Trek Together Podcast

This is the place to find all your news & gossip related to the outdoor community. We can’t promise you it will always be factual, but we can promise a few laughs! Trek Together with us through various topics including, gear, food, outdoor rec, and much more!

S2- Episode 9: Becca Bergstrom (Little Skittle)

Becca Bergstrom completed a northbound thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail back in 2019. She immediately caught the thru hiking bug and had big plans for 2020, until the world came to a stop. Over the past two years she has tackled trails like the Timberline Trail, Oregon Coast Trail and sections of the CDT all while fostering deeper relationships with her family, boyfriend and dog. This year she prepares to finish what she started and thru hike the Continental Divide Trail. In this episode we talk about how it’s important to stay in touch with the real world especially after a thru hike, why embracing the suck is not always the smartest option, and the best places to spray deet during mosquito season.


S2- Episode 8: Jeff Garmire (Legend)

Jeff Garmire gives backpacking and thru hiking a whole new name. He is also a writer, blogger and marathon runner who pushes his body to the limits. After completing a thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail back in 2011, he decided to take his outdoor career to the next level. In 2016, he became the youngest person to complete a Calendar Year Triple Crown. In 2018, he completed the 7,000 mile Great Western Loop in under 7 months. He has over 17 trail records including multiple FKT’s. In this episode we talk about the importance of a positive mindset when facing hardship, how the younger generations are all about seeking out experiences, and why everyone should have a fun costume on trail.


S2- Episode 7: Retha Charette (Pikachu)

Retha Charette is a hiker, writer and outdoor entrepreneur! After completing a thru hike of the Long Trail back in 2020, she decided to tackle the entire East Coast and do the Appalachian Trail in 2021. She has also traveled outside of the US and has climbed many mountains in countries like Japan, Tanzania, Peru and Chile. In this episode we talk about the importance of smiles over miles, how women are improving international communities, and the honest truth about full time traveling.


S2- Episode 6: Cam Bostock

Cam Bostock completed a thru hike of The Bibbulmun Track back in 2021. After spending a year hiking around Tokyo and rediscovering his love for the outdoors, he decided to go full time as an Outdoor Content Creator. Although the Bibbulmun Track is over 1,000 KM (620 Miles), he decided to complete it with his friend in just 21 days. In this episode we talk about the Bibbulmun Track and why more people should check it out, what the hiking culture in Australia is like, and how much energy is actually put into being a full time content creator.


S2- Episode 5: Elina Osborne

Elina Osborne completed a thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail back in 2019. After completing the trail, she produced a highly praised short film of the PCT called, “It Is The People”. After her adventures in the Western US, she went back to her home turf and completed a thru hike of the Te Araroa. She is currently releasing her journey of it on Youtube. In this episode we talk about the differences between trail communities on the PCT and TA, how cringey it can be looking back on old trail footage, and how the world is much bigger than just the trail.


S2- Episode 4: Jupiter Hikes

Jupiter completed a thru hike of the 4,800 mile Eastern Continental Trail back in 2016. Since that awesome feat, he has completed the Ocean To Lake Trail, Sheltowee Trace Trail, Florida Trail, Pacific Northwest Trail, Arizona Trail, Tahoe Rim Trail, Long Trail and is currently preparing for the Pacific Crest Trail. In this episode we talk about why going ultralight is more than just a trend, how to become a contributing member of the hiking community, and his favorite Pokemon.


S2- Episode 3: Nick Greene (Hollywood)

Nick Greene (Hollywood) completed a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail back in 2020. Not only was his goal to make it Maine, but he also took on the project to film a 7 episode documentary of his experience. You can find his documentary titled, “Pack & Soul” over on Vimeo. In this episode we talk about what it takes to film an outdoor documentary, how the Appalachian Trail gives you just a glimpse of the cultural diversity in America, and that if you can’t carry it in your backpack or in your soul, you don’t need it.


S2- Episode 2: Julia Sheehan (Rocket)

Julia Sheehan (Rocket) completed a northbound thru hike of the Appalachian Trail back in 2019. She was then ready for an adventure filled 2020 until the pandemic derailed her plans. In 2021, she completed the AZT, Art Loeb, and did a big section of the CDT. In this episode we talk about the struggles of looking one-dimensional as an online personality, how smaller long distance trails can be just as fulfilling as hiking over 2,000 miles, and that sometimes the things that are best for us are the things we don’t want to do. 


S2- Episode 1: Jack Jones (Quadzilla)

Jack Jones (Quadzilla) first started thru hiking back in 2016 when he successfully completed the Appalachian Trail. Since then, he has gone on to complete the CDT, AZT, Oregon Coast Trail and bike packed from Mexico to Canada. He also just won a 106 mile ultra run in the desert. In this episode we talk about how to deal with post trail depression, the necessity of changing unhealthy lifestyle choices, and how difficult times are impermanent.


