True Crime Cases with Lanie

Welcome to True Crime Cases with Lanie, a podcast dedicated to examining the most compelling true crime cases. Join your host Lanie as she delves deep into the details of each case, providing insight into the motives and actions of both the victims and perpetrators. <br /> <br /> But True Crime Cases with Lanie is not just another true crime podcast. Lanie brings a unique perspective to each case, highlighting the ethical implications of each crime and the ways in which our justice system can better serve victims and their families. <br /> <br /> In addition to exploring the facts of each case, True Crime Cases with Lanie also advocates for victims' rights and supports organizations that provide resources and support to those affected by crime. <br /> <br /> Listeners of True Crime Cases with Lanie can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the true crime genre and the ethical considerations that are often overlooked. For more information, visit our website at Tune in now to join Lanie on this journey into the darkest corners of human behavior.

Paul Bergrin

In some criminal cases, it’s almost like the contrast between the crime and the person committing it, which somehow makes everything more shocking. For example, when the criminal is a police officer – something that seems to occur ridiculously often – breaking the law instead of upholding it. Then there are cases where nurses intentionally […]


The Murder of Tina Stewart

As a parent, sending your children off to college can be scary. It’s natural to worry about your child making the right choices, succeeding in their classes, making new friends, and whether they can take care of themselves without your help. Unfortunately, these issues pale in comparison to the reality of violence occurring on campus. […]


Ask Me Anything! | Bonus Episode

Surprise! In this special AMA episode, I’m answering your burning questions about true crime, podcasting, and everything in between. From the cases that haunt me most to the behind-the-scenes of creating True Crime Cases with Lanie, nothing is off-limits! Plus, I’m sharing my secret weapon for staying focused during long research sessions. Content Warnings: Discuss […]


Allen Ross

Surprise! Here’s a little bonus episode from my presentation at Dallas Public Library’s mini true crime convention last year. This is the haunting case of filmmaker Allen Ross and his involvement with a fringe religious group. Content Warnings: cults & murder. For Ad Free Content visit Supercast; Patreon; or Apple Subscription Sponsors: Connect with Us: […]


Donald Fell

Families come in all shapes and sizes. The definition has changed over the years as the world has evolved, and what “family” means to you can differ depending on a whole number of things – your culture, your upbringing, your own personal circumstances.  Content Warnings: mentions of alcohol and substance abuse. For Ad Free Content […]


Life In True Crime – Live at the Berkshire Pod Fest

This special episode is a live recording from the Berkshire Podcast Festival, where I joined an incredible panel for Life in True Crime, moderated by Josh Hallmark from True Crime BS. Alongside me were Charlie Worrol from Crimelines, Robin Warder from The Trail Went Cold, and Robert Parmer from The Broken System Podcast. During the […]


Elizabeth “Grace Hurley” Freel

Elizabeth “Grace Hurley” Freel lived a life of wealth, privilege, and deep mystery. Known for her eccentric personality and bouts of wanderlust, her double life as Grace Hurley—and the strange circumstances surrounding her tragic death—paint a haunting picture. Was her death the result of suicide, or was something more sinister at play? Her final days, […]


Kendall & Gwen Myers

Welcome back to True Crime Cases with Lanie! While Lanie takes a break to recover, Ayden from the podcast Susto steps in as guest host to bring you this week’s intriguing case. This episode dives into a scandal that could be a subplot from Desperate Housewives. From everyday drama like secret affairs and neighborhood swingers’ […]


Ronald Mikos

As I’m sure we all know, insurance is a neck pain. To get, to keep, to cash in – every step of the way it’s as tedious as it is crucial. But that’s exactly the issue – it is vital. In a country where medical care and hospital bills are horrifyingly expensive, being hospitalized without […]


True Crime Convos: Joan’s Joy

In this special episode of True Crime Convos, join us for an exclusive interview with Rosemarie D’Alessandro, mother of Joan D’Alessandro, whose tragic case shook the nation. Rosemarie opens up about her journey seeking justice for her daughter, Joan, who was brutally murdered at the age of 7. In this heart-wrenching interview, Rosemarie shares her […]


