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Twin Moms Talk

Author: Twin Moms Talk

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"Twin Moms Talk" is the ultimate podcast destination for all fellow twin moms navigating the beautiful chaos of parenting multiples. Join Jazmin and Megan each week as they dive into the joys, challenges, and everything in between that comes with raising twins. Get ready for candid conversations and a supportive community of moms who have been there, done that. Cheers to embracing the twin mom life like never before.
24 Episodes
-We recap the last episode when our husbands were on and share our favorite parts. -mom brain mush: Megan is wondering if everyone aspires to be a homesteader. Jaz finished a book this week and updates us on Taylor swifts big announcement at the Grammys. -motherhood is a rollercoaster: having sick babies is the worst. Sunshine is the best. -The Utah Jazz: Jazmin shares all the info about the two teams, we make our predictions on what the score will be. -naming babies: times 2 is serious work! We talk about our experiences! And then we talk about weird names, and names that are endangered if you need a unique name idea ;) Follow us on Instagram @twin-moms-talk
Mom brain mush: we quickly recap our mothers day. Megan detailed her car and her reel content is all cleaning videos so maybe that isn’t a coincidence? Jazmin’s girls love playing on the couch and they say “da da” all the day long! Motherhood is a rollercoaster: we talk about how weird and fun it is to have one-on-one time with a twin if one doesn’t nap or if you go on a solo outing. Twin things: We are 100% for matching our twins' clothing as long as they will let us. It’s so cute, plus it's easier! Megan talks about how having a singleton pregnancy after twins means she is selling stuff to prepare for #3. LOL. When out and about we are always jealous of the compact single strollers we see. Going out to eat is always a crazy adventure! If you liked what you heard, go give us a review as well as a follow on Instagram @twinmomstalk
Our mom brain mush: Jazmin encounters mama geese on her run and we laugh about how they start chasing her down. Her girls are forever teething! Megan is having a slow week and tells her awkward Facebook marketplace story. Motherhood is a rollercoaster: we talk about our weekend in Holland, MI. And Megan is trying to embrace her season of life right now before the new baby comes. Double takes: Jazmin finally gets to experience a Costco shopping trip with both twins sitting in the cart! IYKYK And we wrap up our episode talking about Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day!
Jazmin and Megan discuss the many things on their minds called ‘Mom Brain Mush’. This includes the crazy cost of living increases in food and gas. Jazmin is still watching Jeopardy for fun and her girls love it. Megan tried the new Creamy coconut Dr. Pepper and they both gave their review on that. Megan will have her hot girl summer coming up, but pregnancy edition. Jazmin is really getting into training for a half marathon and her garden. They both give a short update on how their twins’ are doing. They boys are talking more and love to get out and explore. The girls are getting more and more mobile. Crawling and pulling up to stand. Jazmin gives an update on the sports world in the segment of ‘The Utah Jaz’. This update includes the NFL draft and the first few picks. Travis Kelce being the highest paid tight end in the NFL and Jason Kelce loosing his Super Bowl ring. Megan also talks about Utah getting a professional hockey team and the possible name options for that. They also discuss Caitlin Clarke being signed in the WNBA in Indiana and how her pay isn’t as high because of viewership. However, she does have a great contract with Nike. Go watch the WNBA! They have a new segment called ‘Tips and Tricks to make motherhood easier’. Megan got herself a Mother’s Day gift called the Bisell Steam Shot. It has been life changing to clean so many things in her house! She also pointed out how Walmart kid clothes are popping and pretty cheap. Jazmin and Megan both love to have chocolate chip cookie dough in the freezer which makes it easy to pop in the oven when guests come over or just for a nice treat at the end of the day. Jazmin also points out how easy mornings are when she “puts the house to bed at the end of the night”. It is a great trick to make your days smoother! In the section ‘What are the people talking about’ they discuss the new Taylor Swift album ‘The Tortured Poets Department’. If you liked what you heard, go give us a review as well as a follow on Instagram @twinmomstalk .
The twin moms are back this week and ready to dish all their “mush”! -Megan found out the gender of baby #3. Plus has some disappointing news regarding sonic and their dirty drinks- Blue coconut just isn’t it, sorry sonic. -Jazmin is entering her gardening era and starting a small herb garden and also planting tomatoes. She is training for a half marathon this summer and updates us on her new jogging stroller! She lives to tell the tale of a hilarious night with her girls where everything went wrong! She also talks about deleting instagram off of her home screen to limit her time on the app. -The twin moms got plenty of “double takes” when they took both their twins to the zoo last week. Jazmin gets asked by a stranger if her twins are for sale….. She has a witty response to the absurd question! -“The people are talking about” the white SUV vs. Black SUV theory that has been lurking the internet. We decided we are the experts since Megan drives a white SUV and Jazmin drives a black SUV. And we can’t not talk about the newest Bluey episode that tugged on our heartstrings! -Thanks for listening, Please leave us a rating and review!
