Unapologetically Unmedicated | Empowered & Informed Birth Education with Fierce Lizzie

Welcome to Unapologetically Unmedicated, the podcast for moms who want to be informed, empowered, and educated for birth and beyond. We know that an empowered birth leads to an empowered motherhood, and we know that it takes going against the status quo to get there. We are standing up for our values and we are doing it unapologetically.

142 | 5 things to make hospital birth feel more like home birth

If you can't have a home birth, for whatever reason, I get it. That was me too. That is why my area of expertise is helping moms have hospital births that feels more liek home births. Why? Because moms who birth are home are more likely to feel supported, have lower risk outcomes, have fewer interventions, and they always hit their goal of an unmedicated birth. The hospital is nothing like a home birth but there are some home birth practices that we can bring in to our hospital births. In this episode I discuss five things to plan for if your goal is an unmedicated hospital birth. Sign up for Home Birth in the Hospital Use code FIERCELIZZIE on your next Just Ingredients order Order NORA Ready to enroll in Unmedicated Academy? This program is my signature method for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club


141 | A first time mom's birth plan, 11 years later

Travel back in time with me as I go line by line through the birth plan I wrote as a first time mom in 2013. Back before there was a birth side of instagram and no one was listening to podcasts (or at least, I wasn't). In the episode I discuss each request from my birth plan, the biggest mistake I made, and if I actually got what I wanted. More episodes you'll love: 49: Using my super simple birth plan template 71: Hypnobirthing didn't work for me 105 | Home births don’t need birth plans, hospital births need more than a birth plan 116 | 3 things that will sabotage your birth plan Ready for an advocacy based birth program where you get support from me each week from now through the day your baby is born?  Join the empowered mom club


140 | 6 ways to avoid cesarean, the importance of preventing primary cesarean

April is cesarean awareness month. Approximately 1.3 million women in the United States undergo a cesarean section every year. It is the most common surgery done in the United States. And our cesarean rates have actually gone up in recent years, meaning it's more important now than ever to understand the risks, especially of repeat cesareans, and how to avoid an unnecessary c-section. In this episode I discuss: C-section being a neutral tool with risks and benefits, that is being overused. Even the World Health Organization agrees and states that cesarean rates should be 10-15% for the best overall outcomes for moms and babies. The most disgusting thing I saw online last week from an OB celebrating 100 c-sections performed. The definition, and impact of a primary cesarean. In the US, the rate of cesarean is 32.1% overall and primary cesarean rate is 22.5% How one hospital proves that you don't need to follow the ARRIVE trial guidelines to lower the risk of primary cesarean. Research on reducing primary cesarean Leapfrog Hospital Ratings Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club


139 | The real reason women are getting off birth control, with Carly Hartwig

The Washington Post said women are spreading “misinformation” about birth control in a recent article and many women in our community were PISSED. Myself included. SO I asked my good friend Carly Hartwig on today to talk about it- the REAL reason women are not okay with hormonal birth control and why we are choosing just as effective alternatives to the IUD, nuvaring, and the pill. Carly is a holistic reproductive health practitioner and certified fertility awareness educator. In this episode we are calling out the misinformation claim, let’s get informed instead. In this episode, we discuss: The illusion of empowerment that birth control has and how it is actually the opposite of what true empowerment is. The importance of informed consent in birth and birth control, and how if we had known the risks of birth control we would have never agreed to be on it.  How women are gaslit in our medical system, in birth, and in this Washington Post article on birth control. Alternative methods of birth control are being suppressed and called “misinformation” to keep you weak, sick, and disempowered which creates a pharmaceutical and fertility client for life.  All of your birth control options, including cycle tracking options. How the rhythm method and use of period tracking apps are less effective, and true fertility awareness is the more effective natural method and just as effective as pharmaceutical birth control when done correctly. Resources to get started with fertility awareness method. Resources mentioned on the show: Book a free consult call with Carly Fifth Vital Sign and Taking Charge of Your Fertility on Amazon The Business of Birth Control Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend, or share to your socials and tag @unapologetucallyunemdicated and @cleanlivingwithcarly  Connect with Carly https://www.cleanlivingwithcarly.com/ Want to work with Lizzie? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club


