Tricky Old Dog

<p>Learning new skills for older folks, taking on challenges that seemed daunting before. </p>

Attempted Busking

Just started playing out on the streets, something I've wanted to do for a long time, but always had excuses, etc... Had to find someone to jam with to get past limiting notions and fears.


This is Where I Start... again...

Another fall from grace, and the whole having to pick myself up and start over. Yet again.


Changing Identity

I'm in the middle of moving my storage, and having problems with my old place, so I'm jammed for time, and just threw this together. 


Winter is coming... This one will be long.

All of the things changing so rapidly now would be way too much to tackle in a podcast, but I go over some essentials, and how I've decided to deal with... whatever. And therein lies the rub- we don't know what we'll have to deal with, but we're aware, hopefully, that drastic change is now the new normal. 


Accepting, Responding to Change

There are  a number of variables we as individuals and a species are seeing  in the changes we will be facing, and those changes  will accelerate in frequency and intensity. We have little control over those variables, but the thing we have the most control over is how we respond to change. 


Peace of Mind, Joy

If you want to give away oodles of money, and get some Great Art also, go here:


I Quit!

Now, gotta fix other, easier to manage portions of my life.


New Focus

The video showing the paint I pirated. Art & Qualm IIA kid says to a pirate, "Hey, Mister Pirate, why do you have a wooden leg?"The pirate says, "OH, I was made to walk the plank, and a shark got me leg before I could get to land." "Wow!" the kid says. "Hey, how did you get that hook for a hand?" "Well," says the pirate, "We were boarding a Limey ship, and one of the sailors took my hand with his sword. Before he lost his life to my cutlass." "Wow. Mr. Pirate, why do you have a patch on y...


Doing more, stressing less...

I guess I didn't really get to what had become a major point during this: the contradiction is, I'm still stressing as much while in the middle of the process I'm undertaking at the time, I don't stress (as much, anymore) while considering what I should be doing with my time, and why I'm not doing that (yet), or how to fix it (the not doing it yet), or how much exertion it will require, or what will it be like if I try and fail. Here's a YouTube search for Art & Fear. It was, for me, very...


Why Am I Here?

Mulling over my endeavors on these podcasts.Here's what I'm doing to maintain a semblance of discipline. Mel Robbins Make It Happen- Here's to sign up. Here are the videos. Here's my project- Art and QualmArt & Qualm IIArt & Qualm IIIArt & Qualm IVArt & Qualm V


Art start

Here are 2 videos of my new project, from the beginning: Art and Qualm Art & Qualm II


Sparring with Change

"Why we struggle with change"An interesting video on change. Even if you don't appreciate the narration, the Art is noteworthy.


Busker in Wynwood

Another thing about Wynwood - there's music almost everywhere, and traffic noise. LOUD cars, real common in Miami, motorcycles, party buses... hard to find a good spot to be heard.


Concerning Andrew Huberman; babblings...

The first video I saw concerning this: Huberman Smeared.I realize how slow I talk. I'd speed this up 1.25 or 1.5 if I could- I'll see about importing this into some audio editor, I have to look it up. Just thought I'd address this as I what this sounds like to listen to, but strangely, and I record and mentally prod myself to speak faster, it sounds faster to me as I speak, than when I listen.I sound stupid and/or drunk, and I'm neither. Also, I knew this but forgot it- it can be sp...


Just rambling.

This is the video about the Hindu philosophy I discussed... it reminds me of the ancient Greek philosopher, "You can't stand in the same river twice." HealthyGamerGGI suggest at least trying all this guys stuff- Andrew Huberman


Improving the Quality of Life while Living in Novueval Times

Don't wanna harp on this too much, but we are experiencing some very hard times- psychologically. Making it that much harder to focus on doing what I should. Distractions, concerns... trying to avoid these. Trying to change for the better. Here's my Art site- still working on it. matubbesing.comBuy My Art Before I'm Dead!


Let's Try This Again

After a settlement, all monies spent and all acquired lost, I'm back to square one. See video:


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