Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit

Are you ready to build your business while going after God’s heart? Are you sick of wasting time implementing yesterday’s strategies? Do you wish you had more time to be present with your family without jeopardizing your income? In this podcast, you’ll find biblical and practical strategies to help you automate your business, name Jesus as your CEO, create consistent income, and love your life. What if I told you there’s a way to fully surrender AND walk in His favor? Hey, I’m Jeanette Peterson, Christian business strategies, operations/automation maven and Air Force veteran. Unapologetically Unstoppable is here to help you walk unapologetically every day knowing God’s abundance and favor is following you as you build your unstoppable Kingdom business, fully in his obedience. In this podcast I’ll teach you how to: -Grow your business with automation -Create scalable operations -SEO strategies -Biblical principles for business -All the tech you need and don’t need to run your business -Mindset shifts to take you to the next level My guests and I will walk you through how the Holy Spirit helps us build our businesses, and how he shows up and shows out. Building a business with Jesus as your CEO and the reason for your business will feel expansive, limitless, and abundant. I’m here to help you grow your business to multi-six and seven figures. Kingdom businesses run by women are rising. Are you ready to join us? Next Steps: Download 40 prayers to change your business: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Join the Free Community: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Visit the Website: https://jeanettepeterson.com Connect with Jeanette: Instagram: https://instagram.com/jeanette/peterson Youtube: https://youtube.com/@jeanette.peterson Want to be a guest? Apply here: https://jeanettepeterson.com/podcastguest

#161 Surrender: How letting go leads to Spiritual Victory

Take a deep dive into the concept of spiritual surrender as we explore what it truly means to let go and let God take control as a Christian woman in business. Tune in to discover the importance of making a covenant with God, the power of humility in prayer, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding you. If you’re struggling to maintain control and need guidance in your personal life and entrepreneurial journey, this episode offers insights on how to partner with God for spiritual growth and a victorious Christian life.   This week’s topic focuses on understanding and practicing spiritual surrender in the Christian faith and how it can revolutionize your life and business as a Christian woman. Jeanette talks about the importance of recognizing the acts of the flesh versus the fruits of the Spirit, embracing your role as a steward of the gifts God has entrusted to you, and the importance of surrendering control and allowing God to take the lead so that you can step into your true identity, confront cultural pressures, and experience the fullness of God’s love and power in your life.   "To walk in your God-given purpose, you must first lay down your own plans and trust His." "When you surrender daily, you allow God to transform you into the person He created you to be." "The enemy fears your surrender because he knows the power of a woman fully submitted to God." "Surrendering control means laying it at God’s feet and trusting Him with the outcome."   In this episode: Learn what it truly means to surrender to Jesus Christ and why it’s essential for spiritual victory. The importance of identifying acts of flesh vs. fruits of the spirit. Explore how to faithfully steward the gifts God has given you, from talents to time and resources. Understanding Spiritual Warfare to combat the enemy’s attacks and stay rooted in God’s love.   Bible verses:  Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents   Are you ready to experience spiritual victory through full surrender to God? Don’t miss this episode!  Subscribe and follow the podcast to experience the transformative power of faith, connect with a supportive community, and discover how Jeanette’s mentorship can elevate your journey. Listen now and reach out to start your path to impactful, God-centered success!   Wanna go deeper? Connect on Instagram:https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the Facebook community:https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ: https://jeanettepeterson.com/quiz Free book: https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers 7-Figure Business Cheat Sheet: https://jeanettepeterson.com/systemscheat Join the 7-Figure Systems Mastermind: https://jeanettepeterson.com/7figuresystemsmastermind    


#157 Mastering SEO: Proven Tips to Boost Your Online Visibility (Replay)

Earlier on the podcast you learned how to connect with the people you have in your ecosystem, this week Jeanette teaches you how to get more eyes on your business. In this re-play of one of the most downloaded episodes on the show, you will learn the crucial role of SEO in today's digital landscape, to optimize your content for maximum visibility with SEO strategies that enhance your marketing efforts. These days, SEO rich content is vital to rank high on every digital platform, so, if you haven’t done so, this is your sign to learn how to leverage SEO to drive traffic to your business and increase your ROI.    “I know what I’m looking for. She knows what people are looking for, and she put her blog title correctly because that’s the one I clicked on [although] there were others.” “When you're creating content, make sure that you are using words that people are going to be looking for.” “I am [my content is] for people who are building the kingdom. I'm not just talking about kingdom entrepreneurs.” “I'm here to play big.” “SEO everything because the people who need to find you, they need your stuff” "SEO should be crucial to everything you do on the internet today." "Every platform is moving to an SEO algorithm because that's how people are searching." "Optimize your content for search engines to make it easier for people to find you." "Think of SEO like a dog whistle: you are talking directly to the people who need to be hearing this." In this episode:  How to identify and use long tail keywords effectively.  The importance of optimizing content for different search engines (with examples). How to improve your ROI with SEO. Learning to make SEO a natural part of your content creation process and drive more targeted traffic to your website using SEO.   Ready to transform your marketing strategy with SEO?Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast, and experience the transformative power of faith.   Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://jeanettepeterson.com/quiz Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers 7-Figure Business Cheat Sheet: https://jeanettepeterson.com/systemscheat Join the 7-Figure systems mastermind: https://jeanettepeterson.com/7figuresystemsmastermind