138 | the root cause approach to labor pain

You’ve got a medicine cabinet full of herbs and natural remedies but are you applying the same approach to your birth? You have left the mainstream version of healing your colds but are you still taking the mainstream route to birth? Let’s talk about it! Get your medal for your unmedicated birth In this episode I discuss: - Why I don’t take prescription drugs or typical over the counter remedies for both my headaches and my anxiety, even though I am the perfect candidate for zoloft. - The root cause approach to healing and how you can apply that mindset to your labor pain. - What stood out to me when my kids and I watched a dog giving birth on youtube. - One thing you can do to support physiology that has the biggest impact on your birth. More episodes you’ll love: 90 | Labor pain has purpose, how feeling the pain of birth is helpful to your baby85: Signs your induction is BS Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


137 | Are you really overdue? The definition of post-term

Just like a batch of cookies has directions to bake for 10-13 minutes, your baby has a range to bake for 37-42 weeks. Yet, hospital practices have lowered the average length of gestation because they are inducing almost everyone. What are so many moms being induced? And are you really overdue after 40 weeks? In this episode I discuss: -The accuracy of due dates and why it should be called a guess date instead.  -The controversy around inducing just because a mom is 40 weeks-Why women risk out of home birth at 42 weeks and can still have a low risk birth.-The reason so many women are induced. Mentioned on the show: US birth weights drop due to rise in Cesarean births, inductionsOther episodes you’ll love: 132 | Get informed on the epidural, pros and cons of the epidural in birth 117 | If labor is more than 24 hours, 3 things to do in case labor is long 105 | Home births don’t need birth plans, hospital births need more than a birth plan Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


136 | One sneaky people pleasing habit in even the most assertive birth plans

People pleasing shows up in birth a LOT. But this one sneaky way of people pleasing also tends to show up even in the most experienced, assertive and unapologetic birth spaces. In this episode I discuss: -People pleasing practices in the birth space are what hospitals are used to and staff may be shocked when you are assertive. -Evidence can be a useful tool in decision making but we don't need to use it to please others. -Evidence is based in the medical model and not physiology, it's not the end all be all for moms who want unmedicated, physiologic births. Other episodes you'll love: 111 | Be more UNAPOLOGETIC 110 | Unmedicated birth is not always empowering, natural, or orgasmic  116 | 3 things that will sabotage your birth plan


135 | 5 lessons from an inexcusable red flag, don’t page Dr Fran

When an OB takes to the internet to say “women’s bodies are historically bad at birth” you better believe the birth community is showing up. Today we are talking about the viral #dontpagedrfran movement on Instagram, exactly what the OB said that has the birth community enraged, and the lessons you can apply to your birth. In this episode I discuss: -The reel from @pagnigdrfran where she said “women are historically bad at birth” and that “our bodies are trying to off us every time we are pregnant”. And how the birth community showed up with #dontpagedrfran -Our current maternal mortality rate is telling of the United States as being bad at birth.-The perfect example of a provider and hospital saying one thing, then doing another. The typical bait and switch that many women have experienced.  -How invalidating positive home birth stories on the basis of survivors bias is hypocritical coming from the medical model. -The importance of personality versus practice when it comes to hiring (and firing) your provider. Other episodes you’ll love: 80 | The bait & switch birth 77 | Birth centers aren’t what they seem 34 | Finding your unicorn OB Ready to start your birth prep? Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE ️ Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


