Trail EAffect
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Trail EAffect is a show that dives into the stories behind trails, the communities that embrace trails, and the people who rely on trails as a way of life by interviewing the personalities involved with the world of Trails and Mountain Biking.
201 Episodes
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Solid show!! Great concepts and ideas in NC!! Keep up the good casting Josh!!
Mountain Biking and Disc Golf???? I experienced this in Tennessee 2 weeks ago! I have to tell ya…IT WAS AWESOME! To ride 13 miles on 5 different trails, get done and then play a PAR 9? What a dual purpose fun time! This is now on my To Ride and Golf list!!!
I’m perplexed!!! Cancel my Amazon Prime Membership or just buy a mountain Bike Pass to sweet bike parks???? Great show!!
These women were hilarious and giggly!!! A wonderful energized listening experience’
A great listen!! That snake bite story was crazy!!! I love his philosophy… “No obstacle is failure unless you quit”!!
Another great podcast with excellent learning information!! This guy is SMART!! I’ll be using Trail Bot!!!
Wow!!! That’s all i got for this one!!!
“Nothing is beneath us”! It’s what stuck in my head on this interview. Showers? Camp in lot? Family owned? Makes sense to me now why when i drove by Howler Bike Park two weeks ago in the pouring rain that there where 10 cars in the lot. Max came off super humble and took advantage of his privileges and built some greatness for all us mtb enthusiasts to enjoy! Me being a cyclist, overlander and jiu jitsu practitioner. This location is on my 2024 schedule! I was sold on this place 8 minutes in
Woah!!! Did i hear talk about WINONA??? Awesome deal and yes another great informative cast!! Love what i an learning on the trail EAffect!! And f.y.i The new DH stuff in Winona is ripping!!
Great interview!! Loved Adams energy and knowledge of trails. He’s a fabricator and rider! And building stuff out of his garage? My tour of dude…. Now i got this destination on my trail list. Great job again Josh!!
I am sob glad this re-aired! Because now that i just finished the Marji 50 last weekend, it made this interview so perspective. Todd is crazy. Plain and simple! Some of the toughest single track that i have ridden, but also the greatest too! Josh Blúm has done a great job of painting a picture of what 906 Adventure can do! I can’t wait until MG50 2024!!
Another great cast!!! Great interview and lots of places to go ride and see!!
Good cast and great analogy on trails being a multi tool! They serve many purposes
Yeah, the Canyon Bib by KETL mountain is the shizzzzz! I have 2 pair and buying a third one to keep in my semi! GREAT INTERVIEW with Martha, she kept it,” 1 throw-wow”!
What a phenomenal inspiring cultural cast!! Laura's energy is awesome . She started mountain biking at 37 and she is now 40? Stay sick wit it! And then her Pops rides too and did most of a 1000 mile ride!!! Now, Fire Mountain is on my trip list, because I need to meet her!! Represent the Culture girl!!!🙌🏿
Yes, tire pressure! tell the Aaron. Im on my second year of fatbiking. never been to Cayuna in the summer, let alone the winter. The great places and interviews that Josh has gone and done, KEEPS making my list longer and longer! Can't wait to got to CAYUNA! Great Cast!!!
Now I need to ride 9 Mile, and check out those new Fatbike trails!!! So much good info on this Cast!!
This guy likes to talk and knows what he is talking bout!! GREAT things for the mountain biking and outdoor activities in general!!
This was one of those casts that was like my grandmother talking to me. I mean, being a minority myself and knowing my bike is my therapy for my trauma. Made this Rezduro info and awareness real. Germaine hit it home when she said, she doesn't ride the bikes, but she can feed those that come!! And yes...the importance of good timing chips is a MUST!! Take the time to listen to this one.....Some of you, just might not understand the power of this cast and its pride to get the word of indigenous people out there!!!
Man..I have to say. The energy and the knowledge in this podcast with The White,"Coolio" has definitely made it in to my Top 5 of these 92 podcasts. What Dave said about the history of the MTB trails in Missouri and how the population and housing was diminished because nothing was there, before the trails were implemented was truly amazing. The passion in his voice from being a part of that resonated in this podcast. When Dave also talked about the Griffin's and the sacrifice there son gave and what the community did to recognize him in Indiana WAS awesome to hear. So much I learned in this cast, that I had to listen to it twice!!! Keep up the good interviewing Josh B!!