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Twin Paradox Book One
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Twin Paradox Book One

Author: King Everett Medlin

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This is the second podcast series from author King Everett Medlin. It's called Twin Paradox and it's based on a SciFi trilogy he wrote four years ago under the pseudonym Purple Hazel. When he set out to write Twin Paradox, King wanted to create a realistic and believable world less than one hundred years in the future.  Rather than devising (or assuming) technologies that would be barely conceivable given known scientific principles, he tried taking current developmental theories and applying them.  It wasn't difficult to find such theories.  In this first installment, you will learn of our current society's eventual collapse...and rebirth.  How major cities plunge into anarchy.  How the American credit-based economy comes crashing to the ground, bringing an abrupt end to a system that essentially goes back to 1971.  Here, you will learn of the sad end to a way of life most of us living today would dearly miss.  And yet, the resilience of humanity once again shines through.  A new world order is established.  Mankind recovers.  New technologies resolve many of the challenges still plaguing Earth's dominant species.  That being said; the growth of the world's population leads to yet another threat:  that the world may not be able to feed itself for long.  This inevitability prompts the best and brightest to once again gather together and propose solutions; leading to the ambitious space mission described in the story.   Twin Paradox is about three pairs of identical twins (all orphans), separated from each other and with one from each set recruited into the Earth's international space program.  According to scientific theory, if one individual from a set of identical twins were to travel through space at or near the speed of light for an extended period of time, they will likely return to Earth only to find their brother or sister has aged considerably.  As part of a bizarre experiment, scientists decide to place the three youths onboard an intergalactic spacecraft and observe the results.  Their lives are then monitored, along with the lives of their siblings back on Earth.  Twin Paradox is a SciFi trilogy encompassing three full length novels; all of which will be read in their entirety over the next sixty weeks.  In this first series of episodes, simply called Twin Paradox Book One, you will learn of their development into adulthood - both the three bright youngsters brought in to become astronauts, as well as their three siblings left to eke out an existence back home.  Book Two of the trilogy goes on to tell the exciting tale of their return to Earth many years later.  Book Three will detail what ultimately becomes of them once they've been reunited with their now much older siblings.
43 Episodes
In this first chapter we meet Coraline (Cory) Redmann, a famous journalist who is host of a weekly news magazine broadcast worldwide by the government-controlled "Global Broadcasting Network". The Year is 2086 and Cory is about to take the stage for yet another installment. Ten years earlier, Cory made a name for herself with her controversial expose' entitled "The Great Collapse of 2028", wherein she detailed the events leading up to the implosion of the American credit-bas...
In the second part of Cory Redmann’s expose', written back in 2076, she delves into the aftermath of the financial debacle which saw the implosion of America’s economy and the destruction of its proud society. America’s lingering greatness revealed itself in many ways. Citizens supported one another throughout the upheaval. But the sanitized version detailed in government-approved history books doesn't tell the full story.In reality, thousands tried to flee the big cities an...
In Part Three of Cory's groundbreaking documentary, she addresses Karl von Habsburg's meteoric rise to power; as well as the principles touted by his Pan European Movement, which rises to prominence and is voted into office by an exhausted Europe. Habsburg and the Pan Europeans institute systemic change, we learn, eliminating wasteful social programs and performing much-needed belt-tightening. A new government is formed called the Global Union, and what Cory discovers ...
In Part Four of her controversial expose' from 2076, Cory shifts her focus to the massive turnaround in the world economy during the years following the Great Collapse. A radical revamping of global energy production leads to SOLAR becoming the accepted source for powering the planet.Developments within the “photovoltaic” industry come fast and furious from drawing board to reality, leading to an economic boom. Millions of unemployed Europeans and North Americans desperate for ste...
Journalist Cory Redman concludes her controversial expose' from year 2076 with her depiction of the race to send a manned mission into deep space; the goal being to seek out long term possibilities for galactic colonization.She turns her attention to the GU’s diabolical and rather ambitious 30-year long space flight program which began in the 2040's. In 2049, the GU Food and Agricultural Ministry calculated that food production had to increase by a minimum of seventy percent by the year...
In this episode we begin Part 2: Pioneers and Explorers. Here we get to meet some of the main characters in the story. The setting is a corporate dormitory in the year 2086 and four young stoners - all of them scientists working for an aerospace firm in southeastern Canada - are watching the news program World Week. It's a Sunday night and they're taking a break from their projects; something they do each Sunday, along with getting high smoking THC resin from a ...
Tonight we continue with Part 2: Pioneers and Explorers. We've already met some of our main characters and tonight we're going to meet some more; namely two of the space twins eventually selected for the mission. So far we got to meet Kelvin, the handsome Virginian who's good with the ladies. Günther, the soft-spoken German whose father is a government official. Also B.J., the lovely math whiz from Colorado whose brains and good looks are only matched by the gal'...
Tonight we continue with Part 2: Pioneers and Explorers. So far we've been introduced to our first two space twins, Oswaldo (Ozzie) Guerrero and Shamiso Kachote. Now it's time to meet our third space twin ... and learn of a salacious scheme to get Kelvin selected to the crew for the upcoming space mission to Kapteyn B. We start off by traveling from Houston all the way to Canada, where we visit an orphanage for young males ages two to thirteen. It's a rough exist...
Tonight we continue with Part Two, Pioneers and Explorers. At this point we've met all three of our space twins: Ozzie, Shamiso, and Young-Min Jo. We've also learned how Kelvin (with a little help from his new friends Helga and Steffen - not to mention an outstanding effort from his old pal B.J.) has made just the right connection in order to get himself selected to the crew. That is, if he can get clean and pass the drug test. Not to mention getting himself back...
Chapter Ten:  Year Five

