Transformation Church Tallahassee

Welcome to the Transformation Church podcast! We are a multicultural, multigenerational church led by lead pastors Ryan and Andrea Kramer. We are “leading people into a transforming relationship with Jesus” and having a good time doing it! Join us on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. or check us out online at

The Right Plan

God has a plan for our life, and it involves chipping away the things in our life that aren't part of His finished vision. Week 4 of the series Finish Strong. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


The Right Perspective by Guest Speaker Keren Emmanuel

It's not easy to have a right perspective when troubles come your way, but no matter what, Jesus is telling us to deny ourselves and follow Him. Week 3 of the series Finish Strong. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


The Right People

I don't about you, but when I look back over the history of my life, just about every bad decision and situation came because I had the wrong people in my inner circle. --Pastor Ryan Kramer Week 2 of the series Finish Strong. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


The Right Place

Does your relationship with God feel dry right now? Do your dreams feel dead? Is your life lacking life? The good news is that your present situation doesn't have to be your future reality! --Pastor Ryan Kramer Week 1 of the series Finish Strong. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Mission Sunday

Sharing stories from our mission trip to El Salvador. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Get Out of the Boat by Russell Siemer

When I look at the realness of my circumstances, I struggle with doubt...not in God but in me and my own abilities. --Russell Siemer Let's open our Bible to Matthew 14 starting in verse 22. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 7 - The Test of a True Believer by Pastor Mike Braddock

Do we actually live like the Biblical representation we claim? This is week 7 of our series Summer on the Mount. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 6 - Don't Judge Me Bro

Jesus tells us to judge a tree by its fruit. And He also says "judge not lest you be judged." How do we reconcile these two? This is week 6 of our series Summer on the Mount. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 5 - Prayer Made Easy by Pastor Andrea Kramer

"Maybe you're sitting here this morning and you've never been taught how to pray. You understand that there's an expectation as a follower of Christ to have some sort of communication with your heavenly Father, but you don't even know how to begin. Well, today's the day for you!" --Pastor Andrea Kramer This is week 5 of our series Summer on the Mount, on the topic of Kingdom Conversations. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 4 - Greatest Insider Tip

"Jesus gives us the insider tip of all tips. He's shows us what a sure thing looks like in our life." --Pastor Ryan Kramer This is week 4 of our series Summer on the Mount, on the topic of Kingdom Finances. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 3 - The Danger of Anger

"When it comes to anger, are you a spewer or a stewer? Today we are going to sit on the side of the hill and listen to Jesus as He talks about the topic of anger." --Pastor Ryan Kramer This is week 3 of our series Summer on the Mount: Kingdom Relationships. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 2 - Living a Life That Matters

I want to talk about two of the metaphors that Jesus uses as He's teaching His disciples. And Jesus in this moment, in these verses of Matthew chapter five, 13 through 16, Jesus is helping them see and He's helping us see what our purpose in life really is, and how we can live it out in our life. I've entitled today's message, "Living a Life That Matters." --Pastor Ryan Kramer This is week 2 of our series Summer on the Mount: Kingdom Purpose. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Summer on the Mount - Part 1 - Choose the Jesus Way

Today we're kicking off this new series, Summer on the Mount, where we're gonna be going on a journey over the next couple months, looking at what is called Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter five through seven. And we're gonna be unpacking some of the big ideas. We don't have time to go into all the big ideas, but we're gonna unpack some of the big ideas that are found in these few chapters that Jesus shares. And today I wanna focus on Matthew chapter five, verses one through twelve. And here's the title that I wanna talk about today. Choose the Jesus way. Turn to two people, say, choose the Jesus way. Choose the Jesus way. So let me set the scene a little bit for the Sermon on the Mount." --Pastor Ryan Kramer This is week 1 of our series Summer on the Mount: Kingdom Ethics +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Pressed Not Crushed - Part 3 - There's Got to be More by Pastor Russell Siemer

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Russell Siemer challenges the common notion that our purpose is defined by our occupation. He argues that our true purpose is threefold: to know Jesus and be known by Him, to become more like Jesus, and to make Jesus known. Using biblical passages from Mark, Ephesians, and personal stories, he emphasizes that our identity is not in what we do, but in Christ. He urges listeners to stop comparing themselves to others, as this leads to insecurity and diminishes their God-given identity. The message encourages viewers to build their lives on the sure foundation of Christ, not on temporal achievements, so that when trials come, they are pressed but not crushed. This is week 3 of our series Pressed Not Crushed. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Pressed Not Crushed - Part 2 - Stay in Your Lane

"I want to talk about staying in our lane, and how getting out of our lane can lead to a really rough place." --Pastor Mike Braddock This is week 2 of our series Pressed Not Crushed. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Pressed Not Crushed - Part 1 - It's a Setup

"We are often never more in God's will than when life doesn't go our way." --Pastor Ryan Kramer This is week 1 of our series Pressed Not Crushed. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Unstuck - Part 6 - Unstuck Family Panel

Our panel discussion with Andrea Kramer, Courtney McBride, and Sandy White. This is week 6 of our Unstuck series. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Unstuck - Part 5 - Unstuck for Our Future by Pastor Mike Braddock

How often do we let someone hurt us then we don't deal with it, and it continues to hurt us in the future? This is week 5 of our Unstuck series. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Unstuck - Part 4 - Unstuck in My Career by Pastor Ryan and Andrea Kramer With Rayburn and Maryellen Greene

Sharing the journey of Coach Rayburn and Maryellen Greene on the topic of getting unstuck in your career. This is week 4 of our Unstuck series. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


Unstuck - Part 3 - Unstuck in My Finances

"It's important to talk about money when it comes to being stuck in life." --Pastor Ryan Kramer This is week 3 of our Unstuck series. +++++++ Find more information at our website:


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