UNiTE (Community Church, Mount Pleasant, MI)

UNiTE is a college and young adult ministry that is looking to cultivate Christ-centered lives through community. UNiTE meets Tuesday nights in the Fall and Spring to worship God and learn more about Him while growing as a community through games, activities, events, and small groups. UNiTE is a ministry at Community Church in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Facebook - Unite at MPCC Instagram - communityunite Twitter - UNiTEatMPCC mpcc.org/UNiTE

Story of the Song: Praise - Meri Kolemainen

To finish our Story of the Song series, one of our interns, Meri, shares about the meaning of the song Praise. She shares that the Lord is worthy of praise because of his unchanging character, not because of our circumstances. As long as we are breathing, we have a reason to praise the Lord!


Story of the Song: Son of Suffering - Nick Freeze

UNiTE Alma Worship Leader, Nick Freeze, shares about the meaning behind the song Son of Suffering. He shares about Jesus as the suffering servant, the perfect sacrifice so that we could be brought into right relationship with God.


Story of the Song: Forever YHWH - Jenna Burdick

For Week 2 of our Story of the Song series, our intern, Jenna shares about a meaningful worship song to her, Forever YHWH, and the meaning behind the different names of God in the lyric of this song.


Story of the Song: Defender - Nathan Cone

One of our interns, Nathan Cone, kicks off a new series focused on the meaning behind the lyrics of some of the worship songs we sing. Nathan shares about the biblical meaning of some of the lyrics from the song Defender as well as the personal meaning it has to him.


From the Heart - Marc Knudson

Marc shares a message from his heart. A message about having hope and showing gratitude even when we don't feel like it and when our circumstances aren't good.


Communicating the Gospel - Todd Brasher

Todd Brasher, a teacher of communication and public speaking, joins us to share his insight on communication skills in relation to sharing the gospel with people.


Habakkuk (Part 3) - Marc Knudson

Marc finishes our Habakkuk series and encourages us how to see our way out of the dip with reminders to remember, wait, and trust.


Habakkuk (Part 2) - Marc Knudson

Marc continues in Habakkuk 2 and shares about what we can do in "the dip" or in times of waiting.


Habakkuk (Part 1) - Marc Knudson

Marc begins a new series on the book of Habakkuk. Marc shares from Habakkuk 1 about the prophet questioning what the Lord was doing during that time. Marc encouraged us that even when walking through trials and doubt, to trust God because He has something better for us ahead!


In Christ I Am _____ (Part 3) - Marc Knudson

Marc concludes our "In Christ I Am _____" series sharing about how to live out our true identity in Christ.


In Christ I Am _____ (Part 2) - Marc Knudson

Marc shares about some of the ways the enemy tries to take our identity and how we can reclaim our true identity in Christ.


In Christ I Am _____ (Part 1) - Marc Knudson

Marc kicks off the Spring Semester with a new series titled, "In Christ I Am _____" that focuses on who we are in Christ. Marc walks through scripture that speaks of our identity in Christ and what God has to say about his children rather than what the world may say.


Psalm 23: Rest and Righteousness - Holly Knudson

Holly Knudson shares on Psalm 23:2-3. "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along paths of righteousness for his name's sake."


Psalm 23: The Shepherd - Marc Knudson

Marc kicks off a new four part series titled, "Psalm 23." Tonight, Marc shared from Psalm 23:1- The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.


Nehemiah: I'm Not Coming Down! - Alan Cullen

Pastor Alan Cullen joined us to share a message about Nehemiah. "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down!" We can stand firm and declare that the Lord is good and He is greater than the power of the enemy. He will do a good work.


Bonus Episode: Q & A with Pastor Wally Hostetter

Pastor Wally answers questions about Holy Spirit, the Bible, and faith submitted by college and young adults.


Holy Ghost - Wally Hostetter

Pastor Wally shared about the third person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit. He shares about who the Holy Spirit is and how we have access to Him.


Words of the Wise: When the Enemy says "You Can't", God says "I Can" - Latherio Agoff

Latherio, one of our intergens, shares his powerful testimony as part of our "Words of the Wise" sermon series. He shares about all the ways the enemy has tried to discourage him, but how God has faithfully been his source of strength throughout the entirety of his life.


New Perspective (Part 3): Independence to Dependence - Marc Knudson

Marc wrapped up the final night of our sermon series, “New Perspective”. He shared about shifting our perspective from independence to dependence. To experience the highest capacity of freedom, we need to be dependent on Christ.


New Perspective (Part 2): Nice to Kind - Marc Knudson

Marc shared about shifting our perspective from being nice to being kind for night two of our series "New Perspective". Marc shared how kindness reflects Christ’s heart. Christ extended kindness to us, not because of righteous things we’ve done, but because of his mercy.


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