Love Bites: Lisa Nowak

The concept of a love triangle has probably existed for as long as relationships have themselves. From Cleopatra, Mark Antony, and Octavia to more modern-day trios such as Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Monica Lewinsky, and countless others in between. Most people enter into relationships with no interest in looking at anyone else with the […]


The Snake: Lynlee Renick

Snakes are long and limbless reptiles covered in overlapping scales. There are more than 3,400 species, and many have skulls with enough joints to swallow prey bigger than their heads. Snakes are, in essence, lizards that have undergone a reduction in their structure and become simplified with evolution. You either like them, or you hate […]


Love Bites: Cinnamon Brown

We tend to think of crimes of passion as occurring between lovers, married couples, or participants in a love triangle – willing or otherwise. But passionate hatred isn’t limited to romantic or amorous relationships. After all, Cain and Abel were brothers, and the murder of Abel is recorded in the earliest books of the Christian […]


Dating App Dangers

We never really know who we’re interacting with online. It takes just one wrong person knowing who you are, where you live, and seemingly inconsequential details about your life for everything to turn deadly. Whether you’re a Gen Z kid or a millennial whose parents never let you use the family PC unsupervised, the internet […]


It’s not about the Vodou

Religious and spiritual faiths and the practices associated with them are misrepresented ridiculously often – especially so if they deviate from the norm in, say, predominantly Christian communities. In these societies, anything not adhering to strict Christian principles has historically gained the label of “occult,” and any symbolism or practices under that label are demonized […]


True Crime Cases Presents: Diagnosing A Killer [Full Episode]

Welcome to another episode of True Crime Cases with Lanie. Today, we have a special episode featuring the podcast Diagnosing A Killer. If you’re passionate about true crime and mental health, you’re in for an insightful and thought-provoking journey. Diagnosing A Killer is hosted by two sisters, Koelle and Kenna, who delve deep into the […]


The Monster with 21 Faces

On March 18, 1984, Katsuhisha Ezaki came home from work and decided to go for a bath. When he got ready for this bath at around 9 pm, he had utterly no idea that this dip in the tub was going to render him incredibly vulnerable in only a matter of moments. Content Warnings: unsolved […]


Quick Updates [TL; DL in Show Notes!]

Hi everyone! I appreciate your patience as we navigate the next episode! I wanted to quickly come here to release an updated episode that catches you up for the rest of the year, and I hope that I will see you in person soon! It means so much that you would come and see me! […]


The Tiktok Murders: Mahek and Ansreen Bukhari

Social media platforms are designed to be addictive, and one far too common side effect of this is that many young people spend hours scrolling through their feeds, comparing themselves to others, and feeling inadequate. Conversely, though, social media sites also give individuals with narcissistic personality traits a chance to keep the focus of their […]


Ezra McCandless

The phrase “You can’t have your cake and eat it too” is an idiom that dates back several centuries. Its origins can be traced to the 16th century, although the exact phrase has evolved over time. Originally, the phrase appeared in different forms, such as “you can’t eat your cake and have it” or “you […]



Lacey is not suffering from the "illness". She is a torturer and abuser, and murderer. The "illness" was used by the Judge as a mitigating circumstance to give her a lenient sentence.

09-12 Reply


Karla Faye was full of 💩- a prepubescent could never feed a heroin addiction! As to shooting one would show her how it's being done. And smoking it costs even more money. Speed keeps you awake but does not make you a murderer - I've consumed more of it than Karla Faye, not that I am proud of it. But if drugs turn you into a killer, why didn't I kill anyone? 🤔 It's all BS.

01-18 Reply

Ray Arredondo

So, you're going to explain how the media, and pretty much everyone else, ignored the smart case......then do the same thing??!! ridiculous

10-04 Reply


Jason, the oldest of the Amato boys, isn't Chad's biological son; he is Margaret's child from a previous relationship. And that's just one of many wrong or left out details...seems like there wasn't any real research done for this episode!

07-05 Reply


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Great episode. I will sleep good hopefully, But the best part is waking up, if giving the opportunity, to wake up, and congratulations and blessings to and yours.

08-09 Reply
















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