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Trailblazing with CorbettPrice

Author: Andy Corbett

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The Trailblazing with CorbettPrice podcast features interviews with influencers from across disciplines and industries to present new and fresh perspectives that challenge how to approach change to solve some of the biggest challenges faced today.

20 Episodes
In the series' opening episode, we spoke to Subho Banerjee about continuous learning and how organisations must adopt it to develop a high-performing workforce ready for the future.Equally crucial to adopting a continuous learning culture is maintaining one. This involves ensuring that employees have an ongoing connection to their organisation, which sometimes is more easily said than done. Globally, there are alarmingly high rates of disengaged employees who are 'quiet-quitting,' and it takes leaders with an EQ approach to navigate the often uncomfortable conversations to reconnect employees to their organisation.Maeve Neilson is a highly respected and experienced leader in New Zealand. In this episode, she joins Andy to discuss how she has developed and led teams in New Zealand, drawing on her direct experience in creating a cross-functional team from the Mosque Shooter sentencing event in 2020 to create a great workplace culture.
According to LinkedIn's Workplace Learning Report for 2024, 4 in 5 people want to learn how to use AI in their profession. But in the public sector specifically, there has been much trepidation about where to use it, how to use it, and, importantly, ensuring that it is used safely with the proper guardrails in place.James Christie, Director of Artificial Workflow, and a guest instructor on our Elevate course on Enhancing Processes with AI, joins Andy to discuss the increasingly popular and in-demand skill of AI. Listen in as James answers the fundamentally essential questions on learning AI skills, including if having a technical background is necessary in learning AI, what the best use cases are in getting started, what other skills are complementary to learning AI skills, and the five critical success factors in implementing AI in an organisation. You will also want to take advantage of James's checklist to get going with AI in your organisation, which is provided as a download.
Sandra Lerch, Executive Director of Strategic Workforce Futures at the Public Sector Commission for the Queensland Government, joins Andy in this latest episode to explain how organisations can create workforce agility. She shares her experiences and learned lessons from her direct involvement in the recently released Even Better Public Sector for Queensland Strategy for 2024-2028.  Listen in to hear Sandra explain how organisational agility is a change process and how, by putting people at the centre, you can achieve the agility you need to be fit for the future. Sandra also shares the three important ingredients for being purposeful and holistic in your approach to developing and embedding workforce agility in the way you work.
In today’s episode, we dive deep into the current skills landscape, outlining the skills that are becoming increasingly important and discussing proven strategies that can help organisations become more skills-based in how they attract, develop, nurture, and retain their workforce.  
Our exciting new series explores critical dimensions of capability building across five insightful and thought-provoking episodes. This series is designed to help leaders instil continuous learning into their organisation’s DNA and develop high-performing workforces that are equipped and ready to embrace the future. As the perfect start to our series on Solving the Capability Gap, Subho Banerjee, Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Public Service and Head of the APS Academy and Capability, joins Andy to discuss continuous learning.
Andy Corbett introduces the third podcast series of Trailblazing with CorbettPrice, "Solving the Capability Gap," and provides a brief overview of what's to come.
According to a recent McKinsey report, more than half of global survey respondents on AI said that they had adopted AI in at least one of their business units, and nearly two-thirds expected that their company’s investments in AI would increase over the next few years. Yet according to Boston Consulting Group, Australia lags globally, with around 70% of Australian organisations yet to succeed in delivering digital transformation, a critical first step to succeed in AI. Pia Andrews, a global expert in open government and digital government transformation and former public servant, joins us to navigate this important change and provides her unique global and local perspectives on how public institutions can approach the responsible adoption of AI. In this episode, Pia shares her six fundamental questions that the public sector must answer when designing for trust, which are part of The Trust Framework for Government Use of AI and Automated Decision Making whitepaper she developed and her top tips on getting started.
With more than a third of Australian Public Service employees reported as wanting to leave within the next two years, according to the June 2022 APS Census, one correlation you can draw is that leaders need to look for ways to bridge the gap between employee expectations and employer needs. In this episode, Andy talks with Tina McAllister, Acting Director of People and Culture at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for the Queensland Government, as Tina provides her Queensland lens to questions on what it is that employees want, how leaders can respond, ways to to managing flexibility within the workforce, and the role that internal mobility plays for employee retention and ways of addressing it.
