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Trailer Park Boys Presents: Park After Dark
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Trailer Park Boys Presents: Park After Dark

Author: Bubbles, Ricky, Julian

Subscribed: 14,975Played: 904,718


Hang out with Ricky, Julian and Bubbles in Ricky's kitchen, smoking, drinking and talking about whatever the hell pops up in their f***ed-up brains! Watch the video version at and the TPB/SwearNet app.
474 Episodes
Summer's about to f**k off, so it's time to party! Before the Boys hit the liquor store and crank some AC/DC, they do some plane spotting, theatre banging, and DIY surgery. Plus: Oh lawd he comin - Bubbles rages about a big fat cat!
Thirteen is the magic number as the Boys get down to some serious drinking... and mathing! Ricky tries swinging Spanish-style, Bubbles brings the tunes, and Julian brings the sweaty muscle briefs. Plus: Samsquamptch sightings, and Ricky's best-ever brain learning!
Watch Julian's genius business brain in action as he devises a foolproof get-rich plan! All he needs is the UK's biggest cock, an acrobatic circus and... no time to explain, just roll the tape! Plus: Conky's got competition - meet Biscuits McGonagall!
The Boys - and some new buddies - are LIVE and drunk as f**k at Fan Expo Canada! Discover dark secrets of the Dirty Dancer, Bubbles' plan to save NASA, and a wild auction of some f**ked-up sh*t. Plus: Conky goes TOO F**KIN' FAR!!
The Boys are heading to Fan Expo Toronto, and they're planning to get right out of 'er! Before they go flying, they chat about beaver fighting, mayo cologne, and taunt some hurricanes! Plus: Is it a bird, is it a plane... no, it's Super Sexian!
Summer's blazing and the Boys are thirsty for muscle milk, vodka and... water?!! They discuss the dangers of oven banging, a million dollar chicken wing heist, and living the dream with the oldies. Plus: Beep boop beep - Bubbles gets sentimental about Simon!
The Boys discuss the latest Olympics news, including pole vaulting wangs and sports-mad whales, and come up with a sh*tty new sport! They also cruise down China's LSD highway to the country's worst restaurant. Plus: Guess who caught their cock in a drawer? Yup.
International rap superstar CLASSIFIED is in the trailer! He chats to the Boys about the music game, gold records and tour bus life. Plus: Crazy happenings at the Olympics, the sad story of the balogny log dog, and why you shouldn't f**k around in Peru!
It's a f**king zoo in the trailer, with painted lobsters and zorses runnin' around, sharks all jacked up on cocaine, swearing parrots and deadly Koi salad! Plus: Get ready to get learnt, Ricky's bringing the f**kin' FACTS!!
Well, slap our balls and call us Sally! The Boys have been getting f**ked up in Calgary, raging on a plane, and learning Spanish swears. Bubbles also tries to break Ricky's brain with a word challenge! Plus: What's with all these f**kin' CUCUMBERS??!
Life, the Universe and Everything... holy f**k Boys, Bubbles has got it all figured out! Settle back with a glass of Julian's Wiener vodka, a Joe Beef steak and some mushrooms, and prepare to get your mind blowed. Also: Love Shark Week? Get ready for Arse Week!
F**k's sake Boys, get the show started! There's a f**k-ton to get through, including the Boys' messy drinking week, Bubbles' new crime fighting show, and a taste test of new TPB chip flavours. Plus: Can Ricky become the right sexy face of Zig-Zag?
Episode 6 - Muscle TV