#151 Aligning Financial Goals with Strategic Offers: A Path to Millions in Revenue

In this episode you will learn the importance of aligning your financial goals with your business offers. Whether you aim to reach $1M or $10M in revenue, understanding the strategic steps necessary to achieve these goals should be one of your priorities. Join Jeanette as she breaks down methods and mindset shifts required to elevate your business.    By understanding the numbers and strategically planning your offers, you can ensure your business goals are met efficiently. Today we'll discuss how to calculate and adjust your services to fit high-revenue targets, the importance of mindset in pricing, and how to structure your offers for significant financial impact and substantial business growth.   "God told me I was gonna tithe a million dollars, so I need a ten million dollar business." "If people don’t want to buy your thing, you’re talking to the wrong people." "Start with the end in mind and then work backwards." "Don’t play small because they want you to play small." "Think about what that limit is, that you have that upper limit and get comfortable with it." "Price yourself according to your financial goals and what you can serve." "Stop playing small. We’re playing to the biggest, boldest version that God has told us to be."   In this episode: How to define clear financial goals to outline and commit to your revenue targets. How to align offers with revenue goals Strategic Pricing Ways to expand your offerings and capacity to meet higher financial targets. How to Maintain a Growth Mindset     Ready to take your business to the next level?Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast, and experience the transformative power of faith.     Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://jeanettepeterson.com/quiz Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#148 Biblical Abundance with Buki Ekeowa

Join Jeanette and special guest Buki Ekeowa as they explore the principles of Biblical abundance. Discover how radical obedience is essential to living the life that God designed for you and get inspired to trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit throughout your journey.   Buki Ekeowa is an Online Marketing & Sales Strategist specializing in empowering Kingdom Women. With over a decade of experience, she helps talented women turn their gifts into thriving coaching businesses using Biblical wealth principles and strategic business strategies. As a 6-figure entrepreneur, Buki excels in creating irresistible offers, setting up passive income systems, and crafting effective messaging that cuts through digital noise. She hosts the podcast Kingdom Wealth Conversations and founded the Kingdom Wealth Creators Community, supporting women in business, finance, and spiritual growth. This week, Buki has come on the show to share the journey from uncertainty to radical obedience that has led her to a life of abundance guided by Biblical principles and faith. "Actually our breakthrough is in obedience. And just doing what God has told us to do."   "And I just believe that God is saying that, you know, we can go large. And obviously it's a process. It takes time, but you know, at least we have the ability, the capacity, the desire to go large and do things in a big way."   "I see it daily. I see it in my spirit. I teach my people to just begin to open their eyes and see what God is going to do."   "That abundant life, whatever that looks like, Jesus I want all of that and then some."   "We can't live beneath what he's called us to because he came for a reason for us to have an abundant life." In this episode:  Overcome fear and uncertainty and embrace faith to conquer doubts and step boldly into your calling. Build confidence in your abilities through spiritual growth and perseverance. Embrace abundance through practical strategies to live abundantly in alignment with biblical teachings. Integrate faith into entrepreneurship, business practices, and decision-making processes. Learn from Buki Ekeowa’s journey from uncertainty to radical obedience, leading to a life of abundance guided by Biblical principles and faith.   Bible Verses: John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Proverbs 13:22 - "A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous." Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." 2 Kings 4 - The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.” 2 Elisha replied to her, “How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Your servant has nothing there at all,” she said, “except a small jar of olive oil.” 3 Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. 4 Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.” 5 She left him and shut the door behind her and her sons. They brought the jars to her and she kept pouring. 6 When all the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another one.” But he replied, “There is not a jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing. 7 She went and told the man of God, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left.” Are you ready to live in abundance according to God's will? Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast, and experience the transformative power of faith. Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://jeanettepeterson.com/quiz Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers   Connect with Buki on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/wealthykingdomfocusedfemalecoaches Connect with Buki on the Grams https://www.instagram.com/buki.kingdompreneur/ Join Buki’s challenge: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/AbundanceNowChallenge Visit Buki’s website: https://me.bukiekeowa.com/   Listen to Buki’s podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/kingdom-wealth-conversations-for-christian-women-building/id1684096401


#147 Is your life in alignment with your destiny?

