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Transform Your Mind w Coach Myrna

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Join coach Myrna Young - Certified Professional Coach and Author - for tips on living a life on purpose, having quality healthy relationships, attracting your soul mate, finding your passion and generally how to shift your mindset to achieve your goals and dreams. You'll learn practical strategies from coach Myrna as well as hear expert interviews from other coaches and best selling authors who have had similar struggles and have found success.
29 Episodes
Have you found your purpose? Our topic today is “How to find your purpose” by becoming a Diamond. My guest today on Mindset Transformation radio and podcast is Marlene M Bryan, inspirational speaker, author, business coach and President of Small Biz Evolution. Marlene is going to teach us “How to find your purpose” by becoming a Diamond. Marlene asks this question: Do you remember the day you asked: “Why am I here?” “Why was I born?” “Why don’t I know my purpose?” And the best of all: “Why me?” It’s okay to ask the question why? Yet some people get hung up on the “why” and never move forward or take action to put what they have learned into action.
Then tune in as my guest this week on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast,  Swami Brahmananda Saraswati answers the following questions: What is happiness?/ How do I know if I’m happy? • Why does happiness matter? • What if my circumstances are (overwhelming/unsupportive family/toxic environment/no time)?/ When someone is struggling trying to stay afloat and keep moving – how can you ask them to be happy? • Why can’t people choose happiness?/Why don’t people choose happiness? • Isn’t it wise to suffer in the short-term so we can be happy in the long-term? • Does the Happiness Formula work for everyone/ Will the happiness formula work for me? Swami Brahmananda Saraswati was raised in India and at age 4 began studying with ascended masters in an ashram in the Himalayas. By age 12 he was teaching yoga and meditation at the ashram’s yoga school.  Register for this free master class now
Tune in for tips on getting started with your Investment in Real Estate, Wholesaling. My co-host is Trevor Evans, speaker/trainer for Rich Dad Education.  Trevor shares how to get into real estate investing with the wholesaling vehicle with little or no money. “A real estate wholesaler contracts with a home seller, markets the home to his potential buyers, and assigns the contract to the buyer. The wholesaler makes a profit, which is the difference between the contracted price with the seller and the amount paid by the buyer.”
In episode 2 of our series “Real Estate Investments: Fund, Fix, Flip” episode 2 we are answering the question “Is Owning a Rental worth the headache?” Listen to find answers from Rich Dad coaching Trainer/ Investor/ Banker Trevor Evans  What are you doing that is causing the headache? 1. Not properly screening the tenant. 2. Not understanding the renters mindset 3. Not Knowing  your tenant 4. Not Understanding the positive cash flow cycle 5. Not understanding which properties to buy 6. Not Setting up warranty or replacement work directly with local scratch and dent shops 7. Not Hiring a Property Management company
If you allow fear to linger in your body and in your mind, It will not only attract the thing you fear the most into your experience;  but it will also bring disease to your body. All diseases can be traced back to negative thoughts and fear.  Negative thoughts transform your body into an acidic state.  Fear is a negative thought magnified to the 1000th degree. Listen to learn How to use positive energy to clear the negative energies of fear.
My guest today is a toastmaster’s trained Speaker, self published Author , Facilitator and MC . Master Practitioner of NLP, Certified Life Coach and Confidence mentor. Tune in to hear Di’s story of how she was gang raped at 15 years, forced to give the baby up for adoption and told that she was worthless and that no good man would want her. She ended up in a 31 year marriage that restored her confidence until her husband died and she had to find the confidence to start over and date in the second half of life.
In this episode of Transform your Mind with Coach Myrna, I interview Trevor Evans, Wealth Teacher/Trainer for Legacy Education, also know as Rich Dad education. We discuss how to achieve a wealth mindset to start building your wealth porfolio.  Trevor teaches on acquiring wealth through investing in Real Estate. Tune in to learn what shifts in your mindset must occur before you can have finacial freedom; what you need to do first to start your real estate investment business; and how the laws of attraction helped Trevor in his investment business.
What happens when you have a clear vision that you worked on every day for most of your life and you fail to realize it time and time again? What do you do? The bible says “Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Refuse to be deterred by opinions, policies, and traditions. Do you become disheartened? God can change the minds and hearts of the populist. What he did for the daughters of Zelophehad, he can do for Hilary Clinton and he can do for you. You must keep the vision in front of you and get back up every time you get knocked down.
Have you ever wondered what your soul's purpose is? Why you have chosen this time to manifest into a physical presence? Well Neale Donal Walsch teaches these truths in his book " The Conversation with God" series.  Today I share an interview with Neale Donald Walsch as he reveals truths about your soul and how to awaken to it's purpose.  As Host of the show, I also share some other trruth revealed in the Conversation with God books about Prayer, Relationships, Abundance, and some soul expressions to monitor if you have indeed met your soul.  So listen, follow me or subscribe, so you can be notified when I post more great content such as this.