134 | How to find and hire a doula, your doula questions answered

Episode 2 for World Doula Week. In this episode I am answering all your doula questions from finding and hiring a doula to what it’s like being a doula! I answer the following questions: Where do I find a doula local to me? Questions to ask before hiring a doula. How much do doulas cost? How to become a doula What does getting started with a new client look like? Why don’t they protect physiologic birth anymore? Do you think doulas should have babies before becoming doulas (i low key think they do)? Did you get a doula? Have you ever felt like you had a client/patient who was out of your skill set? Would you/have you declined working with someone wanting a birth you didn’t agree with?Other episodes you’ll love: 70 | Doula certifications suck, with Kallie Caton 100 | Becoming a self taught doula 133 | What doulas do for you, World Doula Week pt. 1 Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


133 | What doulas do for you

Welcome to World Doula Week! Did you know that doulas love to bring awareness to the benefits of doulas during WDW? If you've wondered what a doula does during your birth, or maybe what a doula doesn't do, or If you have questioned wether you need a doula or not, you are in the right place. In this episode I discuss: -The role of the doula and how it is different than the midwife. -What I do with my client as their doula -Why you still need childbirth education, even with a doula. Doulas do not replace childbirth education. -How doulas support birth partners and the important role of dads during birth -My surprising answer to , do I need a doula? Other episodes you'll love: 70: Doula certifications suck, with Kallie Caton 100 | Becoming a self taught doula 124 | Biased doulas for biased moms, finding the right doula, with Sydney Taylor Get the NEW Birth Prep Class Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


132 | Get informed on the epidural, pros and cons of the epidural in birth

If you are having your baby in the hospital, you need to be informed about the epidural, whether your plan is to utilize it or not. In fact after this episode you may decided to definitely not use the epidural and it may be easier for you to avoid the epidural after you learn all about it. Let’s get informed on the epidural! In this episode I discuss: -Risks and benefits of the epidural, the most popular form of pain management in the hospital birth. -How the epidural is placed and the two most common ingredients, bupivacaine and fentanyl. -What to expect if you ask for an epidural, and how being partially informed while in labor is not fair to moms, nor is it true informed consent. -Alternatives to the epidural and the pros and cons to IV narcotics, nitrous oxide and unmedicated pain management tools More episodes you’ll love: 122 | the 90% epidural rate makes natural birth in the hospital almost impossible 120 | There wasn’t an epidural at this hospital, a first time mom’s planned unmedicated hospital birth, with Ariana Heisler 90 | Labor pain has purpose, how feeling the pain of birth is helpful to your baby 73: Deep Dive on Newborn Screening Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


131 | One thing that will change your birth experience for the better

There is no quick fix, one and done, just do this and get the birth you want. But there IS one thing that is going to help you encompass all those 'tips and tricks' and that is taking radical responsibility. In this episode I discuss: -Taking responsibility IS radical, because the average mom walking into the hospital is asking to be told what to do. -Why taking radical responsibility is needed, and all because of phrases like "we need to.." and "you're not allowed to" -Four tips on taking responsibility and control of your birth Get the Birth Prep Class straight to your inbox next week Join Unmedicated Academy for the most empowered birth prep More episodes you’ll love: 63: Radical Responsibility, with Rebekah Richardson Feeling empowered vs being empowered 104 | A mindset shift to stay more accountable to your birth prep 111 | Be more UNAPOLOGETIC


130 | Pain free hospital birth and her husband caught their baby, with Kerissa Ransbury

Academy mom Kerissa Ransbury shares her two birth stories. Her fist where she was underprepared and ended up pushing for 6 hours versus the birth she loves to share because it was so positive. She prepared the right way and everything went exactly how she imagined, she labored at home, had zero pain, and her husband caught her baby. All in the hospital! In this episode, Kerissa discusses: -Her first birth started with cytotec after her waters broke. She ended up getting an epidural, which slowed things down and ended up pushing on her back for 6 hours. -She started preparing for baby 2 as soon as she found out she was pregnant, and she went all in with books, social media and of course, Unmedicated Academy, -Unmedicated Academy worked so well because she knew everything, being informed meant her voice was heard and respected in her prenatal care and birth. -Staying home as long as possible, she waited til contractions were 2 minutes apart, as a way to not be coerced or be on the hospital’s timeline. -She got her pain free birth and her husband (and daddy doula) caught her baby as she birthed upright on the side of the tub.  Other birth stories on the podcast: 120 | There wasn’t an epidural at this hospital, a first time mom’s planned unmedicated hospital birth, with Ariana Heisler 96 | Asynclitic to unmedicated, Eden shares her Irish twin birth stories, with Eden Overaker