This week, Jeanette dives deep into the concept of aligning your life with your God-given destiny. She gives you a powerful reminder to trust in God's provision and to let go of self-imposed control, challenging you to examine whether you are truly leaning on God and following His plan for your life.   Drawing from her recent move from Missouri to California and her journey of leaving a high-paying cybersecurity job to pursue full-time business coaching, Jeanette discusses the importance of aligning with God's calling and the pitfalls of relying solely on personal efforts. When you trust in God's provision, especially during challenging times like a recession, and let go of your own expectations of how your path must look, you are fully surrendering to God's will and right then, you are able to experience the freedom that comes with faith.  Sounds good? Start by trusting in God and letting go of your need to control every single aspect of your journey. Rinse and repeat.   "All of the stuff that I was doing in my job was blocking my blessings from God." "God was asking me to lean back into Him and have the faith to know that He will provide." "When we are out of alignment with God, He will never bring the provision that we are asking for." "Let go and trust that God will provide. You will see, maybe not in the big thing yet, but in His time." "Stop taking the wheel from God. Let Him be God and trust, and you will see the provision unfold in your life."   In this episode:  Recognize when you're out of alignment with God's calling The importance of depending on God for your needs rather than relying solely on your efforts. Let go and surrender control to God Maintaining faith during challenging times The freedom of relying on God   Are you ready to align your life with your destiny? Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast, and experience the transformative power of faith.   Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://jeanettepeterson.com/quiz Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#141 Prosperity Through Obedience: Business Insights from Deuteronomy 28

This week we'll explore the connection between obedience and blessings in business as we delve into the timeless wisdom of Deuteronomy 28. Join Jeanette on this episode to learn about faithful obedience and its impact on prosperity, provision, and purpose as she unravels the significance of obedience in receiving God's blessings.   By aligning your actions with God's calling, you will be able to transcend mere financial gain, experiencing a profound sense of abundance and favor. Making use of personal anecdotes and biblical principles, Jeanette reflects on the sometimes blurry balance between independence and surrender, emphasizing that true prosperity stems from faithful obedience to God's commandments.   "God wants to bless you for your obedience. He wants you to be blessed because He loves you." "I am not the manufacturer of rain. God does not need me to make rain. He needs me to be obedient." "Every step is not from God. He doesn't want you to do everything. He just wants you to do what He says." "Be a good steward of your things. Don't take things for granted. Do less so you can have more room to bless the Kingdom."   Main Takeaways:    The importance of practicing faithful obedience and align your actions with God's calling  Trusting in God's timing and provision and finding peace and joy amidst challenges The importance of surrendering to God's sovereignty to foster a mindset of abundance and favor  How to seek guidance through prayer and Biblical principles to make decisions with clarity and purpose in your business strategies. Amplify blessings in your business by practicing stewardship and gratitude, generosity and impact.   Bible Verses: Deuteronomy 28:1-14 “And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God. 3 Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. 4 Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. 5 Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. 6 Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. 7 “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. 8 The Lord will command the blessing on you in your barns and in all that you undertake. And he will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. 9 The Lord will establish you as a people holy to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in his ways. 10 And all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you. 11 And the Lord will make you abound in prosperity, in the fruit of your womb and in the fruit of your livestock and in the fruit of your ground, within the land that the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. 12 The Lord will open to you his good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. 13 And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you shall only go up and not down, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, being careful to do them, 14 and if you do not turn aside from any of the words that I command you today, to the right hand or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.”     Ready to embrace obedience in your business endeavors and witness the impact that God's blessings can have in your life. Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast, and experience the transformative power of faith.     Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#140 Financial Profitability for Business with Allie Messer

This week on the podcast, Jeanette discusses the importance of profitability analysis in business success with special guest Allie Messer from Three Oaks Financial Services. Allie shares how she integrates faith into her business practices, and the importance of understanding profitability for small business owners. Tune in to this episode and discover how integrating faith into business practices can guide your decision-making process and foster resilience.   For small business owners, a deep understanding of financial insights can revolutionize the approach to entrepreneurship. Running a successful and profitable business requires a very specific action plan and, for Kingdom business owners these are strategies fueled by God. When you surrender to God's will, He will open up the road, He will show you the next steps and He will help you gain the wisdom and knowledge you require to execute His plan.    "Starting the day with prayer and reflection sets the tone for surrendering burdens and embracing God's guidance in business endeavors."    "I literally visualize myself putting my burdens, like, in a wagon and handing it over. Here it is. There is nothing I can do right now at this moment. Here they are. God, here they are."   "God's like, Oh no girl, here's one step, because if I give you the whole plan, you're not going to do what I tell you to do."   "Sometimes we underestimate how much we spend in our business, but profitability analysis reveals the truth in black and white."    "Understanding numbers is the key to small business success. Cash is king, and managing it effectively is crucial."    In this episode:  The importance of integrating faith into business practices Why all business owners need a profitability analysis Aligning your personal life and your business strategies with Biblical principles The importance of rest and spiritual nourishment.   Bible Verse: Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."   Ready to unlock the full potential of your business? Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast and experience the transformative power of faith.   Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers   Connect with Allie on the Grams https://www.instagram.com/threeoaksfinancialservices/ Connect with Allie on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/allison.messer.773/ Visit Allie’s website https://www.threeoaksfinancialservices.com/


