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Turning Hard Times into Good Times

Author: Jay Taylor

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Jay Taylor’s show will explain the real underlying causes for plunging stock prices, plunging home prices and growing unemployment. By correctly diagnosing the cause of America’s economic decline, rather than listening to excuses from Wall Street and Washington, Jay will offer winning investment ideas to protect and increase wealth.

Topics to be discussed will include the cause of the decline of: our monetary system and our economy, the housing markets, the equity markets, and commodities, Why gold and silver are rising in value and how investors can profit from the direction of these markets through specific stocks, ETF’s and precious metals will also be discussed. Turning Hard Times into Good Times is broadcast live every Tuesday at 12 Noon Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel.
1488 Episodes
John Williams, Chris Taylor and Michael Oliver return. The Chinese have observed that global chaos sends capital toward the U.S. But China, Russia and others are sensing the dollar status is nearing its end.
Michael Oliver and Rev. Larry Beane join host Jay Taylor on the last show of Turning Hard Times to Good Times at the Voice America Business Channel. Interviews covering similar themes and guests will be available at and at YouTube.
Kevin Duffy and Patrick Highsmith return as guests.
Alasdair Macleod, Michael Oliver & Chen Lin return. Last week Austrian economist Daniel Lacalle assured listeners that the dollar will remain as the world’s reserve currency for at least the next 5 to 10 years. Alasdair may disagree.
Lyn Alden and Michael Oliver are this week’s guests. On December 11 Lyn published an extensive report to her paid subscribers titled “Defensive Assets Deep Dive Analysis.
Keith Weiner, Quinton Hennigh and Chen Lin return. Keith Weiner’s Monetary Metals encourages investors to lease or lend their gold or silver to Monetary Metals’ clients in exchange for interest payable in kind.
Jeff Deist and Michael Oliver return this week.
James Rickards and Dr. Quinton Hennigh return. James visits to talk about his latest book titled “Sold Out.” It focuses on broken global supply chains, surging inflation and the fastest rise in interest rates in our history.
John Rubino, Michael Oliver and Michael Spreadborough return.
Alasdair Macleod and Quinton Hennigh return. Human beings have been capable of believing, ever since Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, that they could be like God simply by obeying, without limit, their hedonistic instincts.
Doug Noland and Michael Oliver return. The Federal Reserve has led America and the post-1971 world to the brink of global bankruptcy. It has led the world to this brink of disaster by papering over one credit cycle after another.
Bob Moriarty, Gwen Preston, Brent Cook and Gregg McCoach are guests for this week’s show.
Bob Hoye and Patrick Highsmith return as guests this week and your host Jay Taylor will talk about a company that could become the next huge intrusive gold discovery akin to the evolving 30+ million oz. Snowline Gold Corp.
Bob Moriarty, Michael Oliver and Chen Lin return. Virtually every time the Fed has started raising rates they continue to raise rates until something breaks.
Daniel McAdams returns to share his insights into the current geopolitical landscape and to comment on the views of Tulsi Gabbard regarding the threat of the Ukraine war morphing into a catastrophic nuclear holocaust.
Alasdair Macleod, Michael Oliver and Dr. Quinton Hennigh return.
Adam Taggart and Daniel McAdams returns. Cherie Leeden visits for the first time.
Bob Moriarty, Michael Oliver & Quinton Hennigh are this week’s guests. Alasdair Macleod’s September 15 weekly essay was titled “Inflation is Turning Hyper.
Alasdair Macleod, Michael Wood & Patrick Highsmith return. The financial war between Russia, with China’s tacit backing on one side, and America and her NATO allies, on the other, has escalated rapidly.