DiscoverTrinity United Methodist Church of Loveland, CO - Sermon Podcast
Trinity United Methodist Church of Loveland, CO - Sermon Podcast

Trinity United Methodist Church of Loveland, CO - Sermon Podcast

Author: tumcloveland

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Enjoy the messages from Trinity United Methodist Church of Loveland, CO! We are located at 801 N.Cleveland Ave., and gather every Sunday at 10am. For more information, and our complete sermon archive, please check out our website:
213 Episodes
In today's message, we explore how reading the Bible can be like using a map. We'll talk about the challenges of interpreting scripture and how balancing literal and figurative understandings can help guide us through life. Using personal stories and key Bible verses, we show how misreading can lead to wrong turns and why being too rigid can leave us lost. 
Pentecost is a day associated with fiery energy, celebrating God's passionate Spirit bringing Christ's followers together to form the church. It's a celebration extraordinaire, but what if you aren't in a party mood? Join us for a sermon on this uplifting subject and discover how the spirit of Pentecost can reach your soul, no matter how you feel.
Happy Mother's Day from TUMC!
To watch our Children's Program, please go to
We conclude this sermon series by addressing a universal challenge: encountering periods of intense difficulty despite faithfully following God's signs. When faced with such obstacles, the temptation often arises to avoid them out of fear. However, what if we were to confront these challenges head-on and overcome our fears? Imagine the possibilities of what God could accomplish through us if we were to take such courageous steps.
All sorts of things nudge us, attempting to guide us down their preferred paths. So, how can we discern which of these promptings is from God? Is there a way to distinguish the Spirit's influence from other influences? While God's path is indeed out there, uncovering it often involves some testing.
Gretta Brinson, preaching
When we're facing challenges, it's natural to seek clarity on God's intentions and the larger plan for our lives. We often yearn for a grand, overarching view of our purpose. However, is it necessary for us to have such insight? Today, we'll explore how God guides us one step at a time, directing us towards the next right action within God's plan.
Happy Easter from Trinity UMC of Loveland, CO. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
At times, following Jesus leads us into the midst of a crowd, while other times it calls us to journey alone. How can we discern when to do each? Join us today as we learn how to distinguish between the two! Link to images described in sermons    
When you're on a long journey, there are moments when you feel helpless. The desire to regain control can be overwhelming. But being in the driver's seat isn't always the best option. Why? Because we often end up lost. So, how can we stay aligned with God's path when we're tempted to assert our own will?
During the middle of the Lenten Journey, it can feel like things are dragging on, slow, and kind of boring. Life can be like that sometimes, just the same old routine! So, what does God want us to do when our lives seem stuck in a rut, unable to change? We can't grow or get better unless we start looking for new ways the Spirit can make things fresh again. There is always more to life!
During Lent, we often reflect deeply and might uncover difficult truths about ourselves. But thankfully, God is skilled at helping us deal with these discoveries, reshaping how we see ourselves. The path to Easter feels easier when we're not weighed down by heavy labels.
When we walk the Lenten Journey with Jesus, the light of His presence natural exposes our darkness. God sees things we may not even perceive. Jesus draws our attention to that blind spot. So what will happen when we look?
All journeys begin with an invitation. With this year's Lenten trek getting underway, we ask ourselves, what invitation do we need from God this time around? And what invitation is the world looking for from us? 
Gretta Brinson, Guest Preacher
Technology has revolutionized how we spread Jesus' message. So, what would Jesus actually do if He were physically here and had an iPhone? What apps would He use? What functions would he emphasize? Today we think about the possibilities. Join us!
We live in a world where it's so hard to know what is real news. Today we learn what God thinks of intentional misinformation (here's a hint, it's NOT good) and we see how we can spread good news instead of fake news. Join us!   Link to to disinformation infographic:
Temptation and technology are a viotile mix. Yet, the way God has always taught us to resist temptation remains valid. If we remember, recognizem rededicate, resolve, and remove, we can find the Spirits path out of temptation.