#139 Balancing Faith, Family & Business: Strategies for Faith-Based Entrepreneurs

Discover how to maintain harmony between faith, family, and entrepreneurship. Jeanette shares practical tips on time management, outsourcing tasks, and nurturing long-term client relationships while prioritizing family and mental health. Tune in and gain valuable insights about time management, outsourcing tasks, and nurturing family bonds without sacrificing important things in your life.   Being a powerhouse, Jeanette always receives the same question about how she manages a bustling lifestyle that encompasses homeschooling, business, faith and community engagement. In this episode, she emphasizes the importance of calendar blocking and creating systems to enhance efficiency and allow for more time with family and other personal pursuits. Jeanette also advocates for outsourcing non-essential tasks and budgeting wisely to delegate responsibilities without overwhelm, so that you can align your business strategies with personal values, maintaining authenticity, and fostering genuine connections with clients.  Through thoughtful time management and strategic decision-making, faith-based entrepreneurs like you can thrive in both business and personal life while upholding your faith values. Remember, success is not just about achievement but also about living a fulfilling life rooted in faith and authenticity.   “I create a life where I don't want to run away from or escape from. I want more of it” "My currency is no longer dollar bills. If you want me to do something for you, I need time freedom to cherish moments with my family and recharge spiritually." "Outsourcing tasks and automating processes have been game-changers in freeing up time to focus on what truly matters in my business and personal life." "Integrating faith into entrepreneurship means serving genuinely, building trust with clients, and nurturing relationships that transcend mere transactions." "Success as a faith-based entrepreneur lies in aligning business strategies with personal values, without compromising faith, family, or mental well-being."   In this episode:  Learn how to optimize your time management and prioritize family and personal endeavors by implementing calendar blocking and efficient systems. Discover how to reduce workload and maintain focus on core business activities by outsourcing non-essential tasks and automating processes. Master the art of balancing faith, family, and business commitments to achieve sustainable success while prioritizing mental well-being and familial relationships.   Ready to balance faith, family, and entrepreneurship? Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast and experience the transformative power of faith.   Wanna go deeper? Connect on the Grams: https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers  


#138 How to build your business without social media with Robyn Graham

Join Jeanette as she sits down with business growth strategist and coach Robyn Graham to discuss the secrets behind building an unstoppable business without relying solely on social media and instead leveraging the plethora of options that digital marketing has to offer. Get insights about her practical strategies, mindset shifts, and faith-based approach to reduce anxiety, live a purposeful life, and run a successful business. The life of a business owner is stressful enough; add social media, and anxiety goes through the roof. In this episode, Robyn shares her journey of trusting in God to guide her and help her direct her attention and efforts where they would bear fruit. Once she found out that she didn't need social media as the main platform to get eyes on her, she implemented a strategy based on SEO, podcasts, and platforms like Pinterest to grow an email list that she nurtures with valuable content to connect with her subscribers and fuel her business. Tune in and learn how listening to God and allowing His will to be done will open the right doors for you.   "I can't tell you how many podcast episodes, blog posts, social media posts have come out of my morning devotion time." "Faith and mindset work together to eliminate fear and step into courage."  "Email marketing is about building genuine connections and nurturing relationships." "Your lead magnets could really be anything...but make sure it's solving a problem your clients have." "I prioritize providing value without overwhelming my subscribers—it's about quality over quantity."     In this episode:  The importance of relying on your faith and incorporating daily devotions and journaling into your routine. Creativity and your connection with God. How to use social media strategically without relying on it for your business Optimizing your website for SEO, creating compelling lead magnets, and utilizing platforms like podcasts and blogs for content marketing. The importance of a call to action The importance of nurturing your email list through effective email sequences   Bible Verses:  Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."   Ready to fuel your business with faith? Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast, and experience the transformative power of faith Wanna go deeper Connect with Robyn: https://therobyngraham.com/ Listen to Robyn’s podcast: https://therobyngraham.com/podcast Other resources from Robyn: https://therobyngraham.com/resources 


