True Spies: Espionage | Investigation | Crime | Murder | Detective | Politics
True Spies takes you inside the world's greatest espionage and detective operations. Our hosts Hayley Atwell, Vanessa Kirby, Sophia Di Martino, Daisy Ridley and Rhiannon Neads talk to the real spies behind the missions. What do they know? What are their skills? And what would you do in their position? We explore and investigate real life thrillers, mysteries and crimes - stories that prove truth is stranger than fiction! These stories cover lies, murder, theft, sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. You’ll meet experts from the top intelligence agencies including FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6 (SIS), KGB, GRU, Mossad and many others. You’ll discover characters who spied because of money, ideology, coercion or just plain old ego. And, if you’d like to dig deeper into the world of secrets, and test your own secret intelligence skills, head over to for articles, games, experiences, puzzles and videos.
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A Cup & Nuzzle production. Series producers: Gemma Newby, Joe Foley. Music: Nick Ryan.
I just hate these "I am too good to be true" loudmouths from the US Intelligence Community. I have been working with them for thirty years, but most of them are just hot air and bluster - just as this guy. He was nothing but a glorified electrician. Going Black - my ass!
Tracy said UBL tried to attack the WTC in 1993 but he had nothing to do with that plot.
vegans? animal rights activists? effing seriously?
The spy who thought spying was wrong says it all. Oath? Honour? Duty? Country?
For anyone interested, do a Google search on "CIA fourth man" and check out Dr. Richard Rita's response to Baer's book. It makes for an interesting counterpoint.
This guy has figured it out. You'd be surprised how many law enforcement officers come to the same conclusion. Make the government the biggest cartel and the use legal and all that money spent fighting the war on drugs or incarcerate the arrested and all the cash addicts spend purchasing their drugs of choice can go back into funding things that matter like healthcare, education, etc.
CBP is Customs and Border Protection. Not Patrol. Just FYI.
another episode missing 30 mins worth of content
missing 30 mins on multiple podcast platforms. please fix.
very interesting but the British voice interaction and comments over what's going on is naff beyond belief. sounds like it is scripted based on a bad computer game.
Hello. Was there ever a part 1 to this episode?
When did fbi agents get so goofy? There seems to be a serious change in the stock of person working at the fbi and not for the better.
wait, why did the episode end without telling the whole story? :\
Hey, I can’t listen to this episode, not here not on apple podcast !!!!!!!can tell me why please thank you.
Yeah dude was definitely on the side of the plutocrats. Regardless of how he may have seen himself.
The United States certainly has developed and tested weapons of this type. For them to question the cause is absurd. Gov't buildings should be huge faraday cages. We should be on the prevention end of such attacks.
Excellent spy stories!
Wow this episode brought out all the closeted clansmen it seems. Having watched the movie, I found this episode thoroughly enjoyable. Kinda sad how after all these years, things seem to have only gone downhill in terms of race equality.