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Two Guys and a Gospel
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Two Guys and a Gospel

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Two Guys and a Gospel
24 Episodes
Join us for a beautiful Sunday Gospel where the three magi experience a personal transformation as they encounter the Son of God. Fathers Ricardo and Phillip reflect on how we are all drawn to be spiritually centered on the Son of God – listen in.
Slow down this Christmas season and be inspired by a Gospel reflection from Fathers Ricardo and Phillip. Join us in preparation as we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family this Sunday, December 26.
As we near the highlight of the season, the Two Guys reflect on the joy and excitement we receive through the birth of Jesus. Their reflection discovers the personal connections between Mary and Elizabeth and how, without hesitation, they care for one another. Join us as we reflect on this beautiful Sunday Gospel. Listen with us.
Join us for a reflection on the Third Week of Advent. As they reflect on the new liturgical year, the Two Guys challenge us to consider changing our lives by sacrificing and looking out for the poor.
Begin Advent with Fathers Ricardo and Phillip. Join us as they prepare us for the First Sunday of Advent and the birth of Jesus.
As we look to a new liturgical year, prepare for this Sunday’s Gospel (and beyond!) with a meaningful reflection from our friends, Fathers Ricardo and Phillip. Listen in!
There’s an inspiring role model in this Sunday’s Gospel. Listen in to find out how one small gesture by a poor woman becomes very a powerful lesson that encourages us to give beyond our surplus. Join us!
Living life through Jesus and experiencing Him through our senses is one of several dynamic topics that Fathers Ricardo and Phillip touch on in the latest episode of Two Guys and a Gospel. Tune in for an easy-to-understand Gospel reading and suggestions on applying it to our daily lives. Listen in!
Do you find yourself commenting on the actions of others instead of focusing on improving yourself? It’s not just you. Reflect with Fathers Ricardo and Phillip as they explore this Sunday’s Gospel, which reminds us of the importance focusing on serving the poor. Join us as they strive to inspire us to follow Christ and truly help those in need. Listen in!
Being a gift to others – especially a spouse – is this week’s reflection in Two Guys and a Gospel. Join Fathers Ricardo and Phillip as they explore the Gospel’s invitation to look for reasons to succeed in marriage, family, and relationships. Join us!
Avoiding temptation while keeping our relationship with God a priority is this week’s reflection in Two Guys and a Gospel. Listen in as Fathers Ricardo and Phillip take a deep dive into a heavy Gospel message and simplify it's meaning for us. Listen in.
Join Fathers Ricardo and Phillip as they reflect on happiness, identity, and fundamental questions found in this Sunday's Gospel. Listen in!
Join us for a reflection on being open to God’s will. The Two Guys explore the beautiful message of “Ephphatha,” meaning, "Be opened." Listen in!
What is in our hearts? Reflect with Fathers Ricardo and Phillip as they explore the positive life transformation we can have from our relationship with Jesus. Join us and listen in!
Listen in as the Two Guys reflect on a Gospel that has profound questions pertinent to our lives. Join us as they explore the depth of this Sunday’s Gospel.
Celebrating the good that God has done: Join us as the Fathers reflect on the beautiful interaction between Elizabeth and Mary, who speak to one another through poetic hymns and responses. Prepare for this Sunday - the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with this wonderful episode. Listen in!
Life beyond the actual life we experience is explored in this week's reflection. Join Fathers Ricardo and Phillip as they discuss receiving Jesus fully in this Sunday's Gospel. Listen here.
Jesus can offer us a life with deeper meaning. Join us for a reflection on Sunday’s Gospel and a life of fruition with Jesus. Listen in.
Join us for a delightful conversation on Spanish tortas, which leads us into a wonderful reflection on the multiplication of loaves. Listen in.
Join Fathers Ricardo and Phillip as they reflect how we search for meaning in life and how Jesus is the answer.