#137 How Kingdom Entrepreneurs are Empowered by Unshakable Faith

Join Jeanette and explore how cultivating unshakable faith can transform your approach to entrepreneurship. Biblical insights and practical wisdom will help you navigate challenges with confidence, knowing that God is orchestrating every step of your journey as a kingdom entrepreneur. Let's understand the intersection of faith and business strategies as Kingdom-minded business owners! Delving into the story of Jesus teaching his disciples about the power of faith, Jeanette uncovers wise insights applicable to modern-day business strategies. Through a deep dive into biblical passages, she will give you a reliable way to overcome doubt and fear, stepping into your role as an unstoppable kingdom entrepreneur.   "It's not so that we can have it and just be a rich ruler, but so that we can have it and give it to the kingdom and show people what God looks like." "If I have impatience and don't actually believe that it's going to come through, that's when we start refreshing the screen, turning our Wi-Fi on and off. But when I know that my God, the God that created the universe, is going to come through, no matter what, I can sit there and wait for it." "God's got this. As long as we walk with what we're supposed to do and do it how God tells us to do it, even if it doesn't make sense, the outcome is not ours. The outcome is His." "It is not your job to create something. It's His. It's your job to be obedient. So when we walk with that confidence, there's nothing that can stop us."   In this episode Understand faith as a foundation of business strategies and decision-making processes. How to Combat doubt and fear by cultivating unwavering faith in God's promises. Trust in God's timing and provision and embrace obedience, relinquishing control over outcomes. Learn to step into your identity as a kingdom entrepreneur with confidence, knowing that God is orchestrating your success. Empowerment through faith   Bible Verses: Matthew 17:14-20 And when they came to the crowd, a man came up to him and, kneeling before him, said, 'Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and he suffers terribly. For often he falls into the fire, and often into the water. And I brought him to your disciples, and they could not heal him.' And Jesus answered, 'O faithless and twisted generation, how long am I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him here to me.' And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the boy was healed instantly. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, 'Why could we not cast it out?' He said to them, 'Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you (ESV)   Join the movement of Christian women embracing the journey of faith as Kingdom entrepreneurs! subscribe and follow the podcast and experience the transformative power of faith.  


#136 How to Hear God’s Calling For You with Theresa Alexis

Join Janette and special guest Theresa Alexis as they delve into topics of faith, entrepreneurship, and embracing God's voice with unapologetic boldness. Tune in to this episode to explore how maintaining an unshakable faith and practicing obedience can pave the way for remarkable breakthroughs and blessings in both life and business. Theresa Alexis, also known as The Baddest Coach for Military Wives™, is the founder and CEO of Theresa Alexis Consulting, a leadership, empowerment, and legacy firm specializing in CEO consulting and relationship coaching. With eight years of service in the United States Marine Corps, she brings a wealth of experience in leadership and development. As an educator, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Theresa is dedicated to helping CEOs maximize profits and foster healthy relationships. Discover what it means trusting in God's guidance, being obedient, and surrendering to His plan. Learn how prioritizing God, praying about your calling, consulting Him about your decisions, and trusting in His provision can transform your life and business. "Just because a person decides to walk out of my life doesn't mean I'm not still called to these marriages he called me to, my relationship status has nothing to do with my purpose” "Obedience is God's love language. You do what he tells you to do. He will make a way you don't have to worry about anything else." “This is the good news of Jesus Christ. Okay. If you are truly open to it, you can receive it." In this episode: The impact of discerning and following God's calling in entrepreneurship and life. Create remarkable breakthroughs by embracing your faith and being obedient Proclaiming your faith boldly Trust in God's provision and surrender to His plan for you Bible Verses: Romans 1:16: For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes Join the movement of Christian women embracing Kingdom entrepreneurship, subscribe and follow the podcast and experience the transformative power of faith. Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Connect with Teresa Alexis on the Grams: www.instagram.com/TheresaAlexisSpeaks Visit Theresa Alexis's website: https://baddiesandbibles.com/ Listen to Baddies with Bible https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/baddies-with-bibles/id1727371046 Connect with Theresa Alexis on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/baddiesandbibles/ Prayer Challenge: https://baddiesandbibles.com/prayer-challenge


#135 How To Redefine Success In Hustle Culture And Find God’s Pace

This week Jeanette dives into the complexities of hustle culture and its implications through a spiritual lens. Join her as she explores the side effects of societal pressures and the importance of trusting in God's timing to discover how to find peace and purpose in your life and entrepreneurial journey. In this episode, you will learn how the pervasive hustle culture often leads to feelings of inadequacy and burnout. Jeanette challenges the notion that constant busyness equates to success and explores the concept of aligning yourself with God's timing, finding peace amidst the chaos. Let's reflect on biblical passages to uncover the importance of syncing with God's pace rather than succumbing to societal pressures. True success lies in surrendering to God's timing and embracing the simplicity of being grounded in His presence. "If the opposite of hustle is peace, and peace is a fruit of the spirit, what does hustle represent? Is it the fruit of the devil? Maybe, I don't know." "We weren't meant to do life alone anyway. There are times and seasons of hustle, but it's not all the time. Most of the time, it's a gentle breeze outside." "If you're not in the same pace with God, if you're going too fast, everything you're trying to do is going to fail” "Hustle is not necessarily not from God. But I think there are times and seasons of hustle, and it's not all the time" "Girlfriend, you are exactly where you need to be. Stay in step with God and find peace in His timing." In this episode: Reevaluating hustle culture and its detrimental effects on well-being and productivity. Aligning with God's divine timing over societal standards. Embrace Peace and surrender to God's plan for tranquility amid the hustle. Redefining success: Success lies in aligning with God's purpose. Bible verses: Ephesians 3:1-8 (ESV): "For this reason I, Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles— assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was given to me for you, how the mystery was made known to me by revelation, as I have written briefly. When you read this, you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit. This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel." Mark 1:14 (ESV): "Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.'" Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#134 How To Balance Business, Faith And Motherhood with Andria Singletary: A Mompreneur Story