Today I would like to take you on a journey into living! How to live before you die. I ask the question “What makes a virtuous and meaningful life for you?"  Phycologist says that for you to life a virtuous and meaningful life you should have balance in these 7 areas  You should have A fulfilling career - i.e. You are doing what you love You should and must have A relationship with a higher power, GodYou must be fruitful and multiply You should offer Service to your community You must have Effective time management and stress reduction You must get quality Sleep, adequate exercise and proper nutrition You should spend Quality time with loved one’s friends and family
My Guest this week on Transform Your Mind BlogtalkRadio is Dr Donavan Outten  Dr. Donavan Outten is a powerful trainer, consultant, educator and administrator with over 20 years' experience. He is the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs at Webster University. Dr. Outten is published author, of 2 books, one of which is our topic today. Unleash your inner greatness: A guide to overcoming obstacles and Tapping into the person God meant you to be.  Listen to find out how to overcome some of the obstacles preventing you from "Unleashing Your Inner Greatness" Where does the power of determination come from? The path toward nurturing a resilient mindset and lifestyle. How to find the passion that's dwelling inside you.  How your Destiny can be referred to as a predetermined course of events.
Success in life depends on what kind of a leader you are. You may say I am not a leader, I am not a manager or a CEO, true but self leadership is more important than how many people you lead in your home or place of work. Since 90% of startup businesses fail, Daphne believes that the quality of life and business leadership is at the root of success or failure. She believes that leadership is about using the most effective strategies to conquer obstacles while taking consistent steps to move forward when tackling your vision, whether that vision is within the workplace, as a leader of a business or personal leadership.
This week on #Mindset Transformation with coach Myrna, I share an interview with Dr Denise Johnson, Spiritual Psychologist, on her radio program "Spiritual Principles for Emotional Healing." In this interview, I share my back story of how I became conscious and awakened, (The title of my first book, Becoming Conscious, my Awakening), the situations and storms in my personal life that resulted in my spiritual growth and evolution, and finally my topic "Are you Eating your Seed, How to Reap where you Plant" In this episode I also share how Tony Robins "Unleash the Power Within" seminar ushered me in the direction of my purpose. You see I was on my way to becoming a house wife when I happened to attend one of Tony's "Unleash the Power Within" seminars and left the experience totally fired up! Two months later, I was the proud owner of my first stretch limousine and the CEO of "A Royal Livery Limousine Service" Six years later, I was being honored with "Entrepreneur of the Year" Unleash the power within Here is Gerald Butler's experience with the "Unleashing the Power within" seminar! “Fear is a huge issue for me. This technique Tony has is a really smart way to literally set those fears aside… That to me, is unleashing the power within.” – Gerard Butler As a distinguished actor, Gerard Butler, spends his life at the next level. Between his countless roles, Gerard is also a dedicated philanthropist. Introduced to Tony Robbins through his dad when he was 17, Gerard had listened to several audio programs before attending Unleash the Power. Despite living life in the public eye and being one for adventure, Gerard struggled with losing focus and being consumed in fear. Before attending Unleash the Power Within, he even found himself nervous about participating with 10,000 other people. Enraptured by the intense energy of the event, his nerves quickly disappeared and he found himself finally able to move towards overcoming his habit of fear. In this episode,
This week on #Mindset Transformation radio with coach Myrna, we give insights on 6 Ways to Find Your Purpose. Coach Dan Willms and I also interview Keshia Marie Morris, Political Activist, as she shares how she found her purpose. Purpose: If you don't have one, you will perish! The bible teaches that people without a vision shall perish. That is the same statement that God made to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He told them that if they ate from the tree of knowledge, then they will surely die. And they did! Not a physical death; but a spiritual death. In a similar way the bible teaches that people without a vision shall perish, again not a physical death, but in spirit . You see, having a purpose inspires you to live and not die! I love this quote from the great Dr. Wayne Dyer “Purpose inspires you. When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project; all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new and wonderful world!” Dr. Wayne Dyer That is what happened to my daughter Keshia Marie Morris. She became inspired after reading Nelson Mandela's book "A Long Walk to Freedom" My partner coach Dan Willms and I interviewed Keshia on our show “You Asked for it” Listen to the MP3 recording to hear Keshia's story. Here is a poem Keshia wrote and I published in my book “Out of the Snares, a story of hope and encouragement” in my chapter on Purpose and Destiny. Order on Amazon Purpose is continually evolving When you emit God from your purpose, You close doors that God clearly opened Know that God is behind your purpose Take ownership of your purpose, for it is not yours, but the Lords Purpose requires you to be diligent Rebuke laziness in the name of God Have tunnel vision in regards to your purpose Focus on your purpose Walk in your purp
