UN Necessary

<p>Nudhara Yusuf and Daniel Perell of the Coalition for the United Nations We Need—also with the Stimson Center's Global Governance Innovation Network, and the Baha’i International Community—look ahead to the UN’s 2024 Summit of the Future through a series of intimate and penetrating discussions with many of the international figures contributing to the Summit’s shaping. <br><br>Join them as they talk with people from all regions of the world, and with diverse international service experience, as they consult on how the Summit of the Future can realize its promise.</p>

Dialogue is more than talking points: Felipe Paullier on enabling youth to reform the United Nations

In the last UN Necessary episode ahead of the Summit of the Future, Nudhara Yusuf and Daniel Perell speak with Uruguayan doctor and activist Felipe Paullier, the UN’s first Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs, to explore his vision for empowering young voices in multilateral spaces. Felipe shares his personal motivations and the complexities of leading a new office—while trying to bridge the gap between institutional governance and the world’s youth. His reflections touch on the nee...


Something’s going to give: Natalie Samarasinghe on reforming the United Nations in a world on the brink

In this episode of UN Necessary, recorded in March and July, hosts Nudhara Yusuf and Daniel Perell dive into the complexities of global governance and United Nations reform with Natalie Samarasinghe, outgoing global director of advocacy at the Open Society Foundations, who was previously executive director of the UN Association-UK.Recorded amidst the bustling atmosphere of the March 2024 Global Women Leaders Voices Dialogue, in Madrid, UN Necessary’s latest conversation covers the need for a ...


The UN reforms we need: David Passarelli on hope, more science and less interference

UN Necessary’s hosts, Nudhara Yusuf and Daniel Perell, share reflections on the United Nations Civil Society Conference, which was held between May 9-10 in Nairobi, Kenya, and how it might pave the way for civil society to play a meaningful September 2024 Summit of the Future. The episode was recorded before the conference was held.Dan and Nudhara then talk with David Passarelli, from the United Nations University Center for Policy Research, who recently helped prepare a key report to Secreta...


The world at a crossroads: Maria João Rodrigues on how multilateralism can include everyone

Before he was Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres was prime minister of Portugal; and before she was President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Maria João Rodrigues was Minister for Employment and Education Training in Mr. Guterres’s government, as well as an advisor, and later serving as a Member of European Parliament. In the latest episode of UN Necessary, Ms. Rodrigues regales Nudhara and Dan with tales of pushing former US president Bill Clinton t...


Do it for the plot: Ishaan Shah on youth activism, anti-slavery and the UN system

Ishaan Shah, a 20-something student at King’s College, University of London, became seized with the problem of modern slavery while still a teenager. Now a youth activist whose work cuts across the United Nations system, he joins Nudhara Yusuf and Daniel Perell to talk about the need for young voices to be included in international forums not just for appearances but for “the plot”; in other words, to make a difference.The Summit of the Future is an opportunity to reinvigorate multilateralism...


Multilateralism 2.0: Maria Fernanda Espinosa on the responsibility to include

Nudhara and Dan are joined by Maria Fernanda Espinosa, president of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly and Executive Director of GWL Voices, about the international community’s responsibility to include diverse voices at the upcoming 2024 Summit of the Future. These are not limited to experts, activists or officials from the global south, as well as the north. In the UN Necessary podcast’s launch episode, we hear how Ms. Fernanda Espinosa, a woman who was previously Ecuador’s minis...


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