Delve into the journey of a mompreneur who seamlessly intertwines her family life and her faith with her business. From transitioning from VA work to becoming a coach, she shares how her unapologetic faith in Jesus drives her entrepreneurial endeavors. Tune in and discover the power of showing oneself grace, the importance of serving others, and practical strategies for navigating business and motherhood without burning out. Andria Singletary is a wife, mom of two, podcast coach and strategist, and the host of the Mama Turned Mompreneur podcast. She is passionate about supporting mompreneurs by creating a podcast that generates consistent business leads. Mothers in business are on a league of their own, they face the challenges of balancing business and motherhood, while leaving room to exist as women. When a mompreneur embraces her faith like Andria, who from her early days as a virtual assistant through podcast management to running a coaching business, has allowed her faith in Jesus to guide her every step, the one who opens the road for her to thrive is God. Join Jeanette and her guest, and learn valuable lessons about the importance of faith, grace, and service in entrepreneurship. "Honestly, I wouldn't have this business without Him. So like, who am I to be like, Oh, I'm not gonna talk about Jesus." "As women and moms, we have a hard time showing ourselves grace." "Grace is the one thing that separates Christianity from all other religions." "I just need to keep my eyes on Him and continue seeking him. And I'm all good." In this episode: Why kingdom entrepreneurs should embrace their faith unapologetically in business. How to show yourself grace in moments of high ambition and overachievement. Service is at the heart of success; prioritize serving others in your entrepreneurial journey. Balancing business and motherhood requires strategic scheduling and learning to ask for help. Avoid comparison on social media platforms and learn to focus on what truly matters Bible Verses: Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Ready to infuse your entrepreneurial journey with faith, grace, and service? Join this movement of Christian women, subscribe and follow the podcast and experience the transformative power of faith. Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Connect with Andria on the Grams: www.instagram.com/mamaturnedmompreneur Listen to Andria’s podcast: www.mamaturnedmompreneur.com/listennow Other resources from Andria: Get It Done Week: www.mamaturnedmompreneur.com/getitdone Life in Season Coaching: www.mamaturnedmompreneur.com/coaching


#133 Why Contracts Matter and What God Says About Them

Join Jeanette as she delves into the profound topic of covenants, unpacking their significance in both business contracts and biblical contexts. Discover the parallels between contractual agreements in the corporate world and divine covenants, and grasp the essence of promises, agreements, and the repercussions of broken commitments. Are you ready to explore the intersection of faith and business? Tune in! Covenants hold multifaceted importance, resonating with business contracts and biblical promises alike. As Christ-led entrepreneurs, understanding the importance of clarity, specificity, and time-bound agreements is paramount. From the repercussions of broken covenants in Genesis to the unwavering promises of God to Abraham, this episode unravels the essence of trust, faith, and fulfillment. Discover how embedding these principles into your business aligns with your Christian values, as honoring commitments remains fundamental in both business and faith journeys. "Business operations and strategies serve as the backbone of entrepreneurial endeavors, guiding decisions and driving sustainable growth." "As Kingdom entrepreneurs, we're called to integrate faith into every aspect of our business operations and strategic planning." "Effective business strategies align with divine principles, fostering growth and impact in alignment with God's purpose." "Just as a business operations manager oversees the efficiency of daily operations, Kingdom entrepreneurs are tasked with stewarding resources and opportunities for God's glory." In this episode: Mutual agreements, promises, and responsibilities Clarity, specificity, and time-bound agreements are crucial elements in drafting effective contracts, The significance of trust, patience, and faithfulness through the story of Abraham and Sarah Honoring our commitments and promises to others Bible Verses: Genesis 17:19 Join the movement of Christian women transforming their Kingdom businesses. Subscribe and follow the podcast and experience the transformative power of faith in all aspects of your life. Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#132 What to do with your faith when God asks you to wait with Sabrina Carter

