Listen to the show every Saturday at 4:00pm Pacific Time and 7:00pm Eastern on BBSRADIO.COM - Station 1.
True Confessions Radio Show with Melody McClendon
True confessions Radio Show is about real life experiencers, from children exposed to horrific childhoods, to victims of molestation, rape, child trafficking, spiritual awakenings, drug addiction, and other horrific and often life changing experiences. We will discuss generational curses, Voodoo, and witchcraft. We will interview pastors, gang members and people with a history of negative experiences. We will learn how they overcame these problems and changed their lives for the better; from thugs to community leaders. This is a show you don't want to miss. True Confessions Radio Show has pledged to raise money to stop adult and child sex trafficking, so please donate.
Melody McClendon, was born in Manhattan, studied at LACC and majored in psychology. Since May 20,1978, Melody has been an experiencer of Demonic and other entity visitations. She is an author of a book entitled, The Demons Amongst Us, a true story of evil spirits haunting her and her children, leading to a spiritual awakening that changed her life. She went from hustling and gang banging to devoting her life to god.