This week on the Mindset Transformation radio show I give my New Year's message on the topic "How to Find Happiness in 2017" I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and give you all the Blessing of Happiness and Prosperity in 2017. My wish for you is that 2017 is the year that you take action to make your dreams a reality. That you can bring the thoughts you have in your mind into physical form. I am here to help you. As a coach and someone who stays in the space of constant and never ending improvement; I can help you make 2017 your best year yet! The first step is to tune in every Wednesday to the Mindset Transformation radio show @ or subscribe to my iTunes podcast channel @ Today I want to talk on the topic: How can you be happy in 2017. I recently started a new video series called "You asked for it". This is the prelude to my TV talk show! This is a show I do with my partner coach Dan Willms. In our premier episode, we answered a question sent in via social media on “How to find happiness after a divorce” But the question is portable because we can add anything after the How can I find happiness after….! We can add How can I find happiness after my kids leave home, or how can I find happiness after someone close to me dies, or how can I find happiness after I lose my job etc.. We can substitute any phrase. Dan and I shared in this episode the truth that Happiness comes from the inside. Listen to the Mp3 recording to hear our advise. So let’s expand the topic to “How can I find happiness in 2017” Happiness! It is the universal goal of everyone who has breathe. Let’s look first at the relationship you have with yourself. Self-love is so important to happiness. You have to try very hard to love yourself. If you can't love yourself no one else can love you. If you can't love yourself you can never be happy. You can start by finding
90 Days of Encouragement for the listening soul. This week on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast with Coach Myrna, I interview singer-songwriter Darryn Zewalk. Darryn is a chart-topping singer-songwriter and pianist who has successfully released three independent gospel music projects. He has dedicated himself to utilizing music and technology as tools for spreading the gospel message to the whole world (Mark 16:15). Through original Christ-centered daily posts that offer encouragement for the listening souls of more than 200,000 highly engaged social media followers, Darryn has worked tirelessly to win souls online for the Lord. After recognizing how much impact he was having in the lives of others, Darryn decided to compile his unique posts into several volumes of devotional books titled featuring some of his most impactfull social media encouragements to date. He is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University, and the music minister at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. In this interview, Darryn answers the following questions: 1)What is 90 Days of Encouragement? 2) What Inspired him to write this book and how he thinks it can help people for 90 days? 3) What is the real meaning of Encouragement for the Listening soul? 4) How long he has been playing and writing music. 5) What inspires him to write and how his songs come to life. This is the space I am currently in, listening to my soul, meeting my soul. Your soul is the non physical part of you that is doing the experiencing. It is your connection to the divine. It is the computer where every moment is recorded; in this life and past lives! We have to learn to listen to our soul! It speaks to us through hunches, intuition, music, nature, and our emotions. This article from Collective evolution gives 4 other ways to listen to your soul. 4 ways to listen to your soul to improve your manifesting ability In order to know where you are at, at this point in your life, yo
Today on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast, I interview Gena Yuvette Davis, a board certified executive coach, corporate trainer and organizational development consultant. Gena is going to talk to us today on the topic "How to Transform Behavior in the Workplace" In keeping with my custom, I would like to share with you my tip of the week from coach Myrna. Since Gena is going to talk today on How to Transform Behavior in the workplace, I want to share "How to remove old conditioning in your personal life". How to Remove old conditioning: The physical component of the mind body connection, is the brain. The mind is the software and the physical brain is the hardware. If your brain, the hardware, is stuck in old patterns, even with the best of intentions, the software, the mind, won't work. If you let your brain keep you repeating the same patterns, you become like a biological robot. Your words thoughts and actions become totally predictable. We are all victims of repetitive patterns. To change the patterns that are not serving you, the solution is awareness. Here are 5 habits that are usually automatic. 1: Snacking non - stop even when not hungry 2: Spending too much time on the couch watching TV 3: Overspending your way into debt 4: Eating too much fast foods 5: Skipping breakfast 6: Late night snacking 7: Smoking cigarettes How can you bring awareness to these habits and interrupt your pattern? Let’s look at. Snacking non stop - whenever you feel the need to grab that bag of chips, stop and ask yourself What am I really needing? What need is this food really filling? The moment you take a moment to think about your action, you interrupt your pattern. You are on your way to breaking that habit. Even if you still eat that bag of chips. You are on to way to removing old conditioning. Awareness is the key. Another way to remove old conditioning is to: - change your state Let’s say you are sitting on the couch and you