129 | Stopping an induction, when to leave, when to stay

DESCRIPTION What if I start an induction and it doesn’t work? What if I change my mind? You have the right to stop an induction and leave the hospital. And if you want to keep that option open NEVER let them break your waters. In this episode I cover: -Avoiding an induction in the first place is the best way to support physiology and an unmedicated birth plan -The difficulties of going from a medicated birth routine to an unmedicated birth. -The options you have if you decide to stop your induction. More episodes you’ll love: 119 | One thing you won’t get in the hospital birth, have a hands off second stage 116 | 3 things that will sabotage your birth plan 107 | Hospital discharge plan, you don’t have to stay 24 hours


128 | Make upright birth as common as the squatty potty

No, birth is not like pooping out a watermelon. But birth is a lot like pooping in other ways. Take the squatty potty for an example, we have completely normalized and accepted an upright pooping position but not upright birth. Are you ready to learn about REAL birth? Unmedicated Academy will teach you how birth works and how the hospital works so you can support the birth you want even in the medicalized setting. Want to skip cervical checks, inductions, pitocin, unnecessary drugs, pushing on your back? Yeah, you should! None of those belong in birth anyways. Currently enrolling guess dates in June & July.


126 | Increased interventions and the unique needs for pregnancy after loss, with Sarah Lingle

In honor of pregnancy after loss month, we have PAL (pregnancy after loss) doula Sarah Lingle. “It was probably the most emotional time of my life” Pregnancy after loss is hard, it can be full of anxiety, and it’s also a time of so much hope and joy. For many loss moms, there are more interventions in both their pregnancy and birth, wether by choice or by coercion. Sarah gives her best preparation tips for moms experiencing pregnancy after loss for them to feel informed and confident.  In this episode, Sarah shares: -The most amazing part of her own birth story, a record breaking twin interval birth. -Her interest in birth started after seeing the women in her family give birth at home, leading her to midwifery school, and ultimately landing on becoming a doula, where she now helps moms during pregnancy after loss. -How her trust in birth was tested after her own loss, and how she manages her anxieties and fears with her next pregnancy and birth. -What makes PAL (pregnancy after loss) moms different and how she supports those moms with her doula services. -The rate of interventions are higher with pregnancy and birth after loss, both by choice and by coercion. -How trauma resurfaces in birth, even if we didn’t realize how traumatic that previous experience was. Sarah aims to empower and support mothers who have experienced loss, as well as those navigating subsequent pregnancies after loss. Her motivation stems from personal loneliness during loss, infertility, and PAL. Sarah understands firsthand the challenges, but she wants to assure others that they're not alone. Sarah can be found on social media at @paldoula, on podcasts at The PAL Doula Podcast, and online at pregnancyafterlossdoula.com


125 | a pain free birth is possible but it won’t be easy

Everyone wants a pain free birth, but in reality, only 1% of moms are experiencing one. Is a pain free birth possible? It is! Is it common, no. There are a few reasons you may not experience a pain free birth, some within your control, some not. And there are three things you can do to help increase your chances of experiencing a truly pain free birth.  Get on the NORA waitlist Listen to episode #25: An Exposè On Vaccines and Pediatrics with THE Dr. Paul Thomas on Moms off the Record  In this episode I discuss: - Only 1% of women describe their birth as pain free, and this is why I don;t love the idea of preparing for a pain free birth - A course on pain free birth won’t get you anywhere if you are agreeing to routine interventions - Interruptions to physiology are the biggest reason you aren’t having a pain free birth - Three things you can do to increase your odds of achieving a pain free birth. Other episodes you’ll love: 98 | Conquer your fear of birth You burned the pumpkin pie (cascade of interventions) Avoiding Induction is not enough Ready to start your birth prep? Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE ️ Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