Chapter Ten: Year Five


Tonight we begin Part 3: Journey and Conquest. A lot has been covered in the first nine chapters but we now know the true function of the soon-to-be obsolete Santa Maria galactic exploration vessel. During its voyage to Kapteyn B it will be laying a path for something much bigger to follow: a ship many times its size which will be constructed over the course of the next fourteen years, able to travel at ten times the speed of light, making the journey in just under thi...
Tonight we continue with Part 3: Journey and Conquest. We're now approaching year ten of the Santa Maria's voyage to Kapteyn B, an exoplanet believed to possess the potential for feeding the population of Earth. It's a daily grind for the crew of the ship, despite the effects of time dilation meaning they are aging at only half the rate of folks back home. Boredom has become a problem. Crew members resort to casual sex as a means of dealing with the monoton...
Tonight we continue with Part 3: Journey and Conquest. By the grace of God they've finally done it! The brave crew and captain of the Santa Maria have reached their goal: an exoplanet called Kapteyn B which is ripe for colonization. Or is it? Up to now they've been relying upon grainy photographs and vague scientific theories regarding what they're going to find there. Will it be a veritable Garden of Eden, teaming with life? Will it be a frozen...
Kelvin and his trusted protege' Ozzie Guerrero have succeeded in leading their colleagues down to the beaches of the Great Kapteyn Sea where they've gathered samples of soil and sea water. Now a determination can be made as to whether the vast ocean possesses the necessary components for Humans to eventually farm it. All indications are that the results will be positive. Only problem is that one particular individual has proven to be unstable. Whether caused by a malfu...
We continue with Part 3: Journey and Conquest. Luigi Cadorna, Commander of the Earth Colony on Kapteyn B, has become a real nuisance and not only that, dangerous. Captains Stehter and Berwick are at their wits end coming up with a solution to the problem. On his best days Cadorna is a petty tyrant, rebuking and redressing subordinates over the mildest of infractions. On his worst, he abuses them with foul language, calling them horrible names and reducing some of...
B.J., with Captain Stehter's permission, endeavors to go to work on the prickly colony commander Luigi Cadorna. She has one objective in mind, and it's soon to be discovered that the lonely fellow has no intention of passing up the golden opportunity to make her his mistress. Can she keep him distracted long enough for the colonists and crew to finish the colony? For that matter, can she manage to keep up with the man in bed? He is Italian, after all.Despite the reacti...
Tonight we begin Part Four: Heroes and Scapegoats. We've already heard how the Santa Maria is preparing for its return to Earth. However there's an important first step before they can begin their journey home. In orbit around Kapteyn B is a message pod which they must retrieve. Within lies their orders, as well as some exciting news from Space Programme. A massive supply ship called the Nautilus is now racing toward them. Equipped with "Alcubierre Wa...
Tonight we continue with Part Four, Heroes and Scapegoats. The Santa Maria is now hurtling toward Earth; a journey which in normal circumstances would take just over fourteen years. The crew fully believe it won't take nearly that long because word from Space Programme is that the new re-supply ship Nautilus will be intercepting them in only four years; delivering them to their homes and families by the year 2107. Nevertheless that's still a healthy chunk of time. It w...
Tonight we continue with Part Four, Heroes and Scapegoats. The Santa Maria is now entering year three of its journey back to Earth. The crew are getting restless. Perhaps it's due to the strain of having come out of stasis only to be faced with the daunting task of building up the colony on Kapteyn B; along with all the unpleasantness dealing with the bombastic colony commander Luigi Cadorna. Captain Stehter tends to think they're just itching to get home! He's c...
Tonight we continue with Part Four, Heroes and Scapegoats. A ray of hope comes in the form of a charming relationship developing between Ozzie Guerrero and Shamiso Kachote. They have become the subject of ship-wide gossip - everyone's all abuzz. It's not difficult to be in the loop, to be fair, in that the two space twins have lived out their entire young adulthood onboard. There's little in the way of juicy details that hasn't been passed around among crew members bor...
Tonight we continue with Part Four, Heroes and Scapegoats. Young-Min Jo has finally had enough of working - better put, baby-sitting - over at the hydroponic garden center. His new colleagues among the Return Team, whom he now outranks, have proven to be unreliable to say the least. Stoned most of the time, they've become far more than that: drug dealers. It's time to make a change, for the sake of his career if not the safety of the the ship.