Today on the Mindset Transformation radio show and podcast with Coach Myrna, I interview Life Coach Kim McDaniel. Kim is going to teach us How to Detox the Body and Soul for Internal and External Success. Kim is the author of the book "Come out with your hands Up - The Joy of Surrendering on God's terms" Why detoxing is important: Building sky scrapers on weak foundations can be detrimental. In the same manner, piling on outer successes without addressing the internal structure, can look great from the outside, but cracks in the foundation will have one of two outcomes - explosion or implosion. Regularly detoxing the body and soul helps to ensure the integrity of the structure - our structure - and it must be intentional. Coach Myrna tip of the week is: The function of the soul is to indicate it's desire. The function of the mind is to choose from it's alternatives. The function of the body is to act out that choice. The soul speaks to you in feelings. Feelings are the language of the soul. There comes a time in the evolution of every soul when the chief concern is no longer the survival of the physical body, but the growth of the spirit. No longer the attainment of worldly success, but the realization of self. Upon death, the body and mind are not dropped. The body changes form, leaving it's most dense part behind, but retaining it's outer shell, joining with the spirit as one energy mass of 3 dimensions. Show Notes: Listen to hear Coach Kim answer the following questions: What is the concept of detoxification - why is it relevant? How frequently should one do a detox for the body? Are you suggesting vegetarianism or veganism as the only way to be healthy? What is alkalinity - does it relate to things beyond diet? Detoxing the “soul” - what exactly does that refer to? What about between detoxes - what do ongoing behaviors look like? Is there really a science to detoxing the brain? What is the relevance of building fences - I thought success l
Nothing is impossible, If you believe. How to turn life's challenges into opportunities of self-discovery and personal success. Todays' guest on the Mindset Transformation Radio show and podcast with Coach Myrna, is Dr. Sheila D. Williams. Dr Williams is the author of "My Mother's Keeper" In keeping with the theme of my show here is my tip of the week. Always finish the race, don't be a quitter. Come all the way through! Don't stop in the middle, don't turn back! Just finish the race. Look at life like a long distance swim trip. When you start out you have no idea what you are going to meet up with. You can't predict the weather, the waves, or any other hazards and obstacles on your journey. You have to make up in your mind, that you will "Come all the way through," That if you are able, you will finish the race. If you get to the middle of the ocean and you run into a thunder storm for instance, you just can't stop. Going back is just as perilous as going forward. You have to "come all the way through" That is exactly how life is, you can't predict the storms, you can't predict the challenges that you are going come up against. You know that they will come. You have to decide up front to "come all the way through." You have to know for sure that Nothing is Impossible, if you believe. God planted that goal or dream in you for a reason. You have something to give to mankind. If you believe, you will achieve! You just have to keep moving forward, going back is death to your dreams, it should not be an option! Show notes: Today's show discusses mental illness and how Dr. Williams cared for her mother as she suffered through clinical depression. Her purpose for writing this book is to shed light on this taboo topic and offer healing to her readers who may be going through something similar. She decide to be very transparent on her mothers clinical depression and how she cared for her mother from the young age of 10. Noth
Today on the Mindset Transformation Radio show, Coach Myrna interviews Dr Nina Savelle-Rocklin. Dr Nina will teach us "It's not about willpower, how to lose weight without dieting" Dr Nina is the author of "Food for Thought" a book about the treatment of eating disorders. Our emotions feed our food intake. Our brain responds to emotions and feelings. Dr Nina is going to teach us today about how emotions affect our eating. In keeping with the format of my show, today my tip of the week looks at how positive emotions and negative emotions affect our daily lives. Positive emotions or feelings can be likened to yeast in a loaf of bread. They raise your energy levels so that you can attract like thoughts floating around in the universe. Thought impulses mixed with emotion are picked up quicker by infinite intelligence and acted upon. There are 7 major positive emotions: Desire Faith Love Sex Enthusiasm Romance Hope These are the most powerful emotions for creating wealth and happiness. There are also 7 major negative emotions Fear Jealousy Hatred Revenge Greed Superstition Anger Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. You must make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominant emotions of your mind. Form the habit of scanning your body to determine how you are feeling. If you find negativity immediately shift to a positive thought. With practice your positive emotions will dominate and negatives cannot enter in. Negative emotions and feelings make you feel bad. Feeling bad is unnatural so we try to eat something, drink something, buy something or do something to make ourselves feel better. That is the source of addictive behaviors. You need to kill the ANTS. Automatic negative thoughts. Check out my blog at for more information on how to control your Automatic negative thoughts. Guest Biography Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Psy.D. is a psychoanalyst, author, speaker and