Un-starved: A Wellness Podcast for Hungry Spirits

<p>Un-starved is hosted by Emily Anne Morrow, a certified coach with a professional background in mental health and clinical nutrition. Each Wednesday Emily shares content to inspire nourishment on all levels of our being - mind, body, and spirit. You can look forward to episodes and guests that touch on areas of wellness such as building a healthy relationship to food and our bodies, mental health, emotional intelligence, anti-diet nutrition guidance, energetic healing modalities, mindset/belief work, nervous system healing, and more. </p>

#16 - Let's Talk About Managing Burnout & Honoring Our Needs (and Podcast Plans Moving Forward!)

In this episode, I share my recent experience with burnout to touch on the importance of managing our energy levels, even with things were are passionate about, so that we can keep doing the things we love. I also touch on the things that can make it so hard to give ourselves rest - like negative self talk (I'm lazy, etc) and struggling to ask others for help. I also dive into what you can expect from the podcast moving forward - some fresh concepts and ideas shared at a less frequent pace so...


#15 - How to Create a Meal that Satisfies & Nourishes (To Binge Eat Less)

In this episode, Emily breaks down the simple and straight forward formula for crafting meals that sustain our energy levels and moods, satisfy and stabilize our hunger, and help us to binge eat less often. A common root cause of binge eating is restriction and not eating balanced meals during the course of the day. The best part about this simple formula is that it's all about what we add to our meals, instead of take away.In fact, this gentle nutrition guideline allows us to incorporate all...


#14 - "Calories In vs. Calories Out" - Is it Really That Simple?

In this week's episode Emily dives into this common-place dietary guideline that so many of us have heard.While this is partially true, there are other factors that go into what weight our bodies land on, including our unique gut microbiome and something called "metabolic adaptation".Emily also touches on an alternative focal point to support your well being on multiple different levels that go far beyond the over-simplistic "calories in vs. calories out" guideline. If you are on a health jou...


#13 - How to Feel Your Fullness (Hunger & Fullness Series, Part 2)

This episode is for you if you often find yourself struggling to feel your fullness. Perhaps you over-eat regularly - resulting in physical discomfort and poor digestion. Maybe you have a tough time knowing whether you ate enough food or not. In this second installment of a two-part Hunger & Fullness Series, Emily touches on:Why disengaging from diet-culture food rules is vital to accurately feel your fullness.How to use the hunger and fullness scale combined with simple meal time pr...


#12 - How to Know When You're REALLY Hungry (Hunger & Fullness Series, Part 1)

In the first episode of this two part Hunger & Fullness Series, Emily dives into the ins and outs of how to actually feel your hunger cues and tell the difference between true physical hunger and emotional hunger. This can be tougher than it seems. After chronic dieting and living a fast-paced lifestyle that disconnects us from the wisdom of our bodies, our hunger signals can become quiet and hard to recognize.If you struggle to connect with your body and hear its signals so you can eat m...


#11 - Avoid This Common Dieting Trap (Get Off the Binge & Restrict Rollercoaster)

This episode is a bit of a pep talk for anyone who may be feeling the need to over-correct after the holiday weekend (and all of its indulgences) with restrictive dieting and/or extensive workouts. This dieting trap catapults us into a vicious cycle of restriction and binging that makes us feel out of control and takes a negative toll on our metabolisms, self esteem, and mental well-being. Whether you are feeling down on yourself for how you ate due to a holiday, a special event, or for any r...


#10 - Exploring a Sustainable, Joyful, and Balanced Approach to Fitness with Michael Ulloa, PT

Michael Ulloa is a personal trainer, nutrition coach, and content creator based out of Edinburgh, Scotland. In his work, Michael uses humor and positivity to help us understand how to go about our fitness journeys without falling into disordered and unsustainable patterns that ultimately do us far more harm than good.In this episode, we dive into how we can approach our diet in a gentle way while still meeting our nutrition needs, what to look out for when exploring fitness content so that we...


#9 - The Power of the Breath for Anxiety, Stress, and Healing with Valerie Scagliola, Certified Breathwork Coach

In this episode, Emily welcomes Valerie Scagliola, who is a Certified Breathwork Coach, to share with us how to use the breath to cope with anxiety, manage stress, and even heal emotional wounds. Valerie shares her expertise and sheds a light on how emotions are stored in the body and the importance of using somatic practices like breathwork to release them and heal. We also explore why our "fight or flight" response is not always the enemy, and how to strategically breathe to feel relie...