Episode 6 - Muscle TV


Guess who's been stealing Amazon Prime? And no, it's not f**kin' Ricky! The Boys discuss the ugliest dog in the world, dinner with Elon Musk, and get into some serious cock talk! Also: Let's raise $3k to get Bubbles... 19 Paul McCartney tattoos?!?
It's hot as f**k in Sunnyvale, and the Boys are tryin' to get a tan, man! On today's menu: hot dogs and loud fish, the Sperminator, and Ronnie Thunder's overactive weiner. Plus: Get learnt on a new 'f' word!
This week is getting exciting as f**k! The Boys got their faces - and TPB chips - on the local TV news! Ricky's also looking forward to Father's Day, and has some awesome (and f**ked) gift requests, including a challenge for Zig-Zag rolling papers. Plus: Julian's plan to give'r when he's 80!
The Boys take a day trip to jail for a special Park After Dark. There's baby eels, boas, kitty vending machines and a little wooden prick... f****kkk! Plus: Julian gets demolished by TPB super fan Maria!
The Boys are excited as fack - Snoop Dogg's coming to town, and they're ready to party with him on June 3! But are they gonna have to crawl through the sewers to get into the concert? Julian also tests the Boys' music smarts, as Bubbles reveals his scrump-dilly McCartney claim to fame!
What the f**k is up with Bubbles? Murder? Cyborg transformation? Or is he just f**ked up on gummies? The Boys also plot a weed planting rampage, get learnt about quasars, and do WHAT with a dirty old applesauce log?!?
Park After Dark is a f**kin' ZOO this week - with 10,000 bats, dirty old black flies, musket rats, and crocodile-eating kitties! Also: Ricky get Naked & High, Bubbles dives into the New York-Dublin portal, and it's some sexy dick's birthday!
On the latest Park After Dark Drugs, Drugs, Drugs Edition: Making scrilla from sweaty balls, Mother's Day gift advice, the whereabouts of Tammy LaFleur. Also: No buzz on = nuclear SUCK!!
Comments (482)

James T. Huddleston

I’ve been to Peru twice, it’s a beautiful country if aren’t fucked in the head doing sex tourism…bet you all would go to the underage clubs.

Aug 28th

James T. Huddleston

Bubbles is quickly becoming everyone’s least favorite character because he won’t shut his fuckin yap…🙄

Aug 23rd

Bradley Hollon

hey pass me a piece of that wombat pie and a glass of sandpaper i wanna get sleepy and fall down the driveway while gassing up the barry MANNILO this jetpack tastes like grandmas garden gnome

Aug 19th

Bradley Hollon

yes i. bought your toothpaste the one with tarter control AND IT MADE ME FEEL LIKE A PIECE OF BARRY MANNILO

Aug 19th

Bradley Hollon

did wont Jon Jr red dmc do Jones it im GOBBLESS Jemima retna DONT rawhide with Jacob .. .. Barry MANNILO

Aug 19th

Bradley Hollon

so then i told her hey you put my cat back in the spaceship and back away slowly.just because you ate a sphincter dosent mean i will time travel the surfboard.if you think about it i was correct because in my calculations i accounted for gravity's effect on barry MANNILO'$ balls and ordered a side of chicken gravy

Aug 19th

Bradley Hollon


Aug 19th

Mike Lazaro

dooba dooba dee dee

Jul 20th


stop eating on the podcast lol

Jul 3rd

James T. Huddleston

Julian’s a fascist

Jun 15th

James T. Huddleston

Awww…Julian’s mother doesn’t cuddle with him everyday…😞🥺

Jun 4th

James T. Huddleston

Julian outta the gate talking about fucking dogs and nazis…he outta be incinerated lol

Jun 4th

James T. Huddleston

Julian is such a fuckin dick, “they’re being forced to eat dogs in North Korea” Julian: I wonder what they taste like.”

Jun 3rd

Bradley Hollon

i just wanted to tell every that i Barry mannilo each and everyone of you

May 17th


guys for the love of God stop eating on the podcast. you have microphones next to your mouths!

May 6th

Bradley Hollon

Julian like to eat hash holes and blame the great barry mannilo

May 6th
Reply (1)

Bradley Hollon

Barry mannilo eats cantaloupes by the ass load

May 6th

Bradley Hollon

Ricky smoked all my barry mannilo and Julian pooped in my damn sink bubbles shaved my harry barry mannilo

May 6th

Bradley Hollon

Julian' signed a contract to nude oil wrestle big barry mannilo for the Mexican hard core soft shell taco belt

May 6th

Bradley Hollon

bubbles stole Barrys mannilo

May 6th