What does it take for organisations to create an inclusive workplace where staff feels valued, safe to contribute, and to be their authentic selves? Has progress been made in the public sector, and how can all leaders acknowledge and act accordingly to close the gaps with their employees, especially those from diversity groups? Please tune in to hear Julie Etchells, Chief Human Resources Officer at the Department of Child Safety, Seniors, and Disability Services for the Queensland Government, provide her valuable perspectives based on her experiences working for the Queensland public sector over the past twenty-four years.
Dan Bowes, Executive Director of Taxes and Grants Products at Revenue NSW, joins Andy to explain how his team ensures they deliver for their customers.  Listen in to hear from Dan how his team overcame challenges during COVID through successful collaboration, the entire team's role in improving customer process outcomes, and his top three tips on how other leaders can deliver efficiently and effectively for their customers.
Steve Brady, Managing Director of TAFE NSW, joins Andy in this episode to discuss the important change of shifting mindsets and leading to empower employees. Listen in as Steve shares his invaluable insights and perspectives on how TAFE NSW continues to embrace change and adapt to their customer's evolving needs and how Steve maintains a positive mindset and stays adaptable in the face of change.
Listen to Andy as he announces our latest series of Trailblazing with CorbettPrice, all about embracing organisational change.
With changing employee expectations around the learning and development opportunities organisations offer to improve their overall wellbeing, L&D managers face meeting these expectations to future-proof their organisation and attract and retain the best talent. How and what must L&D managers focus on to provide these opportunities to employees in a hybrid working environment, and how can they empower employees to build and maintain an A-grade team? Listen in to find out!
The leadership style of an organisation can profoundly impact an organisation's health, affecting the workplace culture, employee experience, engagement, performance, and organisational agility and resilience. The prolific global expert in open and digital government and former public servant Pia Andrews joins us for episode six in our series and discusses how public sector professionals must lead and navigate their teams now and in the future.
Cherie Canning from Luminate Leadership joins us to discuss the essential topic of workplace culture. Cherie draws on real organisational case studies to talk through the attributes leaders need to have to create a people-centric culture, how this starts with psychological safety and how to create that, how organisations can overcome toxic workplace cultures, why mental health first aid is essential for everyone throughout an organisation, and how to build a connection with employees regardless of whether they are in the office, or working from home. This episode is must listen for anyone who wants their organisation to be more people-centric or learn how to maintain a positive and strong workplace culture.
To help explain what design thinking is and how it can be used to design a good employee experience that engages and empowers an organisation's workforce, Rodger Watson joins us. Rodger is the founding course director of the Master of Creative Intelligence and Strategic Innovation at the University of Technology in Sydney. If you have always wanted to understand design thinking and hear an example of how it has been used to solve a key societal challenge, then you won’t want to miss this!
Dave Wild, Futurist, Strategist and Provocateur, joins Andy in this episode to challenge how we look and approach the future, adapt to new technologies, and evolve how we think about long-term planning for organisational performance health. In this riveting episode, Dave demonstrates what a Futurist is, what they do, and how you can become one to help guide your organisation into the future.
Scott Johnston, Deputy Secretary of Revenue, New South Wales, Chief Commissioner of State Revenue, and Commissioner of Fines Administration, joins Andy in this episode to discuss how Revenue NSW has applied agile principles to transform their organisation to become adaptive and responsive now and in the future. Hear how Scott manages to be a regulator while also delivering excellent customer service to Revenue’s three-and-a-half-million customers, his thoughts on empowering the whole organisation to innovate, his top tips for how leaders can respond to changing customer priorities, and much more.
In the continuing climate of uncertainty, organisational leaders need new approaches to redefine the way forward in tackling and overcoming some of today’s most pressing challenges.  Our Trailblazing with CorbettPrice podcast promises to break new ground as we present cutting-edge insights from industry game-changes and thought leaders who have embarked on this journey. Join us in our debut series, as we take a dive deep into the fascinating world of organisational health, exploring the seven dimensions of wellness across seven compelling episodes. We have an extraordinary line-up of trailblazers who will provide their real-life perspectives and experiences to help unravel the intricacies of each of these dimensions, uncover connections between them and provide practical ways that can help you to elevate your organisation’s health and boost its overall wellness.
Andy Corbett introduces us to the new podcasting series by CorbettPrice.