How To Navigate Post-Trail Life

Welcome to the first episode of the "Trek Together Podcast." This is a rebranding of our original podcast, "Trail Talks" as we decided to change the name to expand our horizons with more outdoor community topics instead of only hiking related content. In this first episode we will be talking about the mental and physical struggles thru hikers face after completing a long distance trail, and our opinions on how to best cope with post-trail depression. 


Episode 19: Bennett (Jolly)

Bennett (Jolly) has just launched his first outdoor clothing business called Jolly Gear. Prior to his launch, he thru hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2015, the Pacific Crest Trail in 2017 & 2018, and attempted the Continental Divide Trail in 2021. In this episode we talk about the creation of the Jolly Gear designs, what it’s like to hike with a parent, and how to deal with injuries on trail.


Episode 18: Derick Lugo (Mr. Fabulous)

Derick Lugo (Mr. Fabulous) completed a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail back in 2012. After his life changing journey, he seized the opportunity to launch his writing career. Back in 2019 he published the book, "The Unlikely Thru-Hiker" which depicted his personal experience of thru hiking. He has also partnered with the Appalachian Mountain Club and is now the host of a brand new podcast called, "Unlikely Stories Podcast". In this episode we talk about what it's like to research the Appalachian trail, the process of writing and publishing a book, and all the interesting people he met along the way.


Episode 17: Matthew (Odie)

Matthew (Odie) has dedicated his life to helping Appalachian Trail thru hikers for nearly the past decade. On top of that, he is the founder of the Hiker Yearbook that is distributed to both the AT and PCT communities. It all started with his own thru hike of the Appalachian Trail back in 2013. In this episode we talk about the 7 Leave No Trace Principles, the birth of the Hiker Yearbook, and his experiences hiking with Nimblewill Nomad this past year.


Episode 16: 1st Round Table (Knoxville, Posh Jesus & Resident Daddy)

This is our first “Round Table Discussion” held on Trail Talks. In this episode, we welcome back three of our previous guests (Knoxville, Posh Jesus & Resident Daddy) and have an open ended dialogue about the thru hiker’s psyche. Our conversations consisted of topics including, how the trail changes your life for the better and worse, the strengths and weaknesses of the thru hiking community, and if your original “why” changes throughout the trail.


Episode 15: Renee & Tim (Tik & Tok)

Renee & Tim (Tik & Tok) completed a northbound thru hike of the Continental Divide Trail in 2021. On top of that they have a long resume of outdoor recreation including completing a thru hike of the PCT in 2018, and moving to Germany and creating the hiking app, Wanderfreund. Our conversations consisted of topics including, how to balance a thru hike on top of being a social media presence, the differences between the PCT and CDT, and what the process to invent a hiking app is like.


Episode 14: Sydney (Sherbet)

Sydney (Sherbert) completed a northbound thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail in 2021. After taking a break from the competitive rowing world, she decided to pack her bags and try her hands at a different approach to outdoor recreation. She spent a winter in Montana as a ski instructor and then immediately hopped on the PCT to pursue the 5 month trek. Our conversations consisted of topics including, the difficulties of trying new hobbies the older you get, how debilitating injuries and illness on trail can be, and what rushing to the Canadian border before winter is like.


Episode 13: Kayla & Fynleigh (Supermom & Supergirl)

Kayla & Fynleigh (Supermom & Supergirl) completed a northbound thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2021. Completing the AT is already a crazy feat, but imagine doing it at the age of 7! Big props to this Mom and Daughter duo that kicked butt all the way down the trail. Our conversations consisted of topics including, the kindness of trail angels and their magic, the different perspectives of thru hiking as an adult versus a child, and how the dynamic of a hike changes while attempting with a family member.


Episode 12: Sophia (Wheelz)

Sophia (Wheelz) completed a northbound thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2021. On top of her amazing accomplishment, she was able to raise over $15,000 to support the Ulman Foundation. Our conversations consisted of topics including, a handful of hiker trash moments, the benefits of hiking for a reason bigger than yourself, and how the trail’s difficulty is built around your mentality, not the physicality.


Episode 11: Max (Brows)

Max (Brows) completed a northbound thru hike of the Appalachian Trail in 2021. Originally college friends, we had no idea he also had plans to do a thru hike. Our conversations consisted of topics including, celebrating the small moments of a thru hike, how the South has real mountains, and some unique trail magic stories.


Episode 10: Shaina (Stumbles)

Shaina (Stumbles) completed a northbound thru hike of the Pacific Crest Trail in 2021. She was our first PCT guest on the podcast, and it was a blast to pick her brain while we prepare for our own attempt at the PCT in 2021. Our conversations consisted of topics including, how social media creates an unrealistic picture of thru hiking, how taking time off trail kills momentum, and how a thru hike gives you perspective on a more minimalist lifestyle.


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