124 | Biased doulas for biased moms, finding the right doula, with Sydney Taylor

Part 2 with Sydney Taylor. The conversation with Sydney continues as she shares how her birth experience led her to birthwork and becoming a homebirth midwife. We talk about being doulas who only take on clients who want unmedicated births and the benefits, to both client and doula, of showing your biases as a doula. In this episode we discuss: -How being a mother prepares you to be a doula more than any doula training program -The affirmations we love to hear from dads in the birth space. -A doula for every woman doesn’t mean doulas have to support everyone and the types of doulas we wouldn’t hire. -Taking every birth client, even when it’s not a good fit, just because you can support them often leads to burnout, doulas leaving birth work, and bad google reviews. -Doulas who are unapologetic about their biases will find the right clients and this is exactly how Sydney is booked out for the year. 114 | We crashed a formula marketing meeting, the Back Off Bobbie campaign, with Natasha Vargas-Cooper and Andrea Haskins100 | Becoming a self taught doula 92 | Inclusive language is excluding your main audience, DONA and La Leche League’s inclusive language policy is erasing women, with Dr Sarah 70: Doula certifications suck, with Kallie Caton Want to become a doula? Download the self-taught doula guide. It's FREE  Learn more about my doula business membership Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


123 | “I accidentally said yes”, first time mom and RN goes unmedicated in the hospital, with Sydney Taylor

Part 1 with Sydney Taylor. In this episode she shares about her “as pleasant as expected” hospital birth where she accidentally said yes to breaking her waters and pitocin. Tune in to see how a type A, over prepared, RN ended up achieving her unmedicated birth a first time mom with just a couple regrets.  You can watch the raw unedited version over on You Tube In this episode, Sydney shares: -How her experience as an RN led her doing everything right in preparing for her hospital birth. -She arrived at the hospital at 8cm and her midwife was not there, the first thing out of the OB’s mouth was that she should get an epidural. -That she “accidentally said yes” to breaking her waters, and receiving pitocin. -What lengths hospital staff will go to when they want to have their way and how she was threatened with a c-section even though her birth was moving along perfectly. Other episodes you’ll love: 120 | There wasn’t an epidural at this hospital, a first time mom’s planned unmedicated hospital birth, with Ariana Heisler 96 | Asynclitic to unmedicated, Eden shares her Irish twin birth stories, with Eden Overaker 78: A feral & fierce twin birth, with Reyna Mustard Ready to start your birth prep? Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE ️ Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


122 | the 90% epidural rate makes natural birth in the hospital almost impossible

The epidural is so common, that it is making it nearly impossible for moms to go unmedicated in the hospital. The true epidural rate may shock you once I break it down in this episode. If you are the average mom, planning a hospital birth, you are going to need to bring your own ingredients (aka support tools) because the natural birth is not something the hospital has experience with.  Shop the Perfect Supplements sale on 2/29 and use code LIZZIE10 to stack discounts. In this episode I discuss: -The very common experience of wanting an unmedicated birth and then getting an epidural right at the end because you didn’t realize you were almost done-The epidural rate as told by google and what L&D staff are saying instead -How your birth location determines heavily what is normal in you birth -What you can do to be sure you are supported in the birth that you want in the hospital Other episodes you’ll love 117 | If labor is more than 24 hours, 3 things to do in case labor is long 116 | 3 things that will sabotage your birth plan103 | Technology in birth, the worst advancements in birth Ready to start your birth prep? Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE ️ Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message


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