In this episode Sabrina Carter shares her journey from working in health and fitness to shifting gears and creating a supportive community for Christian women dealing with seasons of waiting. Sabrina shares about overcoming significant losses and maintaining faith under trying circumstances while waiting for God's perfect timing, and emphasizes the importance of community, connection, and support during these periods. Tune in and learn how faith and challenging experiences can shape your perspective and inspire your mission. Waiting is far from a passive state. Periods of waiting in your life can be times of beautiful transformation and growth, when you have the right support, mindset, and a community to help you navigate your life in faith during challenging times. Trusting in God and finding hope in difficult times gets easier when done collectively and with guidance, reminding you of the importance of embracing each day and finding blessings while waiting for His fulfillment. “We can actually decide to grow from the experience and do the work and allow it to transform who we are and, you know, use it to then encourage or bless and comfort others.” “I really felt like God was just asking me to be obedient and to share my journey of like, what does faith look like in a season of waiting?” "Even if you're doing everything as you're supposed to, we still don't always get what we think we should get." "If you quit, you are guaranteed to not get the outcome that you want." "Jesus is consistency. His promises are true. He's not, I can depend on Jesus. He is consistent." In this episode: Seasons of waiting are inevitable in life, but they can be opportunities for growth and renewal. Trusting in God's plan, even when it diverges from our own desires, is key to maintaining faith during difficult times. Community support and resources, can provide valuable encouragement and guidance during seasons of waiting. Perseverance and consistency are essential virtues on the journey toward renewal and fulfillment. Embracing the concept of renewal and finding purpose in pain can lead to profound personal transformation. Bible Verses: Ephesians 3:14-20 Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Connect with Sabrina on the grams: @mrssabrinacarter Join her Facebook Community here Listen to her podcast here


#131 Transform Your Business: The Power of Fasting and Prayer for Christian Entrepreneurs

Join Jeanette, a Christian entrepreneur, on a cross-country journey of fasting and prayer that reignited her business and aligned it with God's plan. Explore practical steps, gain insights, and learn from Jeanette's experiences as she shares how to elevate your business strategy through the power of faith. Tune in and start your journey towards aligning your business with God's guidance. For a Christian -especially for a business owner- abstaining from distractions that take your focus away from Christ is a powerful practice. From choosing what to fast from, through the temperance you need to commit to a longer fast, to the heightened clarity and trust in God's guidance, as you delve deeper, you uncover a strategic shift in business planning that is aligned with your values and God's purpose for you and your business. "Your business is part of your life. It lives inside of you. This is where we need to be doing the same things that we do to break strongholds in our life, to break strongholds in our business." "I dedicate my life to Jesus and everything that I do to God. So that includes my business. Period. Dot. That's just how I run my life." "When you fast and pray for your business, you will see things differently. You will see and hear God more clearly, and you will know what your business needs to do." "This is not a last resort. This is a first response. God, I'm giving you the first in January. I'm giving you all of January to just tell me what you want me to do." In this episode: Make a commitment to a dedicated fast, aligning your business goals with God’s spiritual guidance. Choose your fast, eliminating distractions that hinder your connection with Jesus and business clarity. Engage in purposeful Scripture reading for biblical insights and divine direction. Experience heightened clarity and a closer connection to God, gaining a profound understanding of your business path. Rededicate your time and treat fasting and prayer as a first response, not a last resort, rededicating your time and efforts to God. Bible Books to help you during your fast: Hebrews Romans Colossians Psalms Join the movement of Christian entrepreneurs transforming their businesses. Subscribe and follow the podcast to learn how to successfully run a Christ-led brand. Start your journey towards aligning your business with God's plan and experience the transformative power of faith in entrepreneurship Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#130 Overcoming obstacles when you’re feeling stuck in business

Join Jeanette today as she shares the truth about your identity in Christ, offering insights to overcome self-doubt and break free from feeling stuck. Delving into the internal and external challenges that hinder personal growth, Jeanette guides you through the spiritual work of discerning the source of your thoughts and tuning in to the voice of God amidst life's noise. Tune in to gain valuable skills as you listen to her perspective on overcoming obstacles and explore the realms we inhabit—the earthly and the heavenly— and recognize your elevated position in Christ. "The thoughts that you have in your business, in your mind, are not necessarily from a good place. They're not necessarily from Jesus." "That small voice that says, no, this is the right way to go is the voice you should be listening to; that, my friend, is the voice of God." "We live in a realm, the human sight realm, the things that we can see is one realm, okay? Then there are the heavenly realms, plural, the heavenly realms." In this episode: Discern the origin of your thoughts; not every thought is aligned with your calling. Prioritize the small voice guiding you—the voice of God—over external pressures. Understand the impact of both earthly and heavenly realms on your daily life. Recognize your elevated position in Christ. Embrace your identity in Jesus to stop external voices from dictating your worth. Bible Verse: Romans 8:38-39 Join Jeanette in embracing the truth and share your insights and breakthroughs with her on the Grams! Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers


