UC San Francisco (Audio)

612 Episodes
What's the secret to supporting a sharp mind at any age? In this program, Dr. Nancy Isenberg discusses the latest science-based practices to promote brain health and resiliency as we age. Series: "Osher WISE: Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40508]
A healthy microbiome can prevent disease and obesity. Dr. Sean Spencer discusses how a diet rich in fiber supports our health in various ways. Series: "Osher WISE: Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40458]
How can a healthy microbiome prevent disease? In this program, Dr. Sean Spencer talks about the vast microbial world that lives within our guts — known as the gut microbiome — and how it supports our health. He discusses the current evidence about how to nourish your microbiome to prevent and treat disease.
Series: "Osher WISE: Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40074]
What's the secret to supporting a sharp mind at any age? In this program, Dr. Nancy Isenberg discusses the latest science-based practices to promote brain health and resiliency as we age. Series: "Osher WISE: Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40073]
In the last ten years, we've seen a huge change in our approach to epilepsy surgery. We have more options than ever before for patients with uncontrolled seizures. In this new video, @UCSFHospitals neurosurgeon Edward Chang, MD, provides an overview of the pros and cons of different minimally invasive surgical treatments: laser ablation, responsive neurostimulation, deep brain stimulation and vagal nerve stimulation.
We hope that raising awareness about the available options can help more people access effective therapies and eliminate or greatly reduce their seizures. Series: "UC San Francisco News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40239]
The risk for many chronic diseases is directly linked to metabolic changes in the body and loss of muscle mass often associated with aging. In this program, Dr. Natalie Marshall focuses on the central importance of movement, strength training, and body composition to improve metabolic fitness and tips to help you get started “building muscle for life." Series: "Osher WISE: Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40071]
UCSF Neurosurgeon Ethan Winkler, MD, PhD, summarizes the surgical treatment options for patients with brain aneurysms and describes the decision-making process for choosing the best treatment for each individual. Series: "UC San Francisco News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40238]
Mind-body medicine (MBM) is an integrative approach that helps people build awareness and develop tools for stress resilience. MBM focuses on the interactions between the mind, body, and behavior to promote health and well-being. Dr. Kavita K. Mishra discusses how MBM interventions have shown beneficial short and long-term impact on physical, mental, social-emotional, and interpersonal well-being. Series: "Osher WISE: Well-being and Integrative Science for Everyone" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40072]
UCSF neurosurgeon Ethan Winkler, MD, PhD, summarizes the surgical treatment options for patients with arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) and describes the decision-making process for choosing the best treatment for each individual. Series: "UC San Francisco News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40237]
Researchers in the lab of Edward Chang, MD, at UCSF recorded activity from hundreds of individual neurons across all layers of the cortex while participants listened to spoken sentences. In a study published in Nature on December 13, 2023, the researchers showed that neurons responded to different speech sounds like parts of consonants and vowels, or the pitch of the voice. This work provides the most detailed picture yet of how the human brain processes speech. Series: "UC San Francisco News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40240]
Perpetual stress runs us down. But a truly restorative state that alters our bodies at the cellular level can counter this deterioration. Series: "UC San Francisco News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40226]
A Neuroprosthesis for Speech Decoding and Avatar Control Series: "UC San Francisco News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 40235]
As part of the 2024 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference, Dr. Eric Small discusses systemic therapy treatment in advanced prostate cancer, including AR-targeted therapy. The presentation includes definitions of disease states, categories of treatment types, and standards in treatment selection.
Series: "Prostate Cancer Patient Conference" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39768]
As part of the 2024 Developmental Disabilities Conference, Dr. Jennifer Martelle Tu is a neurologist with a special interest in movement disorders. She provides a comprehensive update on the care of children and youth with Rett Syndrome, a rare progressive neurological disease. She emphasizes the importance of dedicated multidisciplinary clinics and discusses state of the art treatments, such as the recently FDA approved trofinetide, as well as gene therapy. Series: "Developmental Disabilities Update" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39752]
As part of the 2024 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference, Dr. David Oh presents on the use of immunotherapy as a treatment in advanced prostate cancer, including describing how immunotherapy works, possible side effects, and options available currently.
Series: "Prostate Cancer Patient Conference" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39770]
As part of the 2024 Developmental Disabilities Conference, Elizabeth Vosseller and Ian Nordling demonstrate techniques for helping autistic people who cannot use speech reliably to communicate. They discuss the neuroscience behind techniques for helping people with sensory and movement differences to use spelling and typing to communicate. Ian Nordling, a nonspeaking autistic man, provides insights into the lived experience of learning to communicate. Series: "Developmental Disabilities Update" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39751]
As part of the 2024 Developmental Disabilities Conference, Dr. Ellen Elias is a pediatrician and geneticist who has dedicated her career to the care of children and youth with medical complexity and developmental disabilities. She discusses sexuality and the need for education, normalization and anticipatory preventive care in youth and adults with disabilities. Series: "Developmental Disabilities Update" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39753]
As part of the 2024 Prostate Cancer Patient Conference, Dr. Matthew Cooperberg discusses surgery as treatment for localized prostate cancer, including risk stratification, how prostatectomy is performed, surgery outcomes and potential side effects.
Series: "Prostate Cancer Patient Conference" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39758]
As part of the 2024 Developmental Disabilities Conference, Vikram Jaswal, Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia, presents research using objective measurements of eye gaze and speed of movements. He demonstrates that prompting by supporters is not a plausible explanation for the success nonspeaking autistic people have had communicating using letterboards held by a trained Communication Regulation Partner. He also presents data that nonspeaking autistic people can tolerate Augmentative Reality headsets and engage with virtual buttons to play games and point to letters on a virtual letterboard. Series: "Developmental Disabilities Update" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39750]
As part of the 2024 Developmental Disabilities Conference, Vivian Huan, Senior Policy Attorney of Disability Rights California, presents key findings and recommendations regarding racial disparities in access to services and funding in California for people in the developmental disability system. After investments were made to reduce disparities, they worsened. Huan presents strategies that may work moving forward. Series: "Developmental Disabilities Update" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 39741]
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