are, believe them. They are socialists.See for privacy information.