#129 Timeless Visibility: Book writing strategies with Danielle Mendoza

In this episode, Jeanette interviews Danielle Mendoza, multi-time international bestselling author and bespoke book consultant, and they dive into the intersection of entrepreneurship, faith, and personal growth. This conversation touches on the most important points of small business strategy, health and resilience in business owners, motherhood and entrepreneurship, and how God and faith help you tie these all together for legacy building for the Kingdom. Tune in! From connecting with God, through overcoming serious health challenges and book writing, to running her thriving business consultancy, Danielle's story unfolds with resilience and a deep trust in God's plan. Join them in this conversation to learn the keys to God-aligned success. "Trusting God's plan, even when it seems weird, is what makes you unstoppable." "The high percentage of businesses that fail is because many business owners quit." "Your book can be how you become a giant name; it can be a stepping stone toward success." "If you're thinking about writing a book, you've been called to it." In this Episode: Trusting in God's plan is a key element in becoming an unstoppable entrepreneur. Failure is often a stepping stone to success; perseverance is crucial in business. Writing a book early in your entrepreneurial journey can accelerate your success. The mindset shift from personal worries to prayers can lead to a sense of wholeness. Creativity and success are abundant when aligned with God's purpose. Bible Verses: Romans 8:28 Philippians 4:6-7 Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Explore Danielle's "How to Write a Book that Actually Makes Money" guide at ConfidentConcept.com/bookguide Connect with Danielle on Instagram @confident.concept Want a copy of her book for only 0.99 cents? Grab your copy HERE


#128 Spiritual Warfare and God’s Protection with Rachel Wortman

Step into Jeanette's conversation with Rachel Wortman, a pastor, author, real estate investor, and entrepreneur, as they navigate the intersection of prophetic gifts, personal growth, and the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. In this episode, Rachel generously shares insights from her book, "The Expansion Mandate," drawing from her experiences in various life stages, emphasizing the importance of embracing vulnerability and understanding God's unconditional love. This is your exclusive backstage pass, guiding you through the art of pivoting and adapting to the changes that God calls you to make in your life. Learn how to harness every aspect of your life, including your business, to answer His calling "God does not call the ready; He calls the people who are going to pick up and be worthy through His eyes, not because you know all the things or have all the things." "I feel like I'm God's favorite every day. He's been so faithful through all these moments in my life." "Our goal was to build a business that could support our income while we were church planters. And God's goal was that we would build a business that would explode our income so that we could support global evangelism around the world." In this episode: Gain insights into facing difficult challenges and uncertain times with unyielding faith. Unifying business and faith to serve God and honoring His will. Understand the responsibilities that your prophetic gifts carry. Bible Verses: Psalm 18 Are you ready to serve God with your business? DM Jeanette on the grams and learn how you can start optimizing your business as a money-making machine for The Kingdom! Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Visit Rachel’s website, where you can get her book “The Expansion Mandate” rachelwortman.com Follow her on the Grams @rachelwortman


#127 How to Hire a VA with Teri Clanton

Teri Clanton, the founder of Wellness Business Services, shares with Jeanette her expertise on hiring a winning team. From crafting compelling job descriptions to considering the ethical aspects of fair pay, Teri guides business owners and entrepreneurs on building efficient and dedicated teams that align with their values. Tune in and learn how to find your team! In this episode, Teri provides actionable tips on writing detailed job descriptions, tying job duties to Key Results Areas (KRAs), and quantifying the hiring process's cost. But this couldn't be a conversation about entrepreneurship without the personal growth talk, and she also highlights the immense value of entrepreneurship as a continuous journey of self-improvement. "When you hire somebody for three to 5 an hour, that's exploitation." "If a VA is asking for that little, offer to pay them more. That is completely counter-cultural." "If you find yourself being really stingy with money or having money mindset issues, then I would encourage you to meet with a financial coach, a mindset coach, business coach, or even a therapist, if need be." "As kingdom entrepreneurs, I think we all are called to make an impact. So my opinion is that just because someone lives in a particular country does not mean that they should be making a really low wage." Ensure you're prepared for a successful start in 2024. Get in touch with Jeanette, she’ll show you how to. Bible Verses: Lamentations 3:22-23 In this Episode: How to hire your first, or next team member in a sustainable and ethical way. Detailed Job Descriptions: Craft comprehensive job descriptions, including values, team information, and the CEO's short bio before you start looking for your dream team. Quantify the Hiring Process: Track time and costs involved in hiring, training, and turnover to make informed decisions. Entrepreneurship as a continuous journey of personal growth, impacting both your life and business. Financial Mindset Wanna go deeper? Connect on the grams https://instagram.com/jeanette.peterson Join the community on Facebook: https://jeanettepeterson.com/group Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers Get in touch with Teri on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wellness-business-services/ Visit her website: https://wellnessbusinessservices.com/


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