Uncommon Decency
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Your intellectual euro-trip in podcast form, with co-hosts Jorge González-Gallarza, François Valentin and Julian Graham. Through interviews and analysis, Uncommon Decency will seek to engage with the freshest thinking on European issues. Get in touch at @UnDecencyPod or undecencypod@gmail.com, and consider supporting the show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/undecencypod.
109 Episodes
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Interesting ep, one quibble about the US Constitutional system. It's not as cut and dried as presented in the pod. President has veto power, of course, which could stop any Congressional effort to monetarily support Ukraine. Additionally, in the wake of another Trump or a Desantis victory, R's would be under tremendous pressure from the party's base to support their president on a high profile issue like Ukraine.
I find it utterly bizarre that the person you had on was a guy who is a t the forefront of the catastrophic devolution experiment! get a real unionist on, not someone who is ashamed of it. great podcast tho
the mess we are in as a Union is down *solely* to people like Alex Massie who think we keep the union together by giving the nationalists everything they demand. utterly ridiculous person who cannot admit when he is wrong.
real shame you couldn't get someone like Harry Hill in to shoot down Alex Massies self harming, and utterly irresponsible defeatism.
some incredible podcasts here boys 👍