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Joe you are a idiot.
bad audio. all talking over each other. sorry can't listen past 13 mins
jeez! sound is soooooo bad!!!
This guy is hilarious
does anyone know of any other podcasts on the internet to do with "UFOs" "aliens" "space" etc ? I'm looking and could use with some advice/recommendations on good stuff about not hoaxes though has to be real or stories but just not fake lol tyia
talk too much you guys are boring I'm not listening to this s***
This guy sounds like Morty...
is anyone else listening to two podcasts over the top of each other?
Phenomenal interview. Great job!
very boring.really poor quality.bye bye.
31 minutes of advertising before getting to the point. Jeez. The point is very interesting though.
done with you. idiot
I Love this station it has the best info anywhere on the net
Bitch be wacky
I live in WESTERN NY and have seen 3 Ufo's since Sept. 12, 2018. Two in the last month were daytime sightings that I have numerous pictures of in clear blue sky. contact me on Twitter if interested. @chadbecker777
Presque Isle UFO incident on lake Erie. I worked with a guy that was there when it happened. His story has never changed.
hi soa
" Right here "
done. no content. total idiot.
who the hell is this guy who defines how I will react to disclosure? idiot. complete moron
so apparently I can write books? wow. terrible.
The show turned into a complete disaster a little before the mid-way point. Even Heather Wade isn't this bad.
OMG. so no planning?
please please have more horrible ads
sick of these hoaxers
So bad, unsubbing.
Wow, really professional.
No content. Why waste the time to post this?
shut the fuckkkk up Michael Graham! idiot!
Loving your show do you pay people to like chew on Their wiring before they like get on the show because light every episode is somebody would like A jacked up microphone mean just get one of those little tiny cheap little ear bud microphones for Christ sake And no I am not going to pay for it next time you see a pair on a bus BENCH or in on a restaurant table that just sitting there just take them boys and collect them so when Stuff like this comes up like being on light the radio in stuff you can always go to your drawer of miscellaneous lost and found Earbuds