Mom brain mush: -Megan and Jazmin are sipping on their dirty sodas from sonic. PSA Run to sonic and get dirty sodas. YUMMM (fyi when this episode aires they are no longer advertising dirty sodas. If you ask for the add in’s you can still get one. Sweet cream, coconut syrup, and fresh lime) -Megan gives a quick pregnancy update -we chat about our first cell phones. Remember how we used to pay for text messages and cell phone minutes. How much things have changed. What's next? - our kids will never know a world without smart phones, Amazon and netflix Reviews: -We have almost doubled our goal amount of subscribers. Go us! -If we get 10 reviews on apple podcasts we’ll invest in better mics! lol Jazmin is training for a half marathon. If you have any double running strolller recs send them our way. What we’re making: -lemon bars -Jazmin tells us the secret to smoothies and her fav secret ingredient: lemons! -Megan is feeling spring in the air and is excited to make cowboy caviar.
Mom Brain Mush: -finally an update on Kate Middleton. So good to remember not to speculate a situation where you truly have no idea what’s going on. -March madness is crazier than ever! -The girls have no sense of personal space and always want the toy the other one has! -Megan has been contemplating buzzing the boys hair and finally did it! Find out what she thinks. Double stroller diaries: -Megan is back from FL and feeling recharged to make it through the rest of winter. - Jazmin ventures to Costco for a Friday night stroll. Cool mom era: fashion trends, hair trends etc -Megan is feeling inspired to finally find the hair lady, brow lady, spray tan lady etc. -what are the trends now? Feeling out of the loop as moms. Before it was “boss girl”. Now it’s “Soft girl era”. Curtain bangs and tiny barrel curls are everywhere.
Megan is joined this week by her husband Chris. They discuss sports news, rate the kids shows their toddlers watch, play would you rather with real scenarios. You won’t want to miss this episode!
Episode 14: big news

Episode 14: big news


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The twin dad’s literally take over the podcast this week! Our husbands answer all your burning questions and more. -Dad’s toilet time: Chris and Bryson talk about how important their toilet time is. So what do they think about while they are there? Not the roman empire! They do share what fathers are always thinking about. They think about how they are going to protect their families if there is an intruder. Does your husband do this too? -Check with wifey: Listener Q: has your relationship with your wife gotten better since having kids? Chris and Bryson dive into how much things change when you have kids. Both have such a different experience with becoming dads and ways they were and weren’t prepared. In the end you make it work! -The days are long and the years are short. They both talk about their experience with their twins so far. -Listener Q: What advice would you give to a twin dad? Bryson and Chris both have different and unique responses to this question. -Listener Q: What came easy to you as a twin dad? They reveal their super powers as a dad. -Differences between being a girl dad and a boy dad. -Going for two: Chris shares his secret for a winning bracket (so all of us ladies can bust our husbands brackets) during March madness! You won’t want to miss this!
Mom brain mush: -We talk all about our favorite drinks, the Trust on Netflix, and Jazmin is rewatching The Office and loving it. Motherhood is a Rollercoaster -Megan is in full hibernation mode and realized her kids have only left the house once in the past week - Jazmin’s girls have stuffy noses and her and her husband face off to see who can type faster. The Utah Jaz -The NFL playoffs are in full swing. Who will be going to the super bowl? Jim Harbough going to the Chargers (Michigan head coach) The twin schedule -Megan and Jazmin talk briefly about how important it is to keep your babies on a schedule. ESP if you have twins. First it revolves around eating, then it revolves around a good bedtime and naps. It’s always seems to change just when you get it figured out ;). Follow us on Instagram @twin-moms-talk
Mom brain mush: -The gym is full of teens. And old people but the old people are inspiring me. - Diesel freezing in Chris’ truck - Jazmin is into cross-stitching as a fun hobby Motherhood is a rollercoaster: -2 years in for Megan and the boys birthday is here. -Jazmin has teething girls and they are wanting to be held all the time. Double takes -woman at target says “what a blessing they are” Jazmin and Megan answer a few question on random trivia.
2024 baby products review: Motherhood is a roller coaster: Highs of getting on a good schedule with the girls and having a great workout routine. Jazmin loves Eliza Katoa’s workout app and workouts. Megan talks about how she wants to have a mindset of ‘no bad days’. There can be bad moments but you can always change the day to be better. The Utah Jazz: The team up north won the College Football Playoffs. Nick Sabin declared for retirement and Bill Belichick is leaving the NFL as a coach. Jazmin also drops some fun fact from watching Jeopardy. Recs and reviews: Megan and Jazmin discuss all the baby products good and bad. Investment products: They discuss all the products they would rate a 4 or 5 stars out of 5. These are the products that in their opinion are worth buying. Some products include: the Ollie swaddle, Dreamland baby swaddle, Nuna car seat with sunshade, and the Owlet sensor sock. Honorable mentions: Megan and Jazmin also discuss products that they would not overlook and would get again. These products include: thick homemade burp cloths; the ones that are made of cloth diapers, mom cozy milk bags, cloth nursing bags, and all the Nose Frida products. Twin specific: They discuss products that are twin specific and worth buying. Some products such as the Twin Z pillow, the Baby Brezza, the Twin-go Nursing pillow and the Babysense monitor. Hot Takes: Jazmin and Megan give their opinion on why some things are not needed at all. They did not see the need for a changing station, a twin bassinet, a fancy high chair, frilly clothes and many other things.