#8 - Not All Positivity is Toxic (How to Feel Better without Gaslighting Yourself)

In this episode, Emily shares some insights on how we can work through our challenging emotions so that we can approach the problems in our life from a grounded, logical place. When we do this, we don't fall into the trap of using toxic positivity to avoid unpleasant emotions, but we also don't allow our emotions to run the entire show. It's about finding that "sweet spot" - where we honor our emotional reality with self compassion and awareness so that we can start to see our lives with more...


#7 - What is Intuitive Eating Anyway, and Does it "Work"?

This episode is for you if dieting is no longer working for you and you've been intrigued by the idea of Intuitive Eating, but aren't quite sure what it's about or the extent of how it could serve you.Here, Emily addresses what intuitive eating is, why it's the far better alternative to a lifetime of dieting, and the specifics of how it helps us to heal our relationships with food and our bodies so we can experience a life of peace and freedom from the chains of dieting.Mentioned books*:Intui...


#6 - Self-Care Habits I'm Currently Obsessed With

This episode is for you if you are feeling a bit (or a lot) off and looking for some fresh ideas to add some novelty into your self-care routine.In this episode, Emily touches on the importance of setting realistic expectations for our self-care routines that are sensitive to natural fluctuations in our energy levels and the unavoidable ebbs and flows of life. We don't all need the self-care routine of a high-powered CEO. We can live a slow life that allows for self-compassion to play a role ...


#5 - How I'm Healing My Relationship to My Body (And How You Can Too)

This episode is for you if you are looking for a fresh perspective to have on your body, and to adopt healthier behaviors and mindsets to help foster a respectful relationship with your physical self.Even if you got out of your family system unscathed by harmful stories about your body, you likely still fall victim at times to the indoctrination of our diet-obsessed and fat-phobic culture that profits off our insecurities and disconnects us from practicing an intuitive, and highly personal ap...


#4 - Exhausted? A Deep Dive into Physical, Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Fatigue

This episode is for you if you are looking for ways to increase your energy levels that go far beyond just the basics.Here, Emily shares how she has addressed her fatigue through each the physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual perspectives - because they all play a role in our ability to show up for our lives with the amount of vitality that we need to feel truly present, joyful, and optimistic. Also included, Emily shares some more context into the Un-starved name - how it came abou...


#3 - A Music Therapist's Advice for Feeling Better with Music (with Rachel Quirbach, LPCA, MT-BC)

Music lovers - this episode is for you. In this interview, Rachel shares with us how we can intentionally use music to benefit our well-being - whether that be to improve our moods, practice a new way to connect with the inner child, or simply honor our emotions as a practice of self-love.Touched on topics include common misconceptions about music therapy, how to know if our personal music therapy practice may require additional support, and practical ways to incorporate music into our wellne...


#2 - How to Navigate the Healing Process (AKA the "Dark Night of the Soul")

This episode is for you if you are currently or have ever gone through a "dark night of the soul" - aka a period of deep work and personal transformation that can be incredibly challenging and marked with personal upheaval and major life transitions. These periods are undoubtedly challenging, yet they pave the way for us to come to terms with deeper levels of our own authenticity so that we can express ourselves more freely and live in alignment with our core truths. In this e...


#1 - How to Fall in Love with Food (Overcoming Shame with Food)

This episode is for you if you often find yourself riddled with guilt and shame based on what you've eaten, or if you feel like you have a love/hate relationship with food. You love food, but you HATE how bad you feel when you think you've eaten the "wrong" thing.In this episode, Emily shares how she has transformed her relationship to food and overcome eating disorders by learning to fall in love with food - unconditionally and guilt free.Our diet obsessed culture has taught us that food is ...


Trailer - Un-starved: A Wellness Podcast for Hungry Spirits

Un-starved is a podcast hosted by Emily Anne Morrow, a certified coach and trained nutritionist who has been working in the mental health and wellness fields for the past 6+ years. On the podcast, Emily will be sharing content and interviewing guests that touch on topics such as gentle nutrition and anti-diet philosophies, mental health and mindset, body positivity and acceptance, healing, self care, and more. Un-starved launches on Wednesday, Feb 15 with 3 ready to binge episodes and a new e...


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