>>> Please leave a 5 star review and rate our podcast if you are enjoying it. Mom brain Mush: Welcome to 2024! We feel like the first few days of January have been looong. Jazmin tells us that she always feels the itch to get out and run an errand even if she doesn’t really need anything. She also tells us about a hilarious gender reveal gone wrong. Megan gets serious and she realizes how isolating motherhood can be and how hard it is to help your mom friends when you are all just in the thick of raising young children. Mom’s are amazing! Megan’s mom-victory this week has been going on 2 outings this week without her trusty double stroller. Highs and lows: Jazmin went to a friend's house and forgot bottles and formula and within seconds her friend was thawing her frozen breast milk. Moms supporting moms! Jaz celebrates her babies going to bed on their own! Megan has started DIYing her twins 2nd birthday party with her new Christmas present. The Utah Jaz: Jazmin is our resident sports expert who fills us in on the highlights. Bowl season is upon us. Some of the highly anticipated games were flops and some went down to the wire. Michigan and Washington will play in the final. Expect the unexpected: Jazmin and Megan dive into all the things they were not prepared for when it comes to kids and motherhood. Some things you can anticipate and then there are the things you don’t find out until you are in it. This segment is dedicated to those things! Follow us on Instagram @twin-moms-talk
Mom brain mush: Christmas is over and now we are in the mood to organize everything! Megan finished her goal of reading 30 books. Jazmin admits that her new go-to tv show is jeopardy. She also talks about her Apple Watch that she got for Christmas. Double stroller diaries: Megan talks about her latest adventure to Chicago with her twin toddlers. It was magical at Christmas time. Jazmin goes to Costco in between nap times to peruse. Is Costco the new target?? 2023 in review: Megan and Jazmin each share their top memories of 2023. Jazmin’s top is obviously the birth and meeting her twins, We both mention Lake Michigan, special holidays, trips, and so much more! New year, same you: Vision boards, setting FUN goals and some of our aspirations for the new year! Here’s to 2024! >>please share our podcast with a friend and rate and review! Find us on Instagram @twinmomstalk ➡️
We’re back with an early episode before Christmas! This is the perfect episode while you finish your holiday baking or wrap presents! Jazmin fills us in on all the sports controversies so you can be ready to jump into the conversation at your next family party. We talk about the best and worst gifts we have received. And we end sharing a few gifts we have gotten for our husbands and kids.
What is everyone talking about: -everything Taylor swift -How cool is ChatGPT. -Kaxi Co clippies. -We both tell our stories and experiences of twin pregnancy and labor. You don’t want to miss hearing about the moment when we found out we were having twins. Plus all the ups and downs of twin pregnancy.
-Megan talks about her book reading goal for the year. -We discuss our highs and lows of the week including the boys being done with high chairs and the girls starting a bit of solids. -We both talk about our breast feeding journeys. Tandem nursing twins, pumping, and formula oh my! We did it all. We talk about what nursing pillows we tried and loved.
-The girls are back after a long break. They both went home to visit family for the holidays and have a lot to catch up on. Mom brain mush: -Christmas tracking app called “gift list” has changed Megan’s life and has helped her keep track of ideas and stay on a budget. -Jazmin’s go-to gift is making shutterfly calendars for her mom and mother-in-law each year and they are a hit! -Megan is prepping for Christmas with twin toddlers. She is drowning in sensory bin supplies to create endless sensory bin combinations to gear up for a long midwest winter. -The girls talk about how satisfying it is to find a deal on Facebook Marketplace or at the thrift store and talk about some of their recent finds. -Chatbook monthly mini’s are such a fun way to document and PRINT photos. Also Megan's toddlers love looking at them! -Jazmin brings up the pressure to buy everything during the holiday season. When did black Friday turn into a month-long event? -Jazmin and Megan are going minimalistic on their Christmas Decor this year to save money and their sanity. -Jazmin recently purchased some Kaxi “hold everything” Clippies that she has had her eye on for a while. Yes you have to call them clippies! -Are family matching jammies cringe/ a waste of money? Megan thinks so….. Public comments: -Old Navy cashier asks Jazmin if she meant to buy matching outfits in the exact same size. Twin probs. -Guy on airplane wouldn’t sit by Megan because he “actually had to get a lot of work done” Struggles of flying on a plane with 2 lap children and not being able to sit in the same row. -Wherever you are you see twins or people who have twins (or triplets) EVERYWHERE. Instant bond with twins or twin parents. Jazmin survived her first flight with twins and both flights went really well with just 1 blowout. Because of a delayed flight she had to board the flight without pumping and then found herself asking flight attendants if there was an outlet she could use to pump on the plane. Finally a helpful flight attendant found Jazmin an outlet and she pumped in an empty middle seat between two strangers.
What was the wild journey that led to Jazmin and Megan becoming friends and then both later becoming twin moms too! They introduce eachother, talk about flying with twins for the first time. Jazmin is about to take her first flight with her 3 month old twins.
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